1136 THE CQLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 28, 1915. No. 49. -- — —— -----------. --------—1—. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Foreign Markets for Coal. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” May 1, p. 49. Coalfields of South America. W. G. Burroughs. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 552; 1 fig. Output of Minerals Under the Coal Mines Acts During 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 21, p. 1072. The Transformation of a Durham Colliery. H. Holmes. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 21, p. 1065; 2 fig. (Description of Murton. Colliery.) Coak Waste in Canada—and its Conservation Problem. F. D. Adams. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 7, p. 961. (From report .to Commission of Conservation.) Probable Effect of the War in Europe on the Ceramic Industries of the United States. A. S. Watts. “ Techn. Paper 99,” U.S. Bureau of Mines. The Effect of the European War on Spanish Industry : Coal, its Shortage and the Remedy (Los Effectos de la Guerra Europea Sobre la Industria Espanola: El Carbon—La Escasez de Carbdn y su Remedio). L. de la Pena. “ Rev. Minera,” May 16, p. 225. Value of Daily Cost Sheets. H. S. Mikesell. “ Coal Age,” May 15, p. 838. II. —Education. The New Technical Chemistry Laboratories of the Imperial College of Science. “Engineering,” May 14, p. 551; 5 fig. The New Chemical Laboratory of the Imperial College. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 21, p. 1068; 4 fig. Some Remarks on Mining Education. N. T. Williams. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin,” v. 49, 2, p. 238. III. —Geology. The Geology and Economic Minerals of Yukon Terri- tory. E. C. Annes. “ Mine, Quarry and Derrick,” Apr. 14, p. 176; 3 fig. The Geology of Prospects. F. P. Mennell. “Min. Mag.,” May, p. 267; 4 fig. Mining in the Broad Top Coalfield. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 517; 7 fig. (A little known coalfield in Huntingdon County, Pa., subject to intense folding.) The Coalfields of Spitzbergen. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 14, p. 1013; May 21, p. 1069; 6 fig. Illinois Coal Mining Investigations. “ Bull. 10 : Coal Resources of District 1 (Longwall).” G. H. Cady; 11 pl. and 27 fig. “ Bull. 11 : Coal Resources of Dis- trict 7 (Coal No. 6 West of Duquoin Anticline).” F. H. Kay; 4pl. and 47 fig. Urbana (Ill.). The Mineral Deposits of Anatolia (Mineral Vorkommen Anatoliens). F. Freeh. “ Gluckauf,”'Apr. 24, pp. 412-18; May 3, pp. 438-43; May 8, pp. 462-70. Animal Petrifactions in the Saar Coal Formations ’ (Beitrag zur Kenntnis der tierischen Versteinerungen im Saarbriicker Steinkohlengebirge). H’. Willert. “ Gluckauf,” May 1, pp. 433-37; illus. The Mineral Wealth of the Belgian Congo (Die Mineral- schatze der Belgischen Kongokolonie). —. Buchel. “ Techn. Bl.,” Apr. 10, pp. 57-59. Practical Stratigraphy (Praktische Formations-Geo- logie). —. Krahmann. “ Z. pr. Geol.,” Feb-Mar., pp. 29-44; illus. New Map of the Ostrau-Karwin Coalfield (Die neue Revierkarte des Ostrau-Karwin Steinkohlenbeckens). “ Mont. Rdsch.,” May 1, pp. 303-6. IY.—Mine Surveying. The Top Telescope Problem. F. W. Sperr. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 523; 40 fig. (General rule for find- ing the correction angle to be applied to the vertical angle read with the top telescope.) Surveying in Anthracite Mines—2. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 541; 5 fig. Y.—Mining Technology. Belt Driving—II. H. T. Millar. “ Engineer,” Apr. 30, p. 421; 6 fig. An Introduction to Mining Science. J. B. Coppock and G. A. Lodge. 230 pp.; 102 fig. Price, 2s. London : Longmans, Green and Company. YI.—Working of Minerals. Longwall Mining in Alberta. E. L. Leblanc. “ Goal Age,” Apr. 24, p. 712; 4 fig. A Square Working Place with an Overcutting Machine. E. C. de Wolfe. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 24, p. 714; 3 fig. (Goodman.centre-cutting machine, so constructed that ., as the cutter-bar sweeps across the coal face, its end travels in a straight line from rib to rib.) Cost Factors in Coal Production. AV. H. Grady. “Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” May, p. 1035; .12 fig. Mining Coal Under Friable Roof in Connection with a Very Soft Floor or Bottom. F. C, Keighley. “Coal Tr. Bull.,” May 1, p. 47. Coal Mining in Mexico. E. 0. Forster Brown. “ Coll. Guard.,” Apr. 30, p. 923. (Cont. abst. paper read before N. Engl. Inst. Min. Mechn. Engin.) Coal Mining in Mexico. E. 0. Forster Brown. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 2, p! 381; 23 fig. YII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Drills and Drill Bit Wrinkles — Record of Experience with Various Types. C. A. Hirschberg. “ Min. AVld.” (Chicago), Apr. 24, p. 759; 12 fig. Arrangement for Ventilating Sinking Shafts, Winzes, and Drives. S. Nettleton. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” May 8, p. 852; 7 fig. Measures for Preventing and Restricting Irruptions of Quicksand in N.W. Bohemia Brown Coalfield (Alass- nahmen zur Abwendung und Einschrankung der Schwimmsand Einbruche im nordwestbbhmischen Braunkohlenrevier). —. Padour. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” Apr. 16, pp. 258-63; May 1, pp. 295-98; illus. YIIL—Explosives, Blasting. Safety Measures in the Use of Explosives. W. Cullen. “ Journ. Chem. Aletali. Min. Soc. S. Africa,” Mar., p. 220. 1-2-3 Trinitrobenzol, a New Trinitrotoluol and Dinitro- halogen Substitution Product (1-2-3 Trinitrobenzol ein neues Trinitrotoluol und Dinitrohalogen-Substi- tutionsprodukte). —. Koerner and —. Con-tardi. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” Apr. 1, pp. 77-8. (Dinitro- halogen-substituted benzol and toluol.) Shot-Firing Devices and their Dangers (Die Schuss- ziindarten mit ihren betriebstechnischen, Okomis- chen,' und Gefahren-Momenten). ■—. Blum. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” Apr. 16, pp. 263-66; May 1, pp. 299-303. Application of Liquid Air as an Explosive in Mines (Die Verwendung von flussiger Luft als Sprengstoff fur bergmannische Zwecke). —. Liesegang. “ Bergb.,” Apr. 29, pp. 235-37. IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. Effect of Age and Curing on the Strength of Concrete. M. O. Withey. “ Canad. Engin.,” Apr. 22, p. 489; 3 fig. (Tests carried out at Wisconsin Univ.) Settling Tanks for Hydraulic Packing Plant. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 21, p. 1067; 5 fig. Hydraulic Goaf Packing. —. Frantzen. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 7, p. 962. Some Notes on Supporting the Roof in Coal Mines. F. N. Siddall. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 2, p. 266. Remarks on the History and Use of Goaf Packing (Einige Bemerkungen zur Geschichte und Anwend- ung des Bergversatzes). —. Gerke. “Bergb.,” Apr. 8, pp. 189-90. X. —Surface Arrangements. Electrical Appliances for Workshops—I. “ Engineer,” May 14, p. 474; 6 fig. XI. —Winding and Haulage. A Large Electric Hoist at Hamilton, Ont. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” May 1, p. 285; 3 fig. (Winding engine used on an inclined railway.) Loading Machinery at Rio Tinto, Spain. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” May 1, p. 815; 2 fig. (Illustrations of an American shovelling and loading machine at work in an open-cut mine.) Gasoline Locomotive Haulage. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 547; 1 fig. (A comparison of costs at a Kentucky mine.) Underground Transport Methods on the Rand. H. S. Martin. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 14, p. 1015; 7 fig. (Abst. paper read before S. African Inst. Engin.) Kep Gear at a Midland Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 7, p. 963; 3 fig. The Prevention of Overwinding and Overspeeding in Shafts. G. G. T. Poole. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 2, p. 355; 5 fig. Experiments for Determining the Best Form of Face Conveyor for Mining Use (Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der gunstigsten Forderrinnenkonstruktion fur den Grubenbetrieb). —. Liwehr. “ Forder- techn.,” Apr. 1, pp. 49-53; illus. A New Accelerometer (Ein neuer Beschleunigungs- messer). “ El. Anz.,” Apr. 11, pp. 186-7; illus. Driving Jig Conveyors in Mining Operations (Der Antrieb von Schuttelrutschen in Bergwerksbetrieben). • ■—. AVintermeyer. “Bergb.,” Apr. 15, pp. 203-5; Apr. 29, pp. 238-43; illus. ' XIII.