January 29, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 245 The Propagation of Flame in Mixtures of Methane and Air. The “Uniform Movement.’’ R. V. Wheeler. “ Journ. Chem. Soc.,” Nov., p. 2606; 3 fig. The Killingworth Colliery (New South Wales) Explosion. J. Ashworth. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 48, 2, p. 348; 3 fig. XVIII.—Mine Fires. A Study of ‘the Oxidation of Coal. FI. C. Porter and 0. C. Ralston. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 8, p. 73; 12 fig. (From Techn. Paper 65, U.S. Bur. Mines.) XIX.—Rescue and Ambulance. New Petrol Motor Fire Engines for Colliery Fire and Rescue Stations in Durham 'and Northumberland. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 15, p. 125; 1 fig. A Broken Back Splint. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 1; p. 41; 1 fig. Rescue and Ambulance Work in 1913. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 15, p. 127. Rescue Operations after Royalton Explosion and their Bessons. 0. Cartlidge. “Coal Age,’’ Jan. 16, p. 114; 3 fig. XX.—Drainage, Pumping, etc. Turbine Pumps for Colliery Pumping. R. H. Willis. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,’’ Jan. 1, p. 23. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man. and Assoc. Min. Elect. Engin. [joint].) Description of Water Dams in Coal at Netherseal Colliery. C. Dickinson. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,’’ vol. 48, 2, p. 400; 6 fig. XXI. —Preparation. Recovery of Brown Coal Dust by Filters (Die Riick- gewinnung des Staubes mit Filtern). “ Braunkohle,” Nov. 27, pp. 1165-71. Screening Conveyor Plant at Landsale Pit, Gateshead. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,’’ Jan. 8, p. 54; 3 fig. The Drainage of Fine Coal in Coal Washeries (Ueber die Entwasserung der Feinkohle in den Steinkohlen- waschen). —. Stratmann. “ Bergbau,” Jan. 1, p. 1. XXII. —Briquettes. Briquetted or “ Patent ’’ Fuels. J. G. Davis and A. G. Hawker. “ Chem. Wld.,” Nov., p. 307. XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Common Difficulties on By-Product Coke Oven Plants : Their Cause and Remedy. “Manager.’’ “Gas Wld.’’ (suppl.), Jan. 2, p. 12; 1 fig. Silica Bricks for Coke Ovens. “ Gas Wld.’’ (suppl.), Jan. 2, p. 23; 1 fig. Coal Gas Residuals—Feld Process. F. H. Wagner. “ Chem,. Engin.,’’ Dec., p. 228; 4 fig. (Paper read before Amer. Gas. Inst.) Coppde Plant at Coedely Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 15, p. 121; 15 fig. Modern By-Product Coking. G. Stanley Cooper. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,’’ vol. 48, 2, p. 427; 4 fig. A New Coke-Quenching Process (Ein nenes Kokslosch- verfahren). — Rudel. “ Journ. Gasbeleucht.,” Dec. 19, p. 1041. New Coking and By-Product Plant at Newport Works, Middlesbrough. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,’’ Dec. 25, p. 795; 5 fig. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Liquid Fuel in the French Diesel Motor Industry (Die Fliissigen Brennstoffe in der Franzdsinchen Diesel- inotorenindustrie). —. Loebell. “ Petroleum,’’ Nov. 18, pp. 129-32; illus. Selecting a Coal for Use in Ship’s Bunkers. F. R. Wadleigh. “Black Diamond,’’ Dec. 12, p. 470. The Value of Anthracite Steam Coals. R. Trautschold. “ Coal Age,’’ Jan. 2, p. 8; 2 charts. The Domestic Fuel of the Future. F. Swann. “ Chambers’ Journ.,’’ Jan. 1, 1915, pp. 43-4. Coal Dust Fired Reverberatory Furnaces of Canadian Copper Company. D. H. Browne. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,’’ Jan., p. 49; 2 fig. Coal Dust Fired Reverberatories at Washoe Reduction Works. L. V. Bender. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Alin. Engin.,’’ Jan., p. 73; 2 fig. Classification and Heating Value of American Coals. W. Kent. “ Journ. Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.,’’ Dec., p. 435; 5 fig. Production of Methane. “Journ. Gas Lighting,’’ Jan. 12, p. 78. The Separation of the Illuminants in Mixed Coal and Water Gas. G. A. Burrell and I. W. Robertson. “ Chem. Engin.,’’ Dec., p. 223; 2 fig. “ Journ. Ind. Eng. Chem.,’’ Jan., p. 17. (Paper read before Amer. Gas. Inst.) Specific Gravity : Its Determination for Tars, Oils, and Pitches. J. M. Weiss. “ Journ. Ind. Eng. Chem.,’’ Jan., p. 21; 4 fig. Easy Calorimetric Methods of High Precision. W. P. White. “ Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc.,’’ Nov., p. 2313; 5 fig. Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis. G. Lunge and C. A. Keane. Vol. III., parts 1 and 2. London : Gurney and Jackson. Coal and Its Economical Use. P. S. Thompson. “ Journ. Inst. Elect. Engin.,’’ Jan. 15, p. 184. Inflammable Natural Gas as an Economic Mineral. J. A. Leo Henderson and W. H. Henderson. “ Bull. Inst. Min. Metall.,” No. 124; 7 fig. Analyses of Mine and Car Samples of Coal Collected in the Fiscal Years 1911-13. A. C. Fieldner, H. I. Smith, A. H. Fay, and G. Sanford. 444 pp.; 2 fig. U.S. Bureau of Mines (“ Bull. 85 ’’). 1914. New Developments in the Generation of Gas from Brown Coal (Neuere Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Ver- gasung von Braunkohlen). —. Gwosdz. “ Braun- kohle,’’ Dec. 25, p. 527; Jan. 1, p. 539. The Generation of Gas from Brown Coal (Vergasung von Rohbraunkohle). —. Klostermann, “ Giesserei- Zeitg.,” Dec. 15, p. 633. XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers. Electricity in Mines. R. Nelson. “ Colliery Guard.,’’ Jan. 15, p. 124. Influence of the Boiler Duty on the Humidity of the Steam in a Cornish Boiler (Die Abhangigkeit der Dampfieuchtigkeit von der Kesselbelastung bei einen Einflammrohrkessel). “ Z. Bayer. Rev. Ver.,’’ Nov. 30, pp. 203-4. The “ Luminator ’’ Process of Preventing Boiler Incrus- tation (Das Luminatorverfahren zur Verhinderung der Kesselsteinbildung). “ Z. Bayer. Rev. Ver.,’’ Nov. 30, pp. 204-6; illus. The Placzek Travelling Grate. (Der Wanderrost System Placzek). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfkessel Betr.,” Dec. 4, pp. 523-25; illus. Arrangement, Design, and Operation of Pipes in Boiler Plant (Anordnung, Bau und Betrieb der Rohrleitungen in Dampfkraftanlagen). —. Menk. “Weiner Dampfkessel Z.,” Nov., p. 125; illus. The Piedboeuf Water Tube Boiler (Der Piedboeufsche Kammer-Wasserrohrenkessel). —. Koch. “ Braun- kohle,’’ Dec. 11, pp. 505-11; illus. Mechanical Coaling of Boiler Plants (Die Maschinelle Bekohlung der Kesselhauser). —. Wintermeyer. “ Fordertechnik.,” Dec. 1, pp. 261-63; illus. Simplified Theory of the Turbine (Vereinfachte Dampf- turbinentheorie). —. Goetzke. “ Z. Turb. Wesen.,” Nov. 30, pp. 477-81; Dec. 10, pp. 492-96; illus. Testing Gas Engines while Running (Die Untersuchung von Gasmotoren im Betrieibe). —. Wilda. “ Gel- u. Gasmasch.,” Oct., pp. 89-93; illus. The Clinkering of Coal. L. S. Marks. “ Steel and Iron,’’ Dec. 14, p. 1565; 2 fig. (Abst. paper read before Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.) Bonecourt Surface Combustion Boilers. “ Engineer- ing,’’ Jan. l,p. 12; 12 fig. (Installation at a Midland metallurgical works.) Economy and Other Trials of Boilers and Engines—II. “ Vulcan,” Jan., p. 140; 2 fig. Mechanical Stokers on American Locomotives. No. 1. “ Engineer,” Jan. 8, p. 42. Transmitting Power by Rope Drives. H. D. Jackson. “ Power,” Dec. 8, p. 808; 6 fig. Winslow High-Pressure Boiler. “ Power,” Dec. 8, p. 824; 6 fig. The Combustion of Coal and the Economical Generation of Steam. J. R. M. Fitch. “ Trans. Inst. Mar. Engin.,” July, p. 55. The Una-Flow Steam Engine. A. C. Meyers. “ Journ. Amer. Soc. Naval Engin.,” Nov., p. 1162; 1 fig. Mechanical Stoking. E. Kenyon. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” vol. 30, 6, p. 575; 15 fig. Safety Valves. D. MacNicoll. “ Trans. Inst. Engin. Shipb. Scotld.,” vol. 58, 3, p. 19; 17 fig. The “ Marshall ” Drop Valve Engine. