June 18, 1913. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS L ■mi 9 ' 1915 Cnlliwn ®nariimn Registered as a Newspaper. ARID JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. OFFICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS AND PUBLICATION, 30 & 31, FURNIVAL STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON, E.C. Telephone—1354 HOLBORN. Telegraphic Address—“ COLLIERY GUARDIAN, FLEET. LONDON.” Vol. CIX.—No. 2842. LONDON, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915. SINGLE COPY, Fivepence. ["Foreign, 27s. 6d. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, 24s.; IN ADVANCE, 21s.; Special Arrangements for Colliery Under-Officials at Seduced Rates. RIPPING AMMONITE. SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR TUNNELLING. SAFE! I [REEIABEE l] I No Poisonous Fumes. I Do not Freeze. I Cartridges made any | weight or diameter. Contain no Nitro-Glycerine. CANNOT BE FIRED BY CONCUSSION OR FRICTION. ON SPECIAL NEW PERMITTED LIST. AMMONITE 4 AMMONITE Put up in Patent Metallic Cartridge Cases. With or without Nipples. No deterioration during storage. Tests and Samples free on application. A Pamphlet treating upon these Explosives may be obtained on application. FOR ALL TYPES OF BRICK MACHINERY WRITE TO:— CWHITTAKEHh Accrington. >-' The MINERS’ SAFETY EXPLOSIVE CO. LTD., ” Offices : 1 6, Great George St., Westminster. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN can be easily arranged for Reversing the Ventilation. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. LLANELLY. KENNICOTT WATER SOFTENER Co. WOLVERHAMPTON. ROBT. DAGLISH & GO. Ltd.. Specialities DAGLISH OUR APPEARS Telephone- No. 23 St. Helens. -- Patent Simplex - OVERWINDER & OVERSPEEDER. All sizes of Flat & Conical Winding Drums, PiL-Tfe£t.d Pulleys. Cages and Chains. The PEARN PUMP. All Classes of PUMPING MACHINERY. Telegrams— “ Pumps, Manchester.” National Telephone— No. 2289 Central. Horizontal Treble Ram Pump, driven by Electric Motor. Largest Makers of Water Softening Plant in the World. ANDERSON, BOYES & Co. Ltd COALCUTTER SPECIALISTS. MOTHERWELL. See page 3 of Cover of last issue for Larger Advt. LEAD SEALED PELICAN BRAND OF EARLES CEMENT. .Manufactured by G. & T. EARLE (1912) LTD Established 1811. WILMINGTON, HULL. COAL WASHING, if you wish CLEAN COALS, CHEAP WASHING & NO REPAIRS with MINIMUM INITIAL COST, apply to— GOODWIN, BRUCE & GOVAN LTD., Engineers, Blantyre, near GLASGOW. GEORGE FLETCHER & Co.LD Specialists in— a • COLLIERY, MINING, AND CEMENT WORKS EQUIPMENT. FRANK PEARN & Co. Ld., Manchester, S.E. Accuracy, First, Last, and all the Time. Price, Most Reasonable for such High- Grade Instruments. Telegrams—“Occlude, Kinland, London.” NALDER BROS. & THOMPSON LTD., 97a, Dalston Lane, London, N.E. Manufacturers of— AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS, WATTMETERS, Direct Beading and Chart Recording. All types of Belays, Watertight and Flame-Proof Instruments and Leakage Indicators for Mines. Telephone—2365-6 Dalston. Scale of Charges for Advertisements appears on Page 1280 For Literary Contents see Page 1280 For Classified List of Advertisers see