June 18, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1267 German bombs cannot “Fire” (ASBESTOS-CEME N'T) CORRUGATED SHEETING. SAFETY is of paramount importance at the present time—that is why we lay stress on the Fireproof qualities of “EVERITE,” which is the Corrugated form of the famous ASBESTOS-CEMENT Building Material. It is the very embodiment of durability combined with safety, and by its nature is proof against Fire, Water, Bust, and every other destructive and corrosive agency. It hardens and toughens with age Not a particle can perish, neither can it chip, crack, scale, or warp. Gases, steam, chemical fumes and atmospheric conditions do not affect it, whilst it hardens and toughens .with age and exposure. It is free from expansion and contraction and never loses its nature. Absolutely Fireproof ! Not even German bombs could ‘ fire” It. /\ “EVERITE” CORRUGATED SHEETING / p \ is made in ONE HOMOGENEOUS MASS—not in thin / Kegd \ lasers cemented together which are extremely liable to / N. disintegrate with exposure. V MADE TO BRITISH STANDARD 3-in. PITCH in Em/Km 1 even foot lengths from 4 ft. to 10 ft., and in widths from 21 in. to 42 in. This reduces the waste in laps by approxi- I mately 50 °/o, whilst there is an obvious saving of labour \ 7 in handling larger sheets. With prices 25 °/o less than \ Irade 7 competitors, “ Everite ” is at once the cheapest as well as \ Mark 7 the most efficient Corrugated Roofing extant. / Competent representatives are at the disposal of • / Architects, Contractors and others, to take their X7 instructions or will call for preliminary interview. Full range of “ Asbestilite ” (TILES, SLATES, FLAT BUILDING SHEETS) samples and “ EVERITE ” CORRUGATED SHEETING on application to— FELBER, JUCKER 8 CO. Ltd., Peter St, MANCHESTER. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. SpeciEblity— COAL SCREENING s CONVEYING SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. J'S,' * •• .. J ' Hl !■- CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H Estimates and Designs on application. Agent fo? South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon. WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. MAPS of the BRITISH COALFIELDS, Published jointly by the COLLIERY GUARDIAN Co. Ltd. and Messrs. W. & A. K. JOHNSTON. THE attention of Coal Owners, Coal Ex- porters, Coal Factors, Coal Consumers and commercial men generally is par- ticularly called to the above Maps, which have been specially prepared, and show the Collieries and their position with regard to Railway Communication, Shipping Ports and Canals. These Maps will be found to be of incal- culable value to all connected with the Coal Trade, either as buyers or sellers; while manufacturers of Mining Specialities and all whose business takes them to Collieries will appreciate their value as a time and money saver. Lines of Railways are distinguished bj different colours. 1. Scotland. 3. South Wales. 2. North of England. 4. North Midland. S. South Midland. Size of each Map, 35 by 22 in. PRICES of each Map:—In Sheet, 4s.; Mounted on Cloth, Rollers and Varnished, 6f.; Mounted on Cloth and iu Titled Cloth Case, 6s., post free. 30 & 31, FURNIVAL STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON, EC. The Life of Steelwork is Doubled When it is Coated with BITUMASTIC (Brand, Solution “ BITUMASTIC ” Solution effectively Prevents Corrosion, and thus saves Costly Repairs and Renewals. “BITUMASTIC” is a Brilliant Black Colour, Supplied Ready for Use. Greater Covering Capacity and Superior Lasting Qualities than Ordinary Paint. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET TO SOLE MANUFACTURERS— WAILES DOVE BITUMASTIC LI? Newcastle we, And at London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leeds, &c. ’Phones in every office. Telegrams—“ Bitumastic.” PATENT “MAC” VALVE. Figure 8200—Inside Screw Figure 8205—Outside Scre-w Suitable for the Highest Steam Pressures. Fitted with flopkinson’s ‘ Platnam ” Metal Renewable Valve and Seat. All parts interchangeable. All joints made by metallic contact, thereby obviating the necessity of using jointing material. By removing the cover the seat and valve are withdrawn, enabling new parts to be in- serted in about a minute’s time, and without the neces- sity—as with ordinary valves —of removing the valve body from its fixed position. The Renewable Valve and Seat is made of Hopkinson’s “Platnam” Metal ■ which is suitable for superheated steam and bad waters. There are many valves with renewable valve and seat upon the market, but under modern conditions and high pressures do not last any length of time owing to the deterioration which takes piace on the valve and seat, and consequently the renewing of the p-irts is a frequent occurrence. We have tried our “Platnam” Metal under severe conditions, and have every confidence in recommending it to work under high temperatures. The “ MAC ” valve has been designed to adopt this metal for the renewable valve and seat. Upwards of 500 tons of Standard Steel Castings Kept in stock. We can give immediate delivery of iron and steel Valves. Illustrated Catalogue Post Free on Application. J. HOPKINSON & C° L" Huddersfield, Makers of Patent Safety Boiler Mountings and Valves For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, &c., Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c., &c. Depots & Showrooms- London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Oldham, Blackpool, Paris & St. Petersburg. No. 306.