June 18, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1305 VIKING POWDER No. 1 with Charge Limit of 26 ounces. NO TH A WING NECESSARY. No. 2 with Charge Limit of 18 ounces. FIRST CLASS PERMITTEDS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. NOBEL'GLASGOW PRATCHITT BROTHERS, Denton Ironworks, CARLISLE. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published Monthly. Subscription : 8s. per annum, post free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, The BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St., LONDON, W.C. GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burnside’s Safety Boring Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply Jor Catalogue. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, Also Eye Guards tor Pit Ponies. CO. DURHAM. PUMPING, WINDING and fl HAULING ENGINES “The Shipping World.” WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 6d. Annual Subscription (Post Free) : UNITED KINGDOM, 21s. FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 28s. ♦------- PRINCIPAL FEATURES: CURRENT EVENTS, by the Editor, on Trade, Commerce, and all Shipping and Commercial Questions, especially, at this time, in connection with the War. SHIPPING in PARLIAMENT, by Special Representative. WAR RISKS, by an Expert in Marine Insurance. SHIP SALES and CONTRACTS. NEPTUNE’S MAIL, with News and Notes about the War and other matters. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES. TECHNICAL ARTICLES, by “ An M.I.N.A.” NAVAL and ENGINEERING NOTES. REPORTS from the SHIPPING CENTRES. REPORTS on FREIGHTS, whether affected by the War or not. MARINE INSURANCE NOTES (of special interest at this time). TRADE and FINANCE. LAUNCHES and TRIAL TRIPS. The New MAGNET Underground Safety / / irv 'H fe J OPEN. Lamp Re-Lighter. PATENT APPLIED FOR. Self-Contained. No Batteries and no Switches used. Only one Contact. Can be adapted to relight any form of Safety Lamp. The Lamp is totally enclosed in Gas-proof chamber when being re-lighted, and can only be operated by authorised persons. Can be used with absolute safety in the most gaseous atmosphere of the mine. THE SIMPLEST, LIGHTEST AND CHEAPEST UNDERGROUND RE- .. LIGHTER ON THE MARKET.. Manufacturers of the CAMBRIAN APPROVED (FLAME) SAFETY LAMP. CLOSED. SOLE AGENTS FOR GREAT BRITAIN: Offices of the “Shipping World Ltd.” Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. Telegrams and Cables—“ Shipping World, London.” Telephone—2381 Gerrard. E. THOMAS <5 WILLIAMS ltd. Cambrian Lamp Works, Aherdare, SOUTH WALES. Telephone No. : 7 ABERDARE, Telegraphic Address: LAMPS. ABERDARE.