May 28, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1139 (for one share each) :—S. L. Groom, 153, Mitcham-lane, Streatham, engineer; A. W. Sanderson, 56, Richmond- road, Leytonstone, engineer. Downing (N.) and Sons Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 12, Railway-street, Stockton-on-Tees. Registered May 18. To carry on business of ironfounders now carried on by N. Downing at Clarence Foundry, Rail- way-street, Stockton-on-Tees, under style of N. Downing and Sons. Nominal capital, .£10,000 in £1 shares. Directors, also subscribers (for 1 share each) :—N. Downing, Glen- brook, Victoria-avenue, Stockton-on-Tees; J. F. Downing, 1, Victoria-avenue, Stockton-on-Tees; A. G. Downing, Glenbrook, Victoria-avenue, Stockton-on-Tees; H. N. Downing, 15, Albany-road, Stockton-on-Tees, ironfounders. 'Qualification of directors, £250. Excelsior Gauge Company Limited. — Private company. .Registered May 18. To carry on business of steam gauge manufacturers, engineers, founders, smiths, rollers, spinners, stampers, etc., and general hardware manufac- turers. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Directors : A. H. Hill, A. C. Thompson, and A. C. L. Tomey. London Chemical Works Limited. — Private company. Registered office, the London Chemical Works, Rubastic- road, Southall, Middlesex. Registered May 17. Manufac- turing chemists, dyers of cotton and woollen goods, engineers, colliery proprietors, quarry owners, brick makers, provision merchants, shippers, etc. Nominal capital, £15,000 in £1 shares. Directors :—Alf. Smethurst, New- field, Haslingden, cotton manufacturer; F. J. Healey, Rubastic Works, Southall, Chemist; John G-. Hyham, Birk- ■dale, Lancs, cotton manufacturer. Qualification of directors, £1. Mason (Sam. G.) Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Birmeley-street, Birmingham. Registered May 19. To carry on business of brassfounders, iron- founders, stampers, piercers, etc., general engineers, machinists, and general metal workers. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors : E. C. Philp, S. G. Mason, •and W. Voysey. Qualification of directors, £100. Phillips, Gilbert and Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, 7, Macdonald-street, Birmingham. Registered May 11. To acquire business of engineers, manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, and consulting engineers to tube manufacturers, carried on at 7 and 8, Macdonald-street, Birmingham, as Phillips, Gilbert and Company. Nominal capital, £2,000 in £1 shares. Director : Thomas Phillips, 7 and 8, Macdonald-street, Birmingham, gas and electrical fittings manufacturer. Skctt (William) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Temple-street, Wolverhampton. Registered May 13. To acquire business of a brassfounder carried on by Wm. Skett at Temple-street, Wolverhampton; also to carry on business as engineers, colliery owners, brick and. tile .makers, etc. Nominal capital, £2,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—Wm. Skett, Tettenhall-road, Wolverhampton, brassfounder; I. Bryan, Albert-terrace, Bradmore, near Wolverhampton, manager. This list of new companies is taken from the Da CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Cheltenham, June 10.—Tenders are invited for six or 12 months’ supply of rough small steam coal, to be delivered to the Electricity Works siding on the Midland Railway at Cheltenham from July 1, 1915. A specification and form of tender may be obtained from the Town Clerk. The Cor- poration do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal,” must be addressed to the Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, and must reach him before 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 10, 1915. London, June 8. —■ The London County Council invite tenders for the cartage of coke during the year commencing July 1, 1915. Forms of tender and other particulars may be obtained on personal application, or by sending a stamped addressed foolscap envelope to the Chief Officer of Stores, L.C.C. Stores No. 31, Clerkenwell-close, E.C. No tender received at the County Hall after 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 1915, will be considered. James Bird, clerk of the London County Council, County Hall, Spring-gardens, S.W. London, June 14. —■ The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney will receive tenders for the supply, between July 1, 1915, and June 30, 1916, of about 10,000 tons, consisting of Welsh smokeless coal, hard bituminous steam coal (large and small), house coal, and coke, to be delivered in carts or. barges and at such points in the borough as may be directed from time to time. Forms of tender and conditions of contract may be obtained on application to Wm. C. P. Tapper, M.I.E.E., the borough electrical engineer and manager, at No. 27, Osborn-street, White- chapel, E., on payment of a deposit of one guinea, which will be refunded to bona-fide tenderers. Additional copies will be charged for at 5s. each, which will not be refunded. Copies of the specification may also be seen at any time by appointment at No. 