1240 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 11, 1915. COAL AMD COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IM ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES During the month of May 1915, compared with the corresponding month of 1914.* Port May 1915. May 1914. Coals. Coke. Coals Cohe. Coals. Coke. Increase. Deer. ase. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 407,899 16,869 954,959 29,284 — 547,060 — 12,415 North Shields 28,363 295 118,251 1,669 — 89,888 — 1,374 South Shields 304,779 2,685 183,279 1,438 121,500 — 1,247 — Sunderland 197,863 2,085 257,687 3,169 — 59,824 — 1,084 West Hartlepool 69,613 — 136.170 915 — 66,557 — 915 Goole 30,991 960 102,574 821 — 71,583 139 — Blyth 169,901 1,376 368,415 974 — 198,544 402 — Newport 267,225 987 297,655 768 — 30,430 219 — Liverpool 19,725 431 25,052 723 — 5,327 — 292 Methil 149,869 502 219,788 — — 69,919 502 — Glasgow 209,946 5,141 164,417 6,132 45,529 — — 991 .Kirkcaldy 10.335 — 7,758 20 2,577 — ■ — 20 Burntisland 108,160 34 178,265 843 — 70,105 — 80j Cardiff... 964,798 4,607 1,694,601 9,819 — 729,803 — 5,212 Borrowstoness — — 31,756 — — 31,756 — — Llanelly 15,364 — 19,182 — — 3,818 — — Middlesbrough 4,841 . 729 227 964 4,614 — — 235 Seaham 46,512 — 86,156 — — 39,644 — — Swansea 170,834 307 295,949 20 — 125,115 287 — Granton 13,695 252 8,762 674 4,933 — — 422 Port Talbot • •• 157,052 2,800 115,664 886 41,388 — 1,914 — Alloa — — 11,957 — — - 11,957 — — Grangemouth — — 105,252 6,626 — 105,252 — 6,626 Neath — — — — — — — — Hull 217,038 100 357,895 4,590 — 140,057 — 4,490 Immingham — — 128,841 347 — 128,841 — 347 Amble 26,2.-2 — 36,312 104 — 10,020 — 104 Troon 12,199 1 — 15,490 — 3,291 — — Grimsby 39,768 I 48 86,205 1 61 — 46,437 — 16 Ayr 17,763 1 — 10,824 — 6,939 — — — Greenock ... — i . - — — — — — — Leith 123,350 2,667 140,906 100 — 17,556 2,567 — Ardrossan 11,946 i 2.025 — 11,946 — 2,025 — Stockton — — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM * Port. May 1914 May 1915 Port. May 1914 May 1915. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 341,652 1,565 128,814 — Ayr 54,007 — 88,373 — North Shields ... — — 5,250 — Irvine 7,873 — 7,071 — Q mi 178,360 ABoa 1,858 KjULLuII Ulllvlvic •• Blyth .. 29,670 40 35,300 — Whitehaven .... 22,239 — 16,620 Amble 5,299 — 2,825 — Liverpool 141,893 561 123,932 560 Sunderland .. .. 109,275 — 87,450 — Grimsby 1,567 — 1,480 — Seaham 114,872 — 95,025 — Granton . .. 22,147 — 12,082 — Hartlepool 76,440 8 41,960 — Borrowstoness 17,495 ,— — — Stockton — 15 — — Burntisland 25,475 — 17,450 — Middlesbrough... .165 45 100 25 Kirkcaldy 3,887 — 2,590 — Hull . 71,715 — 64,515 ! — Methil 27,605 — 13,630 — Goole 136,958 — 73,392 Port Talbot ... 9,949 1,000 pf. 9,266 84 Swansea . 37,623 — 17,188 — Glasgow 36,579 460 23,145 1,099 Cardiff 265,456 140 40,023 220 Grangemouth 3,420 65 — — Llanelly ... 6,010 — 3,555 — Greenock 1,136 — 3,246 — Newport .. ..... . 67,440 20 47.505 — Immingham 19,230 — — — Troon 14 922 — 10,642 — Leith 9,547 6 3,756 17 Ardrossan 6,341 — 16,171 — Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * From Browne's Export List. London, June 15.—Coal for the London County Council. Forms from the Chief Officer of Stores, L.C.C. Stores, No. 31, Clerken well-close, E.C. London, June 15.—Coal for the Tottenham and Wood Green Joint Drainage Committee. Forms of the Engineer of the Committee, Town Hall, Tottenham.. London, S.E., June 15.—Steam and household coal for the Deptford Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, New Cross-road, S.E. London, E., June 16.—1,500 tons of Wollaton No. 4 steam coal and 500 tons of house coal, for the Poplar Guardians. Forms from G. H. Lough, clerk, 45, Upper North-street, Poplar, E. London, W.C., June 16. —■ Eighty-five tons of best* Wallsend or Silkstone double screened coal, and 170 tons of hard steam coal, for the Governor and Committee of the Incorporated Society of Licensed Victuallers. Tenders to Offices, Fleet-street. London, N., June 17.-—Coal and coke for the Islington Borough Council. Forms from Town Clerk, Town Hall, Upper-street, N. London, N.E., June 21.—House and steam coal, coke, and coke breeze for the Bethnal Green Board of Guardians. Forms from D. Thomas, clerk, Administrative Offices, Bishop’s-road, Victoria Park, N.E. London, N.W., June 21.—Best Derby bright house coal for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Forms from C. H. F. Barrett, town clerk, Town Hall, Pancras-road, N.W. London, S.E., June 24.—Coal for the Southwark Guar- dians. Forms from S. Wood, clerk, Union Offices, 50-51, Ufford-street, Blackfriars, S.E. Loughlinstown (Ireland), June 16. — Twenty tons of Scotch coal, 300 tons of best Wigan coal, 50 tons of Cardiff steam or Ocean Merthyr (screened), for the Rathdown Guardians; also coal from mines in Ireland. Tenders to P. Cunniam, clerk, Loughlinstown. Lowestoft, June 14.