1088 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 21, 1915. 7155. Oxidation of nitro compounds of the aromatic hydro- carbons. W. R. Ormandy. 7156. Manufacture of picric acid. W. R. Ormandy. 7169. Apparatus for feeding pulverised or finely-divided fuel. J. A. Law. 7171. Fuel and method of making the same. T. M. Hickman. 7180. Feeding heads for use with ingot and other moulds. Sir R. A. Hadfield. *209. Distillation of heavy oils. W. A. Hall. 7210. Rotary pumps. H. A. Fleuss. 7211. Electric circuit controlling devices. British Thomson-Houston Company Limited. 7213. Electric cell, battery, or refill for use in connection with portable electric lamps and for other pur- poses. L. Wahl. 7217. Automatic coupling for railway vehicles and the like. J. W. Cloud. 7227. Steam condensers. Soc. Anon, pour 1’Exploitation des Procedes Westinghouse-Leblanc. 7228. Improvements in pressure chambers for preventing and curing the effects of excessive pressure on living organisms. Drager werk, Heinr. and Bernh. Drager. 7262. Appliances used in the manufacture of tin-plates or sheets and other like metal-coated plates or sheets. R. B. Thomas, H. S. Thomas, W. R. Davies, and E. P. Lewis. 7263. Apparatus for pneumatic conveying of solids: British Thomson-Houston Company Limited. 7264. Explosives. E. A. de Lisle. 7283. Means for employing the exhaust heat of thermo- piles for heating purposes. J. Marschall. 7291. Helmets for protection against noxious gases. E. Bergtheil. 7320. Refining steel by electrical means. S. F. Barclay. 7325. Pumps or other fluid raising apparatus. A. O. Vicuna. 7334. Condensing steam turbine plants. K. Baumann. 7335 and 7336. Feed water heaters of the jet or contact type. K. Baumann. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on June 3.) 1914. 6156. Engine slide valves, specially applicable to direct acting steam pumps. Quiggin. 8740. Vertical retorts. Drakes Limited, and Drake. 9067. Machine or apparatus for cutting, dressing, or other- wise treating stone, wood, metal, or the like. Willett. 10859. Controlling devices suitable for locomotive cylinders. Stenning, and Schmidt’s Superheating Com- pany (1910). 11424. Rotary engines, motors, air compressors, and pumps. Hodges and Philip. 11446. Automatic couplings for railway vehicles. Martin. 11585. Divers’ helmets. Golby. ,11794. Electric circuit breakers and switches. Morris, and Morris and Lister Limited. 11832. Protective devices for electric circuits. British Thomson-Houston Company Limited. 12052. Means for conveying and otherwise dealing with materials in bulk. Allen. 12246. Construction of sheet iron for use more particularly for building purposes. Miller. 12299. Apparatus for the drying, kiln drying, humidifica- tion, and like treatment of any materials or products .in a state of division. Desaulles. 14086. Apparatus for boring and facing metals. G. and A. Harvey Limited, and Clements. . 14598. Methods of building turbine blading. Beiliss and Morcom Limited, and Morcom. 15027. Method and apparatus for regulating multi-cylinder steam engines or coupled steam turbines. Schou. 16692. Explosives. Rintoul, Picton, Peacock, and Nobel’s Explosives Company. 17629. Grinding or crushing, machinery. Moss. 17731. Brick making machines. Partridge. 18381. Gas producers, blastfurnaces, or the like. Bairdow. 18801. Valve operating mechanism for elastic fluid turbines. ■ British Thomson-Houston Company Limited. 22438. Automatic couplings for vehicles. ■ Akt.-Ges. der Eisen- und Stahlwerke vorm. Georg Fischer. 1915. 3035. Metal melting furnaces. Hall. 4408. Steam generators. Stirling Boiler Company, and Mackay. 5868. Means for supporting the coupled shafts of rotary heat engines and the machines driven by such engines. Akt.-Ges. der Maschinenfabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. 6152. Lathes for turning and finishing shafting, rods, bars, and the like. Coghlan Steel and Iron Company, and Ford. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 5458. Mill for treating ores and the like. Park. 5645. Water softening material. Hans^Reisert. Ges. 6596. Centrifugal compressors. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 6600. Method of and means for cooling shaft bearings. Soc. Beige des Appareils Rateau. 