February 26, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 443 THE GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN COAL AND IRON TRADES. We give below further extracts from German periodicals that have reached us, showing the course of the coal and iron trades in Germany and Austria:— The New Allotments of the Westphalian Coal Syndicate. We give below the new allotments of the Coal Syndicate for the current year, together with the quantities allowed to the ironworks pits for their own consumption. The total coal participation amounts to 88,683,200 tons, or an increase of 100,000 tons only on the figures for 1914. In the case of coke the difference is considerably greater—namely, 1,463,700 tons, whilst in the case of briquettes it is much smaller, being only 17,550 tons. The increase in the coal allotments is due to the larger participation granted to the Lothringen Hiittenverein, whereas a number of cokeries have had their allotments raised—viz., Constantin der . Grosse 197,000 tons, Gelsenkirchen 100,000 tons, Graf Bismarck (new allot- ment) 300,000 tons, Harpen 180,000 tons, Hibernia 273,200 tons, Konigin Elisabeth 100,000 tons, Zollverein 110,000 tons, Concordia 16,000 tons, Ewald 10,000 tons, Koln-Neuessen 20,000 tons, Konig Wilhelm 32,500 tons, and Unser Fritz 25,000 tons. In briquettes an increase of 72,000 tons has been granted to Deutsch-Luxemburg, but the previous allotment of 54,450 tons to Ewald has been cancelled. Colliery. Sales allotment. -Own consump- tion. Coal. Coke. Briquettes. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Aplerbecker A. V. fur Bergbau (Margaret) 319,200 — 92,450 — Arenbergsche A.G. fur Bergbau und Hutfenbetriebe 2,243,300 687,250 — — Arenberg Fortsetzung Gewerkschaft 600,000 150,000 — — Blankenburg, Gewerkschaft 155,000 — 100,000 — Bochumer Bergwerks A.G. (President) 405,900 136,000 — — Bochumer Verein, including Gewerksverein Engelsb 693,400 4/00 154,100 792,400 Borussia Gewerkschaft (including Oespel) 266,900 100,000 45,500 — Buderussche Eisen werke 642,600 215,000 72,000 — Caroline, Gewerkschaft 210,700 — 46,300 — Concordia Bergbau A.G. 1,526,400 487,400 — — Consolidation Bergbau A.G 1,951,800 ’ 515,400 — — ■ Vereinigte Constantin der Grosse, Gewerkschaft 2,762,800 1,175,200 223,350 — Dalhbusch Bergwerks Gesellschaft 1,210,000 183,000 — — Deutscher Kaiser, Gewerkschaft 1,650,000 12,000 • — 2,273,000 Deutsch-Luxemburg Bergwerks und Hutten A.G 3,635,500 853,700 710,550 2,021,300 Dorstfeld, Gewerkschaft 840,000 366,580 — Eisen und Stahlwerk Hoesch A.G 550,000 120,000 — 905,400 Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke A.G 2,325,900 — 811,000 — Ewald, Gewerkschaft der Steinkohlenbergwerke 2,449,000 300,000 — —- Fried. Krupp A.G 775,400 — — 2,992,700 Friedrich der Grosse, Gewerkschaft 1,189,900 406,500 — — Frohliche Morgensonne, Gewerkschaft 581,900 142,000 180,000 — Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks A.G 9,995,700 1,826,808 216,600 810.300 Georgs-Marien Bergwerks und Hiittenverein A.G 600,000 100,000 470,100 Gottessegen, Gewerkschaft der Steinkohlenbergwerke 192,900 54,450 Graf Bismarck 2,326,600 300,000 — — Graf Schwerin, Gewerkschaft 636,500 242,800 — — Gutehoffnungshutte A.V 2,116,600 40,000 216,000 1,635,200 Harpener Bergbau A.G 7,778,800 1,930,000 417,620 — Heinrich. Gewerkshaft 242,400 — Helene und Amelie Gewerkschaft 1,015,000 357,800 72,000 Hibernia Bergwerksgesellschaft 5,813,500 1,476,000 54,450 — Johann Deimelsberg, Gewerkschaft 431,000 — 169,900 — Johannessegen, Gewerkschaft 150,000 — 80,000 — Kbln-Neuessener Bergwerksverein 1,971,800 533,540 — — Konig Ludwig, Gewerkschaft 1,434,300 593,050 — — Konig Wilhelm Essener Bergwerksverein 1,138,100 543,367 — — Konigin Elisabeth, Gewerkschaft 1,300,300 405,200 216,000 — Konigsborn A.G. fur Bergbau, &c 1,124,800 413,900 — — Langenbrahm, Gewerkschaft 726,700 — — — Lothringen, Gewerkschaft 1,214,800 545,000 — — Lothringer Hiittenverein Aumetz-Friede 1,555,300 331,940 72,000 1,040,900 Magdeburg Bergwerks A.G. (Konigsgrube)..... 