826 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 16, 1915. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, ARO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During March and the First Three Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To March, 1915. March. Coa]—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. 1914. 1)15 1913. 1914 1915. Russia 111,338 175,134 79,837 118,325 Sweden 56,505 33,452 19,919 11,952 180,614 119,623 281,468 239,201 257,038 185,408 152,086 165,027 Norway 90,000 49.198 29.551 18,274 176,753 126,139 201,410 233,444 296,307 126,763 138,790 193,611 Denmark 81,018 51,706 75,848 45,968 125,984 91,626 252,905 271,695 285,880 164,252 173,413 189,300 Germany . 615,008 737,017 - -- 361,171 434,574 — Netherlands 32,270 20,732 90,383 56,684 46,387 41,281 166,439 151,146 169,040 102,222 92,009 118,700 Belgium — — — — — — 220,687 140 314 — 127,309 78,247 — France 591,459 391,930 321 191 197,769 363 075 319 020 1,072,300 1,235,041 1,275,725 669,829 748,854 908,719 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 19,071 11*979 17,066 10,421 81,074 79,533 96,136 123,867 117,211 70,321 90,406 101,941 Spain and Canaries 26,805 19,928 67,741 42,838 61,839 61,810 321,814 319,617 156,388 230,769 235,398 124,576 Italy .. . 104,874 70,165 148 196 89,815 461,923 443,068 8 H,966 736,565 714,993 609,844 520,029 603,048 Austria-Hungary 118,498 63,444 84,449 44,141 Greece 4,961 3,743 8,399 4,805 34,374 31,785 49,598 60,567 47,734 33,511 42,283 40,333 Roumania ... —. — — — — — 4,239 37,991 — 3,511 28,604 ’ — Turkey — — — — — — 7,718 68,340 — 5,809 53,256 ' — Algeria 18,872 11,522 32,747 21,655 24,422 21,936 112,917 105,528 76,041 79,039 72,353 55,113 Portuguese West Africa 269 238 4,111 3,165 21,250 19,585 16,769 18,927 24,630 14,978 15,580 22,988 Chile ■ ■— — 3,551 3,322 48,076 64,822 3,551 39,050 52,761 3,322 Brazil 1,197 1,489 26 24 49,393 50,107 206,160 112,893 50,616 179,198 100,121 51,620 Uruguay 7,306 6,900 — — 36,064 36,001 53,526 63,287 43,370 41,450 57,109 42,901 Argentine Republic 6,189 5,261 5,444 3,584 156,934 149,150 290,459 330,800 168,567 239,199 286,497 157,998 Channel Islands 1,415 999 4 182 2,767 9,597 7,857 8,967 16,661 15,194 6,456 12,500 11,623 Gibraltar 4 409 3 371 14 342 9,586 13^721 12*169 42*584 44,961 32,472 31,873 33,489 25,126 Malta 2,489 1686 3,536 2*082 94*005 69,102 6,025 71,191 52,570 3,768 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 8’090 6,953 24,014 14,933 93,863 86,743 183,000 302,725 125,967 129,916 231,235 108,629 Aden and Dependencies — — — — — ■ 4,978 29,091 — 3,731 25,349 — British India 739 376 ■ _ — 851 766 34,328 18,618 1,620 26,132 14,370 1,142 Ceylon — — ■ ■— — 1,505 1,026 23,067 21,971 1,505 18,694 18,239 1,026 Other countries 17,572 14,277 5,393 3,135 84,429 85,449 118,414 116,950 107,399 92,622 95,341 102,861 C Anthracite .. .. 70,370 ’ 68,823 __ 80,524 77,948 216,151 201,899 150,891 169,245 152,133 146,771 Steam ... 878,381 553,006 263,310 173,644 1,853,938 1,633,114 4,144,761 4,294,733 2,995,629 2,911,046 2,985,705 2,359,764 Total Gas 37,157 25,189 551,663 332,455 26,810 20,640 833,547 1,002,414 615,630 497,520 625,151 378,284 Household .. 