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 1, p. 24; 2 fig. New Developments in the Construction of Steam Tur- bines and Turbo-Compressors (Neuere Bestrebungen im Bau von Dampfturbinen und Turbo-kompress- oren). —. Ott. “ Mont. Rundsch.,” Jan. 1, p. 3. Exhaust Turbine Installation at the Silksworth Colliery. F. C. Coleman. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 22, p. Ill; 5 fig. XXVI.—Compressed Air. Jaeger Turbo-Blowers 'and Compressors (Der Turbine- geblase- und Turbinenkompressorenbau von C. H. Jaeger und Co.). —. Matter. “ Z. Deutsch. Ing.,” Nov. 28, pp. 1593-1600; Dec. 5, pp. 1620-26; illus. The Application of Compressed Air in Mines (Die Ver- wendung von Presslust im Bergbaubetriebe). —. Liwehr. “ Zeit. Komp. Gaise.,” Nov., p. 190. XXVII.—Electricity. What is a Safe Voltage in Alines? J. I. Pratt. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Jan. 1, p. 298. (Address to Coal Alin. Inst. Amer.) Some Electrical Installations in 1914. G. E. Edwards. “ Alin. Eng. Wld.” (Chicago), Jan. 2, p. 35; 10 fig. Notes on Switchboard Arrangement and Equipment. “ Elect. Rev.,” Jan. 15, p. 91. Safeguarding the Use of Mining Machinery. F. H. Kneeland. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Jan., p. 61. The “ Fluvent ” Fuse System. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 1, p. 35; 3 fig. Automatic Protective Switchgear for Alternating Current Systems. F. W. Wedmore. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 24, p. 1321; 25 fig. (From paper read before Inst. Elect. Engin.) Some Power Station Details. C. Lewis. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 1, p. 19; 4 fig. (Paper read before Assoc. Min. Elect. Engin.) Surface Earthing at Scottish Mines. P. S. Glover. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 1, p. 20; 6 fig. (Paper read before Assoc. Min. Elect. Engin.) Typical Breakdowns in Colliery Electrical Plant and their Prevention. L. Foster. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 1, p. 21. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Alan, and Assoc. Alin. Elect. Engin. [joint].) Electrification of the Seaham Colliery. F. C. Coleman. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 22, p. 175; 15 fig. XXVIII.—Surface Transport. A New Type of Grab. “Engineer,” Dec. 25, p. 602; 6 fig. (The Underwood “ Digger.”) Concrete Lining for Steel Bunkers. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 19, p. 981; 3 fig. (New plant for storing coking coal at Duluth, Minn.) The Piers which Transfer America’s Export Coal. J. F. Springer. “ Black Diamond,” Dec. 26, p. 532; 4 fig. Re-Fuelling Warships at Sea. Spencer Miller. “ Engineering,” Jan. 15, p. 67; Jan. 22, p. 118; 17 fig. (Paper read before Soc. Nav. Arch. Mar. Engin., N.Y.) Aerial Ropeways—I. “Engineer,” Jan. 15, p. 53; 9 fig.; 16 fig. Powerful Eight-Coupled Locomotive for Nova Scotia. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 1, p. 34; 1 fig. Bituminous Coal Storage. “ Coll. Engin.,” Jan., p. 298; 3 fig. (Storing coal under water; construction of storage pits; methods of loading and unloading.) Coaling at Holyhead. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 8, p. 89; 2 fig. XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Pithead Baths at a French Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,” J an. 22, p. 188; 4 fig. XXX.—Mining Laws, Royalties. The Water Law and Brown Coal Alining (Wassergesetz und Braunkohlenbergbau). —. Thielmann. “ Braun- kohle,” Dec. 4, pp. 491-94. Government Control with Relation to the Coal Mining Industry. T. L. Lewis. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Dec. 15, p. 35. (Paper read before Coal Alin. Inst. America.) Working of the Coal Alines Act in 1913. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 15, p. 126; Jan. 22, p. 189. CONTRACTS OFEPI FOR COAL AHD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Barking, February 23.—House and steam coal and coke for the Town Urban District Council. Forms from the Surveyor, Public Offices, Barking. Beckenham, February 15.