580,000 — — — Mansfeldsche Kupfer Gewerkshaft 367,200 — — 594,300 Minister Achenbach, Gewerkschaft 600,000 8,100 — 1,461,700 Mont Cenis Gewerkschaft 995,000 200,000 — — Miilheimer Bergwerksverein 1,380,000 95,000 364,900 — Neu-Scholerpad und Hobeisen, Gewerkschaft 210,000 — 60,100 — Phbnix A.G 3,190,000 642,640 71,280 2,473,700 Bheinische Stahlwerke 515,000 100,000 72,000 1,100,200 Siebenplaneten, Gewerkschaft 337,600 64,600 132.360 — Schurbank und Charlottenburg, Gewerkschaft ■ 216,500 — 72,600 — Vereinigte Trappe Gewerkschaft 157,100 — — — Unser Fritz, Gewerkschaft .. 820,000 200,000 — — Victoria, Gewerkschaft 135,000 — 90,000 — Verkaufsverein Hanielscher Zechen, including:— Coal. Coke. Neumuhl 1,650,000 .. . 463,000 Rheinpreussen 3,000,000 .. .. 795,000 Zollverein 1,950,200 .. ,. 440,000 6,600,200 1,698,000 — — Verkaufs ver ein Stinnescher Zechen, including.-— Coal. Coke. Carolus Magnus 354,400 . .. 100.000 Friedr. Ernestine 473,500 .. . 99,260 Graf Beust 596,000 .. .. 66y760 Mathias Stinnes 1,729,000 .. .. 248,195 Victoria Mathias 666,000 .. .. 145,060 ' 3,818,900 659,275 — — Total 88,683,200 19,181,050 4,867,510 19,020,900 The German Wire Industry. In the early stages of the war the wire industry came practically to a standstill, except in respect of barbed wire and one or two other products for which a good demand sprang up. Later on, confidence returned, and the majority of the works were able to carry on with the restricted labour supply available, though the resulting increase in working costs necessitated a rise in prices. On the other hand, owing to pre-existing contracts, few new sales were effected, and the dissolution of the Union prevented the rise from being carried into effect, so that up to the present the industry has not properly revived. The spring contracts for the building trade, &c., which are usually placed in August and September, have not yet been settled, so that prices have had to come down to a level scarcely higher than before the war. Indeed, some contracts have been placed at even lower rates, which are out of proportion to the prime cost. The cause is attributable less to the collapse of the Union than to the reckless competition of the mixed works among themselves. This is particu- larly the case with such articles as galvanised wire, which is made solely by the large works. Normally, about 40 to 45 per cent, of the total wire output is exported, and in some works the proportion is as much as 60 to 70 per cent. Such works are specially affected by the present situation, the decrease in output owing to the labour shortage, not being sufficient to cover the loss of this export business. Consequently, they are driven to compete in the home market to an increased extent, and thus disturb the state of the latter. This circumstance is being exploited by the wholesalers, who are laying in stocks beyond their normal requirements at very cheap rates, though it is improbable that they will be able to take delivery within the stipulated time. On the other hand, the works cannot insist on cancelling these, orders since such a course would endanger their relations with the trade ; and should they insist on the terms of the contracts, the wholesalers would throw large quantities on the market, and cause prices to tumble still further. Up to the present it does not appear that any attempts have been made to include wire in the new syndicates proposed for bar, plates and pipes, though this branch needs