1308 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN June 18, 1915. MACHINERY. /ZJ-illott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” X-M Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. Bee Illustrated Adver ttaement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOETf GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. Kails. z 250 tons of good Belayable Steal Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head BAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to suit B. M. BENTON & CO., Midland Works. Savile-street, Sheffield. 60 BOBLEBS iPJ STOCEL “THOMPSON” DISH-ENDED TYPE. 3 DISH END BOILEBS, 30ft. by 9ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 3 ditto ditto 30ft.by8ft.3in., 160 w.p. 4 ditto ditto 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 100 w.p. 40 other sizes and pressures. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng. For Sale, High-class 100-kw. “ Balancer” ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, by Beiliss, 250/300 volts; one Dynamo, by J. P. Hall Ltd , 500 amps., 70 volts; two 5.b.h p. Lister Motors, <5 volts; one pair high-class modern high speed Vertical Engines, enclosed type, cylinders 14 in. diameter, 14 in. stroke, will develop 150-h.p., with 160 lb. steam, by J. P. Hall Ltd.: one 200-h.p, Willans High speed Engine: these engines are specially designed for driving dynamos.—Apply to RIDDEL * CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. “ Qullivan ” Air Compressor, size 18 in. KZz by 20in. steam, 12 in. and 20 in. by 20 in. air, capacity 1,200 cubic feet per minute; done very little work. Pair WINDING ENGINES, 18in. cylinders, 36in. stroke, with drum 4 ft. 6 in. dia»meter by 3ft. wide: verv strong and in excellent condition. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD.. Wakefield. FOR SALE. I Beiliss Compound Engine, JL J V_Z V-Z vx enclosed type, forced lubrication, &c.; only in use for a,short time and in faultless condition. 750-kw. TURBO ALTERNAT' R SET, by Willans-Parsons & Siemens, 440 volts, 3-phase, 25 periods, with cor densing plant, &c.; almost new. 500-kw. GENERATING SET, triple expansion enclosed Engine, coupled to D.C. Generator, 440 volts; modern and absolutely first-class. 450-h.p. Cross Compound ENGINE, by Robey & Co., Lincoln, cylinders 18 in. and 32 in. diameter, rope flywheel, &c ECONOMIC BOILER, by Paxman, 15 ft. by 8 ft. diameter, 160 1b. pressure. Compound Tandem Duplex PUMPING ENGINE, capacity 60,000 gallons per hour at 2C0ft. he ad, complete with Condenser; new recently. We have in stock at our works and ready for immediate delivery Steam, Gas and oil Engines, Generating Sets, Boilers, Pumps .(of all tvpes) and every description of high-class Plant.—Send your enquiries to HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines. Telegrams—“Gardam, Staines ” FOR SALE, HORIZONTAL STEAM ENGINES. Cross Compound Engines, cylinders Ilin, and 22 in. diameter by 24in. stroke, by Davy Bros. In first-class condition, having done very little work; suitable for rolling mill work. Tandem Compound ENGINES, cylinders 14 in. and 22in. diameter by 48in. stroke, by Summers & Scott. In very good condition. Three single cylinder ENGINES, cylinders 18|in., 23^in.,25g in. diameter, by 36 in. stroke. Sets of Gearing for driving rocker pumps or other work w.ll be supplied with the engines if oesired. For prices and furtherparticulars, apply to S. PEARSON & SON LTD., 10, Victoria-street, S.W. [ngersoll Duplex Two-stage Compressor, about 350 cubic feet free air per minute. Evans SINKING PUMPS, 30,000,16,500, and 7,300 gallons per hour. WINDING ENGINES, 10 in. cylinders, double and single drums. Tangye Hoz. STEAM PUMPS, 18in. and 16in. steam cylinders. JAMES B. WATSON & SONS, the City Machinery Stores, Leeds.' Tel. 1430. kJ oilers, Lancashire and other types, from M 15 ft to 30 ft. long by 5 ft. to 8 ft. dia., for pressure up to 120 lb. - GAS ENGINE and SUCTION PLANTS up to 150-b h.p. STEAM ENGINES up to 150-i.h.p. LATHES, from 7 in. to 24 in. centres. . - - STEAM NAVVY, heavy type, by Ruston Proctor, 8in. cyls. PORTABLE ENGINES and BOILERS, STEAM WINCHES, PUMPS, STEAM CRANES, MORTAR MILLS, BRICK MACHINERY, WOOD- WORKING MACHINERY, &c. JOHF STRINGER & SON, BLACKBURN. FOR SALE. 30 tons of new perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 16 lb. per yard, 6ft. lengths, punched for nails. 