760 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 9, 1915. COWTENTS. Editorial Article :— page Miners'Lamp Glasses ................... 761 Retail Coal Prices .................. 761 Patents and the War ............... 762 Articles Retail Coal Prices ............ ;............. 749 Electric Winding at a Durham Colliery ......... 751 River Pollution in Colliery Districts ......... 752 The South Wales Coalfield : Part III........... 753 Trade and the War............................. 757 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 758 The ci Simplex'* Chemical Fire Extincteur..... 767 Obituary....................................... 767 Labour and Wages............................... 767 Open Contracts................................. 771 The Freight Market ........................... 772 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................... 772 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ....................................... 774 Government Publications ....................... 776 Book Notices................................... 776 Publications Received .................... 776 Law Intelligence ............................... 756 Current Science and Technology.................. 758 Indian and Colonial Notes .................... 763 Notes from the Coalfields ...................... 769 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........... 771 The Coal and Iron Trades ............... 759, 763—766 The By-Products Trade ....................... 759 The Tin-plate Trade ......................... 759 The London Coal Trade ..................... 759 Letters to the Editors Mining Discussions—Coal Prices : Departmental Committee's Report ........................ 756 Miscellanea :— North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ................... 751 Partnerships Dissolved—Institution of Mining and Metallurgy—Manchester Geological and Mining Society ............................. 752 Rainfall Statistics—Rescue Work at an American Explosion ......... ;................... 753 Institution of Mechanical Engineers.......... 757 Spitzbergen Coal Mines—Interesting Checkweigher Action .................................. 759 Hull Coal Imports.......................... 768 Immingham Coal Exports—Grimsby Coal Exports — Institution of Civil Engineers — Mining Institute of Scotland—Hull Coal Exports ... 776 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVEimSEtilENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 & 319 Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E,C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS :— Single Column (3 inches wide) : For 52 insertions 2s. 6d. ) per insertion for each ” 13 - ” 3s. 6d. ) inch m depth. Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. .MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements are inserted on the last white page oi leader page at the following rates :— One insertion ... 10s. 6d. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, ,, Six insertions . ... 9s. Od. ,, . . ' A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word, minimum 2s. 6d. (which must be prepaid). Can be received up to TEN o’clock on Friday morning. (A Classified List appears on page 778.) SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates, payable in advance :— For the United Kingdom........... £1 1 0 For Foreign Countries and Colonies £17 6 When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London,’’ Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Harris and Mills. Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegraphic Address—” Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. Circular of useful information and prices for British and Foreign Patents post free. Chart of 187 Mechanical Motions with description of each, post free, 6d. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE OWNERS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. Formed in 1891 for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Private Owners. applications for particulars and terms of membership may be sent to the SECRETARY, Clarence Chambers, Gloucester. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. Established 1872. BORING fob J^JINERALS. SPEED AND CERTAINTY. CYLINDRICAL “ CORES.” THE AQUEOUS WORKS and BIAM0ND ROOK-BORIHG Co. Lyf. Guildford St., York Road, Lambeth, London, S.E. Besides numerous other Important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring in the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience in Boring for WATER. The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD. PORTH, GLAM. An University Training at Your Own Home. Lessons and Instruction by Post for candidates for FIRST and SECOND Class Mine Managers’and Mine Surveyors’Home Office Examinations; Surveying and Electrical Engineering for London C'.ty Guild’s Exau.ina tions; also A.M E.E. Examinations and Government Inspectors’ Exams. Candidates for the above write without delay for free Syllabus, and booB of Previous Examination Questions. (Dept. C.) CAMBRIAN MINING SCHOOL, PORTH, Clam. Briquette Machinery Ltd., 161, Water Lane, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite, Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. The UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL (Estab. 1883) is conducted b? T. A. SOUTHERN (late H M.I.M ) and H. W. HAL BAUM /Greenwell Medallist, men qualified to prepare you for the highest mining positions. U.M.S men obtain aid hold nearly all the be^t posts. For examp e, 50 of H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. men. Lessons by post only. Fees postponable during the war. Particulars on application. Sjllabus and advice free. THE U.M.S., 50, Connaught Rd., CARDIFF. STEEL Rails Roof Bars Pit Props Arches For COLLIERIES ’J and WORKS. THQS W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US. ------- Wanted, competent Draughtsman for large colliery company in South Wales.