354 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN February 12, 1915. heating a mixture comprising a carbo-hydrate or cellulose- containing material, as, for instance, sawdust, and a hydro- carbon, as, for instance, crude petroleum, or its distillates, such as kerosene or lubricating oils. This mixture is always out of direct contact with the materials being treated. Coal, when treated according to this process, appears to show a considerable increase in its calorific power. (Three claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 1551. Ratchet pawl. Empire Engineering Company (Man- chester) Limited, and A. Williams. 1689. Portable electric head lamp. E. Ricci >and G-. Ricci. 1700. Means for screening >and conveying coke and other materials. F. W. Or dish, land R. Dempster and Sons Limited. 1701. Refuse destructors. Heenan and Froude Limited, and J. Bliss. 1714. Compressing air and gases. R. Fabry. 1738. Tile and method of setting same, to be employed in the construction of that portion known as the regenerator chamber in gas making or carbonis- ing plants. H. E. Grove and F. G. Barker. 1757. Steam and gas turbines. Akt.-Ges. der Maschinen- fabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. 1758. Sliding valve. T. H. Haigh and Bryan Donkin Com- pany Limited. 1759. Railway and like vehicles. Leeds Forge Company Limited, and A. T. Houldcroft. 1765. Vertical centrifugal pumps having: a- constant level in the rotary case. B. Kamensky. 1771. Swivels and shackles. J. E. Mortimer. 1780. Lubricating spring shackle bolts and the like. H. D. Henry. 1804. Steam superheaters. E. A. Bolton and T. F. Gray. 1812. Tube siipeiheaters. W. Milne, A. Milne, and M. L. Milne. 1814. Pit props. V. A. Verner. 1821. Fuel briquettes. T. D. Kelly. 1835. Material suitable for brake blocks and other articles. H. Flood. 1846. Briquetting machines. C. Korte. 1849. Apparatus for separating substances of different specific gravities, such as coal and ores, and the like. J. M. Draper. 1862 and 1863. Rock drills and the like. M. T. Taylor and E. A. Loring. 1865. Pumps. 0. Howl and J. Grainger. 1878. Method of superficially hardening steel. C. P. Sandberg. 1883. Device for automatically disconnecting water pump- ing engines and the like. Allgemeine Elektri- citats-Ges. 1897. Heat diffusion devices for the heating tubes of boilers and the like. T. J. Carr. 1921. Cutter bars and operating gear of cutting machines, particularly adapted for use in mining coal and the like. Mavor and Coulson Limited, and M. S. Moore. . : . ’ 1927; Construction of apparatus for regulating temperatures. T. Glover. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on February 25.) 1913. 22389. Casting of metals. Sollis and Lambert. 22553. Manufacture of axles and appliances employed therein. Beaumont. 24028. Manufacture of tungsten. Gladitz. 1914. 250. Estimation of substances in gases or liquids. Harger. 476. Gas producers. International Nitrogen and Power Company, and Lucas. 1536. Rolling mills. Halsall. 2072. Heat accumulators. Maurice. 2319. Pumping engines. Davey. 2677. Unloading devices especially applicable to railway wagons. Spencer and Company, and Sawyer. 2712. Railway rail joints. Stephenson. 2808. Electric bells. Thornton. 3945. Apparatus relating to the withdrawal of air and water from steam condensers. Morison. 4525. Jointing devices for tubes carrying electrical con- ductors. Longbottom and Farrar. 4840. Pumps for raising and delivering water and other liquids. Hansen. 4931. Protective devices for electric distribution systems. British Thomson-Houston Company. - (General Electric Company.) 5764. Process for purifying and treating 'town gas. Koechlin. 6351. Control of electric winding gear. British Thomson- Houston Company, and David. 6714. Internal combustion pump. Golby. (Schafer, Griffith, Wright, and Cygon.) 6759. Pump and other pistons. Warin. 7583. Automatic car couplers. Willison, and National Malleable Castings Company. 9034. Means and method of producing coal gas and the like. Davidson. 