March 26, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 653 (1,286,512 mk.), and devoting 200,000 mk. (400,000 mk.) to cover damage from subsidence, there remains a net profit of 3,300,889 mk. (4,840,503 mk.), apart from the forward balance of 287,331 mk. The 15 per cent. (23 per cent.) dividend absorbs three million mk (four million mk.), and after distributing 100,035 mk. (161,620mk.) as share of profits, placing 75,000mk. to widows’ and orphans’ fund, and 100,000 mk. to work- men’s relief fund, 313,185 mk. are to be carried forward. The total coal output was 1,650,708 tons (1,954,523 tons), and the coke production 309,714 tons (407,160 " tons). Gewerkschaft Viktoria, Kupferdreh. ■— In the final quarter of 1914, 32,917 tons of coal were raised, as com- pared with 30,482 tons the previous quarter, and 37,072 tons in the last quarter of 1913. A surplus of 60,829 mk. (3,315 mk. and 50,937 mk. respectively), was placed to the credit of new plant account. The Konigsborn A. G. fur Bergbau, etc., Unna- Konigsborn, states in its annual report that the coal output for the past year showed a deficit of 19-27 per cent., and the coke production one of 47-69 per cent., as compared with 1913, the figures being :—Coal, 897,691 tons (1,097,818 tons); and coke, 206,544 tons (344,759 tons). The total gross profits amounted to 3,720,754 mk. (5,894,885 mk.), and the net profit to 2,106,901 mk. (3,484,485 mk.), of which 1-10 (1-98) million mk. have been distributed as a 10 per cent. (18 per cent.) dividend, and 761,180 mk. (759,951 mk.) carried forward. The Braunkohle A.G., Berlin, made a loss of 4,287 mk. on the year’s trading, raising the debit balance to 455,939 mk., out of a capital of 500,000 mk. A petition for winding up is said to have been temporarily with- drawn. Gewerkschaft Ver. Trappe, Silschede.— In the final quarter of 1914 the coal output was 26,319 tons (29,541 tons the previous quarter, and 35,833 tons the last quarter of 1913). The profits, were 50,524mk. (50,010mk. and 81,345 mk. respectively), the net profits after the usual deductions being 40,556 mk. (41,205 mk. and 76,181 mk.). Including the forward balance from old account, the total available funds were 286,721 mk. (285,725 mk. and 322,223 mk.), allowing a distribution of 40,000 mk (40,000 mk. and 80,000 mk.). For the whole year the coal production was 129,416 tons (161,946 tons), the gross profit 267,374 mk. (410,339 mk.), the net profit 223,150 mk. (388,059 mk.), and the distributed profit 160,000 mk. (300,000 mk.). Bochumer Berawerks A.G., Bochum.—The trading surplus for the last quarter of 1914 amounted to 82,662 mk., as compared with 94,195 mk. the previous . quarter, and 243,464 mk. in 1913, and the total profits for the year to 618,152 mk. (1,290,528 mk.), a decline of over 50 per cent. Gewerkschaft Freie Vogel und Unverhofft, Horde. —Coal raised during the last quarter of 1914, 85,869 tons (91,427 tons the previous quarter); coke produc- tion, 45,964 tons (46,825 tons). Total receipts, 1,287,326 mk. (1,200,575 mk.); net profit, 63,540 mk. (loss 64,333 mk.). Profit for the year, 106,377 mk. The Gewerkschaft Oespel, Kley, produced 47,653 tons of coal (49,835 tons in the previous quarter), 8,193 tons (8,872 tons) of coke, and 6,539 tons (7,396 tons) of briquettes. The Hubertus Braunkohlen A.G., Bruggen, made a gross profit of 343,410 mk. (546,870 nik.), and an income of 167,511 mk. (221,374 mk.) from investments. Writing-off absorbed 200,484 mk. (208,455 mk.) on ordinary, and 45,000 mk. (100,000 mk.) on special account. The net profit of 388,209 mk. (542,066 mk.) enables 225,000 mk. (360,000 mk.) to be distributed as a 5 per cent. (8 per cent.) dividend, and 122,734 mk. (122,722 mk.) to be carried forward. Use Bergbau A.G., Grube Use.