June 25, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1345 been amply justified. The new by-product coke oven plant— finished under exceptional difficulties—was1 actually started in March, and is working satisfactorily. The re-modelling of the Abercarn Colliery surface plant, the compressor plants, and the central electric generating station at Victoria, have made progress during the year. The directors announce that, after careful investigation, they have signed an agree- ment to purchase 1,200 acres of iron ore bearing lands in Northamptonshire, and arrangements have been made for the purchase of the freehold on a cash basis. In view of the very large additional outlay on new work during recent years, and in order to provide the additional working capital now necessary, the directors propose to take powers to increase the ordinary share capital by £400,000, of which it is pro- posed to issue £200,000 shortly, and resolutions will be submitted to the forthcoming general meeting for the pur- poses of carrying this into effect. The total expenditure for property purchased and upon new work during the year amounted to £194,094, of which £179,876 has been charged to property account, and the balance, £14,217, has been placed to suspense outlay account. The balance of profits brought forward was £11,998, and the gross profits for the year amount to £160,930, making £172,929. Current and legal expenses absorbed £10,370, interest on debentures £22,500, interest on special loans £18,467, war allowances £22,664, and reserve for bad debts £22,500, leaving an avail- able balance of £76,427. The directors recommend a divi- dend upon the ordinary shares at the rate of 7| per cent, for the year, carrying forward £9,299. Greenwood and Batley Limited.—The net profits for the year ended March 31 were £68,395, after providing for debenture interest, and £4,825 was brought forward. The directors have appropriated £28,000 for depreciation, and added £10,000 to the reserve. A dividend of 12J per cent, is proposed on the ordinary shares, carrying forward £6,418. Authority is sought to appoint any employee of the company to be a special director, and to remove any special director so appointed, such special director not to be counted a director for any purpose other than the sub-clause, and shall not be entitled to notice of or to attend meetings of the directors, or to any voice in the management of the company, or to any remuneration as a director, and shall not be required to hold any share qualifications. Major-Gen. Edward Micklem and Lieut.-Col. Ralph Vivian have resigned from the board after serving for more than 26 years. Col. 0. C. Armstrong has been elected to succeed Gen. Micklem as chairman, and Major H. A. Micklem in the place of Col. Vivian. Haggie (R. Hood) and Son Limited.—The directors have decided to pay the usual interim dividend of 5 per cent, per annum on both classes of shares. Head, Wrightson and Company Limited.—The profits for the year ended April 30 were £68,807, and £7,756 was brought forward. Debenture interest absorbs £6,750, and directors’ fees £1,000, while £10,000 has been added to the reserve, and £2,000 to the workmen’s compensation fund, and £15,000 has been written off for depreciation. A divi- dend of 10 per cent, is proposed on the ordinary shares, carrying forward £5,665. Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Limited.—A final dividend of 9d. per share, free of income-tax, will be paid on July 2. Knowles (Andrew) and Sons Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend on account of the profits of the current year at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum-(3-84d. per share), less income-tax, payable on August 3. The transfer books of the company will be closed for the purpose of the preparation of the dividend list from July 20 to 27, both dates inclusive. Kynoch Limited.—The report for the year ended April 3, 1915, shows a profit of £152,872, making, with £40,347 brought forward, a total of £193,220. After providing for preference dividend, the directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the amount for the time being paid up, and a bonus of 2s. per share on the ordinary shares, all these distributions being free of income- tax ; that £50,000 be placed to the reserve fund, and that the balance of £26,074 be carried forward. The ordinary shareholders have for many years received no dividend at all, and for the last two years only a small one. The demands of the Government made it necessary to call up during the year the unpaid capital of the ordinary shares, amounting to £112,500. Maltby Main Colliery Company Limited.