July 2, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 7 SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO (Established 1850), SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, EC. ---- Write for Catalogue 3063K. --- DISTRICT AGENTS. North of England- Swinburne & Hardie, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. South Wales — F. J. Lyons-Davis, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. Midlands— Robert Laverick, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. Scotland- Archibald Baird & Son Ltd., Hamilton. It is not for lack of space that we do not tell you the remarkable work these machines are doing, and the many reasons why you should instal them. It is merely because the saving per ton effected by them is so extraordinary that we fear you would doubt the genuineness of our claims. Hence, the suggestion below. AND 7' W ■ I U'-v? I 250-H.P. MAIN AND TAIL HAULAGE GEAR. M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.” Manufacturers of Hauling, Winding, and Pumping Plants, also Capstans, Winches, and Patent Dirt Tip.