co-operation more than any other in the iron industry. German Iron Ore Market. The enquiry for red ironstone from the Dillenburg and Nassau districts, and also for brown ironstone from Upper Hesse has become extremely active. Dillenburg ore is chiefly used in the production of grey foundry pig, an article in high request just now. Contracts in this ore for the second half of the current year have recently been booked on the basis of 165 mk. per 10 tons for 50 per cent, ore, free on rails, and in some cases 170 mk. have been paid. Prices for Hessian brown ironstone ex Mucke-Hungen have also advanced, and it is now difficult to obtain any parcels at the recent rate of 130 mk. per 10 tons f.o.r. Fernie manganese ore, which is very scarce, is quoted at 190 to 195 mk. Traffic on the Rhine-Herne Canal. r.. The total consignments of fuel on this canal during January to Ruhrort amounted to 105,440 tons (115,679 tons in December), of which 20,905 tons (19,736 tons) were from the Arenberg-Prosper Colliery, 24,705 tons (23,202 tons) from Bottrop, 16,582 tons (14,712 tons) from Mathias Stinnes, 2,695 tons (4,650 tons) from Nordstern, 14,863 tons (19,238 tons) from Bismarck, 6,621 tons (12,011 tons) from Wanne-West, 11,573 tons (11,254 tons) from Koenig Ludwig, and 7,505 tons (10,876 tons) from Friedrich der Grosse. Company Reports. Gewerkschaft Dorstfeld.—This company raised 139,881 tons of coal during the final quarter of 1914, as compared with 163,488 tons in the third quarter, and 224,190 tons in the last quarter of the previous year. The output of coke was 37,902 tons, 39,028 tons, and 59,567 tons respectively. The trading surplus totalled 100,146 mk., against a loss of 32,021 mk. in the previous quarter. The coal output for the whole year amounted to 709,288 tons (859,610 tons), and the coke output to 177,797 tons (293,655 tons).* The trading surplus for the year was 496,601 mk. (1,811,631 mk.). Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlen - Bergwerks Konigin Elisabeth, Frillendorf-Essen.—The coal output for the last quarter of 1914 was 238,261 tons (239,470 tons in the previous quarter and 288,729 tons in the final quarter of 1914), the coke production 40,489 tons (36,910 tons and 57,975 tons), and the briquette output 32,541 tons (35,530 tons and 56,911 tons). The profits amounted to 704,859 mk. (163,861 mk. and 694,466 mk. respectively), exclusive of 472,497 mk. (308,636 mk. and 1,254,205 mk.) brought forward; and after distributing 250,000 mk. (0 and 500,000 mk.), there remained a forward balance of 927,537 mk. (472,497 mk. and 1,448,671 mk.). A sum of 135,600 mk. (499,217 mk. the previous year) was set aside for new plant, making 1,258,348 mk. (2,115,738 mk.) for the year. The coal output for the whole year was I, 053,657 tons (1,250,221 tons), coke 193,044 tons (262,711 tons), and briquettes 157,109 tons (249,132 tons). Profits for the year, 2,177,356 mk. (3,448,671 mk.). Gewerkschaft Unser Fritz.—This company made no distribution of profits for the third and fourth quarters of last year, the total distribution for 1914 being only 200 mk. (1,000 mk. in 1913) per share. Zeche Heinrich, Ueberruhr.—This company raised 46,684 tons of coal during the last quarter of 1914 (41,422 tons in the third quarter and 52,254 tons in the final quarter of 1913). The profits were 162,653 mk. (109,577 mk. and 201,782 mk.) plus a forward balance of 400,559 mk. (390,982 mk. and 589,972 mk.) out of which 150,000 mk. (100,000 mk. and 225,000 mk.) have been dis- tributed, 75,000 mk. (0 and 250,000 mk.) set aside forplant extensions, and 15,000 mk. (0 and 25,000 mk.) reserved for subsidence compensation, leaving 323,212 mk. to be carried forward. The total coal output for the year was 194,558 tons (243,535 tons), and the profit 621,459 mk. (906,940 mk.). Gewerkschaft des Steinkohleribergwerks Ewald, Herten. —This company made a profit of 726,788 mk. in the final quarter of 1914 (695,487 mk. the previous quarter and 1,887,360 mk. the last quarter of 1913), from which the usual deductions for interest and new plant have to be taken. The total profits for the year amounted to 4,369,892 mk. (8,416,090 mk.). No distribution is to be made for the last quarter. Gewerkschaft Ver. Constantin der Grosse, Bochum.