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E. Sealed tenders, which may be for all or any part of the above quantity, must be addressed to the Chairman of the Electricity Supply Committee, endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke,” and left at No. 27, Osborn-street, E., before noon on June 14, 1915. The Council reserve the right to divide the contract amongst two or more contractors, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Geo. W. Clarke, town clerk. London, June 15. — The Tottenham and Wood Green Joint Drainage Committee invite tenders for the supply of coal for the period of three, six, or 12 months from June 24, 1915. Forms of tender can be obtained on application to the Engineer of the Committee at the Town Hall. The successful contractor will be required to pay all workmen on the Committee’s work the recognised trade union rate of . wages. Canvassing members of the Committee is strictly prohibited. Sealed tenders on the form supplied, endorsed “ Tender for Coal for Joint Drainage Committee,” to be delivered to me by 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday, June 15, 1915. No other form of tender will be received. Security required for the due performance of the contract. The Committee reserve the right to accept a part only of any tender received. By order, Reginald C. Graves, clerk of the Committee, Town Hall, Tottenham. London, June 15. — The Tottenham Urban District Council invite tenders for the supply of coal and gas coke for the period of three, six, or 12 months from June 24, 1915. Forms of tender can be obtained on application to the Engineer of the Council any day during office hours. The contractor will be required to pay all workmen on the Council’s work the recognised trade union rate of wages, and a copy of this undertaking shall be exhibited on the pay office at the contractor’s works. Canvassing members of the Council .is strictly prohibited. Sealed tenders on the form supplied, endorsed “ Tender for coal,” and “ or coke,” as the case may be to be delivered to me by 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday, June 15, 1915..' No other form of tender will be received. Security will be required for the due perform- ance of the contract. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve the right to accept a part only of any tender received. By order, Reginald C. Graves, clerk of the Council. Manchester, June 2.—The directors of the Manchester Ship Canal Cbmpany invite tenders for coal to be delivered dunng the 12 months ending June 30, 1916. Specifications and forms of tender may be obtained on. application at the Stores Department, Manchester Docks, Trafford-road, Salford, and tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal,” must be delivered to the undersigned not later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 2, 1915. By order of the directors, F. A. Eyre, secretary, 41, Spring-gardens, Manchester. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Armagh, June 8.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from W.-,Calvert, clerk, Workhouse, Armagh. Barming Heath, June 18.—About 4,000 tons of steam coal, 1,200 tens of household coal, 1,000 tons of gas coal, and 105 tons of baker’s coal, for the Kent County Lunatic Asylums Committee. Forms from* the Steward at either Barming Heath or Chatham Asylums. Barrow-in-Furness, May 31.—About 16,000 tons of coal for the Electricity Committee. Forms from Borough Elec- trical Engineer, Electricity Works. # . Bath, June 1.—About 50,000 tons of screened gas coal for the Bath Gaslight and Coke Company. Forms from J. W. Whimster, engineer and manager. Bedale.—About 600 tons of best screened gas coal or nuts for the Bedale Gas Company Limited. Tenders to R. Ingham, secretary. Belfast, June 1. — Best house and steam coal for the Public Health Committee. Forms from R. ’Meyer, town clerk. Bradfield (Berks), May 31.—About 150 tons of No. 1 best Ryder Spires coal and 125 tons Gilwen large anthracite coal for the Guardians. Forms from B. A. Collins, clerk, 172, Friar-street, Reading. Bridgnorth, June 5.