6779. Cars or trucks for charging furnaces or retorts. Kugel. 6922. Reducing valve. Hanseatische Apparatebau Ges. vorm. L. von Bremen and Company. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new. Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis . Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 28553/12. Furnaces; grates, cleaning and clearing. To remove clinker from a furnace grate, an auxiliary grate is inserted above the main grate to isolate a suitable layer of . fuel, the combustion of which exposes the main grate to allow of clinkering, etc., through doors or the like in the side wall of the furnace. Karl Lowenstein, Germany (dated December 11, .1911). . 28665/12. Pulley hoists.. Comprises an electrically-operated pulley block, in which the motor is mounted inside the hoisting drum and independently of it, the parts being so arranged as to permit accessibility for adjustments, etc. Deutsche Maschinenfabrik Akt.-Ges., Germany. 28765-6/1-2. Steam engines; cylinders. M. Schmidt, Ger- many (dated December 14, 1911). 23784/12. Mine props. Mine props consist of two wooden members clamped at the top and bottom by adjustable collars, etc., and spread by wedge-shaped heads of wood driven between the members. A. Lantzsch, Germany (dated May 20, 1912). . . 23834/12. Drying peat, etc.; filter presses. In the drying of peat, etc., by the simultaneous or alter- nating use of mechanical pressure and a vacuum, the pressure or vacuum is raised in ■stages, and at the pauses between these stages does not remain constant, but is lowered to zero. P. Roth, Berlin. 28847/12. Furnaces; regenerators. A tubular regenerator for heating the blast and combustion air which is supplied to the Cowper apparatus of blastfurnaces, and of the kind comprising vertical tubes connected at the top to super- posed inlet and exhaust blast chambers. P. Pregardien, Germany (dated December 14, 1911). 28960/12. Furnaces; open hearth furnaces; regenerators. In an open hearth furnace for treating ores, etc., containing both iron and volatile metals, such as zinc, the furnace gases during the volatilisation period are passed through chambers separate from and additional to the ordinary regenerative chambers. K. Albert, Germany. 28965-6/12. Permanent way; rail sections. Georgs- Marien-Bergwerks und Hutten-Verein Akt.- Ges., Germany (dated April 19, 1912). 29162/12. Respirators. In breathing apparatus for miners, etc., the trays of the alkali cartridge are divided into compartments by ribs pressed out of the wire net covers. The trays may be circular or oval, and of wire gauze or plain or perforated sheet iron. A. Drager, Germany. 29182/12. Gas producers: ashes, removing. In a "gas producer of the kind described, having a rotary grate and ashpan housed within an airtight chamber through which ashes are discharged, additional sealing means for the shaft are pro- vided, consisting of a water seal in the ashpan, the level of which is maintained uniform on both sides of the shaft wall. A. von Kerpely, Vienna (dated December 22, 1911). 29371/12. Gas retorts, etc.; discharging. A vertical gas or like retort, either continuous or intermittent, is discharged by a wedge-shaped member at the base adapted to split the charge in a vertical plane, this device being used in conjunction with a retort which is relatively long and narrow in horizontal cross section, and is heated solely or mainly on its sides, so that a natural plane of division is produced in the charge. H. Koppers, Germany. Note.—Specification No. 27956/12, referred to in this column in last week’s issue, should have read No. 27965/12. Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the ‘ price of Is. post free. Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences. No. and , year of patents Name of grantee. Name and address of applicant. Date of hearing. 22565/12 Honold (Runners for Francis turbines). | Gilbert Gilkes and Co. Ltd., Kendal. May 28. Cases Decided by the Board or Trade. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. Decision. 29019/04 Flottmann .. . E. F. Lamb Refused. 5198/08 Miele.... W. T. Henley’s Telegraph Works Co. Ltd. Granted. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. **♦ Any of the following publications may be obtained oh application to this office at the price named post free. Bills, 1915 : Statutory Companies Redeemable Stock, Id.; Great North of Scotland Railway Order, 4d.; Caledonian Railway Order, 3Jd. Consular Reports : East Africa Protectorate Report for 1913-14, 6d.; Colombia Bogota, 1909-1913, 4d.; German East Africa Trade, 1912-13, 4Jd.; Somaliland, 1913-14, 2i-d. Russia, New Temporary Customs Tariff, 9d. National Insurance : Wales, Regulations re Civil Employ- ment, Id. Customs and Excise Report for 1913-14, Is. OJd. MINES AND QUARRIES : Form No. 28, Is. 3d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915: (No. 373), Barnsley Light Railway, l^d.; (No. 374), ditto, ljd. ; (No. 382), Customs Pre-entry of Goods, IJd. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Ninth Annual Statement of the Trade and Shipping of the Union of South Africa and of Southern and Northern Rhodesia, 1914 ” (Cape Town : Government Printing and Stationery Department), price £1 10s.; “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers” (No. 101), May; “The Engineering Magazine” (Vol. 49, No. 2), May, price Is.; “ The Effect of Boron upon the Magnetic and other Properties of Electrolytic Iron Melted in Vacuo,” by Trygve D. Yensen (University of Illinois Bulletin No. 77); “ Officers, Members, Rules; etc., of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, March 1, 1915”; “Year Book of the Swedish Chamber of Com- merce in London, 1914”; “Labour Unrest,” by G. Edson Toogood (London: A. Brown and Sons Limited), price 6d.; “The Journal of the Franklin Institute” (Vol. 179, No. 5), May,, price 50c.; “The Mining Magazine” (Vol. 12, No. 5), May, price Is.; “Trade of the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, and British South Africa for February,” price 3s. 6d. Iron and Steel Institute.—The annual meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute was concluded on Friday in London. Mr. G. Cooper again presided, and among others taking part in the proceedings were Lord Airedale, Sir Robert Hadfield, Sir William Beardmore, and Sir John Randles, M.P. — The chairman, reverting to the discussion of the previous day, respecting the position of enemy members, said in view of .the strong feeling expressed by the meeting, the council held a special meeting in the evening, and decided to delete words from the annual report, which stated that the council had resolved to take no steps in the matter of expelling German and other enemy members. They now offered the following resolution for acceptance, and which he begged to move :—“ That the names of all alien enemies be struck off the list of members of the institute, and that steps be taken to amend the bye-laws so that they provide for the future that, in the event of war existing between this and other countries, citizens or subjects of which are honorary members or members of this institute, such hon. members or members shall ipso facto cease their membership.”—Mr. Muir Ritchie, who had been one of the first to raise the question on the previous day, seconded the motion.—The resolution was carried unanimously, and the report, as amended, was adopted.—The chairman announced that- the council, by a unanimous vote,', had awarded the Carnegie gold medal ’for 1914 to Mr. Eugene Nusbaumer, of Paris. In 1912 the Iron and Steel Institute awarded him a Carnegie research scholarship, and Mr. Nusbaumer now holds a position as manager of a department in the ammu- nition factory of the Puteaux Arsenal, near Paris. Oxygen Oesusgitating Apparatus. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons I apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of J;'; t apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. ALSO MAKERS OF 11 Proto” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SIEGE, GORFJAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—** Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No—251 Hop. Agent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. 5 PATENT i ■N Coaling Towers i vjl Hamon Bros.. | Belgian Engineers, N, Rue St. Lazare, \ ><| PARIS. | BjMlL AGENTS WANTED. |