1182 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 4, 1915. action of the Commissioners more than the news of the past week. They were bold enough, he said, to subscribe to a deeper borehole at South Carr than had ever been put down in this country. The proving of the Barnsley bed at Rossington, which •adjoined the Hatfield Chase estate, set the hypothetical question on one side as to the Barnsley seam being divided at South Carr. A. fortnight ago, the sinkers at Bossington went through the Barnsley seam to the full thickness, and they had now found the Dunsil seam below it, at 5 ft. 6 in. in thickness, and of good quality, which meant a double Barnsley seam in value to the land- owners and to the district, because the extra seam would be drawn by the same pair of shafts. Mr. Arthur Hayes, of Hawshawe House, ECoyland, who has just been appointed manager at the Hoyland Silkstone Collieries, was 5J years ago advanced to the position of under-manager in the Silkstone Pit, and 16 months ago became assistant manager. Previous to coming to Hoyland, he was under-manager at the Eckington Collieries. Much interest was taken in coal-exporting circles at Hull in the marriage at Beverley, near Hull, on Wednesday morning, of Mr. T. W. Smith, a director of Messrs. C. Baine and Company Limited, coal exporters, to Miss Bursell, of Beverley. The bridegroom is a well-known member of the Hull Coal Exchange. Notts and Derbyshire. Lance-Corpl. Fuller, a young Mansfield miner, who won the. Victoria Cross for capturing 50 Germans at Neuve Chapelle, had a great reception from his fellow townsmen on Wednesday. He was met at his home by the mayor, town clerk, and macebearer, and escorted in state to the market place. The band of the Mansfield Colliery, where he formerly worked, preceded the civic carriage, followed by a procession of enthusiastic miners. In the market place the Duchess of Portland occupied a seat on a specially- erected platform, and here the mayor (Alderman Maltby), Sir Arthur Markham, and General Gordon Gilmour, com- manding the troops at Clipstone Camp, extended hearty congratulations to Fuller, and presented him with an illuminated address and a gold watch. The Duke of Port- land sent his tribute by letter. The Midlands. Mines Drainage in South Staffordshire. The last meeting of the session of