—Out of a surplus of 7,092,335 mk (6,710,337 mk.), 3,527,060 mk. (3,374,383 mk.) have been set aside to cover depreciation of mining properties, and 360,000 mk. (335,000 mk.) placed to special reserve. The dividend will again be 26 per cent., and 194,856 mk. (190,315 mk.) will be carried forward. Steinkohlenbauverein Gottessegen, Lugau. — The trading surplus was 2,099,462 mk. (2,156,415 mk.), of which 500,000 mk. (450,000 mk.) have been placed to depreciation, reserve, etc., leaving a net profit of 1,599,462 mk. (1,656,415 mk.). After paying 5 per •cent, on the preference shares, there remained 1,588,962 mk. (1,645,915 mk.) for distribution equally among the ordinary and preference shares at the rate of 155 mk. (170 mk.) per share, the holders of the third issue, or original shares, receiving 620 mk (680 mk.) per share. The amount carried forward is 288,662 mk. (216,715 mk.). The coal output was 450,971 tons, being 1,155 tons less than in the previous year. Gewerkschaft Admiral, Horde. — During the last quarter of 1914 the coal output amounted to 21,225 tons, and the coke production to 10,277 tons, the gross profit being 44,663 mk. Bergbau A.G. Justus, Volpriehausen.—The war, and especially the closing of the export market, entailed such losses that no dividend is to be paid on last year’s trading. Gersdorfer Steinkohlenbau Verein, Gersdorf.—The net profits amounted to 181,592 mk. (313,750 mk.), of which 117,000 mk. (162,000 mk.) are absorbed in paying a dividend of 13 per cent. (18 per cent.) on the No. 1 preference shares, 41,745 mk. (58,080 mk.) by a 11| per cent. (16 per cent.) dividend on the No. 2 preference shares, and 22,500 mk. (90,000 mk.) for a 1| per cent. (6 per cent.) dividend on the original shares, leaving 347 mk. (3,679 mk.) to be carried forward. The report states that deliveries .were retarded in August owing to scarcity of railway wagons, but the subsequent active demand enabled all the stocks to be disposed of. The total coal output for the year was 119,653 tons (141,375 tons), and this deficit increased the cost of production by 9-45 per cent. Koenigin-Marienhiitte A.G., Cainsdorf.—It has been decided to apply the whole of the year’s profits (228,691 mk.) to writing off. Last year the dividend was 5 per cent. Lindener Eisen und Stahhverke A.G., Hanover.— The trading profits amounted to 643,400 mk. (594,300 mk.), and the net profits—after writing off 106,000mk. (173,600 mk.)—to 369,600 mk. (266,600 mk.). After again paying a dividend of 10 per cent., the sum of 180,900 mk. (123,900 mk.) is to be carried forward. Eisen-Industrie zu Menden und Schwerte A.G., Schwerte.—A surplus of 305,868 mk. has been made on the last six months’ working, after deducting expenses, but making no allowance for writing off. Mathildenhiitte, Bad Harzburg.—In the 10 working months of last year (the furnaces having been blown out in October) the pig iron output amounted to 28,760 tons (36,330 tons for the whole of 1913), and the deliveries to 29,912 tons (33,339 tons). The net profits --after writing off 125,490 mk. (172,181 mk.)—amounted to 324,945 mk. (380,109 mk.), of which 204,000 mk. are From Total cargo. Total bunker. Bristol Channel ports North-western ports ' North-eastern ports Humber ports Other ports on east coast Other English ports Total from England and Wales Ports on east coast of Scotland Ports on west coast of Scotland Tota from Scotland Irish ports Total from United Kingdom 1914. 1915. 1914. 1915. Tons. 257,718 235,546 693,358 242,463 8,292 2,276 Tons. 172,898 212,454 553,171 121,994 3,843 2,709 Tons. 19,194 61,970 23,221 14,746 7,642 3,943 Tons. 18,844 48,755 31,559 10,419 8,112 3,289 1,439,653 1,067,069 130,716 120,978 109,901 131,544 31,535 138,275 21,058 36,841 9,870 22,880 241,445 " 169,810 57,899 32,750 105 __ 2,763 3,214 1,681,203 1,236,879 191,378 156,942 The following was the destination to be distributed as a 12 per cent (12 per cent.) dividend. The Anhaltische Kohlenwerke, Halle, after writing off 942,000mk. (967,609mk.), and paying 6 per cent. (6 per cent.) on the preference shares and 8 per cent. (10 per cent.) on the ordinary shares, will carry for- ward about 127,000 mk. (75,666 mk.). Gewerkschaft der Zeche Blankenburg, Hammerthal.