—Goal and coke for the Mutford and Lothingland Guardians. Tenders to F. W. Osborne, clerk, Crown-street Hall, Lowestoft. Lymm, June 19.—300 tons of steam slack coal for the Urban District Council. Particulars from Mr. Barnes, water engineer. Maidstone, June 28. — Good household coal and best broken gas coke for the Kent Education Committee. Forms from Stores Superintendent, Sessions House, Maidstone. Milton Regis (Kent), July 2.—About 1,200 tons of best Durham or Yorkshire unscreened gas coal, and 600 tons of washed or screened Durham or Yorkshire gas nuts, for the Urban District Council. Forms from H. W. Kaye, engineer, Gas Works. Minster (near Ramsgate), June 17.—About 400 tons of steam coal (screened), about 100 tons of household coal (screened), and about 50 tons of broken coke, for the Guar- dians. Forms from the Master, at the Workhouse. Morpeth, June 16.—Coal for the Northumberland County Asylum, Morpeth, for the Visitors’ Committee. Forms from the Clerk, at the Asylum. Naas, July 1.—About 800 tons best gas coking coal for the Naas Gas Company Limited. Napsbury, St. Albans, June 18.-3,000 tons of hard steam coal, 800 tons of house ..coal, and 350 tons of gas coke, for the Napsbury Asylum Standing Sub-Committee of Visitors of the Middlesex County Asylum. New Mills, June 15.—3,500 tons of best gas coal and nuts, and 500 tons of cannel, for the Urban District Council.' Forms from the Gas Manager, Town Hall, New Mills. Norwich, June 21. — Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from A. H. Miller, town clerk, Guild- hall, Norwich. Nottingham. — Coal and coke for the Education Com- mittee. Particulars from the Director of Education, Shire Hall, Nottingham. Nottingham, June 14.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from J. A. Battersby, clerk to the Board, Poor Law Offices, Shakespeare-street, Nottingham. Oldham.—Coal for the Markets and Baths Committee of the Corporation. Particulars from the Superintendent, Central Baths, Oldham. Paignton, June 17.-4,000 tons of best approved gas coal for the Paignton Gas Company. Particulars from C. G. Dawson, manager, 17, Palace-avenue, Paignton. Portsmouth, June 14.—Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from Committee Offices, Town Hall. Prestwich, June 17.—House, engine, and gas coal and coke for the County Asylum, Prestwich, Committee of Visitors. Tenders to Chairman, County Asylum. Rathmines, June 14.-1,000 tons of steam coal for the Rathmines and Rathgar Urban District Council. Forms from Electricity Works. Salisbury, June 22. — Steam coal for the City of New Sarum Corporation. Forms from the City Engineer and Surveyor, Endless-street. Shrewsbury, June 18.—Best rough slack and best steam slack for the Lighting Committee. Forms from C. M. Johnston, Electricity Works, Shrewsbury. Also coal and coke to Borough Offices, Public Baths, etc. Forms from A. W. Ward, borough surveyor. Also best rough steam slack for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from W. A. Hewitt, manager, Waterworks, Shrewsbury. Slough, June 14. — Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from H. Thomson, acting clerk, Slough. Southborough, June 17.—About 200 tons of steam coal, and about 40 tons of house coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from P. Hamner, clerk, Council Offices, Southborough. Stratford-on-Avon, June 19. — 7,000 tons of good screened gas coals or nuts for the Gas Committee of the Corporation. Forms from Engineer and manager. Tewkesbury, June 16.—Twenty-five tons of coal, house cobbles, 10 tons of anthracite nuts, and 10 tons of coke, for the Tewkesbury Joint Hospital Board. Also 80 tons of kitchen nuts for the Guardians. Tenders to H. A. Badham, junr., clerk, High-street. Tipton, June 19.—Best thick coal or Cannock lumps and good rough slack for the Tipton Education Committee. Particulars from H. B. Potts, secretary, Education Offices, Tipton. Tunbridge Wells, June 18.—1,100 tons of best quality coal for the Corporation. Forms from W. C. Cripps, town clerk, Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells. Upwave (Cambs), June 16.—Steam engine coal for the Commissioners of the Swaffham and Bottisham Drainage District. Tenders to T. Musgrave Francis, clerk. Watford, June 29.—Coal and coke for the Rural Dis- trict Council. Forms from Surveyor’s Office, 9, Market- street, Watford. Wigan, June 19.—About 50 tons of Pemberton 4 ft. coal, also about 200 tons of best engine slack, for the Corporation. Tenders to W. H. Tyrer, Town Hall, Wigan. Wincanton, June 15.—About 200 tons of best screened coal for the Guardians. Tenders to E. N. Martin, clerk, Poor Law Offices, Wincanton. Witham, June 28.—Coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders’ to W. B. Blood, clerk. Worcester, June 18.