84 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN July 9, 1915. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. London, N.E.—The Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of a specified quantity of coal and of soap for their various institutions, the whole to be delivered within a month from July 14 next. Forms of tender and contract, containing the total quantities required, can be obtained at my office, as under, and must be returned endorsed “ Coal ” or “ Soap,” as the case may be, not later than 3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14 next. By order, Robert Clay, clerk to the Guardians, 213, Kingsland-road, N.E. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Acton, July 20. — Steam coal for six months from August 1, 1915, to January 31, 1916, and for 12 months from August 1, 1915, to July 31, 1916, respectively, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. F. Sadler, surveyor to the Council. Armagh, July 12.—Best Welsh (Dynevor) through and through steam coal, also Whitehaven steam, Vivian through and through steam, and anthracite steam coal, or other Welsh steam coal, not less than 40 per cent, large coal, so large that it will not pass through an inch screen; also best Orrell, Arley, and Whitehaven house coal, from August 1, 1915, to July 31, 1916, for District Lunatic Asylum. Forms from the Resident Medical Superintendent. Armagh, July 13. — 300 tons of either Kirkless Hall Orrell or Fletcher Burrows Imperial Orrell coal for the Guardians. Forms from W. Calvert, clerk of the Union, Workhouse, Armagh. Barnstaple, July 16.—Best Lydney coal, also coke, for six months from September 1, for the Education Committee. Tenders to Mr. G. W. F. Brown, secretary, The Strand, Barnstaple. Bedford, July 15.—For 12 months from August 1, for Bedfordshire Standing Joint Committee, about 30 tons of household coal and 35 tons of small coke. Tenders to the Clerk of the Peace, Shire Hall, Bedford. Belfast, July 14.—Steam coal to the several public baths, for the Baths and Lodging House Committee. Forms from Mr. R. Meyer, town clerk. Birkenhead, July 12.—Up to 1,000 tons washed slack or washed small coal, to be delivered at the pumping stations of the Spring Hill, Flaybrick Hill, Borough-road, Mount-road, and Ford Waterworks, during three months, commencing on August 1, 1915. Forms from Mr. J. W. M. Riphardson, A.M.Inst.C.E., water engineer, 52, Balls-road, Birkenhead. Bourne (Lincs.), July 13.—100 tons of good steam coal for the Bourne North Fen and Dyke Fen Drainage Trust. Tenders to Mr. S. R. Andrews, clerk, Bourne. Bradford, July 12.—Coal to the various schools during' year ending August 31, 1916, for the Education Committee. Forms from Education Office, Town Hall, Bradford. Bury, July 12.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal, 500 tons of boiler slack, 500 tons of burgie, 250 tons of house coal, and 50 tons of Wallsend coal, for the Corporation. ■ Forms from H. Simmonds, engineer and. general manager, Gas Works, Bury. Cairo (Egypt), July 22.—360,000 tons of Welsh steam coal for the Egyptian State Railways and Telegraphs Administration. Forms from Sir A. L. Webb, Queen Anne’s-chambers, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of 2s.* CQAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of June 1915, compared with the corresponding month of 1914.* Port June 1915. June 1914. Coals. Coke. Coals Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 314,669 7,776 896,442 14,268 — z 581,773 — 6,492 North Shields 20,378 354 89,954 1,527 — 69,576 — 1,173 South Shields 289,345 4,240 149,502 1,501 139,843 — 2,739 — Sunderland 173,520 3,730 257,104 280 —, 83,584 3,450 West Hartlepool 82,364 126,496 454 — 44,132 454 Goole 46,824 1,094 112,303 1,801 — 65,479 — 707 Blyth 170,576 800 337,322 1,168 — 166,746 — 368 Newport 289,224 382 374,461 1,402 — 85,237 — 1,020 Liverpool 23,199 562 27,748 148 — 4,549 414 — Methil 137,313 1,003 217,002 53 — 79,689 950 — Glasgow 183,285 5,852 150,118 1,832 33,167 — 4,020 — Kirkcaldy 10.601 — 7,595 — 3,006 — — — Burntisland 89,748 409 134,452 234 — 44,704 175 — Cardiff 845,718 3,583 1,424,281 9,142 — 578,563 — 5,559 Borrowstoness — — 41,547 100 — 41,547 — 100 Llanelly 12,637 — 19,013 — — 6,406 — — Middlesbrough 3,340 1,156 3,142 1,764 198 — — 608 Seaham 44,749 411 86,754 — — 42,005 411 — Swansea 273,528 550 235,727 733 37,801 — — 183 Granton 14,384 1,952 ! 11,906 882 2,478 — 1,070 — Port Talbot .....*. 