— During the fourth quarter of 1914 the coal output was 28,615 tons, as compared with 24,471 tons the previous quarter, and 31,406 tons in the corresponding period of 1913. A profit of 37,265 mk. was obtained, against a loss of 6,740 mk. in the third quarter, and a profit of 37,953 mk. in the last quarter of 1913. The Maschinenbau Ansalt und Eisengiesserei (T. Floether) A.G., Gassen (Lausitz) made a profit of 832,209 mk. (850,306 mk.), of which it is proposed to devote 256,828 mk. (257,310 mk.) to writing off, and 287,500 mk. (184,243 mk.) to reserve, carrying forward 28,358 mk. (21,200 mk.), after paying a dividend of 12 per cent. (14 per cent.) The Gewerkschaft Alter Haase, Sprockhoevel, had a coal output of 121,484 tons in 1914 (133,135 tons). Out of a total profit of 90,346 mk. (192,263 mk.) 18,555 mk. (19,027 mk.) have been paid for interest and redemption of loans, and 50,000 mk. (140,000 mk.) distributed among the shareholders. The Magdeburger Bergwerks A.G., will distribute a dividend of 22 per cent.; the Hiittenwerke C. W. Kaiser und Company A.G., Berlin, a 10 per cent, dividend; the Eisenhuttenwerk Thale A.G., one of 16 per cent. (18 per cent.); and the Braunkohlen und Brikett A.G., Rodder- grub e, one of 14 per cent. (15 per cent.). The Zechau-Kriebiztsche Kohlenwerke Glilckauf A.G., Zechau, made a gross profit of 799,176 mk. (1,044,745 mk.), of which 765,394mk. (873,351 mk.) have been written off, and 22,000 mk. (as last year) devoted to benevolent purposes and rewards, leaving a balance of 11,781 mk. to be carried forward. Last year a 2 per cent, dividend was distributed. The Braunkohlen Industrie A.G. Zukunft, Cologne, which originally proposed to carry forward the net profit of 433,815 mk., now announces that a dividend of 4| per cent, will be distributed, 25,000 mk. being allotted to the directors, and 49,063 mk. carried forward. Essener Bergwerksverein Koenig Wilhelm, Essen.— The coal output for last year was 936,540 tons (1,190,544 tons), the coke production 253,662 tons (402,373 tons), and the brickworks output 4,644,985 bricks (4,790,750). Owing to the war the cost of production per ton of coal increased from 8-530ink. to 9-185 mk. on the average, whilst selling prices declined from an average of 12-100 mk. to 11-576 mk. for coal, and from 17-160 mk. to 15-755 mk. for coke. After writing off 1,380,485 mk. (1,654,577 mk.), the net profits amounted to 1,425,022 mk. (2,637,222 mk.), of which 2| million mk. (4 million mk.) are set aside to cover subsidence damage, 655,000 mk. (1,590,000 mk.) are to be distributed in dividends, 7 per cent. (18 per cent.) on the original shares, and 12 per cent. (23 per cent.) on the prefer- ence shares, 389,661 mk. (395,676 mk.) being carried forward. ■ The Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlenbergwerks Carolus Magnus, Bergeborbeck, produced in December 19,558 tons of coal (against 20,101 tons in the previous month, and 26,587 tons in December 1913), and 4,001 tons of coke (3,795 tons and 5,885 tons respectively). The total profit amounted to 34,446 mk. (21,985 mk. and 53,125 mk.), of which 15,000 mk. (15,000 mk. and 30,000 mk.) are to be distributed. The final quarter of 1914 gave a working profit of 74,281 mk. (4,480 mk. in the previous one, and 191,399 mk. in 1913) out of which a dividend of 45 mk. (45 mk. and 160 mk.) per share was paid. Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke A.G., Essen.