July 9, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 53 Labour in Mines is scarce; MecoConveyors will increase output of coal and reduce costs. Silent Face Conveyor (Spence’s Patent.) ADAPTABLE FOR EITHER ELECTRIC OR HIGH SPEED COMPRESSED AIR MOTOR DRIVE. The embodiment of all the best qualities of Belt Conveyors, without their defects. Is not only mechanically extremely efficient, but possesses the most valuable feature of being practically noiseless. Transmission by worm gear running in oil. It is compact, and removed with minimum of labour. The average power required to drive is only 6 B.H.P. ■ 77lz.' t* 70 ' Manufactured under Patent 28839/12 and Licence 19696/12. Shaker- Conveyor Constructed only of the very best quality materials, by expert workmen. Valve in such a protected position that a fall of roof cannot injure it. Dispenses with Trammers, Boys and Ponies, and concentrates the output to one point. Let us send at our own expense an out of his experience to advise y Write at once for Illustrated Simple in design, of robust construction; nothing to get out of order. Will increase output of coal per shift tremendously, and considerably increase the output per man. Is installed at several collieries with marked success. expert to inspect your conditions, and u which type of conveyor to install. Catalogue and Full Particulars. • “ Engineering Co. Ld Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams: “Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4 5 30 Central (2 lines).