&6 CONTENTS OF VOLUME C±. I The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the (, Coal and Iron Trades, January 7, 1916. PAGE Strong Steel and Chemicals Limited..... 591 Sudd Fuel (Suddite) Limited .......... 538 Summerlee Iron Co. Limited........... 487 Swan, Hunter and Wigham-Richardson Limited ......................................... 487 Synthetic Gas Processes Limited ...... 640 T. N. T. Limited ...................... 86 Talbot Engineering Co. Limited........ 134 Tar Products Limited................. 134 Tees Benzol Syndicate Limited ........ 795 Telepad Limited...................... 239 Thames Haulage and Motor Co. Limited... 693 Thom (Alexander) and Co. Limited __. 693 Thornycroft (John I.) and Co. Limited...1150 Tool Makers and Light Machinery Limited 640 Tormo Manufacturing Co. Limited...... 539 Totternhoe Lime and Stone Co. Limited ... 186 Transvaal Coal Trust Co. Limited ......1255 Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited .....1150 Tredelect Engineering Co. Limited......1150 Trent Mining Co. Limited ... . .......... 995 Tweefontein Colliery Co. Limited ....... 34 Twickenham Engineering Co. Limited... 995 Tyneside Electrical Development Co. Ltd. 390 Udston Colliery Co. Limited............1047 Union Steel Corporation of South Africa Limited _____________.......................1305 United National Collieries Limited ..... 85 United Tube Corporation Limited __ 897 Vauxhall Metal and Machine Works Limited .......................... 339 Vickers Limited ...................... 287 Vickery (James H.) and Co. Limited_____795 Vryheid (Natal) Railway Coal and It on Co. Limited .......................... 239 Vulcan Foundry Limited .............. 693 Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Limited 133 Vulcan Motor and Engineering (1906) Co. Limited ..........................1204 Walker and Co. (Steel) Limited _________ 795 Walker (C. and W.) Limited ____......... 337 Walker, Maynard and Co. Limited ..... 897 Wankie Colliery Co. Limited............1255 Ward End Metal Co. Limited ........... 239 Ward (John) and Sons Limited...........1354 Warner and Co. Limited.................. 239 Warwickshire Coal Co. Limited ........1255 Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Stations Co. Limited................ 438 Wath Main Colliery Co. Limited.........1204 Watson (John) Limited ................ 287 Wave Transmission (British Empire) Syndicate Limited.................. 339 Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co. Limited 1047 West Bromwich Munitions Co. Limited ... 487 West Canadian Collieries Limited_______1204 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 287 West wood Electrical Co. Limited ....... 487 ..... Whipp and Bourne Limited............ 487 Whit stable and Canterbury Coal Fields Limited _____________________.........................1305 Whittingham (Edwin) and Sons Limited... 239 Wholesale Electrical Co. Limited ....... 134 Wigan Coal and Iron Co. Limited ....... 438 Williams Bros. (Paris) Limited ......... 744 Williams Steam Navigation Co. Limited... 995 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited ... 843, 897 Windsor Steam Coal Co. Limited ....... 337 Witbank Colliery Co. Limited ... 439, 1150,1305 Wolfram Mining and Smelting Co. Limited 743 Wood (Edward) and Co. Limited......... 187 Woollard (J.) and Sons Limited ......... 795 Woollett, Smart and Co. Limited __ __...1204 Workington Iron and Steel Co. Limited 337,390 Yates and Thom Limited ______________ 897 Ynisgynon Collieries Limited .........-.... 35 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Limited ... 287 Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. Limited ... 337 _____ Continental Notes. Austria. Coal Output in June................. 325 Coal Output for the First Half of 1915 ... 525 Coal Output During 12 Months of War... 575 Germany. Acquisition of Mining Properties ..... 932 Brown Coal Briquettes, Rise in the Price of ...................................................... 120 Brown Coal, Increase in the Price of... 425 Coke versus Coal for Steam Raising ... 474 Commerce after the War, German..... 932 Company, New Coal Trading .............. 728 Company Reports, 881, 932, 983, 1033, 1085, 1136, 1188,1299, 1341 PAGE Export and Transit Regulations for Bar Iron and Steel ........................... 374 Iron Industry, Control of the ........ 170 Iron, Increase in Price of Pig ........ 425 Iron Industry, The Luxemburg ....... 676 Iron Industry, Proposed New Union in the German ..................... 71 Iron Market, The German Bar..........1084 ........... Iron Market in Rhenish Westphalia, 70, 829, 1084 Iron Market in Upper Silesia, The ... 20, 1340 Iron Ore Association, Siegerland....... 525 Iron Ore and Iron Market, The Siegerland 120, 325, 624, 779, 982, 1240 Iron Ore and Iron Prices, German_____ 70 Iron Output, German Pig 71, 374, 474, 1136, 1341 Iron Prices, Increase in .................. 325 Iron and Ore Prices in Westphalia......1188 Iron and Rolled Wire Conventions, German Bar...................... 779 Iron from Russian Poland, Scrap ..... 425 Iron Union, German Pig ... 275, 728, 983, 1188 Italy, German Consignments of Coal in April to __________...................... 