—The report of the directors for the year ended March 31, shows that the gross profit is £13,711 12s. 5d., which, after deducting interest and depreciation, is reduced to £574 4s. 7d. It is proposed to add this sum to the balance of £9,613 Ils. 9d. brought forward from the previous year, and to carry for- ward the whole amount of £10,187 16s. 4d. to next year’s accounts. An improvement in the output of coal took place in the early part of the financial year, but on the outbreak of the war a serious set-back occurred in consequence of the enlistment of large numbers of workmen. By the end of March last 273 men had left the colliery to join his Majesty’s Forces, representing 17| per cent, of the whole number employed. The reduction in output involved a correspond- ing increase in the working cost, and this disadvantage was accentuated by the heavy rise in the prices of all kinds of materials and stores, and the increases in wages. A con- siderable fall in the selling prices of coal took place during 1914, but an improvement set in at the commencement of 1915. The first batteiy of 30 coke ovens, with by-product recovery plant, has been working since October last, and the second battery has now been put into operation; unfor- tunately, the selling price of both coke and sulphate of ammonia fell to a low level during the financial year, but they have now taken an upward turn. A benzol plant has been installed, and is giving satisfactory results. Since the date of the last report 133 houses have been built, 58 more are in course of erection, and arrangements have been made for building a further 87. When these are completed the company will have 340 houses on lease. Monks, Hall and Company Limited.—For the year ended April 30, 1915, including £4,179 brought forward, the profit is £11,391, out of which a dividend of £3,179 has been paid on the preference shares to April 30, 1914. The directors now recommend a dividend on the preference shares for the six months to October 31, 1914, of £3,108, making a distri- bution thereon of 5 per cent, per annum for 12 months? After transferring £2,500 to debenture redemption account, there then remains £2,603 to carry forward. Moresby Coal Coinpany Limited.—Dividend at the rate of 2J per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year ended March 31 has been declared. Natal Navigation Collieries and Estate Company Limited. —The directors have declared a dividend of 2J per cent. (6d. per share) for the half-year ending June 30. New Hucknall Colliery Company Limited. — A second interim dividend of 2J per cent, has been declared on the ordinary shares, payable on August 1. Newport-Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Company Limited.—For the year ended March 31, 1915, the net profit was £20,551 4s. Id., add balance from last year £9,263 15s. 9d., leaving available £29,814 19s. lOd. This amount the directors recommend dealing with as follows :— Write off suspense account (allowance to war -dependants paid during the year), £2,012 10s.; dividend of 71 per cent, on the pre-preference shares, less income-tax, £5,625; divi- dend of 7 per cent, on the preference shares, less income-tax, £5,250; dividend of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares, less income-tax, £7,500; carry forward, £9,427 9s. lOd. In consequence of over 20 per cent, of the company’s workmen having joined the Colours, there has been a marked decrease in the output of the colliery. The raising of coal at the new pit was commenced on May 31 last, and a satisfactory output is anticipated in the near future. Interest on the debenture capital has been included in the expenditure on the new pit. Rickett, Cockerell and Company Limited.—The accounts for the year ended March 31 show a net profit, after pro- viding for depreciation, etc., and including £10,729 brought forward, of £55,294. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, leaving £12,545 to be carried forward. Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company Limited. — It has been decided to pay a second instalment on -account of the dividend for the year ending June 30, 1915, at 6d. for each fully-paid share, preference and ordinary; 2-4d. on the preference shares, 8s. paid, -at the same rate on the new ordinary shares, according to the date upon which the capital instalment of the new shares have been paid, less income- tax. Transvaal Coal Trust Company Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend of 8| per cent. (Is. 9d. per share). Udston Colliery Company Limited.—The directors have paid' an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, on the “A” and “ B ” shares for the half-year. Wagon Finance Corporation Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the half-year ending the 30th inst., free of tax, the same as a year ago. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Limited. — A majority of the holders of outstanding con- vertible sinking fund 5 per cent, gold bonds, due 1931, having assented to the plan, and having entered into an agreement, dated May 12, 1915, providing for the reduction of the price at which common stock of the company shall be issued upon the conversion of the bonds and for the elimination of the restrictive covenants against the issue of stock contained in the trust indenture of March 13, 1906, the time within which bondholders may avail themselves of the privilege of partici- pating in the plan by depositing their bonds is extended to and including June 30, after which bonds will be received only upon such terms as may be imposed by the company, with the approval of the managers. White (J. G.) and Company Limited.—The report for the year to February 28 states that the effect of the war on the business of the company has been very serious. Under the circumstances, the profit earned of £19,773 is not unsatis- factory. The directors, therefore, in spite of the large reserves accumulated, did not feel justified in paying an interim dividend in January last, and are now unable to recommend a dividend above the rate of 6 per cent, on both classes of shares. The balance to the credit of profit and loss, after bringing in £21,786, is £41,559. This sum the directors recommend should be dealt with in the following manner :—In payment of a dividend of 6 per cent., less income tax, on the cumulative preference shares for the year, £9,000; a dividend of 6 per cent., less income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the year, £3,000; to be carried forward, £29,559. NEW COMPANIES. H. P. F. Syndicate Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered June 18. To carry on business of mechanical, water, and sanitary engineers, manufacturers of machinery, tool makers, brass founders, electrical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000' in 1,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—J. B. Somerville, 11, New-square Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.; G. J. D. Tull, 67, Layard-ro-ad, Southwark Park, clerk. “ K. S. M.” Engineering Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 78, York-street, Westminster. Registered June 18. To carry on business of iron founders, mechanical, water, and electrical engineers, tool makers, boilermakers, wood workers, builders, printers, carriers, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Directors :— R. W. H. Kane, Chesterholme, Ditton Hill, Surrey, motor engineer; C. S. Sadgrove, 64, Erpington-road, Putney Common, motor engineer; A. J. Walmsley, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, gentleman. Mechanical Supplies Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 17, Lime-street, E.C. Registered June 17. To carry on business of mechanical engineers, and manufac- turers of pumping, gas making, and other machinery, tool makers, brass founders, electrical engineers, builders, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—A. G. Gardner, director of public com- pany; F. W. Baynes, M.I., engineer. National Engineers’ Supply Company (Liverpool) Limited. —Private company. Registered office, Old Castle Buildings, 26, Preesons-row, Liverpool. To acquire, etc., and carry on business of seed crushers, oil extractors, by crushing, chemical, or any other process, oil manufacturers, oil refiners, oil blenders, soap boilers, makers, and manufac- turers of cattle food, etc.; also to carry on trade or business of electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, machine and tool makers. Nominal capital, £2,000 in £1 shares. Quali- fication of directors, £50. Subscribers (for one share each) : G. Morley, 4, York-avenue, Poulton-road, Seacombe, shipping agent; A. W. Anderton, Norwood, Newton-le- Willows, colliery agent. Pen-y-Pass Copper Company Limited.—Private company. 'Registered office, 56, Moorgate-street, E.C. Registered June 17. To take over the tributors’ rights acquired by J. F. Wells, 56, Moorgate-street, E.C., to work a certain copper mine at Pen-y-Pass, Wales; also to search for, get, quarry, and deal with ore, lead, coal, ironstone, copper, and other metals. Nominal capital, £1,290 in 1,200 £1 part, preference shares, and 1,800 Is. deferred ordinary shares. Directors : E. G. Appleby, 12, The Broadway, Westminster, S.W.; J. F. Wells, 56, Moorgate-street, E.C.; J. F. B. Wilkinson, Sandybank, Weybridge, Surrey. Raglan Collieries Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Raglan Collieries, Pen-coed, Glamorgan. Registered June 16. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of miners, smelters, engineers, colliery proprietors, brick, tile, and pipe manufacturers, tin-plate manufacturers. Nominal capital, £40,000 in 800 £50 shares. The first directors shall be appointed by the subscribers. Qualifica- tion of directors, £500. Subscribers (one share each) :— D. Richard, Tirydail House, Ammanford, tin-plate manu- facturer; W. R. Lewis, New Lodge, Gorseinon, steel manufacturer. Toluene Syndicate Limited.