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from F. Stevens, Council Offices, Beckenham. Bradford, February 6.—Engine coal for the Corpora- tion. Forms from F. Stevens, town clerk, Town Hall, Bradford. Cork, February 4. — About 400 tons of best double screened Wigan, Lydney, Orrell, Newport Red Ash, or Whitehaven coal for the Guardians. Tenders to J. Cotter, clerk. Dublin, February 4.—Flouse and cannel coals for the Commissioners of Irish Lights. Forms from H. G. Cook, secretary, Irish Lights Office, Dublin. Earby (Yorkshire), February 27.—Anthracite for - the Earby Urban District Council. Forms from J. E. Aldersley, Council Offices. Ilford, February 8.—Coal and coke for the Urban Dis- trict Council. Forms from H. Shaw, engineer and surveyor, Town Hall, Ilford. Leeds, February 13.—Coal for the Property Committee. Forms from R. E. Fox, 26, Great George-street. London, S.W., February 3.—Best steam coal and best gas coke for the Middlesex County Council. Forms from H. T. Wakelam, County Engineer’s Office, Middlesex Guildhall, Westminster, S.W. Manchester, February 13.—About 4,000 tons of slack, 750 tons of locomotive steam coal, about 50 tons of house coal, and 20 tons of burgy. Middleton (Lancs).—Coal for gas making purposes for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. Rogerson, gas manager, Gas Works, Middleton. Milford Haven, February 13.—1,500 tons of large gas coal, 600 tons of large cannel, 60 tons of anthracite washed peas, und 50 tons of large steam. Forms from T. H. Lewis, clerk, Milford Haven. New Malden (Surrey), February 9.—Coal and coke for the Maidens and Coombe Urban District Council. Forms from the Clerk, Council Offices, New Malden. Northampton, February 20.—Coal and coke for the Cor- poration. Forms from A. Fidler, borough engineer, Guild- hall. Skegness, February 3.—Hard steam coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from R. H. Jenkins, engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Skegness. Wembley, February 10.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from F. W. Rodd, Public Offices, High-road, Wembley. York, February 1.—House and steam coal for the Cor- poration. Forms from F. W. Spurr, city engineer, Guild- hall, York. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS QPEM FOR EMGIKEERIISG, IROEI AND STEEL WORK, Beeston (Notts), February 17.—Pumping Station.— Pumping station on the sewage disposal site at Beeston for the Urban District Council. Specification from W. H. Radford, Albion Chambers, King-street, Nottingham, on deposit of two guineas. Billinge.—Shaft.—For sinking two shafts, 14 ft. and 8 ft. diameter, probable depth, 200 yds.; compressed air and hammer drills provided. Applications to the Billinge Collieries Limited, Billinge, near Wigan. Holderness (Hull), February 6.—Water Tank.—Ferro- concrete service tank and water tower, to hold 300,000 and 100,000 galls, respectively, for the Hull Water and Gas Department. Specification from C. B. Newton, water and gas engineer, on deposit of £2. Southampton, February 10. — Pumping Plant. — Tem- porary steam pumping plant, suitable for boreholes, and capable of lifting 1J million gallons per day again an approximate head of 100 ft., for the Corporation. Specifica- tion from the Waterworks Engineer, French-street, Southampton. Waltham Abbey, February 8.—Gas Engine.—Gas engine of about 12b.h.p., or failing the laying on of town gas, an alternative tender for an oil engine of similar power, for the Waltham Holy Cross Urban District Council. Particulars from W. C. Holloway, Town Hall, Waltham Abbey. Under the aegis of Messrs. Vickers, a company has been formed at Bilbao (Spain) with a capital of 12,000,000 pesetas (.£480,000), with the object of constructing large merchant steamers. The works, a new dockyard and dry docks, will be started this month. They will employ 3,000 men. Of the capital 60 per cent, will be Spanish.