9930. Draw bar for trailer wagons or the like. Pearson. 10224. Tool holder for boring, drilling, and like machines. Gregory. .. . - 10361. Couplings or joints for tubing, rods, ropes, and the like. Lea and Almond. 10384. Furnaces for Cornish, Lancashire, and like boilers. Blythe. 12401. Pedestal bearings for colliery corves. Potter, Moor- wood, and Potter. 12567. Steam superheaters. Freeman. 13036. Valves. Kilburn, and J. Hopkinson and Company. 13946. Means for preventing the creeping of railway rails. Elfborg. 15575. Smoke and water tube boilers. Polderman and Luchsinger. 16397. Railway rail joints. Johnson and Johnson. 16687. Manufacture of chrome nickel steel for armour plates, projectiles, and the like. Compagnie des Forges et Acieries de la Marine et d’Homecourt. 19523. Pit prop or support for the roof and sides in mining, tunnelling, trenching, and the like excavatory processes. Morris and Langrick. 19990. Steam generators. Chrystall. 20533. Drill chucks. Fairquharson. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1914. .12153. Method of and apparatus for coking coal briquettes. Gratz. 13551. Compound steam engines. R. Wolf Akt.-Ges. 24735. Process for separating the constituents of air or other gaseous mixtures. Ges. fur Lindes Eismaschinen Akt.-Ges. 1915. 889. Differential gear control for distributing mechanism in reciprocating engines. Vaiobra. 952. Force pumps. Soc. G. Brian and A. Soudee. 1234. Stranded electrical conductors. Hochstadter. 1283. Explosives. Aubert. 1287. Water tube boilers. Schmidt. 1489. Method of treating tar or tar oils or derivatives of tar for the purpose of converting hydrocarbons having a high bailing point into hydrocarbons of low specific gravity and with a low boiling point. Melamid and another. 1490. Method of obtaining products of tar distillation which boil at a low temperature by heating along with phosphoric acid. Melamid and another. CAPTURING ENEMY PATENTS. The following list of British Patents which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, Chartered Patent Agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Register of Patents. If any patent listed has been assigned to .a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 7900/12. Furnaces; charging. In a blastfurnace charging apparatus of 'the kind in which a bucket or skip containing a charge is suspended from a trolley or traveller running on an inclined track, oscillations of the bucket are prevented by a coupling device, either of invariable length or of a length which adjusts itself to the inclina- tion of the track. Deutsche Maschinenfabrik Akt.-Ges., Germany (dated April 22, 1911). 7978/12. Kilns. The waste gases from a burning kiln, and the air from a cooling kiln are burnt together, and utilised in a heating apparatus, for example, a steam generator. F. Burgass, Saxony. 8104/12. Centrifugal pumps. R. Eisermann and J. Lehne, Germany. 8192/12. Rope gearing. Relates to jockey pulleys for use with multiple rope drives. C. Geburtig, Ger- many (dated April 10, 1911). 8246/12. Briquetting ores, etc. . W. Boehm, Germany. 8425/12. Furnaces; grates ; protecting metal parts. The firebars and other severely heated parts of a travelling grate are protected by a coating of refractory material,'which is renewed from time to time. H. Franke, Germany (dated April 10, 1911). 8489/12. Grab buckets. Relates to grabs of the type in which the bucket halves do not come together when the grab is closed, the closing being effected by an auxiliary stirrup, and the inven- tion consists in giving to the movement of the stirrup a lead in advance of the opening move- ment of the jaws, and a lag during the closing . movement. J. Pohlig Akt-Ges. and E. Kraemer, Germany'(dated October 14, 1911). 8716/12. Prospecting. The presence of underground water levels or minerals is determined by means of the interference of direct and reflected electric waves passing between aerials stretched parallel in an horizontal direction above the ground and at right angles to the line joining the transmitting and receiving stations. H. Lowy, Germany (dated April 12, 1911). 