July 2, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 39 WOOTTON BROS. LD., GOAL SCREENING & CONVEYING STEAM and ELECTRIC DRIVEN HAULING and PUMPING PLANTS. STRUCTURAL IRONWORK. General Castings and Smiths’ Work. gear Haulage & Shaft Pulleys. Friction Clutches. Turntables. Tanks. PIT HEAD GEAR Pit-Head Pulleys, Cages, TIPPLERS, ENGINES, For Winding, Hauling, &c STEAM & HYDRAULIC LIFTS. hauling Works: COALVILLE. GLAY WORKING PLANT. Brick Machinery. Grinding Pans. CHAIN & ROPE HAULAGE. STEAM and HAND Brick & Tile Presses. Ridge Tile & Sanitary Pipe Making Machines. GIRDERS. COLUMNS. ROOFS. BUILDINGS. LONDON OFFICE-8, Masons Avenue, ESasingliall Street. MAGGIE BROS. Ltd. Gateshead-on-Tyne. Established 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATENT Flat and Round Wire and Hemp ROPES OF ANY LENGTH FOR COLLIERIES AND RAILWAYS, FROM EITHER BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL IRON, IMPROVED PATENT OR PLOUGH STEEL WIRE. . . Flexible Galvanized Steel Hawsers (all guaranteed to Lloyd’s test), with Winches or Reels and Stoppers. Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries. Copper Lightning Conductors, complete. Galvanized Fencing Strand. Galvanized Wire Rope for Ships’ Rigging. Galvanized Wire Rope fitted up to order. Picture and Sash Cord made from Copper, Brass Plated or Galvanized Wire. Crane Ropes, made to suit small Drums and Pulleys. We have Crane Ropes working on the same Barrels as Chains. Wire Rope Springs; Wire Rope Pulleys. Wire Rope Composition or Grease. White Block Ropes and general Hemp Cordage. Chains of every description. Wire Ropes made specially to suit small Pulleys. We can guarantee uniformity of all our Ropes, as we draw our own Wire from Special Bods, got up to our own specification. Owing to our “Special Qualityhave Haulage Ropes running 14 years and Winding Ropes years. Telegrams -** Haggle, Gateshead.” Books on Coal Mining Specimen copies can be seen at the Offices of the “ Colliery Guardian.” s. d. Analyses of British Coals and Coke. By Allan Greenwell, F.G.S., and J. V. Elsden, F.G.S., D.Sc. (Lond.) ....10 0 Annals of Coalmining; and the Coal Trade. By R. L. Galloway. First and Second Series, 16s. each net, or the two volumes together ................................... net 25 O Coal and Coalmining-. By the late Sir Warington W. Smyth. Revised and extended by T. Forster Brown ... (postage extra) 3 6 Coal-Cutting; by Machinery in the United Kingdom and America. By Sydney F. Walker and A S. E. Ackermann. Two vols., lOs. net, or separately.................. 5 0 Coal Dust Experiments, British. A Record of the First Series of Experiments conducted by the Committee appointed by the Mining Association of Great Britain ... (by post, 10s. 7d.) 10 O Coal Dust Experiments, French. Abstracted Translation. (By post. Is. lid.) .................................... 10 Coal Dust Experiments, American. Abstract. (By post, Is. lid.) 1 O Coal Dnst Experiments, Austrian. Abstracted Translation. (By post. Is. lid.) ................................... 1 O Coal Trade (History of). By R. L Galloway ................ 10 Colliery Management (Some Notes on). Series l,6d., Series 2 0 6 Colliery Manager's Calculator. By W. Fairley ............. 2 0 Colliery Manager’s Catechism. By W. Fairlev ............. 2 0 Colliery Manager's Handbook. By Caleb Pamely (postage extra) .............................................. net 25 o Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book, Almanac and Diary. Published annually in November ... Cloth 2s., Roan 3s., Calf 4 6 Electric Circuit Problems in Mines and Factories. By E. H. Crapper ....................................... 3 6 Electricity as Applied to Mining-. By Lupton, Parr and Perkins 12 O Falls of Stone and Coal. Abstract of the Report of the Prussian Commission on l imbering. 191 diagrams .............. 1 O Mechanical Engineering; of Collieries. By T. C. Futers. Vol. 1. 21s. net; Vol. 2, lOs. 6d. net; Supplementary Vol., 10s. 6d. net (postage extra). Miners' Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention. By T. Lister Llewellyn, M.D , B.S. (Lond.) .....(post free) 6 3 Mine Surveying; (Treatise on). By Bennett H. Brough ... 6 O Mining Formulae. By T. A. O’Donahue, M.E., F.G.S., &c., Cloth IO 6 Also in five parts, paper covers ...............each 1 6 Practical Stone Quarrying. By A. Greenwell, Assoc. M.Inst.C E., and J. V. Elsden, D.Sc.(Lond.), F.G.S.............. net 12 6 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 &■ 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Affelf E" WITH OR W,THOUT UUKE uvews recuperators (SE ME T-SOLVAY SYSTEM), AND ‘ DIRECT’ SULPHATE RECOVERY PLANT. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SAFETY LAIVir>S. LAMPROOM FITTINGS, Enamelled Notice Plates. -- APPLY — PROTECTOR lam[icahntdino CO. LTD., ECCLES. John Russell & Co. Lo OF ALL KINDS AND FOR ALL PURPOSES. ALMA TUBE WORKS, WALSALL On Admiralty List of Contractors. PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality -TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, Ac. always in stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi CATIONS ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—** Peckett, Bristol.’' Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. ESTABLISHED 186-1. Driving Chains & Wheels Conveyors, Elevators, Screening Plant, Tipplers, &c., &c. ON WAR OFFICE ANO ADMIRALTY LISTS. HANS RENOLD LTD., Didsbury, MANCHESTER. 1015 a AL - He