— The directors of this company have decided to dis- tribute 500 mk. per share, against 1,900 mk. the corresponding period of 1913, making a total distribu- tion of 2,250,000 mk. (4,000,000 mk.) for the year. Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlenbergwerks Graf Schwerin, Castrop.—This company raised 99,025 tons of coal in the last quarter of 1914 (102.310 tons in the previous quarter and 136,634 tons in the last quarter of 1913), and pro- duced 25,042 tons (22,742 tons and 38,515 tons), making a profit of 95,553 mk. (59,390 mk. and 303,797 mk.). Steinkohleribergwerk Graf Bismarck, Gelsenkirchen.— The coal output of this company for the final quarter of 1914 was 346,019 mk. (367,305 tons in the previous quarter), and the profits, including the returns from coke, by-products and brickmaking, amounted to 713,020 mk. (552,819 mk.), the net profits being 656,290 mk. (545,233 mk.). Of this 250,000 mk. have again been distributed, 200,000 mk. placed to general reserve for new plant, and 100,000 mk. for subsidence compensation, leaving a balance of 106,290 mk. (95,233 mk.). Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlenbergwerks Adler, Kupferdreh.—This company raised 62,613 tons of coal in the last quarter of 1914 (63,217 tons in the third quarter, and 79,204 tons in the closing quarter of 1913), and produced 39,860 tons (32,663 tons and 38,930 tons) of briquettes. The gross profits amounted to 245,719 mk. (189,694 mk. and 227,738 mk.), and the net profits to 198,633 mk. (140,065 mk. and 176,832 mk.), out of which 100,000 mk. were distributed. The total profits for the year reached 633,359 mk., or 748,229 mk., including the forward balance from 1913. Gewerkschaft Trier I.-III., Hamm.—The report of this company gives the total coal output from the Radbod and Baldur pits for the year 1914 as 960,896 tons (1,016,865 tons), and the coke production as 226,650 tons (148,610 tons). Gross profit 1,404,861 mk. (2,467,558 mk.). Gewerkschaft Alte Haase, Sprockhdvel.—The report for the final quarter of 1914 states that the coal output increased from 26,440 tons to 31,752 tons, or nearly as much as in the last quarter of 1913 (33,880 tons). The production of briquettes—18,742 tons—also showed an improvement. On the other hand, the cost of produc- tion increased to such an extent as to lessen the profit obtained, that on the coal having receded from 30,944mk. to 18,341 mk., and that on briquettes from 33,012 mk. to II, 873 mk. The total surplus for the whole year declined from 192,263 mk. to 93,345 mk. Bheinische A.G. fur Braunkohlenbergbau und Brikett- fabrikation, Cologne.—The report states that the coal distribution between April 1 and December 31 last amounted to 3,152,672 tons (4,236,025 tons in 1913), the briquette output being 1,068,562 tons (1,171,953 tons), and the distribution 1,055,447 tons (1,165,628 tons). Steinkohlen und Eisenstein Bergwerk Caroline, Holzwickede.—The coal output for the final quarter of 1914 amounted to 36,598 tons, as compared with 38,844 tons in the preceding quarter and 48,336 tons in the last quarter of 1913. The working profits totalled 54,354 mk., against 42,875 mk. and 101,757 mk. respectively, the net profits being 75,537 mk. (90,528 mk. and 120,210 mk.).