—Registered Office, 34, Vic- toria-street, S.W. Registered June 17. The production of toluene by chemical process or otherwise; also to acquire any chemical properties, laboratories, and to turn the same to account. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 40,000 Is. shares. Minimum subscription, seven shares. Directors :—W. B. Sifton, 34, Victoria-street, S.W., gentleman; F. C. March, 9, Cornwall-gardens, Preston Park, Brighton, engineer; T. G. Tulloch, Bank-buildings, St. James-street, S.W., captain (late) R.A. Remuneration of directors, £100 per annum. This list of new companies is taken from the Da*ly Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Warrington, July 7.—The Electricity and Tramways Committee invite tenders for the supply of 6,000 tons of slack, to be delivered -at the Electricity Works, Howley, during -six months commencing August 1 next, to be delivered in accordance with conditions of specification, copy of which can be obtained from -the undersigned on payment of one guinea, . which will be returned on receipt of a bona fide tender; 5s. will be charged for extra copies of specification. In the alternative, the Committee invite tenders for 10,000 tons of slack to be delivered during the 12 months commencing August 1 next. Tenders, addressed to the “ Chairman of the Electricity and Tramways Com- mittee, Town Hall, Warrington,” must be sealed with wax, and endorsed “ Tender for slack,” and delivered not later than 12 o’clock on Wednesday, July 7, 1915. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. F. V. L. Mathias, borough electrical and tramways engineer, Howley, Warrington. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aberdeen, June 28.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from J. Gordon, assistant burgh surveyor, Town House. Aldershot, June 28.—About 100 tons of hard coal for the Education Committee. Tenders to N. Clinton, clerk, 4, Station-road, Aidershot. Aldershot, June 28.—Best Welsh steam and house coals for the Council. Tenders to W. E. Foster, clerk, Municipal Buildings, Aidershot. Bakewell, June 30.—1,300 to 1,500 tons of gas coal and 100 tons of cannel for the Urban District Council. Forms from V. R. Cockerton, clerk, Bakewell. Baltin glass (Ireland), July 10.—75 tons double -screened Wigan coal and 75 tons Irish coal for the Guardians. Forms from J. R. Dagg, clerk of Union, Office, Baltinglass Work- house. Barnoldswick.—6,000 tons of best screened gas coal or nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from J. W. Thompson, engineer and manager. Belfast, June 30.—Coal for the Harbour Commissioners. Tenders to D. J. Owen, secretary, Harbour Office, Belfast. Birmingham.—Fuel for the East Worcestershire Water- works Company. Forms from P. W. Walker, secretary, 78, Waterloo-street, Birmingham. Birmingham, June 30.—100,000 tons of gas coal, nuts, and coking slack for the Corporation. Forms from R. S. Hilton, secretary, Gas Department, Council House, Bir- mingham. Bournemouth, July 3.—Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Tenders to the Director of Education, Muni- cipal Offices, Bournemouth. Bristol, July 5.—Best anthracite and good house coal for the Education Committee. Forms from W. A. Adams, secretary, Guildhall. Bromsgrove, July 3.—Coal and coke, free from dross, for the Education Committee. Forms from J. Lloyd, corre- spondent, Education Office, Bromsgrove. Bury, July 12.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal, 500 tons of boiler slack, 500 tons of burgie, 250 tons of house coal, and 50 tons of W-allsend coal, for the Corporation. Forms from H. Simmonds, engineer and general manager, Gas Works, Bury. Cairo (Egypt), July 22.—360,000 tons of Welsh steam coal for the Egyptian State Railways and Telegr&phs Administration. Forms from Sir A. L. Webb, Queen Anne’s-chambers, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of 2s.* Cashel, July 2.—About 350 tons of best screened gas coal for the Urban Council. Tenders to J. O’Leary, clerk, Cashel. Chiswick, July 6.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from E. Willis, surveyor, Town Hall. Ghorley, June 29.—Coal and slack for the Ghorley Joint Hospital Board. Forms from R. E. Stanton, clerk, High- street. Cork, July 2.—1,000 tons of through and through steam coal for the Committee of the Cork Sanitation Doneraile. Forms from E. J. Murthy, secretary. Croydon, June 28.—House and steam coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from H. List, clerk, Union Offices, Mayday-road, Thornton Heath. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C.