12,456 9,472 68,789 58,306 141,867 119,887 81,245 90,618 80,182 67,778 _ Other sorts 80,206 49,418 53,591 31,279 78 78 262,448 290,789 133,875 160,105 174,761 80,775 Total ... .. 1,078,570 705,908 868,564 537,378 2,030,139 1,790,086 5,598,774 5,909,722 3,977,273 3,828,534 4,017,932 3,033,372 Total (March 1914) 1,373,489 710,713 1,336,774 825,595 3,199,459 2,481,624 — — — — — . __ Total (March 1913) 1,330,329 762,065 1,093,025 658,780 3,175,420 2,407,689 — — — — — — Coke 76,340 82,898 68,281 74,208 75,789 58,839 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 156,210 178,100 98,202 126,882 154,840 87,424 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — - — 5,831,324 6,170,720 4,143,756 4,029,624 4,248,561 3,179,635 First quarter of 1915. First quarter. Rissia — — 445,12 i 552,555 — 317,514 3o0,260 — □ weden 165,522 92,700 76,755 44,929 515,000 316,256 887,124 746,078 757,277 583,027 492,820 483,^85 Norway 214,765 108,902 56,421 34,836 421,155 282,356 640,918 695,324 692,344 397,590 417,885 426.094 Denmark 213,311 125,334 183,575 110,460 336,118 230,322 783,134 719,769 733,007 503,515 462,902 466,116 Germany ... .. — — — — — —• 1,877,625 1,875,014 — 1,074,465 1,119,221 — Netherlands 83,016 49,434 233,092 139,475 121,544 90,610 555,320 418,192 437,652 343,014 254.753 279,519 Belgium — — — - — — 614,674 491,991 — 348,985 284^267 — France .. 1,677,293 1,035,515 972,556 583,508 1,269,914 1,040,900 3,227,793 3,791,450 3,919,763 2,012,794 2,375,581 2,659,923 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 62,038 35,417 51,2 JO 31,085 186,049 167,856 377,472 352,862 299,307 264,179 258,748 234,358 Spain and Canaries 100,545 68,358 213,533 129,466 224,965 205,714 1,027,019 958,922 539,043 740,264 697,787 403,538 Italy 263,461 149,562 411,769 246,079 1,079,789 968,211 2,429,048 2,392,315 1,760,022 1,701,1’3 1,741,661 1,363,852 Austria-Hungary . — — — — — — 400,085 218,190 — 278,296 150,907 . — Greece ... 11,594 8,093 25,967 15,093 74,217 62,978 149,835 187,029 111,778 102,914 134,024 86,164 Roumania — — — — — — 7,288 46,325 — 6,175 33,720 — Turkey — — — — — — 33,676 171,634 — 28,282 127,793 — Algeria 61,316 37,570 102,155 65,236 89,224 76,073 375,519 321,854 252,695 251,996 220,332 178,879 Portugue e West Africa 2 59 238 22,914 14,954 42,354 39,597 77,641 62,976 65,537 68,555 52,293 54,789 Chile 103 174 — — 12,737 11,435 142,943 146,858 12,840 122,381 118,719 11,609 Brazil 2,635 2,789 5,313 3,328 155,556 145,896 496,519 394,219 163,504 431,166 352,266 152,013 Uruguay .. 12,203 10,053 881 616 115,591 105,424 182,445 184,112 128,675 148,552 163,766 116,093 Argentine Republic 26,103 20,830’ 9,749 6,418 502,019 448,758 919,202 1,011,746 537,871 753,341 881,441 476,056 Channel Islands 3,328 2,349 7,495 4,865 21,472 16,760 32,782 41,451 32,295 23,650 30,717 23,974 Gibraltar 21,924 13,495 33,384 20,661 47,452 40,184 105,929 97,313 102,760 74,975 71,632 74,340 Malta 8,774 5,379 49 36 19,871 16,134 246,249 148,923 28,694 183,562 109,361 21,549 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 22,458 16,419 62,537 38,103 311,702 268,814 740,015 883,004 396,697 540,121 672,411 323,336 Aden and Dependencies .. .. —- — — 22,095 18,788 32,614 52,651 22,095 26,940 45,978 18,788 British India 1,463 910 — — 9,447 5,978 65,641 40,300 10,910 51,049 32,801 8,888 Ceylon — — 17,131 17,563 61,121 86,716 17,131 49,745 74,631 15,563 Other countries 36,014 25,972 10,031 5,694 151,784 142,331 304,258 340,596 197,829 241,790 278,185 173,997 Anthracite 249,438 235,228 1,036 544 261,414 250,741 701,516 721,987 511,888 562,253 580,710 486,513 Steam . 