9024/12. Furnaces; annealing furnaces; charging and dis- charging. G. Falter, Germany. *** Copies of any” of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of 15. post free. Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. Date of hearing. 29019/04 17828/06 27290/04 20598/07 19294/09 Flottmann. (Valve apparatus for rock drills) Flottmann. (Rock drills) J. Pohlig Akt.-Ges. (Furnace hoists) Aumund. (Charging mechanism for blast furnaces) J. Pohlig Akt.-Ges. (Furnaces) ) The Flottman 1 Engineering Co. f Ltd., Allensbank J Works, Cardiff The Pearson and Knowles Coal > and Iron Co. Ltd., Warring- ton, Lancs. Feb. 19. Feb. 25 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : (No. 7), Trading with the Enemy (Isle of Man), l|d.; (No. 6), Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (Isle of Man), IJd. Australia Customs Tariff, 1915, 3Jd. Trade and Navigation Returns for January 1915, Is. 2d. Consular Report : Spain, Trade of Barcelona, 1913, 4d. Board of Trade Circular (No. 1557), re Inflammable Liquids, Id. i Factory Form (No. 76), re Certifying Factory Surgeons in England and Wales, Is. 4d.; ditto in Scotland (No. 77), Is. 4d.; ditto in Ireland (No. 78), Is. 4d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Preliminary Report on Organisation and Method of the Illinois Coal Mining Investigation of the United States Geological Survey. Urbana : University of Illinois. Coal Mining Practice in Illinois : Districts 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8. (United States Bureau of Mines, Bulletins of the Illinois Coal Mining Investigations, Co-operative Agree- ment). By S.» 0. Andros. Urbana : University of Illinois. “ The Geological Magazine,” February, price 2s.; “ British Columbia Bureau of Mines ” (Bulletin No. 2, 1914), “ The Mineral Resources of the Lardeau and Trout Lake Mining Divisions,” by Newton W. Emmens; “Journal and Transactions of the Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 6, No. 1), January, price Is. 3d.; “ Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal ” (Vol. 1, No. 1), January; “ Cassier’s Engineer- ing Monthly ” (Vol.'47, No. 2), February, price Is.; “The Engineering Magazine,” February, price Is.; “Transac- tions of the Mining Institute of Scotland ” (Vol. 37, Part 3; “ The Friedmann Treatment of Tuberculosis : a Report of the Board Appointed for Its Investigation,” by J. F. Anderson and A. M. Stimson (Bulletin No. 99); “ Hygiene Laboratory of the United States Public Health Service”; “Report on the Building and Ornamental Stones of Canada ” (Vol. 2—Maritime Provinces) (Canada Department of Mines). Hull Coal Exports. The official return of the exports of coal from Hull abroad for the week ending Tuesday, February 2, 1915, is as follows :—Amsterdam, 448 tons; Alderney, 239; Aarhus, 2,913; Christiania, 1,727; Duclair, 1,177; Dieppe, 826; Dunkirk, 282; Frederikshaven, 521; Gothenburg, 593; Harlingen, 596; Halmstadt, 877; Havre, 825; Oxelosund, 1,865; Rouen, 6,970; Reykjavik, 424; Var- berg, 624; Calais, 2,377—total, 23,284 tons. The above figures do not include bunker coal, shipments for the British Admiralty, nor the Allies’ Governments. Corresponding period February 1914, total 65,108 tons. Oxygen Resuscitating Apparatus. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. Driving Chains & Wheels Conveyors, Elevators, Screening Plant, Tipplers, &c., <&c. ON WAR OFFICE AND ADMIRALTY LISTS. HANS RENOLD LTD., Didsbury, MANCHESTER. ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makers of LTD. ALSO MAKERS OF “Proto” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SIEBE, GORMAN & GO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London/’ Telephone No—251 Hop. agent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. JWT and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Govnal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—” Allen* Lower Gobnal.” Telephone—106 Dudley.