71 Italy via the Gothard Railway in May, Consignments of German Coal to..... 274 Kohlenkontor’s Report................ 170 Mid-German Brown Coal Market, The 676, 880, 1085, 1299 ... Nobel Companies, The................ 271 ...... Production and Profits for the Second Quarter of 1915, Colliery...........1188 Prices, Maximum .................... 624 Rhine Herne Canal, Fuel Traffic on the 70, 275, 425, 677, 829 Rhine Shipping Traffic, 171, 275, 575, 828, 932 Rivet Prices, Advance in............... 120 Rolling Mills Annual Report, German ... 275 Ruhr Coal Market...374, 624, 828, 1032, 1240 Ruhr Colliery Profits During the Second Quarter of 1915 .................. 425 Ruhr Harbours. Fuel Traffic in 71, 325, 525, 779, 1032, 1188 Saxon Collieries and their Contracts... 170 Screw Prices in Germany, Increased___ 880 South Germany, Coal Market in 21, 375, 779, 1136, 1299 Steel Union Report, German. 21, 71, 275, 474, 676, 728, 880, 982, 1032, 1136, 1340 Steel Union and the Thyssen Group, The ..............................1032 Steel, German Output of Medium 171, 374, 728, 828, 983, 1188 Steel Output in November, German...1299 Syndicate, The Compulsory German Coal 222 Syndicate, Interim Coal ...........624, 676 Syndicate New Settling Prices, Coal... 524 Syndicate and Prior Contracts, The Coal 575 Syndicate Renewal, Coal............... 425 Syndicate, German Coal...........828/1299 Syndicate Reports, Coal 71, 325, 375, 525, 677, 728, 932, 1188 Syndicate for Rhenish Westphalia, New Temporary Coal .............................. 324 Syndicates, Compulsory Coal: Discus- sion in the Reichstag __............ 534 Upper Silesia, Coal and Iron Market 171, 325, 575, 828, 1032, 1240 Upper Silesian Coal Convention ...120, 325 Upper Silesian State Collieries, New Price List ........................ 525 Wages in Prussia in 1914, Miners' ..... 274 Wages Question in the Ruhr District ...1340 Wire and Galvanised Plate, Increase in 171 Wire and Wire Nail Convention, German 1032 _____ Indian and Colonial Notes. Africa. Exports and Imports, Coal............ 827 New Colliery, A ..................... 931 Output of Coal....................... 827 Production in May, Coal.............. 283 Railways, South African..............1095 Somaliland, Coal from................ 736 Statistics, Capital ...................1095 Vryheid Railway and Coal Co. and the Government................................... 736 Australia. America, Trade with.................. 736 ... America, Australian Coal in South..... 82.7 PA«E Broken Hill Steel Works ............ 828 Explosives, New.Permitted .......... 827 Explosives, Shortage of ............. 283 Fair Day's Work, What is a..........1095 Fines for Strikers .................. 283 Lithgow Steel ______................... 828 New Undertaking, Important ........ 283 New Colliery, A ........„................ 827 New South Wales, State Coal Mine for... 827 New South Wales Gas Coal ......... 283 Newcastle (New South Wales), Coaling Cranes at ............ .......... 828 Newcastle Exports.................. 828 Port Kembla, Improvements at ...... 827 Production in 1914, Coal............. 283 Queensland Coal Trade ............. 827 Queensland, State Coal for............ 828 Wages, Miners' .................... 828 Canada. Alberta, Coal Mining in .............1095 Alberta, Mining Plans...............1095 Mines Act, The Canada ............. 931 Nanaimo Explosion, The..............828 Nova Scotia Coal Trade during the Half- year ............................. 283 Production in 1914, Coal............. 180 Thomas's (Mr. D> A.), Interests ...... 828 India. Education in Bengal and Bihar and Orissa, Mining ................... 931 Export of Indian Coal............... 827 Si Hpur School of Mines ............. 283 Railways, Coal for State-worked...... 180 Newfoundland. Props, Duty on .................... 828 New Zealand. What is a Mine ?............................. 181 ____ Miscellaneous. Agent, Welsh Colliery and its .......... 181 Almanacs and Calendars, 1916 .....1255, 1356 Ambulance Car, The London Coal Exchange ........................1208 American Coal in thn Canaries.......... 795 American Coal and Enemy Firms ....... 282 American Dust Explosion, Report on an ... 129 Association <>f Private Owners of Railway ......... Rolling Stock ...................... 66 Belfast Coal Merchant, Claim by a ..... 278 Belgium, Coal Mining in................ 282 Belgian Mines, German Control of....... 371 Bills of Lading.......................... 375 Bonus Calculator, War ................1308 British Association, The................ 423 Bucks, Boring for Coal in ..............1251 Bunker Coals, Shipments of 114, 337, 518, 782, 990, 1196 Canada, Mine Safety Committees in.....1152 ... Certificates, Mine Managers'............ 645 Charter Party, Alleged Breach of .......1083 ....... Charter-Party Dispute ................1135 China Coal Fields, Opening South....... 35 Coal Savers, Experiments with .........1337 Coal Shipped from Ports in the United Kingdom, 180, 368,591, 824, 1040,1308 Coal Tar Products, Exports and Imports of 114,335, 539, 832. 993,1187 Coal Trade Benevolent Association.......1152 Coke Oven Managers' Association ....... 