167,166 2,363 117,944 65 49,222 — 2,298 — Alloa — — 10,879 — — 10,879 — — Grangemouth — — 94,940 1,908 — 94,940 — 1,908 Neath — — — — — — — — Hull 159,311 5 427,269 3,129 — 267,958 — 3,124 Immingham 31,405 20 135,695 — — 104,290 20 — Amble 23,796 — 39,278 — 15,482 — — Troon 10,080 — 15,749 — — 5,669 — — Grimsby 37,038 — 95,038 29 — 58,000 — 29 Ayr 15,965 — 9,307 ; — 6,658 — — — Greenock — — — j — — — — — Leith 112,833 6,396 105,867 | — 6,966 — 6,396 — Ardrossan 4,473 — 3,324 * — 1,149 — — — Stockton ; — — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. June 1914 June 1915 Port. June 1914 June 1915. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1 Tons. Newcastle 170,270 944 134,832 155 Ayr 62,724 — 74,240 i 20 North Shields ... — — 4,050 — Irvine 11,026 — 10,733 • — South Shields . 220 — 209,160 350 Alloa 810 — — 1 — Blyth 15,235 i — 29,710 — Whitehaven 18,776 — 16,418 i 140 Amble 4,154 2,407 1 — Liverpool 125,291 244c730pf 150,968 1,265 Sunderland 95,213 — i 117,719 ] — Grimsby 4,297 — 1,333 — Seaham 96,791 — ! 100,950 — Granton 27.826 — 11,570 410 Hartlepool 52,505 — j 62,170 — Borrowstoness 13,682 — — — Stockton — — — • — Burntisland 31,200 — 22,300 — Middlesbrough... 138 15 ; 7 Kirkcaldy 5,377 — 825 — Hull 79,890 500 ! 57,985 ! i — ; Methil 27,983 19,538 — Goole 113,720 — i 91,166 | f — Port Talbot 12,053 500 pf. 7,291 , — Swansea 16,131 — . 23,932 ! — Glasgow 37,843 815 54,498 i 436 Cardiff 270,556 90 45,705 186 Grangemouth 11,853 651 — — Llanelly ... 6,545 — 4,843 — Greenock 2,303 120 3,617 ' — Newport 54,351 — 48,476 — Immingham 18,544 — 2,980 i — Troon 17,452 16,365 -■ Leith 9,889 5 2,353 | — Ardrossan 5,090 — 16,270 — Note.— Che figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * Prom Browne’s FJxport List. Cardiff, July 14.—Coal and oil for the Glamorgan Educa- tion Committee. Forms from the clerks of the respective groups, viz., Bridgend, Caerphilly, Gelligaer, Gowerton, Maesteg, Neath, Ogmore, Penarth, Pontardawe, Pontyclun, Port Talbot, Swansea. Chatham, July 14. — Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Borough Surveyor, Town Hall. Chelmsford, July 13.—Portland, Watnall, or Bestwood cobbles and Beckton coke or best gas coke for the Corpora- tion. Tenders to G. Melvin, town clerk, Municipal Offices, Chelmsford. Crondall (Hants), July 12.—150 tons of steam coal for the Managers to the District School, Crondall. Forms from Superintendent, District Schools. Downpatrick, July 13-16.—Household, steam, and gas coal for 12 months from August 1, 1915, to the Down Dis- trict Lunatic Asylum. Probable quantities : Household coal, 300 tons, more or less; steam coal, about 1,200 tons; gas coal, about 300 tons. Forms, from Clerk, are to be delivered at the Asylum by July 16, sealed and endorsed “ Tender for coals,” and addressed to the Resident Medical Superintendent. Dundee, July 14.—Coal for the Harbour Trustees. Speci- fications from Mr. J. H. Thompson, M.Sc., M.I.C.E., general manager and engineer, Harbour Trust, Dundee. Ealing, July 20.—Household coal, etc., and coke, for the Town Council. Forms from borough surveyor, Mr. W. R. Hicks, A.M.I.C.E., Town Hall, Ealing. Eccles, July 19.—Coal and coke for 12 months ending July 31, 1916, and, alternatively, for six months ending January 31, 1916, for Electricity Supply Committee. The requirements include 4,000 tons of slack for the Electricity Works. Form from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Cawdor-street, Patricroft. Exeter, July 12.—Steam coal, house coal, and coke, for the Exeter City Council. Form at the office of Mr. H. Lloyd Parry, town clerk. Glasgow, July 13.—Coal and dross to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the Ophthalmic Institution, and the Schaw Home, Bearsden, for six and 12 months alternatively from August 2. Forms from the Superintendent at the Royal Infirmary. Hastings, July 21. — Coal, etc., to the East Sussex Hospital. Forms at the Hospital. Hinckley, July 17. — Coal and cobbles for six months from September 30, 1915, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. J. W. Preston, clerk, 2, Church-street, Hinckley. Estimated quantities : Coal for the Workhouse, 100 tons; cobbles, ditto, 190 tons; coal for the Children’s Home, 6 to 9 tons. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Hove, July 13.—Household coal and coke for the Educa- tion Committee. Forms from S. G. Dancy, secretary, Education Committee, Third-avenue, Hove. Killough (Ireland), July 12.—About 140 tons of best Whitehaven coal for the Governors of Charles Sheils Institu- tion, Killough. Tenders to H. Swail, superintendent. Kirkcudbright, July 12.—450 tons double nuts and 250 tons splint coal or thereby, for the Town Council. Tenders to Mr. J. Gibson, town clerk, Kirkcudbright. Leeds, July 12.