390 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 19, 1915. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles .-— page The Price of Coal............................ 391 “ Ca3 Canny 33 Buttons for “ Patriots33............. 391 Articles:— ■ A New Pit-banking Arrangement at Sandwell Park Colliery .................................. 381 The Lateral Friction of Winding Ropes .............. 384 Winding Engine Signals ............................. 385 Trade and the War................................. 388 Coal Shipped from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales .......................................... 389 The Education of the Colliery Manager .............. 397 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 398 The Use of Wooden Butts for Steel Supports in Mines .......................................... 399 Injured Hands and Fingers .......................... 399 Employment of Boys at Mines ........................ 399 Obituary......................................... 400 Mining and. Other Notes .......;................... 400 Labour and Wages :................................ 402 The Freight Market ................................. 404 Open Contracts.................................... 405 Catalogues and Price Lists Received................. 405 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted......................................... 405 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ....................................... 408 Government Publications ..................... 408 , Publications Received ............................ 408 Current Science and Technology.......................... 388 Law Intelligence ..................................... 398 Notes , from the Coalfields ............................ 400 Indian and Colonial Notes .............................. 403 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........;... 404 The Coal and Iron Trades .......................... 393—396 The By-Products Trade .............................. 392 The London Coal Trade .............................. 392 The Tin-plate Trad e ............................ 392 Report of Meeting :— Mining Institute of Scotland........................ 386 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ........................... 397 South.Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers ................................. 403 Letters to the Editors :•— The Acquisition of Enemy Patent Rights ............. 403 Miscellanea:— The