408 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 19, 1915. plan, to practically encircle the inner group, and that each of these outer tubes is individually accessible from the fire side of the boiler, from which side they are put’ in. By means of this invention, which is more especially intended for embodiment in boilers of the “ Woodeson ” type, a reduction of cost and space occupied is effected. Big. 1 is a vertical section; a are the inner tubes of each group which are withdrawable through the manhole b, and c are the outer tubes of each group which are accessible from the fire side. The groups of inner tubes c and the manholes corre- spond in shape, and are spaced apart longitudinally suffi- ciently far apart to permit of the tubes c being arranged to practically encircle each group of inner tubes. In the arrangement illustrated in fig. 1 there are four gaps in the outer series as indicated at d; fig. 3 is a diagrammatic plan of >an arrangement in which there are only twTo gaps in the series. (Three claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 1969. Ejectors and pumping plant. S. H. Adams. 1974. Signalling apparatus. J. B. Percivail. 1987. Pit props J. Wragg. 2014. Electric control apparatus. A. H. Curtis and Igranic Electric Company Limited. 2037. Method of generating and exploding gases for use ■in driving gas turbines and the like. E. Jones. 2042. Manufacture of pickaxes and the like tools. G. Bayner. 2043. Central buffers and couplings for railway and the like rolling stock. Edgar Allen and Company Limited, and H. D. Boyd. 2059. Elevators, conveyors, and the like. L. Manes. (Joseph de Fondaumiere and Jules Delair, Mauritius.) 2064. Stop valves. L. Bichardson, and J. Hopkinson and Company Limited. 2101. Process for solidifying alcohol, spirits, petrol, and other hydrocarbons for use with explosives. W. Higgins and C. H. Preston. 2128. Tinplate mill rolling practice. W. J. Williams and D. Davies. 2169 and 2172. Manufacture of explosives. W. J. Mellersh-Jackson. (Palmer-Perchlorate Powder Company of Canada Limited, Canada.) 2176. Botary pumps and engines. G. B. Petter. 2177. Ventilation. S. C. Davidson. 2220. Combined apparatus for melting and casting metal. I. Hall. 2225. Connecting rods for engines, pumps, and the like. J. C. Merry weather. 2226. Steam accumulators. British Thomson-Houston Company Limited, and C. H. Naylor. 2241. Method and apparatus for use in connection with the grinding and pulverising of materials. W. F. Carr-Hill. 2246. Manufacture of explosives. A. W. Jackson and J. C. Blanch. 2248. Electric welding. E. I. Heinsohn. 2270. Bolling mill guide box. G. Jones, T. B. Spencer, and Dorman, Long and Company Limited. 2289. Means for gripping electric cables and the like. W. T. Henley’s Telegraph Works Company Limited, and H. Savage. 2295. Hollow bricks. G. de Geofroy. 2296. Boilers, more particularly of the marine type. H. Breach. 2300. Apparatus for working upon armour plate and similar, heavy plate. Kalker Werkzeugmas- chinenfabrik Breuer, Schumacher and Company Akt.-Ges., and Gier. 2303. Valves for pneumatic rock drills and the like. J. M. Holman and J. L. Holman. 2314. Bock hammer drills and the like. F. E. Bewley ■and J. A. Corner. 2316. Steel bar used for tool making for metal cutting machines, such as lathes, drilling machines, and the like. F. W. Thomas. 2334. Cross rolling mills. G. Evans. 2340. Apparatus for charging and discharging gas retorts and the like, and for conveying or elevating coal, coke, grain, ores, and like substances. W. J. Fiddes. 2344. Bonding connector for bonding the armouring of cables. C. J. Beaver and E. A. Claremont. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published, on March 4. 1913. 29367. Gas fired coke ovens. Simon-Carves By-Product Coke Oven Construction and Working Company, and Brown. 1914. 437. Process for the production of motor spirit from heavy hydrocarbons. Hall. 2866. Furnaces for annealing metals. Gibbons Brothers Limited, and Masters: 3210. Apparatus or boiler for distillation of hydrocarbons, such as petroleum and the like. Delort. 3423. Fluid pressure engines. Valente, Curzon (formerly Siegenberg), and Curzon (formerly Siegenberg). 3466. Steam turbines. Soc. Anon, pour I’Exploitation des Procedes Westinghouse-Leblanc. 3579. Percussive rock drills. Tindall. 3814. Apparatus for feeding finely divided fuel to furnaces. Fisher. 3952. Mechanical stokers for locomotives. Young. 4516. Arresting means for hutches or corves. McKay. 4686. Drainage hoppers, bunkers, or the like. Burnett. 5398. Bock cutting apparatus. Lobnitz. 6531. Steam turbines. Eccles. 7857. Boring machines for use, particularly in coal mines. Stevenson. 9130. Device for preventing accidents in coal and other mines due to overwinding. Wilson. 9201. Signalling appliances for collieries and the like. Bobertson and Bowman. 11221. Bailway vehicle axle boxes. Pettigrew. 11295. Superheaters. Stenning. 11417. Steam superheaters. Litton. 11916. Means for indicating movement of the walls, roof, or floor of mines, tunnels, and the like. Hodges and Smith. 14134. Axle boxes and a method of lubricating the axles of colliery tubs or corves and the like vehicles. Jones. 14220. Apparatus for issuing metallic or like checks or tokens. Graham and Brockies. 14668. Apparatus for automatically and non-automatically coupling and uncoupling railway vehicles. Floryanowicz and Kicinski. 15086. Bailway sleepers or ties. Brockway. 15313. Signal recording apparatus. Yates and Miller. 16434. Apparatus for feeding pulverised or finely divided fuel or other material. Quigley. 17107. Means for balancing luffing cranes. Stothert and Pitt Limited, and Toplis. 22586. Process of fixation of nitrogen. Soc. Generale des Nitrures. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1914. 13440. Production of rust preventing agents. Mannesmann- rohren Werke. 