562 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 12, 1915. on preference shares .£9,953 8s., and interim dividends paid on ordinary shares £49,767. The directors recommend placing to reserve (making reserve account £100,000) £40,000, and a final dividend of 2s. per share, free of income-tax, on ordinary share capital £66,572 14s., carry- ing forward £10,317 Ils. 4d. The coal washery at Risca has been completed, and is now working, but the com- pletion of the coking and by-product plant has been delayed owiing to the contractors’ inability to obtain the remaining machinery from Belgium. The directors in August last acquired the Standard Colliery, Ynyshir, Rhondda Valley (the mineral properties of which adjoin those of the com- pany’s National Colliery, at Wattstown), on terms which they believe will prove satisfactory and remunerative to the shareholders. The directors, for the reasons set forth in the circular issued to the shareholders, contemplated a fusion with Burnyeat, Brown and Company Limited, as they believe that such a course will be advantageous to the shareholders of both companies, but certain conditions were sought to be imposed by one of the mineral lessors of Burnyeat, Brown and Company Limited, and, as the diffi- culty thereby created has not yet been removed, the liquida- tion of that company has not been proceeded with, as proposed, and the scheme of amalgamation has not, there- fore, been completed. In order, however, to continue the policy of consolidating the interests of both companies, the directors proceeded .with their proposal to increase the authorised ordinary share capital to £750,000, and the authorised preference share capital to £250,000, and invited the preference and ordinary shareholders of Burnyeat, Brown and Company Limited to exchange their shares in that company for shares representing corresponding hold- ings in this company, and they are pleased to report that nearly all the shareholders have complied with their invi- tation. In view of the extended scope of the company’s business, the directors’ proposal to increase the number of directors was adopted at the extraordinary general meetings, and Mr. John Arthur Jones and Mr. Ivor Llewelyn have accordingly been placed upon the board. Yorkshire Engine Company Limited.—The report for 1914 states that the year’s trading shows a profit of £4,842 Is. 10d., as compared with £12,077 4s. 5d. for 1913, and £3,473 10s. lOd. for 1912. Debenture interest and bank charges absorb £1,353 13s. 10d., leaving a balance of £3,488 8s. to go in reduction of the debit balance. NEW COMPANIES. Austin (A.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Colonial Chambers, 13, Crunched Friars, E.C. Registered March 4. Metallurgists, hardware and metal merchants, quicksilver merchants, glaziers, iron masters, iron founders, mechanical engineers, machinery manufacturers, tool makers, colliery proprietors, builders, painters, firebrick makers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—E. A. Austin, 57, Rectory-road, Stoke Newington, metal merchant; H. G. Stimson, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C., solicitor. New Port Syndicate Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 73, Copthall House, Copithall-avenue, E.C. Registered March 4. Financiers, bankers, .underwriters, colliery proprietors, miners, smelters, engineers, contractors, brick, pottery, and tile manufacturers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,250 in £1 shares. First directors shall be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) :— C. V. McSliaul and F. S. Hoblyn, both of Copthall House, Copthall-avenue, E.C. COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. February 1914 February 1915. Port. February 1914 February 1915. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Tens. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 369,890 986 123,605 40 Ayr 66,831 — 64,782 535 North Shields ... — — 25,796 2,603 Irvine 7,900 — 4,682 420 South Shields — — 146,180 — Alloa 703 — — — Blyth 39,535 — 48,827 — Whitehaven ... 16,973 — 15,112 — .Amble 3,624 — — — Liverpool 139,328 7o5 115,116 1,381 /Sunderland 136,760 — 92,990 — Grimsby 2,784 1,493 — Seaham 74,940 — 82,863 — Granton 25,920 — 9,420 — Hartlepool 67,690 — 30,140 5 Borrowstoness 14,245 — — — Stockton —- 15 — — Burntisland 27,070 — 5,700 — Middlesbrough .. — 45 <— — Kirkcaldy ... 