933 Compensation Cases, War Bonuses in ...1088 Compressed Air, Vapour and............ 988 Contract Dispute, Coal ................1301 Contract Dispute, Pit Prop ............1082 Contract Liabilities, The War and....... 272 Contract Problem, The Coal............1258 Contracts in War Time, Coal............ 978 ... Contracts and the War, Coal ...........1047 Co-operative Mines in America ___...... 181 “ Dead Work" in Mines................1255 Demurrage Case, Important............ 591 Dismissal, Consulting Engineers and .................. A lleged Wrongful .................1031 Donetz Coal Production ................ 419 Edward Medal, The ................119, 181 Emigrated Miners to Return............1043 Engineering Institution’s Volunteer Engi- neer Corps, The ....................1040 Enlistment, Miners and ................1100 Examinations, Mine Managers' ......... 242 Export Licence Case, An................ 836 PAGE France, Coal Prices in .................1356 ... Freightage and Requisitional Coal.......1132 French Coal Problem, The.............. 184 French Miners, The Mobilisation of_____ 798 Fuel Economy, Committee on .......... 826 German Mine Explosion............ ............... 594 Holland, Coal Supply in ................ 292 H olland, The Coal Trade of ............ 319 Householders, Hints to: Howto Save Coal 795 Hull Coal Imports .........539, 794, 993, 1195 Inspection, Mines: Scotland Division ... 88 Institute of Metals: Autumn Meeting... 369 Institution of Civil Engineers .......... 888 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 746, 981, 1184 Institution of Mining Engineers.........1104 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ... 789 Institution of Petroleum Technologists ... 990 Iron Ore, Imports of................... 117 Iron and Steel Imports and Exports..... 115 Iron and Steel Institute ....... 523, 684, 1096 Lamps, Acetylene Mining .............. 292 Lantern Slides for Lectures ............ 842 L.C.C. and Colliery Supplies............ 19 ............ L.C.C. Contracts....................... 991 Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 743, 933, 1251 Manchester School of Technology ....... 369 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ..........677, 981 Minerals and Form IV_______.................1080 Mining Institute of Scotland ...268, 729, 1204 Mining Machinery, Exports and Imports, 136, 337, 518, 798, 981, 1196 Motor Transport........................1036 Newcastle as a Port, Safety of___ ........1254 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.......292, 727, 1204 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers .......822, 933 Norwegian Coal Imports................. 729 Nova Scotia Coal, Admiralty and .......1249 Organisation of British Engineering.....1078 Osram Lamps __...........................1152 Output, Another National Conference on... 428 Panama, Coaling at .................... 434 Panama Fuel Depots ...................1348 Pit Props, Imports of 117, 337, 523, 788, 1000, 1195 Price of Coal in Forest of Dean ......... 738 Price of Coal (Limitation) Act ........... 874 Prices, Coal Supplies and ............... 322 Profit Sharing Schemes in 1914-15 .......1094 Rainfall, Statistics of ...................... 128 Railway Rates Case, Important .........1135 Railway Rolling Stock...................J 301 Refuse as Fuel.......................... 424 Requisitioned Coal Dispute .............1296 Requisitioning a Hired Ship .............1258 Russian Coal Production.................1202 Russian Coal Supply.....................1354 Russian Poland, German Mining Regula- tions in ............................ 378 Safety Catches, The Use of ............. 621 Safety Methods in Pennsylvania........1092 Sherman Law, Anthracite Railways and the ................................ 185 Shifts in North Staffordshire, Lost ..... 684 Siberian Coal .......................... 127 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers...788, 1147 South Wales Institute of Engineers ...618, 978 South Wales and Monmouthshire School of Mines............................389 Steel Trust not a Trust, The............ 35 Suez Canal, Dutch Liners and the.......1308 Sulphate of Ammonia Association....... 981 Supply Conference, Coal............... 69 Tonnage, The Shortage of ..............1287 Trade after the War, British ..........1255 Turkestan Coal ...................... 133 United States, Coalmining Accidents in the 239 United States in 1914, Fuel Briquetting in the............................... 838 United States Imports and Exports of Fuel..........67, 321, 644, 824, 1298, 1337 University of Sheffield. The ............ 518 Valuation Problems, Mine.............. 929 Wagon Owners' Meeting in London, Important........................1184 Wagon Pooling Proposal, Railway....... 786 Wagons, The Hire of Coal.............. 119 Wagons, Private Owners' .............. 945 War Bonus Calculator.................1196 War Bonus, “ Slacking" on a .......... 590 War Finance of the Continental Powers, The .............................. 881 Workmen’s Compensation: New Rule...1306 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Fumival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, January 7, 1M6.