1915. 1538. Boilers. Winands. . ENEMY PATENTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Begister. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 9147/12. Magnetic separators. Annular multi-polar mag- netic separators. Maschinenbau-Anstalt Hum- boldt, Germany (dated April 19, 1911). 9269/12. Quenching coke. In an apparatus for quenching coke, of the kind in which a perforated coke receptacle is 'lowered into a tank of water or other liquid, the receptacle is so constructed that the quenching liquid does not come into contact with the incandescent coke until the receptacle has sunk some distance in the liquid under the weight of the charge. Berlin- Anhaltische Maschinenbau Akt.-Ges., Berlin (dated Nov. 25, 1911). 9589/12. Furnaces; grates. A revoluble grate for gas generators is divided into sectors by partitions between which are overlapping plates to form the blast orifices, from which the blast issues in a direction substantially opposite to that in which the grate revolves. Deutsche-Hiittenb an- Ges., Germany (dated Nov. 27, 1911). 10147/12. Ammonium salts; sulphur, gas manufacture. In a process in which a polythionate solution is alternately treated with ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, or both (referred to as reducing agents) and with sulphurous acid, and is finally treated for the production of sulphate and sulphur, only so much sulphurous acid is used as will convert a part only of the thiosulphate into polythionate, leaving an excess of thio- sulphate, which retards the production of sul- phate in the washing. The sulphurous acid may be allowed to be in contact with the liquor for a short time only, so that some remains free in the liquor, its amount, however, being not enough to destroy all the thiosulphate, and further thiosulphate liquor may be added to combine with it. Free sulphur should be main- tained in the liquor throughout the whole series of operations, a part being removed from time to time as it accumulates. In an example, crude coal gas at or about its dew point is treated with the liquor, ammonia being chiefly absorbed; the gas is then cooled, and again treated with the liquor to remove sulphuretted hydrogen. The gas may be finally purified by iron oxide. In another example, the gas is cooled and treated with the liquor to remove both ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen. W. Feld, Germany (dated March 7, 1912). 10324/12. Mine props. Telescopic mine timbers are secured together by open and closed clamping bands, formed with straight, angular, circular, or elliptical shaped bends, the lower edges of which are bent outwards, to cause the upper edges, to engage the timbers. The open bands are pivoted to the lower timbers, and the closed bands are fitted over the timbers. The bands may be formed in halves hooked together, and the upper edges of the bands may be serrated. M. Gorissen, Germany. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Consular and Trade Beports, 1913 : British Honduras, 2|d.; Foreign Trade of China, 4d. Colonial Survey Committee : Beport for 1913-14, 3Jd. • COAL MINES EXPLOSIVES OBDEB: January 15, 1915; ditto, January 28, 1915, ljd. each. Housing by Local Authorities Beturn, 2Jd. Abstract of Labour Statistics, 17th issue, Is. lOd. Dominions Boyal Commision : Evidence taken in London, June and July, 1914, Is. 7d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Coalfields of India (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India). Vol. 41. By the late Prof. V. Ball; revised and largely re-written by B. B. Simpson. London : Kegan Paul. Trench, Trubner and Company. Price, 5 rupees. On the Geology and Coal Besources of Korea State, Central. Provinces. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India). Vol. 41, Part 2. By L. Leigh Fermor. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company. Price, 3 rupees. The Burma Earthquake of May 1912. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India). Vol. 42, Part 1. By J. Coggin Brown. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company. Price, 3 rupees. “ Bulletin et Comptes Bendus Mensuels de la Societe de I’lndustrie Minerale,” July-December 1914 (Tome 6, Nos 7-10); “Journal of the Franklin Institute” (Vol. 179, No. 2), February, price, 50c.; “ Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scot- land ” (Vol. 58, Part 4); “The Mining Magazine” (Vol. 12, No. 2), February, price Is.: “Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ” (No. 98), February; “Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society ” (Vol. 34, Part 1), Session 1914-15. Grimsby Coal Exports. — Official returns for the week ending February 12, 1915, show that the coal exported from Grimsby was as follows :—Foreign : To Copenhagen, 394 tons; Gothenburg, 1,933; Malmo, 2,251; Norrkoping, 2,208: Oxelosund, 3,032: Bonneby, 1,136; and Botterdam, 921. Coastwise : To London, 1,333 tons,—total, 11,875 tons foreign, and 1,333 tons coastwise; against 18,890 tons foreign, and 187 tons coastwise for the corresponding period of last year. Immingham Coal Exports.—Betums for the week ending February 12, 1915, show that the coal exported from Immingham consisted of the following :—Foreign : To Aarhus, 1,726 tons; Ahus, 1,519: Dieppe, 633; Gothenburg, 4,436; Helsingborg, 2,005; Oxelosund, 1,545; and Botter- dam, 1,668. Coastwise : To Bamsgate, 240 tons—a total of 13,532 tons foreign and 240 tons coastwise; against 29,771 tons foreign and 6,990 tons coastwise for the corresponding week last year. SELF-COISTAIHED MILL Producing BUOYANT, MIXED or COARSE Dust at one Operation, from Run of Mine Shale. 20 MILLS SOLD THIS YEAR. Several Repeat Orders. WM. JOHNSON & SONS (LEEDS) LTD., Armley, Leeds Specialities : CRUSHING, GRINDING and SCREENING, BRIQUETTING, CEMENT and BRICKMAKING MACHINERY.