—Coal (best, thirds, and riddled slack) and coke during six months ending March 31, 1916, and the 12 months ending September 30, 1916, for the Education Committee. Form at the offices of the Committee. London, E., July 15. — Coal and coke, etc., for the Guardians of St. George-in-the-East. Forms of Mr. R. M. Lochner, clerk, Raine-street, Old Gravel-lane, E. London, S.W., July 15.—About 130 tons of good house- hold coal for the Governors of the Bolingbroke Hospital (Incorporated), Wandsworth Common, S.W. Tenders to Secretary, at the Hospital. Londonderry, July 16. — About 350 tons best English house coal, in one cargo, and about 600 tons best Scotch steam coal, in two equal cargoes, for Committee of London- derry Asylum. Forms from Mr. S. Haire, clerk of the Asylum, Londonderry. Manchester, July 12. — Steam coal required at their hydraulic pumping stations, for 12 months from August 1, for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from the Secretary, Waterworks Offices, Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester, July 20.—Good burgie for three, six, or 12 months, commencing August 1, 1915 (approximate quanti- ties, 3,000 tons, 5,250 tons, and 10,250 tons respectively), for Baths and Washhouses Committee. Particulars from tlie General Office, Osborne-street Baths, Manchester. Maryborough, July 14.—To the Maryborough District Asylum, from July 14, 1915, to July 14, 1916, best White- haven steam coal and coke as required. Forms from Mr. W. C. Meehan, clerk, at the Asylum. Morecambe, July 24.—About 2,000 tons of coal or slack for the Corporation. Forms from the Electricity Works. Mountain Ash, July 12.—About 5,000 tons of large coal, through and through, washed nuts, or small coals for the Urban District Council. Forms from W. G. Thomas, Town Hall, Mountain Ash. Newbury, July 12. — About 6,000 tons of screened or unscreened gas coal or nuts, for the Gas Committee. Forms from Mr. W. R. Davey, manager, Gas Works, Newbury. Newport (Mon.), July 20.—Steam coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms at the Union Offices, Queen’s-hill, Newport. Oakham, July 17.—Coal and coke to the Public Elemen- tary Schools, for the Rutland Education Committee. Particulars on application to Mr. E. W. Axtell-Gardener, county education secretary. Oxford, July 19.—Warwickshire or Leicestershire hand- picked cobbles for the Education Committee. Tenders to R. Bacon, town clerk, Education Office, Town Hall. Pershore, July 13.—140 tons of coal suitable for use in open grates, to Union Workhouse. Forms from Mr. A. E. Baker, clerk, Union Offices, or to the Workhouse Master. Rotherham, July 14.—Coals and nuts for the Corporation. Forms from J. S. Naylor, engineer, Gas Works. Sawbridge worth, July 31. — Coal (Bestwood hard cobbles) to the various schools in the district, for the Local Education Sub-Committee. Tenders to Mr. V. Morris, clerk to the sub-committee, Church-street. Southampton, July 12.—Best house, steam, and anthra- cite coal, and coke, to the schools in the administrative county of Hampshire. Forms from D. T. Cowan, Director of Education, The Castle, Winchester. Swansea, July 12.—House and anthracite coal for the municipal offices and police stations, for the Corporation. Forms at the Borough Surveyor’s Office, Guildhall. Walsall, July 17.—About 300 tons of good deep house coal, about 125 tons of deep kibbles, and about 500 tons of slack, to be delivered within a period of 12 months ending July 31, 1916, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. H. Lee, town clerk, Council House, Walsall. Ware, July 12.—For about 60 tons of Old Round wood best Silkstone house coal, about 40 tons of Annesley best hard steam coal, and about 18 tons of coke, for the Hertford and Ware Joint Hospital Board. Tenders to Mr. G. H. Gisby, clerk, Ware. Weymouth, July 15.—Coal, coke, and firewood for the Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Education Committee. Desford steam coal (or similar kind) and best Burton. Tenders to Mr. G. P. Symes, clerk to the Education Com- mittee, 9 and 10, East-street. Wickham Market (Suffolk), July 12.—80 tons of Best- wood cobbles, or coal of equal quality, and 80 tons of hard steam coal, in bags of 1 cwt. each; for the Guardians of Plomesgate Union. Also for 40 tons of coke, in bags of 1 cwt. or | cwt. each. Forms from Mr. D. R. Read, clerk, Board-room. Winchester, July 12.—Best house, steam, and anthracite coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. D. T. Cowan, director of education, The Castle, Winchester. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received.