336 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN February: 12, 1915. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles :— page A Labour Paradise........................... 337 Mining Education and the War .............. 337 Articles :— Centrifugal Pumping Plant at South African Mine 327 Some Remarks on Mining Education........... 329 Mechanical Stoking ........................ 330 The Geology of the South’Wales Coalfield ... 331 Obituary.................................... 334 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 335 Explosives in Coal Mines.................... 335 Trade and the War........................... 338 Labour and Wages............................ 343 Exports of Coal, Coke,, and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom ..................... 347 Mining and Other Notes...................... 348 The Freight Market ....................... 348 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and Other Ports in the.United Kingdom........................ 348 Coal Shipped from Ports in England., Scotland and Wales ................................. 348 Open Contracts............................. 350 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................... 350 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades .................................... 354 Government Publications and Publications Received 354 Current Science and Technology.................. 334 Law Intelligence ............................... 344 Notes from the Coalfields ..................... 345 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........... 349 The Coal and Iron Trades .................. 338—342 The By-Products Trade ....................... 335 The London Coal Trade ..................... 338 The Tin-plate Trade ..........................342 Report of Meeting :— Manchester Geological and Mining Society..... 332 Letters to the Editors :—Half-watt Electric Lamps 343 Miscellanea:—: Grimsby Coal Exports—The Pooling of Wagons ... 329 Hull Coal Imports—Miners* Federation and the Home Office—Audible and Visible Signals ... 330 Imports of Pit Props in January—Shipments of Bunker Coals — Institution of Mechanical Engineers .’............................... 338 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ........ 341 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ...................... 342 South.Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers—Immingham Coal Exports— Iron and Steel Institute .................... 344 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ...................... 348 Exports and Imports of Coal Tar Products..... 349 Partnerships Dissolved — Mining Institute of Scotland .................................. 350 Hull Coal Exports ....................... 354 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. ...... Established 1856. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Harris and. Mills. Chartered Patent Agents. 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN. LONDON, W.O. Telegraphic Address—" Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. Circular of useful information and prices for British and Foreign Patents post free. Chart of 187 Mechanical Motions with description of each, post free. 6d. Patents, &c. — General advice free. Lowest Inclusive Charges. Regd. British, U.S., and Canadian Patent Agents.—THE CONSULTING PATENT AGENCY. 253. Gray’s Inn- road. London, W.C. Write, call, or phone. Est. 1880. Ph.: Holborn 6109. Superintendent or Foreman requires a K_7 Post; thoroughly experienced in mechan’cal cinstruction, draughting, designing and erecting of mining plants. Marcus screens, wash plants, buildings, cost estimates, superv.siou of all kinds of engines, boilers, air machinerv, &c., &c. : now disengaged; highest refer ances—Box 5883, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street. Holborn, London, E.C. TVAnted, a Situation as Under-Manager V V by practical man experienced in hand and machine worked collieries; used to coal cutters and conveyors; last four years a deputy; Midlands preferred.—Box 5941, Collier* Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn. London, E.C. METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF HACKNEY. TENDERS FOR STEAM COAL. The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney are prepared to receive TENDERS from colliery com- panies, or their accredited agents, for the supply and delivery at the Hackney Public Baths, Lower Clapton-road. N.E , or at a specified railway siding, of such quantities of Hard STEAM COAL as thev may require during’a period from the 9th May, 1915, to the 31st March, 1916. The quantity used during the period is estimated to be about 1,500 tons. The Contractor will be required to enter into a contract in the form of that attached to the form of tender. Forms of tender, together with condTtions of contract, may be obtained on application to the undersigned on deposit of a sum of 10s., which will be returned by the Council after the tenders have been adjudicated upon, pro- vided that a bona fide tender has been sent in and has been duly delivered in the manner described hereunder, and is not afterwards withdrawn. Tenders, enclosed in envelopes sealed with sealing wax, and endorsed *‘Coal Supply to the Baths,’.’ must either be delivered by the person tendering, or an authorised representative, to the Chairman at a meeting of the Establishment and General Purposes Committee of the Council, to be held at the Town Hall, Mare street, Hackney, on Thursday, the 25th February, 1915, at 6.30 o’clock p.m., or sent by registered post, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee at the Town Hall, so as to be delivered to him not later than the time stated. Tenders sent otherwise will not be considered. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Town Hall, Hacknev. N.E., W. A. WILLIAMS, 9bh February, 1915. Town Clerk. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, WOOD- TURNERS, AND OTHERS. Mr. F. Bannister will Sell by Auction, at the Lion Hotel, Worksop, on THURSDAY, 4th MARCH, 1915, subject to conditions in catalogue. 30 LOTS OF TIMBER AND POLES on the Estates of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, comprising Oak, Ash. Elm, Beech, Sycamore, Larch, and other Timber; and Birch, Oak, and other Poles. Catalogues from the Auctioneer, Worksop, and Mr. Tomlinson, Clumber Park, Worksop, who will, on apolication, show the lots. The sale will begin at 2 o’clock nreciselv, after the usual luncheon at one. ARTHUR E. ELLIOTT, Newcastle Estate Office, Worksop. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE OWNERS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. Formed in 1891for the Protection of the Bights and Interests of Private Owners. Applications for particulars and terms of membership may be Sent to the SECRETARY, Clarence Chambers, Gloucester. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. ^Established 1872. BORING fob J^~INERALS.: SPEED AND CERTAINTY. CYLINDRICAL “ CORES.” THE AQUEOUS WORKS AND DIAMOND ROCK-BORBHO Co. Ltd. Cuildford St., York Road, Lambeth, London, S.E. Besides numerous other Important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring iti the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience in Boring for WATER. The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD. PORTH, GLAM. • An University Training at Your Own Home. Lessons and Instruction by Post for candidates for FIRST and SECOND Class Mine Managers’and Mine Surveyors’Home Office Examinations; Surveying and Electrical Engineering for London City Guild’s Examina- tions; also A.M.E.E. Examinations and Government Inspectors’ Exams. Candidates for the above write without delay for free Syllabus, and book of Previous Examination Questions. (Dept. G.) CAMBRIAN MINING SCHOOL. PORTH, Clam. Briquette Machinery Ltd., 161, Water Lane, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite, Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. The UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL (Estab. 1883) is conducted bv T. A. SOUTHERN (late H.M.I.M.) and H. W. HALBAUM (Greenwell Medallist*, men qualified to prepare you for the highest mining positions. U.M.S men obtain aad hold nearly all the be^t posts. For example, 50 of H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. men. Lessons by post only. Fees postponable during the war. Particulars on application. Syllabus and advice free. THE U.M.S., 50, Connaught Rd., CARDIFF. YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, and 38 Years’ Experience. They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS than any other firm in this country. “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS encased in STEEL SHEETING. Simply unimpairable by heat. 96°/o SAYING in Condensation. Greatest Economy & Service. Nearly 5,000 Users. SUTCLIFFE BROS. nr. Manchester. LOGOMOTIVES For Sale or JBfire. ALWAYS IN STOCK. QUICK DESPATCH. THG® W. WARD Ltd., Sheffield. Telegrams—“Forward.” Telephones—4321 (6 lines). COUNTY BOROUGH OF SALFORD. The Electricity Committee have for Sale two900-kw. Mather & Platt Direct-current GENERATORS, 440 to 550 volts, coupled direct to Browett Lindley six-cylinder Compound Engines: also one Motor-driven BOILER FEED PUMP, and one High- pressure Steam FEED WATER HEATER. Full particulars from the ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, Electricity Works. Frederick-road, Pendleton. Tenders are invited by Saturday, 20th February, 1915. COUNTY BOROUGH OF BURTON-UPON-TRENT. TO STONE CONTRACTORS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the above Borough invite TENDERS for the supply of the under- mentioned Materials, Goods, Tools, &c., for six or twelve months from 31st March, 1915, viz. :— Broken Granite. Granite Setts and Kerb. Coal. Lime. Stoneware Pipes* Bricks. Cement (to British standard specification). Disinfectants, &c. Forms