—Coal and coke to the Shire Hall and offices and judges’ lodgings. Tenders to C. H. Bird, clerk of the Standing Joint Committee, Shire Hall, Worcester. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. OBITUARY. The death is announced of Mr. James Dawson, of Manor, Stirlingshire, which took place at his residence, No. 5, Park-gardens, Glasgow. Mr. Dawson was a director of the Manor-Powis Goal Company, and was well known in business circles in Glasgow. For some time he had not been in robust health. Last week he was seized with pneumonia, and he has died at the comparatively early age of 57. He is survived by a widow, the only child of the late Mr. Robert H. Hutton, of New York. Great regret has been caused in the Hemsworth district by the news of the death of Corpl. J. W. Wilson, who was one of the most active recruiting agents for Col. Shaw’s Miners’ Battalion, and who joined to set an example to the men at South Kirkby Colliery, where he was third under- manager. He is reported to have been killed by a sniper while shooting at the enemy’s carrier pigeons. The 1st Gwent Battalion, South Wales Borderers, stationed at Colwyn Bay, has lost an exceptionally popular officer by the death, from acute pneumonia, of Lieut. Ernest Darby. Prior to joining the Gwents as a private last November, Lieut. Darby was private secretary to Mr. Mills, general manager of the Ebbw Vale Iron and Coal Company, formerly Sheriff of Monmouthshire. The death has occurred of Conn. F. A. Maddock, of the firm of Messrs. John Maddock and Company, Malleable Iron Works, Oakengates. News has reached Accrington of the death of Capt. Harry Hargreaves Bolton, or Highbrake, Huncoat, eldest son of Mr. H. H. Bolton, of Messrs. G. Hargreaves and Company, colliery proprietors, Accrington and Huncoat. The deceased, who was 29 years of age, was wounded while fighting in the Dardanelles on Whit-Monday, and passed away on the following day. He was educated at Mostyn House School, Parkgate, and at Shrewsbury Public School, and subse- quently, after a short period of study into the working of collieries, he took a two years’ course of mining instruction at Wigan. He performed practical work in the mines of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company Limited, and later returned to the Accrington Collieries, where he pursued his studies. In December 1912 he obtained a first-class mine manager’s certificate, and soon afterwards, upon the retirement of Mr. James Whittaker, he was appointed agent for the Accrington Collieries. He was deeply interested in mine rescue work, and after receiving instruction with the Accrington Collieries rescue team, he obtained a certificate for competency. He rendered very practical assistance at the time of the Hulton Colliery explosion with a team of men which he took over along with rescue equipment. The deceased was exceedingly popular with the staffs and work- people at the collieries, and news of his death in the service of his country was deeply regretted by them and by a wide circle of his friends. He has left a widow and two young children. Mr. Paul Greenwood, of 96, Blackburn-road, Bolton, who died last week at the age of 77 years, was the oldest coal dealer in the town. Mr. John Bryden, who died at his home at Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, B.C., on March 27, was one of the pioneer coal mine managers of that province. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, on December 4, 1831. In 1862 he went, vid the Isthmus of Panama and San Francisco, to Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, and thence to Nanaimo, where he was joint manager with Mr. Mark Bate for the Vancouver Coal and Land Company, an English company that acquired from the Hudson’s Bay Company a coal mine the latter had opened at Nanaimo 10 years earlier. About 1880 Mr. Bryden became manager of the Wellington Colliery Company’s mines, in the same district, and he continued in charge of them until his voluntary retirement in 1894, but retained his colliery business association with Dunsmuirs until the sale of their extensive interests several years ago to McKenzie and Mann, of Toronto, who organised the Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Limited, now operating the several Dunsmuir coal mines. It is with regret we announce that Mr. G. J. Eveson, managing director and founder of the well-known firm of the G. J. Eveson Coal and Coke Company Limited, Birming- ham, London, etc., passed away at his residence, Shepley Manor, Barnt Green, on Thursday morning, the 3rd inst. News has reached Shirebrook of the death at the front of Lieut. J. W. Harris, 1st Lincolns, who was killed in action. Before joining the Colours he was employed as a chemist at the Shirebrook Colliery, being a B.Sc. (Lond.), and an associate of the Institute of Chemists.