700 tons Relayable Steel D.H., 80/85 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 50 tons new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 14, 16, and 181b. per yard, with fishplates (delivery ex-stock). 250 tons of splendid second-hand Steel B.H. Rails, with accessories, and several sets of Points and Crossings to match. 50 tons of capital second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 1001b. per yard. 1,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. 200 tons second-hand Creosoted Railway Crossing Timber, 12 in. by 6 in./15in. by 7 in., and in various lengths. 300 tons of good srCunU-hand Steel Tram Girder Rails, 7 in. by 7 in. section, and in long stock lengths. 10 tons new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, and fishplates for same. ‘ 12 tons of splendid second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 14 lb. per yard, punched for nails.... 40 cap tai secend-hand Steel one-yard Side-tip Wagons, 24 in. gauge ; also several sets of Points and Crossings and Turntables to match. 50 tons splendid second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 14 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths. 300 tons good second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 561b. per yard. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. 8-n.h.p. Traction Engine, on springs, by Wallis & Steevens insure 140 lb. working pressure. “ Sandycroft ” HAULING ENGIN E, pair of 6 in. cylinders, 9Jin. stroke, drum 2 ft. 6 in. diameter, 4 ft. wide. “Sandycroft ” HOISTING ENGINE, pair of 7in. cylinders, 12in. stroke, drum 6 ft. diameter, 2 ft. wide. Ingersoll Sergeant Steam-driven AIR COMPRESSOR. 14 in. steam cylinder, 16in. air cylinder, 18 in. stroke. Worthington Steam-driven AIR COMPRESSOR, pair of 8 in. steam cylinders, 8 in. by 14 in. air cylinder, 8 in. stroke. Vertical Belt driven Two stage AIR COMPRESSOR, 10 in. and 16 in. cvlinders bv 10in stroke. 250-kw. STEAM GENERATING SET, Three-crank Comp. Engines, Three phase Generator, 500 volts, 50 periods, 375 revs. Two 166-Vw. GENERATING SETS, Comp. Engines, Three-phase Generator, 550 volts, 40 cycles, 300 revs Two ELECTRIC LOCOS., 2ft. 6in. gauge, about 500 volts. 250-kw. STEAM GENERATING SET, Three-crank Comp. Engines, Generator, 220 volts, 380 revs. CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THOs W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS, 1 Tel.—“ Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. MA CH IN ER Y—continued. rphe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. JL Telegrams—” Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. LOCOMOTIVES.—One four wheels coupled, standard gauge, in good order, at about half the price of new, cylinders 9 in. by 14 in., 1401b. pressure ; now near Cardiff. Also 1 perfectly new, 2 ft. 10 in. gauge, 4 wheels coupled, cylinders 7 in. by 10 in., working pressure 160 lb.; near Cardiff. Further particulars on application. STEEL RAILS, with Accessories when required. RAILWAY WAGONS.—Specification 10-tonners for prompt delivery, for cash or redemption hire; all now in main line traffic. Also Wagon Material, new and second-hand. WHEELS and AXLES.—19 sets perfectly new 10-tonners, with tyres and axles, by Henry Bessemer & Co. Ltd., Sheffield, tyres 2$ in. on tread (not the usual 2 in.), ready for immediate delivery. EARTH WAGONb.—Contractors’ end and side tippers, wood or steel, any gauge. For Sale, pair 25 in. Cylinder Horizontal Engines, link motion; also Lancashire Boiler 30ft. by 7 ft. 6in. for 100 lb. pressure. LEAMORE BRICK CO., Walsall, For Sale, 240-kw. Generating Set, com- prising 3-crank Vertical Compound Engine, direct coupled with 3-phase Alternator, 2,200 volts, 40 cycles; also one spare Alternator as above, up-to-date and in excellent condition. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. For Sale, new 12-ton Wagons, early delivery; also 10 and 12-ton second-hand Coal Wagons, and 10-ton Uoke Wagons, prompt delivery. — FITZ H. SEVERN, Parliament Chambers, Nottingham. Pair 28 in. cylinder, 5 ft. stroke Winding ENGINES, with drum, &c., in very good order; may be seen fixed as ceased working; low price for quick sale. Powerful pair HORIZONTAL HAULING ENGINES, 24 in. cylinders, 4 ft. stroke, with drums and gearing; very fine pair, overhauled and ready for delivery. Very compact pair ENDLESS HAULING ENGINES, by Wood & Gee, 14 in. cvlinders, 20 stroke, electric stop motion, &c.; capital pair, close coupled and self contained. THOMAS MITCHELL & SONS LTD., Bolton. For Sale, in excellent condition, Self Exciting Westinghouse A LTERNATOR, 200 volts, speed 750 r.p.m., with controller s^ itchboard, it struments, &c.; also Laurence Scott 13| kw. D.C. NRRATOR, 110 volte, speed 970 r.p.m., with switchboard. &c.; STEAM ENGINE, Hot. Drop Valve, by Robey, of Lincoln, 130 i.h.p., cylinder 16 by 30in stroke, flywheel 12 ft. diameter, for taking ten l^in. ropes.—For further particulars, apply ROBERT SORBY & SONS LTD., Trafalgar-street, Sheffield. For Sale, about 30 Colliery Trams, very strongly made of wood and iron, 2 ft. 10 in. gauge, end doors, drawbars 4 in. by 1^, axl°s 2 in. diameter ; to be seen near Cardiff. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironwt rks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, very strong pair 19 in. by 36 in. HAULING ENGINES, gears d 2 to 1, with one drum 7 ft. diameter 1 y 2 ft. 4 in. wide ; in excellent condition. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. Motor Wagons, Steam; Mann’s 5 tons and 3 tons, Leyland 3 tons; perfect order and condition, cheap.— FIRTH BLAKELEY, SONS & CO. LTD., Church Fenton, Leeds. Electric Motor for Sale (Bruce Peebles), 75-horse power, 4 poles, 420 volts, 400 revs., starter, switch, &c.~ HELLEWELL & CO., Royal Exchange, Manchester. New and gTjj) M I1 O* with all Secondhand accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. goodyon co., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. 15 in. LOCOMOTIVE, by Hupslet Engine Co., six wheels, 18in. stroke, 12 ft. wheel base, side tanks, copper firebox, working pressure 1601b., just completed rebuilding. 20 BALLAST WAGONS, 8-ton capacity, with spring buffers, suitable for private works sidings or contractors’ work. 3=ton STEAM WAGON, by Mann’s, tipping body. 16=h.p. and 30=h.p. PORTABLE ENGINES. PULSOMETER PUMP, No. 6. PULSATOR PUMP, 2in. delivery. 700 SLEEPERS, 3ft. 6,in. by 6 by 2|in. 3 CONCRETE MIXERS, Koppel type, 2/3rd yard capacity. WILLIAM FIRTH LTD., Greek Street, LEEDS. Telephone : 3590. Telegrams : “ Rails, Leeds.” HAULING ENGINES. Good Second-hand and NEW. FOR SALE, HIRE, OR PURCHASE-HIRE. LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. 6 in.by 10in. DOUBLE DRUM HAULING ENGINE. 10 in. by 10 in. ditto. 9 in. by Pin. VERTICAL ditto. 44in. by 8 in. SINGLE DRUM. 10 in. by 20in. SINGLE DRUM. 84in. by Win. VERTICAL SINGLE CYLINDER. , 5 in. by lOin. VERTICAL STEAM HOIST. 5-h.p. HOISTING GEAR (Engine and Boiler combined). NEW. 6 in. by 8 in. SINGLE DRUM. 6in. by 10in. DOUBLE DRUM. SEND FOR MY ILLUSTRATED LIST OF OWN MAKE “ EMLYN ” HAULING ENGINES. CHARLES D. PH8LLIPS, Emlyn & Central Engineering Works & Foundry, NEWPORT, MON. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. --- Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14in., 15in., 16in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. BRISTOL. Situations Vacant & Wanted Charge (which must be prepaid): One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. /Colliery Foreman, thoroughly experi- enced in all kinds of machinery, desires position; excellent testi- monials.—Box 6025, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street,. Holborn, London, E.C. ; TXTanted for Bengal, an Assistant Mining- V V ENGINEER about 24/26 years of age, first-class colliery manager’^ certificate, thorough knowledge of modern colliery engineering; terms: four years’agreement; salary Rs. 300 per month, rising by increments of Rs. 25 per month each year; free quarters and second-class passage out and home.—Application, with copies of testimonials and references, to be' addressed to “L. M. D.,” Box 6084, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Tk/T echanical Engineer wanted for Midlan dj 1 v fl collieries; must have had;experience in erection and maintenance, of latest types of colliery plant, and sinking.—State age, experience, salary required, references, to Box 6082, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 &’31t. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Qurveys. — Experienced Surveyor and kZ? MINING E N GINEER is willing to undertake surface or underground sui vevs occasionally or regularly at reasonable charges; highest references. —Apply, Box 6081, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. rattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only .—Address,FAIRCLOD GH. & SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. MISCELLANEOUS. “MINING ENGINEERING.” An Illustrated Review devoted exclusively to the interests of Coal Mining. Monthly, Price 3d. To be had of all Newsagents,. Send for a specimen copy (free) to “M. E.” OFFICE, Lord Street, Leigh, Lancs... A dvertisers areopentobuyOld Collieries. 7%. or WORKS containing scrap iron and metal ; full particulars- leadingto business will be liberally paid for.—Box 6085, CoZZItti Guardian« Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. ell known English Company with.’ branch office in Johannesburg is favourably situated to represent- manufacturers of goods in demand on the gold mines, and will be glad to- hear from firms who can compete and are prepared to support their repre- sentation.—P.O. Box No. 1, Sheffield. PARTNERSHIPS. PARTNERSHIP. IVTining Engineer and Surveyor, many 1 V fl years’ experience in all branches of the profession, will consider partnership in well established mining engineers and surveyors business; fully qualified; give particulars in full and terms —Reply to Box 6038,. Crdiir-" Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street. Holborn. London, E U. Mining Engineer, Land and Mineral valuer and surveyor, West Riding, 20 years’ wide experience*.. desires partnership with established firm.—Box 6087, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. PROPERTIES For Sale, a Farm 132 acres, with mineral rights.—Apply, Box 6092, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31* . Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. MA OWNER Y—continued. Wanted for cash, three or six Ballast WAGONS for carrying stone on main Hues, 10 cubic yards capacity. 8 or 10-tonners—Particulars, ARTHUR MORGAN, 1, Tring- avenue Ealing, W. “ "president ” Double Toggle Press, with fl pulleys and fittings, bv Johnson, Leeds, suitable for briquetting ccal. ore. or similar materials ; seen by appointment near Dewsbury.—Box 6088, Colliery Guar wan Office, 30 &31, Furnival-st., Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, 2 Lancashire Boilers, 28 ft. by 7 ft.. 2 Lancashire Boilers, 25 ft. bv 7 ft. 1 15 ft. Capell Fan, and 24 in. by 42 in. Fan Engine. 1 Winding Engine, with 5 ft. drum, 10 in. cylinders, 24 in. stroke, with. Tubular Boiler. SHEEPBRIDGE COAL AND IRON CO. LTD., Chesterfield. Qpecial.—Very High-class pair of Com- pound HAULAGE ENGINES, bv Worsley Mesnes Co., in practically ■ equal to new condition, cylinders 22 in. and 30in. by 42in. stroke, drum 7ft. diameter, helical erearing, seen fixed in S. Wales. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, one superior Ingersoll Straight Line Belt driven AIR COMPRESSOR, capacity about 150 cubic fret free air per minu e, air pressure 50/100 lb., with Vertical Steel Air Receiver,. Pipe Connections. &c.. forming a complete installation. RIDDEL & CO.. 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. For Sale, two good 3-ton Locomotive STEAM CRANES, by Smith and Booth Bros., of Rodley; low prices before removal. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. New Modern High class Vertical Steam- driven AIR COMPRESSOR, ready for immediate delivery. 80 cubic feet free air per minute to 70 lb. pressure, suitable for rock drills or - pneumatic tools. — GREEN fc CARTER LTD., Vulcan Works, Winchester. "\X7"anted, two Second-hand Lancashire VV BOILERS, one 30 ft. by 8 ft. diameter, and one 30 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in. diameter: both suitable for a working pressure of 80 lb. per square inch.— Reply, the BROUGHTON AND PLAS POWER COAL CO. LTD.,.. Wrexham. For Sale in practically equal to new condition, Walker’s Patent VENTILATING FAN and ENGINE, .. equal to 60,000 cubic feet per minute; seen, fixed m S. Wales. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges^ see Page 1280 (Leader Page). Printedjjand Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, June 18, 1915.