456 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 26, 1915. No. 46. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. The Coal Trade in Nova Scotia in 1914. F. W. Gray. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 15, p. 41; 3 fig. Coal Mining in British Columbia in 1914. E. Jacobs. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 15, p. 58. Contracts during 1907, 1908, and 1913, between the Swedish Government and the Great Mining Companies of Gellivara, Grangesberg, and Kiirunavaara (Les Contrats de 1907, 1908, et 1913 entre 1’Etat Suddois et les Grandes Societes Minibres de Gellivare, Grangesberg, et Kiirunavaara). M. Nicou. “ Bull. Soc. Ind. Min.,” Aug. 1914, p. 113. The Anthracite Combination. E. Jones. 1*50 dols. Howard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. (Vol. xi., Harvard Economic Studies.) The Growth and Aspects of the Coal and Iron Trades in South Russia. J. W. Revillon. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 19, p. 245; 1 fig. The War and the Chemical Industry. W. H. Nichols. “ Journ. Ind. Eng. Chem.,” Feb., p. 131. (Addr. Amer. Assoc. Advancement Science.) Fatal Accidents in Mines During 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 29, p. 229. Coal Mining in South Russia (Der