April 16, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 825 COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Apex Mines Limited—Net profit from colliery for 1914, £20,531; dividend on holding in the New Kleinfontein Com- pany, £15,000; sundry revenue, £1,283; brought forward, £41,883; total, £78,697. This amount has been dealt with as follows :—Dividend No. 17 of 7| per cent., £22,500; steel setts, etc., sold to New Kleinfontein Company for share consideration, £16,584; taxation, £1,359; pumping and maintenance of gold section prior to sale, £3,464; capital expenditure, £2,367; directors’ special remuneration, £563; sundry expenditure, £438; carried forward, £31,422. The output of the colliery was 165,640 tons, a decrease of 11,827 tons. The development -amounts to 2,455 ft., representing an area of 14*1 acres available for mining purposes, which will yield 174,340 tons of clean coal. The year again shows a falling off in profits, which is attributable to the scarcity of orders, also to reduction in selling price, and greatly increased percentage of small coal sold. Canadian Explosives Company Limited.—A dividend of 1| per cent, has been declared on the 7 per cent, cumulative preferred shares for quarter ended March 31. Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company Limited. — The accounts for the half-year ended December 31, 1914, after payment of the dividends on preference shares to October 31, 1914, amounting to £9,000, -and adjusting interest and trans- ferring £12,500 to contingency fund for depreciation, etc., show an available balance of £33,826, which the directors recommend should be applied as follows :—In transferring to special reserve fund in terms of resolution passed at general meeting held March 13, 1913, £3,291; in writing down cost of Acts, 1901, 1904, and 1912, leaving £18,353, £10,000; in providing for the dividend on preference share capital to April 30, 1915, £9,000; in carrying forward £11,535. Edinburgh Collieries Limited.—The annual report states that the result of the year’s trading, after making provision for interest on debentures and bond, is a balance of profit of £17,420, to which is added the balance brought forward, making £36,644. The sum of £15,000 has been written off for depreciation, leaving a disposable balance of £21,644. The directors regret that the state of the accounts does not admit of the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares, but they recommend that a dividend be paid on the prefer- ence shares for the year to January 31, 1915, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. This will absorb £5,111, leaving £16,532 to be carried forward. The outbreak of war has seriously interfered with the company’s operations during the last six months. Their regular export trade to enemy countries was entirely stopped, while that to Allied and neutral countries was carried on under great difficulties. Fox (Samuel) and Company Limited.—Subscriptions have been invited for an issue of 80,000 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £1 each at par. The company was formed in 1871 for the purpose of purchasing and carrying on the business (commenced in 1841) by Mr. Samuel Fox, at Stocksibridge Works, Deepcar, near Sheffield, with the steel works and other freehold and leasehold property, ’com- prising . crucible steel and Bessemer converting furnaces, rolling mills, collieries, etc. Continued expansion necessi- tates larger capital, and the directors therefore consider it desirable to issue these preference shares for the following principal objects :—(1) The erection of an up-to-date bar mill for dealing efficiently and economically with the company’s products and additional furnaces of modern character; (2) for the development of the new coal area in the Halifax Soft seam, and the equipment of the colliery with improved plant ; (3) to finance increased stocks, and for the general purposes of the company. The subscription list will close on or before to-morrow (Saturday). Furness, Withy and Company Limited. — The directors announce the usual dividend of 2J per cent. (fid. per share), .free of income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the past quarter. Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited.—The report for 1914 shows earnings 1,967,723 dols., depreciation 714,619 dots., net earnings 1,253,104 dols. Interest on bonds took 100,000 dols., dividend on preference stock (5 per cent.) 151,518 dols., special reserve for patents and licenses 28,000 dols., net surplus for year 973,586 dols. Kyshtim Corporation Limited. — It is announced that Is. 6d. per share, being balance -of dividend of 3s. 6d. per share.declared on July 16, 1914, will be paid on the 30th inst. Lackawanna Steel Company Limited.