—Good screened\ slack and rough slack for the Town Council. Particulars from T. H. Cooksey, town clerk. Cairo, June 15.—Newcastle, Cardiff, and anthracite coal and coke for the Department of Public Health, Cairo. Forms from Director-General, Department of Public Health. Canterbury, June 23.'—Best seaborne coal, best kitchen coal, best steam coal, best fine coal, and coke, for the Town Council. Tenders to H. Fielding, town clerk, Canterbury. Croydon, June 2.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Borough Engineer, Town Hall. Deal, June 9.—About 350 tons of best hard steam coal or screened nuts for the Deal and Walmer Joint Water Board. Tenders to Board Offices, Queen-street, Deal. Derby.—Coal for the Electricity Department. Particu- lars from Borough Electrical Engineer, 16, Full-street, Derby. Dewsbury, May 31.—About 4,500 tons of steam coal for the Electricity Works, Bradford-road, Dewsbury. Form from R. H. Campion, borough electrical engineer. Doncaster, June 11.—32,000 tons of best screened gas coal nuts for the Corporation Gas Committee. Forms from R. Watson, engineer and manager, Corporation Gas Works, Doncaster. Edmonton, June 1. — Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from the Architect, Town Hall, Lower Edmonton. Egremont (Cumberland)., June 2.—About 2,000 tons of best screened coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to J. Nelson, clerk, Egremont. Exmouth, June 2.—About 7,000 tons of best screened, unscreened, gas coal, or nuts, for the Exmouth Gas Com- pany. Tenders to W. E. Dean, Gas Works, Exmouth. Gloucester, June 1.—About 4,200 tons of gas coal for the Gloucester Gaslight Company. Forms from W. E. Vinson, secretary, Gas Offices, Eastgate-street, Gloucester. Grays (Essex), June 10.—Hard steam coal for the Grays Thurrock Urban District Council. Forms from Electrical Engineer, Council Offices, Grays. Grays (Essex), June 14.—Hard steam coal for the Thur- rock, Grays, and Tilbury Joint Sewerage Board. Forms from the Clerk, Bank-buildings, Grays. Great Driffield, June 4.—22,000 tons of screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to H. Brown, clerk. Guildford, June 18.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from W. S. V. Cullerne, clerk, Commercial-road, Guildford. Hellesdon, May 31.—1,300 tons of steam coal and 50 tons of coke for the Hospital Committee. Tenders to Clerk. Horncastle, June 7.—Best screened Silkstone gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to R. W. Clitherow, clerk, Court House, Horncastle. Hornsey, June 4.—Coal and coke for the Town Council. Forms from Town Clerk, 99, Sou th wood-lane, Highgate, N. Hoyland, June 8.—4,000 tons of best screened gas coal or nuts for the Elsecar, Wentworth, and Hoyland Gas Com- pany. Tenders to Chairman, 94, King-street, Hoyland. Hunstanton, June 1.—1,800 tons of gas coal for the New Hunstanton Urban District Council. Tenders to H. W. Ward, temporary clerk, Council Offices, Hunstanton. Kettering, June 7.—Bolsover, Ellistown, Sherwood, or Mansfield coal, and coke, for the Kettering Joint Hospital Board. Particulars from F. W. Bull, clerk, Bank-chambers, Kettering. King’s Lynn, May 31. — Best Portland hards or other good engine coal for the Magdalen Drainage Commissioners. Tenders to W. D. Ward, clerk. Knutsford, June 9. — House and steam coal for the Guardians of the Bucklow Union. Forms from G. Leigh, clerk, Union Offices, Knutsford. Largs (Scotland), June 10.—Coal for the Corporation. Tenders to P. Morris, town clerk, Municipal Chambers, Largs. London, W., May 31.—Coal and coke for the Paddington Borough Council. Tenders to A. W. J. Russell,’town clerk, Town Hall, Paddington, W. London, June 1.—Coal of various descriptions for the London County Council. Forms from the Chief Officer of Stores, L.C.C. Stores No. 31, Clerkenwell-close, E.C. London, June 3.—Coal and best gas coke for the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of St. Marylebone. Forms from J. Wilson, town clerk, at the Town Hall, Marylebone- lane, Oxford-street, W. London, E.C., June 3.—About 1,500 tons of Welsh steam coal, and about 265 tons Scotch navigation steam coal, and about 100 tons best house coal, for the Corporation of Trinity House, London, E.C. Forms from Trinity House. London, S.E., June 3.—Coal for the Guardians of «St. Giles, Camberwell. Forms from the Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham-road, Camberwell. London, S.E., June 3.—1,200 tons of house coal and 1,800 tons of steam coal< for the Bermondsey Board of Guardians. Forms from E. P. Fenton, clerk, 283, Tooley- street, S.E.