882 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 23, 1915. of the ingredients used in carrying the invention into effect, the following particulars (per cent, in each case) are given by way of example:—(a) Potassium chlorate, 81 to 84; starch or its equivalent, 8 to 15; mineral oil, vegetable oil, or their mixtures, 4 to 8; metallic combustible element, for example, aluminium, 2 to 6; detonating bodies, less than 2. (b) Potassium perchlorate or sodium chlorate, 78 to 82; starch or its equivalent, 11 to 19; mineral oil, vegetable oil, or its mixtures, 3 to 7; metallic combustible element, for example, aluminium, 2 to 6; detonating bodies, less than 2. (c) Ammonium chlorate or perchlorate, or sodium perchlorate or any mixture of same, 76 to 80; starch, sawdust, or the like, 12 to 21; mineral oil, vegetable oil, tar, or their mix- tures, 3 to 8; metallic combustible element, for example, aluminium, 2 to 6; detonating bodies, less than 2. When tar or pitch or asphalt or other bodies more or less pasty at the ordinary temperature are used as the liquid or pasty combustible, they can replace a part of the solid combustible, and their percentage may attain 13. (Six claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 5466. Mill rolls for rolling tin-plates and other metal sheets. D. Jones, D. Davies, and W. Jones. 5500. Machines for producing hollow bricks. Aktiebolaget Lean. 5509. Duel recording device. G. C. Kerr. 5510. Process of and apparatus for crushing ore. H. C. Behr. 5513. Miners’ electric safety lamps. 0. Oldham. 5515. Furnaces. B. B. Crombie and J. A. Dalziel. 5538. Colliery tubs and the like. M. L. Jones. 5565. Apparatus for discharging and quenching coke. S. N. Wellington. 5578. Cable supports. O. W. Brenizer and D. L. Short. 5602. Electric signal systems and apparatus for use in mines and the like. G. Dearie, and John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited. 5611. Retorts. A. Waddell. 5618. Process for the reduction of iron ores in the manu- facture of iron and steel. J. J. Loke and W. A. Loke. 5628. Electric lamp lock. W. G. Rudd. 5631. Construction of winding drums or winches. G. A. Smith. 5634. Manufacture of tubes. H. A. Stenning, J. H. Stir- ling, and W. V. Waite. 5637. Apparatus for raising vehicles. J. Combes and V. Roux. 5645. Water softening material. H. Reisert G. m.b. H. 5678. Automatic coupling mechanism for railway vehicles. E. H. Dewson and T. R. Brown. 5700. Pneumatic conveying. A. G. Bristow. 5727. Means for attaching electric cables or conduits to switches and the like. G. Ellison and J. Anderson. 5743. Tipping wagons. P. A. H. Mossay, and Mossay and Company Limited. 5756. Portable respirator. H. Guthrie. 5759. Pit prop or the like. Job Edwards Limited, and J. T. Beard. 5780. Feed water heating and water circulating apparatus for locomotive and other boilers. G. H. Willans and E. S. Luard. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on May 6.) 1914. 3888. Utilisation of peat. Adam, and Wetcarbonizing Limited. 5955. Bell and like audible signalling apparatus. Daldn. 6214. Means for the electrical transmission and distant control of movements specially applicable to systems for signalling orders and the like. Graham and Rickets. 7927. Method of mixing or alloying metals. Kelly and Moran. 8438. Apparatus applicable for use in the discharging of retorts. Drakes Limited, and Walker. 8439. Mechanism for screening or sifting coke, coal, or like granulated substances. Drakes Limited, and W alker. 8826. Apparatus for the manufacture of tin, terne, and the like plates. James. 8898. Valves for the distribution of and control of gas for purifiers and for similar purposes. Sadler and Edward Cockey and Sons Limited. 9035. Electric switches. Tucker and Crabtree 9151. Machines for use in mining minerals, particularly adapted for use in mining coal and the like. Mavor and Coulson Limited, and Mavor. 9152. Systems of controlling motors and the like, and motor- driven apparatus. Hamilton. 9196. Means for detecting, indicating, and recording the presence and proportion of gas in the atmosphere of mines. Webster. 9203. Fuel economisers. Park. 9281. Apparatus for heating, drying, and pulverising earthy materials. Popkess. 9396. Purification of water, more particularly feed water for steam generators, hot water systems, and the like. Haythorpe. 9846. Process for the extraction of metal from metal bear- ing material. James. 9939. Mode of charging a blastfurnace and the construc- tion of the furnace for that purpose. Wright and Calderwood. 10582. Alloys of which iron or steel is the main constituent. Talbot. 10598. Furnaces. Maccallum. 10633. Method of and means for cleaning, scouring, or keeping clean the tubes, water ways, or passages of condensers, cooling plant, and such like. Mirrlees Watson Company, and Davie. 10720, Steam superheaters for locomotive, marine, and like fire tube boilers. Robinson. 11795. Steam superheaters. Bolton and Gray. 11995. Induced draught installations for furnaces. Babcock and Wilcox Limited, and Agar. 13141. Air supply to mechanical stokers. Wood. 15117. Combination of appliances for the automatic mani- pulation of all kinds and sizes of metal ingots at rolling mills. Davies. 15501. Holding appliance for suspending the guide ropes of pit cages. Becker. 17063. Signalling devices for use with winding engines of collieries. Whalley. 18036. Steam condensers. Morison. 