of tender may be had on and after Wednesday, the 10th instant, on application at the Borough Surveyor’s office, and samples may be inspected at the Bond End Stores on application to the Storekeeper. No tender will be accepted from any party who pays his employees, whether artisans or labourers, less than the standard rate of wages paid in this Borough, or who does not conform to the hours and conditions of labour generally recognise i in each branch of industry affected. A clause to ensure compliance with this regulation will be inserted in the general conditions of contract. Sealed tenders te he deliveredt3 me not later than 10 a.m. on Saturday, 20th inst, endorsed “Tenderfor---.” The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Town Hall, GEORGE T. LTNAM, 9th February, 1915. Borough Engineer and Surveyor. TVrimng Engineer.—Thoroughly com- I V1 petent fully qualified Mining Engineer required to take full charge Of important Barytes mines in South Ireland; experience in all mining work essential; one with good mechanical knowledge and experience in running suction gas engines and stone mills preferred; good salary and bonus : comfortaole mine house.—Apply, stating age. and giving full, particulars of experience and qualifications, to DUNMANUS BAY BARYTES CO. LTD., 24, Finsbury-square, London. Qeo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. T^xperienced Mining Engineer, dis- engaged owing to the war, is prepared to take temporary or other work at home or abroad; highest qualifications and references.—Box 5945, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. burnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. The Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co. Ltd. have vacancies for twi MINING PUPILS : ro premium required and small remuneration given.—Apply, with particulars of age, education. &c.. to the SECRETR-hy, F,hhw Vale. Mrm_ TUBES AND FITTINGS, iron AND STEEL Tubes for Gas, Water, Steam, and Compressed. Air. Electric Tramway Poles, Pit Props, High. Pressure Steam Mains, &c. JOHN SPENCER LTD., Globe Tube Works, Wednesbury. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” *** For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. AND Journal Qf the Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. LONDON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915. The Home Secretary gives notice that, on January 28, 1915, he made an Order under section 61 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, entitled “The Explo- sives in Coal Mines Order of the 28th January, 1915,’’ the effect of which is to add the following explosives— viz., “ Britonite No. 3,” “Nationalite No. 2,” and “ Thames Powder No. 2,” to the permitted explosives named and defined in the First Schedule to the Explosives in Coal Mines Order of September 1, 1913. The London coal trade continues brisk. Better supplies are now brought forward by railway com- panies, and the shortage of fuel considerably relieved. Depots are busy, orders plentiful, but shortage of labour, particularly loaders and carmen, makes delivery difficult and slow. Colliery prices still rule high. Current lists are withdrawn. Very little free coal offering. The tonnage situation has “ gone back ” slightly during the past week, and in consequence the high freight rates have remained firm. On the Tyne and Wear the prompt markets are more active, the forward enquiry is very good and prices are firming up. In Lancashire the supply is still unable to meet the needs of the market. A good enquiry is exhibited in Yorkshire, where labour shortage and traffic difficulties are making themselves sorely felt. It is hoped that the settlement of the threatened strike in the western area will considerably ease the markets. A strong demand for all classes of fuel is noticeable in Derbyshire, but the output has been further restricted, and values as a consequence have increased. The market at Cardiff is firmer all round ; unfortunately supplies are scarce, and the tonnage arrivals have not been quite so favourable. Secondary descriptions are still highly priced. The Scottish coal trade is very active, and prices tend to advance. The average value of coal, coke and manufactured fuel exported from the United Kingdom during January was 13s. 8-2d. per ton, as compared with 14s. l’3d. in January 1914, and 13s. 7’5d. in January 1913. An interesting paper dealing with mining educa- tion was read by Mr. Noah T. Williams on Tuesday before the Manchester Geological and Mining Society. In the King’s Bench Divisional Court, on Wednes- day, the reserved judgment was given in the case of The King v. his Honour Judge Amphlett concerning a rule nisi calling upon the latter, as chairman of the Joint District Board for West Yorkshire, to show cause why he should not deal with an application by the West Yorkshire Thin Seam Owners’ Association. By a majority of the Court, the rules nisi were made absolute.