—The collieries produced 2,012,263 tons of coal (2,506,266 tons), and the briquette works 639,814 tons (808,710 tons). The net profits earned were 2,806,516 mk. (3,180,384 mk.), after writing off 2,000,127 mk. (2,116,641 mk.), and of this amount 102,389 mk. (113,608 mk.) were allocated to profit sharing, and 1,900,000 mk. to the 10 per cent, dividend (same as last year), leaving 734,137 mk. (696,776 mk.) to be carried forward. COASTWISE SHIPMENTS DURING FEBRUARY. The quantity of coal shipped coastwise during February, according to the monthly coal tables issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, was as follows :— ments:— To ports in England and Wales Scotland......... Ireland ......... of cargo ship- Feb. 1914. Feb. 1915. Tons. Tons. 1,211,448 ... 802,318 99,390 ... 63,761 370,365 ... 370,800 Shipments to London totalled 538,401 tons. MINING AND OTHER NOTES. The application of Sir John Pepys Lister Kaye for an order of discharge came before Mr. Registrar Hood at the London Bankruptcy Court on the 18th inst. It appeared from the Official Receiver’s report that the applicant returned liabilities £52,963, against assets £7,841, representing an estimated surplus from securities held by creditors, but the realisable value of which was held to 'be doubtful. Early in 1910 the bankrupt obtained an option of a concession of coal- fields in Croatia, and in May 1912 further concessions, having been acquired, the Croatia Lime, Coal, and Lignite Company Limited was formed to acquire all the properties. The bankrupt was to receive on completion of the sale £73,895 in cash, and 1192,842 in .£1 shares, in addition to £30,000 in satisfaction of promissory notes for a like amount signed in furtherance of the scheme. The contract fell through owing to the failure of a Parisian financier to provide £120,000 with which to take up.shares in the company, and further negotiations came to grief on the outbreak of war. In connection with the Croatian business, there were out- standing liabilities of £38,000. The application was opposed by the Official Receiver on the ground inter alia of rash and hazardous speculations; also by Mr. E. W. Hansell, for the trustee; and Mr. E. F. Spence, for creditors. His Honour expressed itibe opinion that the war was responsible for the collapse of the Croatian negotiations, and granted an order of discharge, subject to the minimum term of two years’ suspension. During 1914 Spain imported 2,504,985 tons of coal and 370,768 tons of coke, as against 2,701,913 tons and 396,419 tons respectively in 1913. Exports included 6,083,193 tons of iron ore, as against 8,907,309 tons; and 8,965 tons of manganese, as against 27,793 tons. The London and North-Western Railway Company have given notice at Garston Docks of the increase of rates for discharging and loading vessels, and increase of quay por- terage, warehousing, storing in the open, and rent charges in respect of all minerals and merchandise. The amount of this increase is 12| per cent, (advance on the former rate of charges for the services named. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gaztte announces the dissolution of the following partnerships :—W. Deakin, W. Budge, and A. Littley, carrying on business as iron- founders, at Swan Village, West Bromwich, and elsewhere, under the style of Budge, Littley and Company; C. S. Burnett, T. E. Burnett, and W. R. Purdy, ironfounders, at Old Forge, Great Bridge-street, West Bromwich, under the style of the Maples Foundry Company; B. S. Scholefield, G. E. Scholefield, and T. A. Scholefield, carrying on busi- ness as mill furnishers, engineers, and machinists, at City Works, Melbourne-street, Morley, York, under the style of James Scholefield and Sons, so far as concerns T. A. Schole- field; J. Walker and S. Oxnam, metal smelters and dealers in metal, at Compton, near Wolverhampton, under the style of Walker and Company.