22373. Apparatus for cutting bricks or the like from a con- tinuously fed bar of material. Fredriksson. 24751. Bolts, principally for railroad connections, and the method of manufacturing the same. Dodds. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 5189. Apparatus for roasting, sintering, and otherwise treating ore. Metallbank und Metallurgische Ges. 5510. Process of and apparatus for crushing ore. Behr. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, Chartered Patent Agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 20952/12. Briquetting. Ores and blastfurnace dust are briquetted while hot with organic binding agents in solution, and excess of water being evaporated from the binder by the heat already stored in the ore, etc., by previous treatment. The temperature at which the ore, etc., is employed is preferably from 100 to 120 degs. Cent., and the binding agent used may be a cellulose sulphite lye. Gewerkschaft Pionier, Germany (dated September 15, 1911). 21341/12. Pulley blocks. C. H. M. Dornte, Germany. 21359/12. Gas manufacture. Blastfurnace gas is introduced into coking chambers above the level of the coke cake, for the purpose of increasing the calorific value of the blastfurnace gas, and increasing the yield of by products by cooling the distilla- tion gases. W. Zimmermann, Germany. 22050/12. Furnaces; underfeed stokers. Fuel is fed into a furnace from below by one or more scoops adapted to revolve about a horizontal axis adjacent to the fuel shoot and furnace grate, so that the fuel is raised from the shoot by the scoops, and discharged into the furnace by rakes operated during part of the revolution of the scoop. G. de Grahl, Berlin. 22114/12. Separating granular materials. Granular or powdered materials are separated by allowing them to penetrate through a pervious layer floating on a liquid, the pervious layer consist- ing of foam, emulsion, another liquid or the like, and the floating layer and supporting liquid being in motion relatively to each other. R. Jaffe, Germany. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. **♦ Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. List of Certain Commissions and Committees Set Up to Deal with Public Questions Arising out of the War, Id. Consular Report : France, Trade of Nice, 1913, IJd. Education : Regulations re Special Grants, 1915-16, Id. BATTERY BELL SIGNALLING SYSTEMS REPORT as regards the Danger of Ignition of Firedamp Mixtures by the Break Flash at the Signal Wires, 2|d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : (No. 248), Customs, Pre-entry of Goods, Ijd.; (Nos. 251-252), Rhondda Track- less Trolley System, IJd. each; (No. 285), EXPLOSIVES IN COAL MINES ORDER, April 1, 1915, IJd. Boiler Explosion Report : (No. 2351), Water Tube Boiler at Grangetown Power Station, Yorkshire, 8}d. Explosion of Nitro-Lignia in Old Boiler Tank at Factory No. 36, Hampshire (No. 212), ljd. Treaty Relating to Prizes Captured during the Present European War. Id. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical, and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 15, No. 7), February, price 3s.; “ Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland” (Vol. 58, Part 6); “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engi- neers ” (Vol. 100), April; “ The Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 179, No. 4), April, price 50c.; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute ” (No. 36), April; “ The Mining Magazine” (Vol. 12, No. 4), Apjril, price Is.; “ The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society ” (Vol. 30. Parts 1 and 2, 1914). On Tuesday, April 27, at 8 p.m., the annual general meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers will be held, to receive the report of the council and to elect the council and auditors for the ensuing year. On its conclusion, a special general meeting will be held, to consider and, if approved, to adopt a proposal for the amendment of the by-laws. John Russell & Co. Ltd Alma Tube Works, WALSALL. | (TUBES and fittings) For Gas, Steam, Water, &c. WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, Ac. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published Monthly. Subscription : 8s. per annum, post free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, The BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St., LONDON, W.C. STUDY your HORSES with ECONOMY. FOOD PREPARED IN HALF THE TIME WITH HALF LABOUR. . . PATENT DUST EXTRACTORS, SMOKE HELMETS (ALL-BRITISH MANUFACTURE) for extinguishing Gob Fires, and for other short distance work in Collieries. A necessary Apparatus for every Colliery to cope immediately with emergencies within short distances from fresh air. Extremely simple. Nothing to cet out of order. AI.SO MAKERS OF THE “ PROTO ” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) RESCUE APPARATUS, OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SELF-CONTAINED DIVING APPARATUS (no air pumps or tubes) for use in difficult situations where the use of air pumps and tubes would be impracticable. SIEBE, GORMAN & Co. Ld. “NEPTUNE” WORKS, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No.—251 Hop. Agent for North America and Mexico:—H. N.'ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Blook, Chicago. SIFTERS, &• MIXING MACHINERY. i • . ■ GEORGE P0RTEUS, MILLING ENGINEER, Telegrams—1 y Telephone— Elevator,.Leeds.” J—i A-J A-r O . 3241 Two Lines.