2,394,935 1,363,999 747,172 469,214 5,161,932 4,255,264 12,609,068 12,712,882 8,304,039 8,752,520 8,928,467 6,088,477 Totals Gas 120,561 72,181 1,573,765 936,213 104,311 77,740 2,610,246 2,771,197 1,798,637 1,533,254 1,758,846 1,086,134 Household 34,031 24,841 — — 216,947 163,270 435,451 377,249 250,978 277,493 253,662 188,111 _ Other sorts 194,176 113,294 157,426 88,871 2,582 1,923 ■ 882,725 847,054 354,184 544,430 515,187 204,088 Total " 2,993,141 1,809,543 2,479,399 1,494,842 5,747,186 4,748,938 17,239,009 17,430,369 11,219,726 11,669,950 12,036,872 8,053,323 Total for first quarter of 1914 4,080,902 2,174.819 3,727,476 2,329,854 9,621,991 7,532,199 — — — — — . — Total for first quarter of 1913 4,036,377 2,266,804 3,525,959 2,090,716 9,676,673 7,312,430 — — — — — — Coke _- — 282,190 301,749 235,174 268,865 262,980 185,189 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 507,202 502,181 243,348 417,224 438,210 208,230 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — . — 18,028,401 18,234,299 11,698,248 12,356,039 12,738,062 8,446,742 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. Specification from Messrs. Crouch, Hogg and Easton, 14, Blythswood-square, Glasgow, on deposit of one guinea. Glasgow.—Pit Sinking.—Sinking two pits, 100 fathoms deep, at Westwood, near West Calder, .for the Oakbank Oil Company Limited. Specification from 29, St. Vincent - place, Glasgow. Gosport, May 13.—Compounding Air Compressors.—Con- version of a pair of 18 in. stroke, horizontal cross, high- pressure, independent condensing, tandem-driven, double- acting air compressors, fitted with silent running mechani- cally-operated air compressor inlet and delivery valves, into two pairs of horizontal cross compound compressors, for the Gosport and Al verstoke Urban District Council. Specifica- tion from Surveyor, Council Offices, on deposit of one guinea. Melbourne, June 15.—Coal Weighing Apparatus.— Eighteen machines of a stationary type, fixed to overhead bunkers, and arranged to automatically replenish each the supply of one hopper; and two fuel economisers having work- ing pressure of 1651b. per sq. in., fitted with suitable scrapers, to mechanically operate for continuously cleaning the interior of all the tubes, together with electrically- driven operating gear for same; one turbine driven pump for boilers; also two circulating pumping sets, for the City Council. Forms from Messrs. Mell wraith McEacharn and Company Proprietary Limited, Billiter-square Buildings, E.C., on deposit of 5s. each. Shipments of Bunker Coals.—The quantity of coal, etc., shipped for the use of steamers engaged in the foreign trade during March was 1,300,467 tons, as compared with 1,689,304 tons in March 1914, and 1,654,142 tons in March 1913. The total shipments for the first quarter of the year reached 3,978,631 tons, as against 5,035,448 tons and 4,951,223 tons respectively in the corresponding periods oi 1914 and 1913.