—Apply, stating age, experience, and salary required, to Box 6018, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ‘Oequirecl for Gold Mine, West Africa, Juki competent ROCK DRILL SHARPENER—Apply, giving par ticulars of experience, and salary required, with copies of testimonials, to Box 6017, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. U7 anted, competent Colliery Surveyor V V for large colliery company in South Wales.—Apply, stating age, experience, and salary required, to Box 6019, ColUtrn Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, pair by 30 Horizontal ENGINES, 10 ft. flvwheel, Hartnell governors, automatic expansion gear, by Marshall —A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C.______ For Sale, Boiler, 24 by 6 ft. 6 in., by Galloway, insured 80 lb. steam.—A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen- street, E.C. Price 2s. ‘‘Useful alike to the Student and Practical Man.” flolliery Manager’s Catechism, containing Practical and Scientific Information for the use of Students. By W FAIRLEY, F.G.S. The author conveys his information by means of mon than 670 questions and answers, under the following chapter headings The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887 —Geology—Ventilation—Gases- Varieties of Coal and other Fuel—Steam, Boilers and Engines—Practical Mining—Mathematics—Land and Mine SurveyingApplied Mechanics- Statistics—Electricity—Miscellaneous Subjects —Appendix (Text of th( Mines Regulation Act, 1887). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. wirAPS of the British Coalfields. 1 Scotland. 2. North of England. 3. South Wales. 4. Nortl Midlands. *5. South Midlands. Sheet, 4s. each; Mounted on Cloth or toilers, or in Case. 6s.each.—THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD. >0 & 31 Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.O. Cloth, Price is. 6d. net. SUGGESTED RUEES FOR RECOVERING COAL MINES AFTER EXPLOSIONS AND FIRES. By W. E. GARFORTH. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Price 10s. (10s. 7d. post free). RECORD OF THE British Coal Dust Experiments 128 Illustrations, consisting of Coloured Plates, Photographs, &c. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. TUBES AND FITTINGS, IRON AND STEEL Tubes for Gas, Water, Steam, and Compressed Air. Electric Tramway Poles, Pit Props, High Pressure Steam Mains, &c. JOHN SPENCER LTD., Globe Tube Works, Wednesbury. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, yearly contracts entered into with collieries. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” * * For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last * White Page. W Wife nt (tauta AND Journal oS th® Goal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. LONDON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. The London coal trade during the holidays has been very quiet. The return to warmer weather has considerably checked the house coal orders from the public. Hard steam coal and small nuts are still in good demand. South Yorkshire prices have hardened considerably. All other quotations are slightly lower. No change in public prices. Collieries show little inclination to sell forward owing to difficulties. As the result of Lord Kitchener’s appeal to the miners’ to curtail their Easter holidays, the inter- ruption of business last week was far less serious than is usually the case at such seasons. At the same time, the holiday did effect a lessened pro- duction, but this was counterbalanced by the railway companies being able to move away accumulated traffic. On the Tyne and Wear the prompt markets are fairly brisk, but congestion of loading Terms restricts business ; prices remain firm. Throughout Lancashire, Yorkshire and Derbyshire the demand still far exceeds the supply, so that prices maintain a high level. The position at Cardiff has not changed, unless it be that the output has further decreased. Trade in Scotland continues brisk. The Home Secretary has made an Order, under section 61 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, entitled “ The Explosives in Coal Mines Order of the 1st April, 1915,” the effect of which is to add the explosive “ Cambrite No. 2 ” to the permitted explo- sives defined in the First Schedule to the Order of September 1, 1913. A second Order under the same section has also been made, entitled u The Explosives in Coal Mines Order of the 30th March, 1915,” which amends the Order of September 1, 1913, by substituting for paragraph (0) of Clause 1 of that Order amended provisions in regard to the custody and use of detonators. The Home Secretary gives notice that he has made an Order under section 33 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, entitled “ The Safety Lamps Order of the 16th March, 1915,” approving certain types of safety lamps and flame .safety lamp glasses; and making certain amendments in the description of certain safety lamps included in the Schedules to the Safety Lamps Orders of August 26, 1913, March 16, 1914, and'October 7, 1914. The ninth and final reports of the Boyal Commis- sion on Sewage Disposal have just been issued. The form er is of considerable importance, as it deals with the discharge of trade wastes. A meeting of the Coal Conciliation Board for the English Federated area was held on Wednesday, to further consider the new wage agreement. The matter was adjourned until the 29th inst. The thirty-eighth annual meeting of the Mining Institute of Scotland will be held at Glasgow to-morrow (Saturday). Mr. David M. Mowat will deliver his presidential address. Two papers are down to be read to-morrow (Saturday) at the meeting of the North of England