396 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 19, 1915. Prices f.o.b. cash 30 days. Steam coals: — Best Black Vein large... Western-valleys, ordin’y Best Eastern-valleys ... Secondary do. Best small coals ..... Secondary do.......... Inferior do........... Screenings ........... Through coals ........ Best washed nuts...... Other sorts:— Best house coal....... Secondary do.......... Patent fuel .......... Furnace coke........... Foundry coke ......... Current prices. 20/ -20/6 19/6-19/9 19/ -19/6 18/3-18/9 15/6-16/ 14/9-15/3 13/9-14/3 16/ 14/9-15/6 17/6—17/9 20/ -21/ 19/ -19/6 21/ -23/ 23/ -25/ 28/ -30/ L’st week's prices. 19/6-20/ 19/ -19/6 18/3-18/9 17/9-18/3 14/ -15/ 13/6-14/ 12/6-13/ 14/6-15/ 14/6-15/ 17/ -17/6 21/ 19/ -20/ 20/6-21/6 22/ -24/ 25/ -27/ Last year's prices. 17/3-17/6 16/9-17/ 16/3-16/6 15/9-16/ 8/3- 8/9 7/9- 8/ 7/3- 7/6 8/6- 8/9 12/9-13/3 13/6-13/9 18/ -19/ 17/ -18/ 19/9-20/ 20/ -20/6 23/ -25/ IRON. The iron and steel trades of the district remain very much as a week ago, enquiry continuing good, with a fair amount of new business being put through, which perhaps would be larger but for the disinclination of sellers to accept present prices. The trend of values in all departments is upwards, and with the increasing difficulties in transport, together with the fact that all works are well placed for orders to occupy them for some weeks, and the advancing price of .raw materials, there is little doubt but that higher prices will be the rule before the expiration of the current quarter. Welsh bars are firm, at £6 2s. 6d. to £6 5s. Bessemer, and £6 . 5s. Siemens, some higher quotations having been made. Bails are firm, on the basis of £7 for heavy sections, while enquiry is good and output satis- factory. There is a brisk enquiry for Welsh haematite, values of which have advanced to 95s. to 96s., delivered to works in the district. Iron ore is scarce and in demand at 26 s. to 28s. for best Bub io c.i.f. Newport, with other qualities approximating. The recent improvement in tin- plates is fully maintained, and official quotations are 1^-d. per box more on the week, now figuring on 15s. 3d. for both Siemens and Bessemer for 20 x 14’s. Cardiff. COAL. The strength of the market for all descriptions of coal since last week has not only been maintained, but consider- ably increased. Transactions in best Admiralties have taken place .as high as 22s. 6d., 'and 23s. is being firmly demanded in many quarters. Several contracts have been negotiated over the remainder of the year