—The report of the Lackawanna Steel Company and subsidiary companies for 1914 shows gross sales and earnings, 16,281,639 dols.; less manufacturing arid producing costs and operating expenses, 14,057,189dols. Total net. income from manufacturing and operating, 2,224,449 dols. Dividends on investments, net income from property rented, etc., • 338,488 dols. Total income, 2,562,938 dols. Administrative, selling, and general expenses were 563,495 dols., taxes 390,815 dols., and com- mercial discount and interest 27,249dols., leaving net earn- ings 1,581,378 dols. Interest on bonds and debentures absorb 2,065,650 dols., rentals and royalties 101,536 dols., appropriations for extinguishment of mines and mining investments 226,848 dols., for depreciation and accruing renewals 839,788 dols., leaving a deficit for the year of 1,652,444 dols., which, deducted from the surplus at January 1, 1914, 7,514,876dols., leaves a balance of surplus of 5,862,432 dols., less dividends 350 dols., and fire loss in excess of amount recovered by insurance 84,624dols., leaving surplus at December 31, 1914, 5,777,457 dols. Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company Limited.—The report for 1914 states that the profit is £12,426. Adding £1,812 brought forward, there is a disposable balance of £14,238. It is proposed to pay a dividend on the ordinary shares of 10 per cent, per annum, making 8 per cent, for the year, -free of tax, add to reserve £2,000, and carry forward £1,118. Stephenson (Robert) and Company (1914) Limited.—The report of the directors states that the profit for the year, after providing £10,000 for depreciation, is £30,805 18s. 7d., less proportion of profit accrued up to the date of incorpora- tion of the company, viz., March 13, 1914; carried to reserve account, £6,324 10s.; balance of preliminary and formation expenses written off, £1,291 6s. 7d.; leaving a -balance of £23,190 2s., which the directors propose 'to carry forward. Vickers Limited. — The directors of Messrs. Vickers Limited have -decided to place £250,000 to general reserve, and to recommend a final dividend of 1-s. 6d. per share (free of tax) on the ordinary shares of the company, making 2s. 6d. per share, or 12J per cent., for the year. The amount carried forward is £228,876. The warrants will be posted on the 27th inst. COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. March 1914 March 1915. Port. March 1914 March 1915. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. | Tons.. 1 Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 336,539 835 136,456 i 145 Ayr 63,027 74,626 180 North Shields ... — 34,299 i Irvine 5,663 4J93 160 . South Shields .. 220 — 192,040 — Alloa . 1,167 — Blyth 40,360 — 49,305 ! — Whitehaven 20,295 — 17,529 — Amble 7,100 — 2,435 i — Liverpool 151,491 676c 5pf 138,236 1,031 Sunderland 124,118 — 154,315 l Grimsby 3,353 2,382 Seaham 82,184 — 98,855 — Granton 21,189 — 10,490 1 — Hartlepool 63,260 — i 42,670 — Borrowstoness 18,282 2 1 — Stockton — — i — Burntisland 31,635 — 12,730 i Middlesbrough... — 45 - 30 Kirkcaldy 1,712 — 3,189 - — Hull 72,435 500 61,649 ! — Methil 26,612 — 22,625 ■ Goole 123,786 — 85,385 — Port Talbot .... 10,587 912 p.f. 12,148 180 c 102 pf Swansea 36,086 — 19,629 — ■ Glasgow . ... 37,426 526 36,064 1,154 Cardiff 232,830 72' [ 54,453 186 Grangemouth 3,890 — — Llanelly 7,935 — 3,465 — . Greenock .... 2,943 160 3,796 126 Newport 63,978 — 63,457 177 Immingham .... 8,643 — 1,820 Troon 18,840 — 10,426 — Leith 5,476 — 1,377 9 Ardrossan 6,605 — 20,692 — COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of March 1915, compared with the corresponding month of 1914.* Port. March 1915. March 1914. Coals. Coke. Coals Cole. Coals. Coke. Increase. Deer ase. Increase. Decrease. Newcastle Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 265,488 14,501 984,299 22,596 — 718,811 — 8,095 North Shields 144,253 1,212 82,325 1,157 61,928 — 55 South Shields 328,999 2,489 167,513 647 1 161,486 — 1,851 Sunderland 177,822 1,866 269,736 I ’ 1,528 — 91,914 1 338 — West Hartlepool 89,656 2,193 97.850 — — 8,194 1 2,193 — Goole 45,532 2,437 101*031 1,901 — 55,4’. 9 | 536 — Blyth 187,850 1,488 344,763 555 — 156,913 933 — Newport 343,870 1,333 406,445 1,863 — 62,575 I - 530 Liverpool 33,205 105 17,358 439 15,847 — 334 Methil 107,617 1,984 237,660 1,060 i 130,043 I 924 — Glasgow 164,370 1,211 154,836 2,211 9,534 ■— i 1 1,000 Kirkcaldy 6.812 — 8,559 — 1 — 1,747 1 i — Burntisland 71,691 1,427 123,152 442 51,461 1 985 — Cardiff 1,354,361 5,867 1,631,896 13,812 1 — 277,535 1 - 7,945 Borrowstoness — — 23,036. 421 23,036 1 — 421 Llanelly 7,738 — 25,373 — — 17,635 1 — -— Middlesbrough 213 234 1,040 1,068 — 827 j 834 Seaham 53,571 — 92,299 — 1 — 38,728 — — Swansea 238,465 1,049 241,659 1,303 — 3,194 — 254 Granton 4,212 734 7,030 1,443 2,818 — 709 Port Talbot 140,217 1,314 133,679 844 6,538 . — 470 — Alloa — — 11,386 — — 11,386 — — Grangemouth — — 105,131 5,057 — 105,031 — 5,057 Neath — * — — — — — — — Hull 176,712 159 246,734 4,762 — 70,022 — 4,603 Immingham 56,246 909 114,470 65 — 58,224 844 — Amble 32,370 — 43,007 — — 10,637 [' ~ — Troon 10,502 1 — 13,494 , — — 2,992 — Grimsby 37,640 | 265 96,916 ; 473 — 59,276 — j 208 Ayr 4,287 — 620 j — 3,667 — — Greenock 8,745 . — - ! — 8,745 —( — — Leith : 65,915 988 131,107 | — — 65,192 988 — Ardrossan 1,724 . — 352 i — 1,372 — — — ■ Stockton — — — 1 — — — — — Note.