1,007 — 1,390 — Hull 81,821 595 46,112 — Methil 2 1, 663 — 15,192 — Goole 141,568 — 75,662 — Port Talbot .... 6,706 1,050 7,601 — Swansea 27,099 — 17,620 — Glasgow 30,433 401 33,063 809 Cardiff 177,284 1,080 50,680 70 Grangemouth 10,340 — •— — Llanelly 5,466 — 2,060 — Greenock 781 130 3,966 — Newport 44,313 18,578 — 64,214 — Immingham .... 12,460 — 2,190 — Troon — 8,540 — Leith 5,363 — 940 — Ardrossan ... .. 5,630 — 23,395 — This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of February 1915, compared with the corresponding month of 1914.* Port February 1915. February 1914. Coals. Coke. Coals C>1 e. Coals. Coke. Increase. Deer ase. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcas'le 275,452 19,088 901,172 27.957 625,720 8,869 North Shields 127,387 2 429 88,922 1,226 38,465 1,203 South Shields 256,090 2,772 110,487 300 145,603 2,472 Sunderland .. .. 135,735 3,360 230,963 5,892 95,228 2,532 West Hartlepool 80,070 250 95.372 1,765 15,302 1,515 Goole . 31,994 1,996 108,587 1,562 76,593 434 Blyth 167,955 50 278,700 2,139 — 110,745 2,089 Newport 289,293 1,169 420,129 718 — 130,836 451 — Liverpool 23,177 102 26,253 1,062 — 4,076 — 960 Methil ... 116,699 2,626 182,915 752 — 66,216 1,874 — Glasgow 215,237 1,891 148,764 788 66,473 — 1,103 — Kirkcaldy 3 617 7,304 50 — 3,687 50 Burntisland 47,961 855 112,882 1,427 64,921 572 Cardiff... 1,125,944 6,271 1,659,759 8,940 533,815 2,669 Borrowstoness — Llanelly 8,005 20,272 __ 12,267 Middlesbrough 6,392 1,188 523 1,868 5,869 680 Seaham 31,295 414 78,606 58 47,311 356 Swansea 241,393 412 307,662 241 — 66,269 171 — Granton 5,633 1,758 7,046 2,139 — 1,413 — 381 Port Talbot 127,015 250 148,850 155 — 21,835 95 — Alloa __ 9,691 — ■ 9,691 Grangemouth — — 79,261 ■ 4,487 — 79,261 — 4,487 Neath — — — — — — — — Hull 135,931 2,367 264,106 7,748 — 128,175 — 5,381 Immingham 38,428 — 112,597 — — 74,169 — — Amble 29,306 — 37,757 —. — 8,451 — , Troon 9,006 — 9,811 —- — 805 — — Grimsby 41,816 1,978 67,726 1,894 — 25,910 84 — Ayr 8,581 1,727 — 6,854 Greenock ... 14,574 14,574 ■ - 1 ,eith 56,625 1,434 102,834 — 46,209 1,434 Ardrossan 2,697 — — 2,697 — — — Stockton — — — — — — — Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. The January Glasgow figures were incorrect, and should have been .-—Coal, 221,804 tons; coke, 6,892 tons. * From Browne’s Export List. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, Chartered Patent Agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 12997/12. Furnaces; air, supplying; fuel, feeding; grates; crowns and roofs. F. Ekl, Germany. 13246/12. Rock drills. In a percussive rock drill, in which water is driven through the central longitudinal axis of the machine, and through the hollow drill to the point thereof, by means of com- pressed air, the compressed air is led by a separate pipe, which does not move with the piston, and drives the water by an ejector action. R. Meyer, Akt.-Ges. fur Maschinen- und Bergbau, Germany (dated June 6, 1911). 13553/12. Mine cage apparatus. In mechanism for passing trucks on to mine cages, means are provided for preventing the passage of trucks, excepting during the presence of the cage, and for regu- lating the passage of the trucks to the transfer mechanism. C. Notbohm, Germany. Addition to 10813/11. 13658/12. Railway vehicles; couplings, automatic. E. Eichler and G. Eichler, Austria. 14127/12. Pumps. A double membrane diaphragm pump. A. Koven, Germany. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. Mr. William Stirling, of the Montreal Iron Ore Works and Colliery, Cleator Moor, Whitehaven, Cumberland, D.L., J.P., left, in addition to real estate of considerable value, unsettled personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £812,366. Sir Frederick Howard, of The Abbey Close, Bedford, ironfounder and agricultural implement maker, of Messrs. J. and F. Howard, of Bedford, D.L., J.P. for the county, who died on January 6 last, aged 87, left unsettled property of the gross value of £196,791, of which the net personalty amounts to £187,362. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bognor, March 16.—Coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Surveyor, High-street, Bognor. Carlisle, March 17.