—Lighting. Colliery Electric Lighting. G. S. Corlett. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” May 7, p. 645. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man. and Assoc. Min. Engin.) Miner’s Electric Lamp. “ Commercial America,” Apr., p. 41; 1 fig. (Cap lamp made by General Electric Company, New York.) Approved Safety Lamps. “ Colliery Guard.,” April30, p. 910, 12 fig; May 21, p. 1071, 2 fig. (Orders of Mar. 16 and Apr. 22.) XY.—Mine Gases, Testing. Apparatus for the Analysis of Inflammable Gas Mix- tures (Gasanalysenapparate fur brennbare Gasmisch- ungen). —. Dosch. “ Braunk.,” Apr. 9, pp. 15-20; Apr. 16, pp. 27-31; illus. XYI.—Coal Dust. Coal Dust Explosions. J. D. Morgan. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 2, p. 220;’15 fig. Field Coal Dust Explosion Gallery. “ Coal Age,” May 15, p. 840; 4 fig. XYII.—Explosions. The Layland, W. Va., Aline Disaster. “ Coll. Engin.,” May, p. 556; 1 fig. Report on the Explosion at the Hojo Colliery, Japan. S. Meguro. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 30, p. 906; May 7, p. 964; 12 fig. Some Notes on the Explosion at Wharncliffe Silkstone Colliery. L. T. O’Shea. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 2, p. 289; 8 fig. XYIII.—Mine Fires. The Oxidation of Coal. “ Engineering,” Apr. 30, p. 495. Fire at Black Hawk Aline, Utah. “ Coal Age,” Alay 15, p. 843; 2 fig. (Severe fire extinguished by aid of oxygen apparatus; one rescuer lost his life during exploration.) XX.—Drainage, Pumping, etc. Screw Pumps for the Drainage Works at New Orleans. “ Engineer,” May 7, p. 460; 5 fig. (Screw pumps have blades like those of a steamer’s propeller, mounted on a horizontal shaft.) The Air-lift Pump for Coal Mines. S. W. Symons. “ Coal Age,” May 1, p. 744; 7 fig. Centrifugal Pumps in Coal Alines. AV. A. Becker. “ Coal Age,” Alay 1, p. 757; 1 fig. A New Sinking Pump. A. W. Baldwin. “ Coal Age,” Alay 1, p. 761; 1 fig. (A triple-plunger pump, work- ing in a borehole beside the shaft, the power head being placed on the surface.) AIotor-Driven Duplex Pumps for Aline Service. E. P. Worden. “ Alin. Eng. Wld.,” May 8, p. 855; 4.fig. Special Types of Centrifugal Pumps (Sonderausfuhr- ungen von Zentrifugalpumpen). —. Oesch. “ Z. Tur'b. Wes.,” Apr. 10, pp. 109-12; Apr. 20, pp. 121-25; illus. (Borehole pumps.) Plunger and Rotary Pumps (Die Kolbenpumpen ein- schliesslich der Flugel- und Rotationspumpen). H. Berg. J. Springer, Berlin, 1914; 14 mk. XXI. —Preparation. Coal Washing Plant at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Apr. 30, p. 598; 4 fig. New Determinations of the Constants of the Law of Falling Bodies in Wet Classification, by the Aid of Cinematography, and Observations on the Law of Uniformity (Neue Bestimmungen der Konstanten der Fallgesetze in der nassen Aufbereitung mit Hilfe der Kinematographie und Betrachtungen ueber das Gleichfalligkeitsgesetz). P. Schulz. “ Gluckauf,” May 8, pp. 457-64; May 15, pp. 481-87; illus. The Economy of Drying Coal Before Use (Spart man an Kohle wenn sie vor dem Verheizen getrocknet wird?) —. Deinlein. “ Z. Bayer. Rev. Ver.,” Mar. 31, pp. 42-44; Apr. 15, pp. 54-55. XXII. —Briquettes. New Method of Making High-Grade Briquettes from Inferior Brown Coal (Ein neues Brikettierungsver- fahren zur Gewinnung hochwertiger Briketts ans minder wertiger Braunkohle). —. Herbing. “ Feuer- ungstechn.,” Alay 1, pp. 190-1. XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Common Difficulties on By-product Coke Oven Plants : Their Cause and Remedy—V. “ Manager.” “ Gas AVld.” (suppl.), May 1, p. 18. The Recovery and Fractionation of Benzol Products from Coal Gas. AV. Diamond. “ Gas Wld.,” Alay 8, p. 532. (Abst. paper read before N. of Eng. Gas; Man. Assoc.) The Colour of Firebricks. “ Brit. Clav Worker,” Mav p. 23. Aletallic Iron in Coke Samples. J. R. Campbell. “ Coll. Engin.,” Alay, p. 538. The Ovens and Recovery Plant of the Team By-Product Coke Company Limited. F. C. Coleman. “ Colliery Guard.,” Alay 7, p. 957; 12 fig. The Use of Coke in Gas Producers (Ueber die Verwend- ung von Koks in Gaserzeugern). —. Markgraf. “ St. u. E.,” Apr, 8, pp. 373-75,