38 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 2, 1915. closing the corresponding off-takes, the products may be allowed to mix in the flue q, to be withdrawn together at, say, the highest off-take. (Three claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Application for Patents. 9055. Positive action variable expansion drop valve revers- ing gear for steam engines. J. S. Corbridge. 9067. Method of and means for regulating and measuring the proportional flow of liquids and/or gases. J. E. Lea. 9079. Pneumatic tools. D. Fraser. 9080. Device for preventing inhalation of stone or other dust. D. Fraser. 9094. Process and apparatus for combining in the same process the recovery of tin from tin-plate scrap, and the recovery of zinc from galvanised iron. D. M. Callander. 9101. Regulating mechanism for controlling the flow of fluids. British Thomson - Houston Company Limited. (General Electric Company, U.S.A.) 9104. Distilling shale, lignite, coal, and the like, and the treatment of the distilled vapours. O. D. Lucas. 9109. Gyratory or other similar crushers and grinders. Sir R. A. Hadfield and W. T. W. Miller. 9121. Haulage clip. J. W. Smallman. 9140. Register or tell-tale for mine signalling apparatus. A. T. McCartney. 9145. Condensing steam turbine plants. K. Baumann. 9148. Mine signalling apparatus. A. T. McCartney. 9152. Distillation of bituminous coals and shales. W. A. Hall. 9162. Manufacture of light hydrocarbons and the like. ‘ W. F. Rittman. 9163. Manufacture of benzene, toluene, and other aromatic hydrocarbons, and the like. W. F. Rittman. 9198. Fish plates. L. Henry. 9214. Regenerative furnaces. Drakes Limited, and W. A. Drake. 9268. Valves for pneumatic drills. G. C. Holt. 9272. Rotary duplex visual and audible signalling arrange- ment. J. Hay. 9273. Mill for grinding and pulverising ores, coal, sand, chemicals, drugs, and similar substances. T. Breakell. 9281. Device for locking together the blades of picks. W. Dowdeswell. 9325. Raising and drying peat. T. E. Doyle. 9337. Machinery for painting sheet metal and analogous purposes. John Summers and Sons Limited and H. H. Summers. 9356. Metallic packings. A. R. Trist. 9375. Method of obtaining the volatile gases distilled from carbonaceous material, and apparatus therefor. J. R. H. Prioleau and W. L. St. J. Prioleau. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on July 25.) 1913. 23468. Apparatus for mechanically extracting minerals. Wissemann. 23804. Travelling roller trains for rolling mills. Poldihutte Tiegelguszstahlfabrik. 23829. Device for use in regulating the dampers of steam boilers. Wassmer. 24329. Gas producers. Versen. 24349. Condensing plants. Christlein and Moller. 24387. Softening and purification of water. Evans. (J. D. Riedel Akt.-Ges.) 24450. Arrangement for the automatic protection of air- cooled electrical machines against damage through ignition of the air filters. Allgemeine Elektricitats- Ges. 24485. Pipes with removable liners, particularly for con- veying granular materials. Richter. 1914. 2942. Tipping mechanism for casting or pouring ladles. Deutsche Maschinenfabrik Akt.-Ges. 7573. Method of and apparatus for charging retorts. Heiderich. 7654. Joints for superheater pipes and the like. Mannes- mannrohren-Werke, und Wagner. 7901. Tube rolling mills. Mannesmannrohren-Werke (firm of). 8030. Effecting the removal of carbon monoxide from gas mixtures whilst using iron or steel vessels. Johnson. (Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik.) 8258. Polyphase commutator electric machines. Siemens- Schuckertwerke Ges. 8364. Grinding and disintegrating mills. Wolfersdorf. 8385. Rotary converters provided with boosters. Rosenberg. 15222. Furnace grates. Bennis. 15296. Weighing machines. Henry Pooley and Son Limited and Dobson. 15650. Cranes. Stothert and Pitt Limited and Pitt. 17999. Construction of wrought metal wheels. Chailiner and Challiner. 18346. Annealing furnaces. Gibbons Brothers Limited, Masters, and Van Marie. 18870. Combined lamp holder and contacts for electric por- table lamps. Pearson. 19495. Artificial or block fuel. Faraday. 19611. Construction of pulleys. Low. 23126. Manufacture of levers, links, and other like articles from metal bars. Williams. 1915. 1453. Mercury globule, electrical contact maker for releasing mine winding, signal indicators, actuating indi- cators of the stopping, starting, and reductions of speed of machinery and the like. Saint. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 8761. Method of/and apparatus for effecting the breathing air circulation in breathing devices operating on the regenerative principle. Hanseatische Appa- ratebau Ges. vorm. L. von Bremen and Company. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 5810/13. Briquettes. A binding agent for coal, ore, or other briquettes is made by adding a slight excess of sulphuric acid to concentrated sulphite- cellulose liquor while the liquor is kept cold, the lime being removed as calcium sulphate. The briquettes are dried at about 100 degs. Cent., with or without the aid of a vacuum, to render the binder insoluble in water; formic, acetic, sulphurous, and other volatile acids being liberated and recovered in a concentrated form. Hoesch and Company, Pirna-on-Elbe, and M. Platsch, Germany. 