—Coal for the Education Committee. Particulars from A. H. Collingwood, clerk, 15, Fisher-street, Carlisle. Carlisle, March 19.—Coal for the Corporation. Parti- culars from the Police Office, West Walls. Chester, March 16.—Coal for the period of encampments at Kinmel Park, near Rhyl; Frees Heath, near Whit- church; and Park Hall, Oswestry. Forms from District Barrack Officer, Watergate House, Chester. Coventry, March 15.—1,100 tons or 2,200 tons of engine coal for the Sewage Farm Committee. Forms from J. E. Swindlehurst, city engineer and surveyor, St. Mary Hall, Coventry. Darlington, March 18. — About 10,000- tons of small, rough small, or single nut steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Houghton-road. Fareham, March 18.—Best house coal for the Rural Dis- trict Council. Forms from A. Laker, clerk, 97, West-street, Fareham. Glossop, March 17.—Coke for the Corporation. Forms from Town Clerk, Norfolk-chambers, Henry-street, Glossop. Gloucester, March 18.—Rough slack, steam coals, Welsh smokeless, and Staffordshire house coal, for the Finance Committee of the Corporation. Forms from City Surveyor, Guildhall, Gloucester. Hull, March 20.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from F. W. Bracknell, city engineer, Guildhall, Hull. London, S.W., March 17.—13,000 tons of gas coke for the Commissioners of H.M. Works and Public Buildings. Forms from Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, Storey’s-gate, S.W. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from City Estate and Bropeiity Department, Town Hall. Queenstown (Ireland). — Coal for H.M. Government. Forms from Officer Commanding A.S.C., Headquarters, Queenstown. Ripon, March 22.—Coal and coke for the Hutment Camp, Ripon. Forms from District Barrack Officer, Headquarters Office, Northern Command, York. Rugby, March 15.—10,000 tons of coal, peas, beans, or double-screened' nuts, for the directors of the British Thomson-Houston Company Limited, Rugby. Tenders to W. J. Terry. Warwick, March 27.—'Cobbles for engine purposes, for the Visitors Committee of the Warwick County Lunatic Asylum. Forms from H. W. Blenkinsop, clerk. York, March 20.—Steam and house coals’for the Educa- tion Committee. Forms from J. H. Mason, secretary, Education Offices, Clifford-street, York. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Cairo (Egypt), March 31.—Pumping Machinery. — One set of 5 in. diameter by 9 in. stroke single strong triple barrel lift and force pump; one vertical 5 in. diameter by 6 in. stroke double barrel lift and force pump; and two vertical lOn.h.p. boilers, with accessories. Specification from Sir A. L. Webb, Queen Anne’s-chambers, Westminster, S.W. Glasgow, March 16.—Motor Pumps.—Two four-cylinder petrol turbine motor pumps for the Corporation. Specifica- tion from W. Waddell, chief officer, Fire Brigade, 33, Ingram-street, Glasgow. Hove, March 26.—Turbine, etc.—One 500 kw. mixed- pressure steam turbine, complete with a direct current 230-285 volt generator and surface condensing plant, for-the Corporation. Specification from C. B. Smith, Electricity Works, Hove, on deposit of £2. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. — An ordinary general meeting will be held on Friday, March 19, 1915, at eight o’clock, at the Institution, Storey’s-gate, St. James’s Park, London. A paper on “ The Chemical and Mechanical Relations of Iron, Cobalt, and Carbon,” will be read by Mr. J. O. Arnold, D.Met., F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy in the University of Sheffield, and Mr. A. A. Read, D.Met., F.I.C., of Cardiff, Professor of Metallurgy in the University of Wales. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gaztte announces the dissolution of the following partnerships :—G. Savigar and I. Shapin, motor engineers, at Rosomon-mews, Clerken- well, London, under the style of the Penton Engineering Company; P. Parker and S. Jubb, electrical engineers, at King-street, Wakefield, under the style of Parker and Jubb ; J. G. Critchley and W. H. Douglas, carrying on business as motor engineers at 2a, Forrest-street, Liverpool, under the style of Critchley and Douglas; A. J. Ziirsen and C. L. Broadbridge, carrying on business as file sharpeners and general engineers at Derby, under the style of the British Patent File, Tool, and. Engineering Company.