928 ■ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN.April 30, 1915. No. 48. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Retail Coal Prices. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 9, p. 749. (Report of Dept. Committee.) Principle of Coal Land Evaluation. R. W. Coulthard. Mine, Quarry and Derrick,” Mar. 3, p. 82. The Use and Abuse of Oils in Mining Plant. T. C. Thomsen. ‘‘Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Mar. 26, p. 431; 7 fig. (Paper read before Assoc. Min. Elect. Engin.) Effects of the European War on Our Export Trade. J. S. Burrows. I., “Coal Age,” Mar. 13, p. 453; II., March 20, p. 503., A British View of Our Export Opportunities—I. G. Breffit. “ Coal Age,” Mar. 2.7, p. 538; 4 fig. The United States Foreign Coal Trade. E. W. Parker. ” Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 486. Coal Waste in Canada and the Commission of Conser- vation. F. W. Gray. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” . Apr. 1, p. 221. Iron a Factor in the World’s Progress. J. Birkinbine. “ Journ. Franklin Inst.,” Apr., p. 471; 3 fig. The Australian Commonwealth and New Zealand : Their Coal Industries (Commonwealth Australien (Australie et Tasmanie) et Nouvelle-Zelande : Leurs Industries Houilleres). ' “ Circ. Com. Centn. Houill,” France, No. 5023. The Effects of the European War on Spanish Industry— Coal (Los Effectos de la Guerra Europea' Sobre la Industria ■ Espanola—El Carbon). L. de la Pena. Rev. Minera,” Apr.. 1, p. 149. Supervision in Mining (Betriebsuberwachung im Berg- ■ bau). E. Eckardt. “ Gluckauf,” Apr. 3, pp. 343-49; Apr. 10, pp. 364-72; Apr. 17, pp. 393-97. Foreign Markets for Coal. “ Coal. Tr. Bull.,” Apr. 15, p. 29. (Extr. U.S. Consular Reports^—Denmark, ■ France, Italy, Sweden, Malta, Egypt.) II. —Education. . . Mining Education. G. Knox and others. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. . 23, p. 861." (Discussion at Man- . Chester.) . Board of Education Examination in Mining. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 1, p. 703. III. —Geology. Change in Quality of Seams in South Wales Coalfield. ■ “Brychan.” “Sci. Art. Min.,” Mar. 27, p. 400. Chignik Bay, Alaska, Coalfields. W. R. Crane, “ Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 457; 6 fig. Coalfields of Manitoba,, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia. (Rev. ed.) D. B. Dowling. “Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. ' Surv.,” Mem. 53, No. 44, Geol. Sur., 142 pp.; 1 map, 9 pl. Mount Miller Manganese Mine. L. C. Ball. “ Queens- land Gov. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 15, p. 12. Unknown Clays.in Coal Mines. J. W. Mellor. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 48, 4, p. 596. Coal at Gunalda. W. E. Cameron. “ Queensland Gov. Min. Journ.,” Feb. 15, p. 57. The Kebao District (Le Domaine de Kdbao). L. Rameau. “ Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.,” Jan.-Mar., p. 165; 5 fig- . The Coalfields of West Virginia. J. S. Burrows. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 17, p. 670; 2 .fig. Minerals of Pennsylvania. Report No. 9, Topog. and Geol. Surv. Comm. Penn. : A. P. Brown and F. : Ehrenfeld. 159 pp.; 11 fig. The South Wales Coalfield -: Part III. H. K. Jordan. . “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 1, p. 703; Apr. 9, p. 753; Apr. 23, p. 873; 6 fig. ' (From paper read before S. Wales Inst. Engin.) Practical Stratigraphy (Praktische Formations-Geologie). -—.Krahmann “ Z. pr. Geol.,” Jan.-Feb., pp. 1-18; illus. Geological Map of Prussia and Adjoining Federation States (Geologische Karte von Preussen und benach- barten Bundesstaaten im Massstab 1:25000). Pub- lished by the Kgl. Preussischen Geologischen Landes- ansta.lt, Berlin. (No. 161, 4 sheets : Grabowen, Gr. Duneyken, Orlowen, and Czychen districts.) Geological Conditions of South-East Poland (Ueber die geologischmontanistichen Verhaltnisse des sudost- lichen Teiles von Polen). —. Bartonec. “ Oest. Z.,” Dec. 26, pp. 726-29; illus. (Geological condi- tions in general ; coal and ore deposits.) IV.-r-Mine Surveying. Self-Reducing Stadia Theodolite. “Engineering,” Apr. 9, p. 410; 7 fig. (Instrument designed by A. L; Higgins, and constructed by Messrs. Troughton and Simms.) ■ .. ’ Surveying in Anthracite Mines. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 461; 4 fig. (Part I., details of underground work.). Laying Out . Development Work, in the Anthracite ■ Region. . J. McCrystle. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 10, p. 630; 4 fig. Physical Prospecting Work in Mining (Physikalische Aufschlussarbeiten im Bergbau). G. Leimbach. “ Gluckauf,” Apr.. 3, pp. 333-40; illus. V.—Mining Technology. Efficiency as Applied to Mining. H. Archibald. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 17, p. 675. ■ (A plea for the keeping of records of various operations.) Belt Driving—I. H. T. Millar. “ Engineer, ” Apr. 23, p. 396; 8 fig. Material for Constructing a Science of Mining Econo- mics (Bausteine zu einer Bergwirtschaftslehre)’. —. Krahmann. “ Bergw. Mitteil.,” Jan.-Feb., pp. 1-24. (Position of mining economics in the general economic ■ situation. History of the utilisation. of. mining deposits, etc., etc.) , YI.—Working of Minerals. Brushing and Building Roadways Working Longwall in . Highly-inclined Seams.' T. Watson. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Apr. 16, p. 534; 6 fig. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.)- Deep Undercutting with Mining Machines. R.. A. Lowry. .“ Coal Age,” Apr. 3, p. 577; 3 fig. (The substitution of 10 ft. 4 in. cutter bars in place of 54 ft. to 6 ft. bars, results in W. Va. and Va. in advantages, ' in regard to first cost, powder consumption, and cutting cost.) Coal Mining in Mexico. E. 0. Forster Brown. “Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 23, p. 871; 3 fig. (Abst. paper read before N. of England Inst. Min. Engin.) YII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Some 'Successes in Rock Drilling. C. C. Phelps. “Coal Age,” Apr. 3, p. 596; 3 fig. Mine Shaft Sinking in Tough, Hard Rock. “ Comp. Air Mag.,” Apr., p. 7561. YIII.—Explosives, Blasting. High Explosives. L. S. Marsh. “ Journ. Western Soc. Engin.,” Feb., p. 152; 8 fig. Explosives in Coal Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 23, p. 862. (New H.O. Orders.) IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. Recovering a Shaft Pillar at the Consolidation Colliery (Der Abbau des Schachtsicherheitspfeiler auf der Zeche Consolidation). F. Meuss. “ Gluckauf,” March 13, pp. 262-67; illus. Steel Roof Supports for Collieries. D. Evans. “Iron Coal Trade Rev.,” Apr. 2, p. 472; 6 fig. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) Mine Timber in Alberta and Eastern British Columbia. . “ Mine, Quarry and Derrick,” March 17, p. 109; 5 fig. The Preservation of Timber for Use in Mines. J. Morrison. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Apr. 9, p. 507. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) Practical Rules for Cutting Mine Timber. B. Carr. “ Coal Age,” Mar. 27, p. 541; 5 fig. The Preservation of Mine Timber. H. A. Appel. “Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 481. (Paper read before Engin. Soc. N. E. Pennsylv.) Notes on Systematic Propping. M. Mackay. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Apr. 16, p. 531. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) Mine Timbering in Steel. R. B. Woodworth. “ Coal Age,’’.Apr. 3, p. 582g 2 fig. ' ■ Notes on Timbering in Mines. J. Gerrard. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 48, 4, p. 609. Modern Developments in Hydraulic Stowing : Sugges- tions for its Application in the Staffordshire and Dis- trict Coalfield, and the Recovery of Abandoned Goal. J. D. Paton. “Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 23, p. 859: 3 fig. (Abst. paper read before S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin.) Remarks on the History and Use of Goaf Packing (Einige Bemerkungen zur Geschichte und Anwendung von Bergversatz). —. Gerke. “ Be-rgb.,” Mar. 25, pp. 159-61; Apr. 1, pp. 173-74. X. —Surface Arrangements. Plant of Nokomis Coal Company. W. H. Roberts. “ Coal Age,” Mar. 13, p. 450; 8 fig. The New Mining Plant at Bicknell, Indiana. A. Allen. “ Coal Age,” Mar. 27, p. 530;‘4 fig. XI. —Winding and Haulage. Determination of the Equipment for Mine Locomotives. G. Bright. “ Coal Age,” Mar. 20, p. 490; 5. fig. Eight-ton. Electric Winding Gear. “ Engineering,” Apr. 2, p. 375; 5 fig. (Con. descr. of winder for East- Rand Proprietary Mines.)- A Mine with a Haulage Schedule. A. R. Anderson. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 3, p. 602; 2 fig. (Synchronisation of system, including the use of storage battery loco- : motives for gathering,and.trolley locomotives for trips and main haulages.) ... Importance of Good Mine Tracks. J. C. Edwards. “ Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 471. (Economy of using boiler ashes for -ballasting mine roads.) A French Electric Mine Hoist. “ Coll. Engin.,” Apr., p. 468. (Describes winder at the Landres Mine of the Soc. Acieries de Mich-eville.) Capacity of Pit Cars in Relation to Output. R. W. Coulthard. “ Mine, Quarry and Derrick,” Mar. 31, p. 150; 2 fig. The Largest Electric Mine Locomotive in the World. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 10, p. 634; 2 fig. (Motor equip- ment consists of three 115-horse power 500-volt ball- bearing motors, capable of developing a tractive effort of 15,5001b., at a speed of eight miles per hour. The machines weigh 30 tons each.) The Prevention of Overwinding and Overspeeding in Shafts. G. G. T. Poole. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 16, p, 805; 2 fig. (Read, before N. of England Inst. Min. Engin.) Electric Winding in South Africa. J. H. Rider. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 16, p. 806; 3 fig. (From paper read before Inst. El. Engin.) Electric Winding at a Durham Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 9, p. 751; 2 fig. Dodd’s Patent Tub Axle Greaser. “ Colliery Guard.,” Mar. 26, p. 652; 1 fig. Economic Improvements in Steam Winding Engines (Wirtschaftliche Verbesserungen an Dampffordermas- ch-inen). —. Edge. “ Kali.,” Mar. 15, p’p. 87-90; ’llu* . (Effect of a trip controller on the economic working of the engine.) The -Safety Factor of Winding Ropes (Die Sicherheits- faktor der Schachtforderseile). F. Baumann. “ Gluckauf,” Apr. 10, pp. 357-63; illus. Prussian Winding Rope Statistics for 1913 (Ergebnisse der Preussischen Seilstatistik fur 1913). W. Roelen. “ Gluckauf,” Apr. 17, pp. 387-92. The Strain on Wire Ropes (Zur 'Beanspruchung der Drantseile). —. Sonntag. “Ann. Glaser.,” Apr. 1, . pp. 130-36; illus. (Static factors concerned.) The Limit of Usefulness in Wire Ropes (Beitrag zur . Frage des Unbrauchbarwerdens von Drantseilen). —. Baumann. “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Mar. 31, pp. 44-7.; illus. XII. —Signalling. Report on Battery Bell Signalling Systems as Regards the Danger of Ignition of Firedamp-Air Mixtures by the Break-flash at the Signal Wires. R. V. Wheeler. 5 fig. London : H. M. Stationery Office. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 23, ,p. 855. XIII. —Lighting. Formulas for Glass Manufacture. “ Nature,” Apr. 15, •, p. 192. (Report of Glass Research Committee of the Inst. Chemistry; gives formulas for miners’ safety lamp glasses.) . The Design and .Equipment of Colliery Electric Lamp Rooms. W. Maurice. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 48, 4, p. 619; 55 fig. XIY.—Y entilation. Note on a Method of Ventilating Sinking Shafts, Winzes, and Drives. S. Nettleton. “Journ. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc. S. Africa,” Feb., p. 193; 7 fig. Moisture in Mine Air. Wenlock. “ Sci. Art. Min.,” . Apr. 24, p. 433; 5 fig. Study of the Ventilation of Mines : Natural Ventilation and Artificial Ventilation Combined (Etude sur 1’Aerage des Mines : Aer-age Naturel et Adrage Arti- ficiel Combines). M. J. Bouvat-Martin.- “Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.,” Jan.-Mar. 1915, p. 5; 94 fig. Influence on a Jet of Air on the Surrounding Atmo- sphere (Ueber die Einwirkung eines Luftstrahles auf die umgebende Luft). —. Trupel. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” Feb. 28, pp. 66-70; illus. (In relation to the calcula- tion of air jets for ventilating mines, etc.) XY.—Mine Gases, Testing. Gas Caps and Gas Discharges. J. Thompson. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Apr. 9, p. 502; 2 fig. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) Carbon Monoxide : Its Properties and Determination. “Wenlock.” “Sci. Art. Min.,” Mar. 13, p. 362; 2-fig. XYL—Coal Dust. A New Type of Stone Dust Grinding Plant. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 23, p. 858; 2 fig. Stone Dust Grinding Plant at Cadeby Main Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,” Mar. 26, p. 647; 4 fig. Notes on the Sixth and Final Report of the Explosions in Mines Committee. J. Ashworth. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 48, .4, p. 604; 3 fig. XYII.—Explosions. The Inflammation of Firedamp. “ Times Eng. Suppl.,” Mar., 26, p. 62,