6321/13. Workmen’s time-recorders. Relates to means for changing the multi-colour ink ribbon of a workmen’s time-recorder, the ribbon carriage being now shifted by means directly operated from a time-driven cam disc. R. Burk, Ger- many. 6326/13. Furnaces; fire bars and grates. An inclined grate, of the kind comprising two series of transverse rocking fire bars, which are moved in opposite directions, is supported by a frame carried by front and rear girders. The rocking bars comprise plates supporting, by means of lugs, bars having ribs on their front and rear edges respectively. The bars at the front are formed in one piece, and the rear bar is also formed in one piece, and provided with a lengthened projection, which serves to thrust off the clinkers. The bottom edges of the plates are loosely mounted in grooves formed in the frame. E. Ullrich, Bohemia. 6358/13. Regenerative breathing apparatus. A regenerator for breathing apparatus consists of a strong sheet metal case, of which the top or the bottom, or both, are removable, and closely fitting removable trays. The top and bottom are secured by hooks tightened by nuts on screws pivoted to lugs on the casing. Each tray shown has one inner and two side open- ings, and a gauze cover. A. B. Drager, Ger- many. 6485/13. Permanent way; chairs with separate jaws; sleepers, securing rails to; chair keys and wedges. T. Heydt, Germany. 6674/13. Railway vehicles; couplings, automatic. F. M. Tillmanns, Germany (dated February 27, 1913). 6819/13. Railway stops. Relates to safety wheel stops for traversers, turntables, elevators, etc., which block the approach track until the traverser, etc., is adjusted, and are automatically with- drawn by the traverser, etc. B. Matthiae, Germany. 6910/13. Composition fuels. In making coal briquettes, a chemical compound is added to the briquette mass, or to its constituents, the compound exert- ing a sintering action on the ashes, and rendering them heavy and compact. The added compounds may be salts of potassium, sodium, lime, magnesium, aluminium, carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, fluor compounds, etc. In an example, coal nuts are mixed with aluminium sulphate and a binding agent. B. Gratz, Berlin (dated November 19, 1912). **♦ Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of 1«. post free. Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences.— Applications Abandoned. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. 27516/11 19696/12 Gebr. Eickhoff Eickhoff ...: J Babcock and Wilcox Ltd. According to La France de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, the shipments of pit timbers to Great Britain during the first four months of 1915 were :—From Bordeaux, 145,000 tons; La Rochelle, 4,355 tons; Bayonne, 80,340 tons; and Rochefort, 666 tons—a total of 230,761 tons. Prices have advanced considerably since the beginning of the war, so that timbers which were quoted at 17-18 fr. free Bordeaux, rose by the end of May to 23*50-24 fr. Bordeaux, and 22*50 fr. Bayonne. To the growers these prices represent 12-14 fr. on the spot, and there is little prospect of any weakening, in view .of the continued demand and the shortage of labour in the pine woods. It is stated that the Admiralty has placed a large contract with timber merchants in the Landes district for a supply of pit timbers at a fixed price, for delivery up to the end of the war. A cable from Madrid to New York on May 14 said :— “ Goal is so scarce in Spain that the Cabinet is willing to guarantee the payment of orders placed in the United States by opening a credit in New York of at least 1,000,000 pesetas, this deposit to be maintained as long as necessary. The Government aims especially to enable smaller concerns, those lesser known in the financial world, to have their American orders filled promptly. The cash thus deposited is to be used only in the event of purchasers failing to pay. Something like a coal famine exists throughout Spain, and large orders are being placed in the United States by Spanish companies. A Royal decree to-day suspends the import duties on coal and the transport taxes, which were discriminatory against Americans. Joseph E. Willard, the American Ambassador to Spain, and 0. William A. Veditz, the commercial attach^ of the American Embassies at Madrid and Paris, have convinced King Alfonso that it was unjust to tax English coals the equivalent of 10 c. a ton transport dues and American coal 40c. a ton.” GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Alkali, etc., Works : Report for 1914, lOd. Railway Companies’ Powers Act, 1864 : Report for 1914, id. Civil Service Commission : Evidence, April 14 to May 6, 1915, Is. 9d. Bills, 1915 : Prize Courts, l|d.; Munitions of War, 2|d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : (No. 551), Defence of the Realm Order in Council, l|d.; (Nos. 558, 582), Mer- chant Shipping Order in Council, l|d. each. Foreign Trade and Commerce up to June 21, 1915, 4d. Education Circular 912, l|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Anthracite Coal Combination in the United States (No. 11 of the Harvard Economic Studies). By Eliot Jones. Cambridge : Harvard University Press. Price, 6s. 6d. net.’ Laboratory Work for Coal Mining Students. By J. Sim and A. M. Wylie. London : Edward Arnold. Price, 2s. 6d. net. Coalfields and Coal Resources of Canada (Memoir 59 of the Department of Mines, Canada). By D. B. Dowling. Ottawa : Government Printing Bureau. Alignment Charts : Their Principle and Application to Engineering Formulae. By Ewart S. Andrews. London : Chapman and Hall Limited (for James Selwyn and Com- pany). Price, Is. 3d. net. ” Journal of the Western Society of Engineers,” December and January (Vol. 19, No. 10, and Vol. 20, No. 1), price 5c.; “ Effect of Boron upon the Magnetic and Other Pro- perties of Electrolytic Iron Melted in Vacuo,” by T. D. Yensen (Bulletin 77 of the University of Illinois); ” Coal Mining Practice in District 4,” by S. O. Andros (Bulletin 12, Illinois Coal Mining Investigations Co-opera- tive Agreement); “ A Study of Boiler Losses,” by A. P. Kratz (Bulletin 78 of the University of Illinois). CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company send us a bulletin relating to their Class A.G. “ Giant ” gas and gasoline engines. The same firm also forward a bulletin containing instructions for installing and operating their “ Chicago Pneumatic ” Class N-So fuel-driven compressors. Mr. Percy Pitman (25, Victoria-street, Westminster, London, S.W.) informs us that a full-sized example of his patent water turbine governor has been loaned to the Science Museum, South Kensington, where it can now be inspected in Room No. 4 of the Machinery Section. Large sheets of coloured sectional drawings and detailed descriptions accom- pany the exhibit. It may be mentioned that the patent of this appliance is offered for sale outright for a nominal sum. We have received from Messrs. W. T. Glover and Company Limited one of their loose-leaf almanacs. These almanacs, of which this is the 14th issue, run from mid-year to mid- year, and a prominent feature is the reproduction on each daily sheet of some “ bright thought ” or obiter dictum. These have been well selected, and do much to enhance the intrinsic value of the almanac. There are also numerous photographs of installations, a large number being at collieries, in which branch of work Messrs. Glover and Company have gained so wide an experience. Messrs. Edgar Allen and Company Limited (Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield) have issued a catalogue dealing especially with colliery plant. Amongst the. specialities dealt with are Allen’s special steels for collieries ; these include coal cutter and blacksmiths’ tool steels, special alloy rock drill for drilling in hard rock, air-hardening high-speed tool steel, and an iron-fibred steel made by embedding strands of iron in the steel for haulage hooks, chains, and other parts subject to'vibration. The list also shows examples of steel files, hammers, saws, and castings, and particular appliances illustrated include McBean’s tub controller, the ‘‘ Mansfield ” automatic tippler, pit cages, and Allen’s “ Stag” ball mill. The latter is specially suitable for making stone dust for collieries to any degree of fineness. The periphery of the mill is formed of perforated hard steel grinding plates, which are stepped, the material afterwards passing through a series of sieves until the desired degree of fineness is obtained; all the rejected portions are automatically returned to the inner chamber. The mills are made in five different sizes, requiring from 3 to 40b.h.p. We have received from Messrs. J. H. Holmes and Company (Newcastle-on-Tyne) a sectional pamphlet dealing with their cellular type ewitchboards for pressures from 2,000 to 6,600 volts, alternating current. These switch- boards comprise a number of switch units in cubicle or cellular form, made up in stout steel plating and angle iron framework, with interlocked doors. The panels comprise an upper and a lower compartment. The upper compart- ment is permanently closed, and contains the main busbars and isolating switches of rotary, double-break type. The central operating spindle is carried through to the front or back of the panel for use with detachable handle—ensuring its use only by authorised persons. Interlocking gear of mistake-proof design is also fitted within this compartment, which ensures that all the isolating operations are carried out in correct sequence before access can be obtained. The oil switch must first be opened (breaking all current under oil), then the isolating switches—the latter operation unlock- ing the main door of the lower compartment. When this door is open, the gear cannot be made live under any con- ditions, thus eliminating all danger of shock. In the case of panels controlling high tension alternators or incoming feeders, an additional compartment is arranged at the base, and fitted with isolating switches and interlocking gear, enabling the oil switches to be made dead without shutting down the alternator or incoming supply. Cable trifurcating boxes are fitted when required, either at top of board for cables* entering from above, or in lower compartment for those entering from below. At a meeting of directors of the Cardiff Railway Company last week, the resignation of Lord Edmund Talbot, M.P., as chairman was received and regretfully accepted. The board unanimously elected the Marquess of Bute chairman of the company.