— 1 he figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * From Browne’s Export List. NEW COMPANIES. Allied Trading and Archangel Transport Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 28/30, Lime- street, E.C. Registered April 6. Ship owners, ship brokers, carriers by land and sea, Government contractors and trans- porters, iron masters, colliery proprietors. Nominal capital, £15,000 in £1 shares. First directors shall be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) : Wm. E. G. Hale, “ Gratwicke,” Cheam-road, Sutton, secretary; G. E. Anderton, 21, Finborough-road, South Kensington, S.W;, clerk. Brynna Gas Coal Collieries Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Atlantic - buildings, Gloucester - place, Swansea. Registered March 31. To acquire the Brynna Colliery at Peterstone-super-Montern, Glamorgan, and to carry on business -as colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, brick and tile manufacturers, slate merchants, builders, contractors, etc., and to deal in fireclay, brick earth, etc. Nominal capital, £25,000 in 1,750 £10 ordinary shares, 722 £10,6 per cent, cumulative preference shares, and 280 £1 deferred shares. Permanent directors :—A. Freedman, 12, Calvert-terrace, Swansea, gentleman; E. Lewis, of Glais, near Swansea, mining engineer; E. Joseph, 6, Bonville- terrace,- Swansea, engineer’s manager; Wm. J. Stephens, of Swansea, colliery proprietor. Qualification of permanent directors, 100 ordinary or preference shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Da*ly Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Imports of Pit Props in March.—During the month of March, 185,265 loads of pit props were imported into the United Kingdom, the value being £301,294. In March last year, 176,476 loads were imported, valued at £176,788. The aggregate imports, during the first quarter of the year were 433,786 loads, and the value £676,662, as compared with' 477,226 loads, valued at £499,092, in the corresponding period of 1914. Hull Coal Exports.—The official return of the exports of coal -from Hull abroad for the week ending Tuesday, April 6, 1915, is as follows:—Alexandria, 1,520 tons; Alderney, 131; Christiansund, 25; Christiania, 615; Dieppe, 652; Drontheim, 102; Guernsey> 640; Genoa, 5,023; Gothen- burg, 1,055; Harlingen, 1,150; Havre, 623; Hauges-und, 454; Malmo, 1,999; Mariagerfjord, 1,051; Rotterdam, 107; Rouen, 17,930; Rio de Janeiro, 600; Stavanger, 1,081; Sterkjaer, 197; Saxejobing, 926; Treport, 1,427—total, 37,308 tons. The 'above figures do not include bunker coal, shipments for the British Admiralty, nor the Allies’ Govern- ments. Corresponding period April 1914—total, 32,302 tons. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Salford, April 29.—The Gas Committee invite offers for the supply of coal and cannel required at their works. Forms obtained on application to Mr. -William W. - Wood- ward, engineer, Gas Offices, Bloom-street, Salford. Sealed offers endorsed “ Gas coal ” to be delivered to me not later than 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 29, 1915. (Signed) L. C. Evans, town clerk. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Boston (Lincs), April 23.;—250 tons of Warsop best hard steam coal for the Urban Disrtict Council. Forms from J. M. Simpson, Clerk’s Office, Boston. Douglas (I.O.M.), April 20.—200 to 250 tons of good screened steam coal for the Corporation. Tenders to A. Robertson, town clerk, Town Hall. Sheerness, April 27.—About 1,000. tons of washed slack for the Urban District Council. Forms from V. H. St alien, clerk, Council Offices, Sheerness. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Basingstoke, April 19.—Plant Extension.—One Diesel generating set, one motor generator balancer, and under- ground cables, for the Corporation. Specification from the Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Basingstoke, on deposit of one guinea. Bristol, May 5. — Oil Engines. — Two 120-brake horse power crude oil engines, each directly connected to a 24 in. centrifugal pump, for the Docks Committee. Specification . from T. A. Peace, Cumberland-road, Bristol, on deposit of £2. Chesterfield, April 19.—Cast Iron Pipes.—Laying about 2,234 yds. of 4in. cast iron mains, for the Rural District Council. Specification from Waterworks Engineer, Council Offices, Chesterfield. Darlington, April 20.—Crane.—A 25-ton crane and econo- miser, for the Corporation. Specification from Borough Electrical Engineer, Houghton-road, Darlington. Dundee, April 28. — Pumps. — Centrifugal circulating pumps, and laying about 750 ft. of 42 in.