January 22, 1915. 195 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ________________________________________________________________________________ COAL TRAFFIC ON RAILWAYS AND CANALS IN 1913.* The following shows the coal and coke carried by the various systems of railway, canal and other inland navigation companies from colliery districts in the United Kingdom in 1913 and 1912. The tonnage shown represents as far as possible original traffic only—i.e., traffic received from collieries or places on the company’s own system :— Name of Railway. 1912. Railways, England and Wales :— Tons. Furness (coal) ................. 155,109 Great Central (coal and coke) ... 13,080,494 Great Northern (coal) ......... 7,313,606 Great Western (coal and coke)... 19,727,668 Hull and Barnsley (coal and coke) 2,161,099 Lancashire and Yorkshire (coal and coke) ................... 8,693,132 London and North-Western (coal only) ...................... 21,798,218 Maryport and Carlisle (coal and coke) ...................... 336,418 Midland (coal and coke, excepting gas coke) .................. 26,003,721 North-Eastern (coal and coke)... 37,872,375 North Staffordshire (coal and ..... coke) ...................... 3,410,121 Taff Vale (coal and coke)....... 14,475,068 Railways, Scotland: — Caledonian (coal and coke)..... 12,387,124 Glasgow and South - Western (coal only).................. 3,282,567 North British (coal and coke) ... 20,102,lief Railways, Ireland:— Cavan and Leitrim (coal) ..... 9,538 Great Southern and Western (coal) ...................... 1,390 Canals, England:— Aire and Calder Navigation (coal and coke) ................... 2,197,344 Birmingham Canal Navigations (coal and coke)................ 3,618,735 Bridge water Canals (coal, in- cluding a small quantity of coke) ...................... 369,432 Leeds and Liverpool Canal Com- pany (coal, including a small • quantity of coke) ........... 786,175 Shropshire Union Canal (coal and. coke) .................................. 15,438....... Staffordshire and Worcester- shire Canal (coal and coke) ... 195,249 Trent and Mersey Navigation (coal and coke)............... 181,918 Canals, Scotland:— Forth and Clyde Canal (coal and coke) ...................... 100,201 Monkland Canal (coal and coke) 55,168 Union Canal (coal and coke)... 15,230 Canal, Ireland:— Grand Canal (coal)............. 40 1913. Tons. 164,001 ... 14,920,952 ... 8,739,556 ... 22,142,823 ... 2,559,117* ... 9,396,275 ... 23,496,970 357,744 ... 27,834,531 ... 41,501,521 ... 3,622,149 ... 15,682,640 ... 13,026,909 ... 3,500,225 ... 21,233,792X 7,892 1,036 2.563,067 3,640,221 401,103 794,487 15,257 189,755 186,260 112,293 70,064 25,364 Nil * Including patent fuel. t 2,317,669 tons of this quantity were conveyed to Burntisland Dock and 2,563,833 tons to Methil Docks for shipment. t 2,396,336 tons of this quantity were conveyed to Burntisland Dock and 3,216,040 tons to Methil Docks for shipment. * From Part III. of the General Report on Mines and Quarries, 1913. ___________________________ COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Barrow Haematite Steel Company Limited. — A circular has been sent out to the debenture stockholders, accompanied by a notice of a meeting to be held to-day (Friday), for considering further proposals respecting the deferring of the date of redemption. Holders of stock amounting to £216,899 have returned proxies in favour of the scheme, holders of stock amounting to £46,320 dissented, and holders of stock amounting to £54,781 gave no definite decision or made no reply. The directors now propose that the time for the redemption of the stock shall be extended for three years from July 1, 1915 (instead of 10 years as originally sug- gested). The trustees for the stockholders consent to the new suggestion proposed by the directors, subject to the approval of the meeting. Consett Iron Company Limited. — The directors have resolved to pay an interim dividend of 6d. per share on the ordinary shares, and 8 per cent, per annum on the preference shares. Dominion Steel Corporation Limited.—The directors have declared a dividend (No. 12) of per cent, on the preference shares. Evans (Richard) and Company Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of 2 per cent. Furness, Withy and Company Limited. — The directors announce an interim dividend at the unchanged rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the quarter, equal to 6d. per share, and payable on February 1. Lancashire and Yorkshire Wagon Company Limited.— Interim dividend of 3 per cent, (actual). Tarless Fuel Syndicate Limited.—The report shows that an option has been granted on royalty basis for rights in West and South of England, and licensees have now inti- mated intention to erect plant to treat 200 tons of coal a day, capital for which has been subscribed. Union Steel Corporation of South Africa Limited. — The report for the year ended September 30, 1914, shows a loss, after providing for debenture interest, etc., of £27,814, which, together with £4,161, being loss on experimental working, as per balance-sheet of September 30, 1913, and £2,956 in respect of administration expenses, makes a total debit to profit and loss of £34,931. In November 1913 it was found necessary to create an issue of £100,000 6 per cent, first mortgage debentures, of which £25,725 were issued to the shareholders for cash, and the balance, viz., £74,275, was lodged as collateral security for a loan of £39,441. In September 1914, further funds being required for the purchase of additional plant and as working capital, special resolutions were passed by the shareholders convert- ing 100,000 of the unissued 7 per cent, preferred ordinary shares of £1 each into 100,000 8 per cent, cumulative parti- cipating preference shares of £1 each. At the date of the accounts submitted herewith none of these shares had been issued; but since then 41,974 have been allotted, and a sum of 7s. 6d. per share called up on 39,250 thereof, the remain- ing 2,724 having been paid up in full. It is estimated that when the new machinery and plant is put into commission the output capacity will be increased to about 10,000 tons per annum, whilst working costs will not increase to any- thing like a commensurate extent. Warner and Company Limited.—Interim dividend for the half-year ended December 31 on the ordinary shares of 2-J per cent. NEW COMPANIES. Birmingham Nail Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Birmingham Nail Works, Bath-street, Birmingham. Registered Jan. 12. Iron founders, brass founders, mechanical engineers, wire drawers, machinists, makers of tools and implements, smiths, and manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, nails, tacks, rivets, tile pegs, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : G-. A. Skelton, Milverton Lodge, Leamington Spa, nail manufacturer; H. R. Griffin, Oak Bank, Park-avenue, Handsworth, Birmingham, nail manufacturer; D. A. Skelton, 7, Albany-terrace, Leamington Spa, nail manufacturer; A. A. Penleve, 114, Orchard-road, Erdington, Birmingham, nail manufacturer. Hydrolio Furnace Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 31, Ivy-street, Hoxton, London. Regis- tered Jan. 14. To acquire any interests in any patents, etc., in relation to improvements in or connected with liquid fuel burners and furnaces, and to carry on business of engi- neers, founders, smiths, machinists, and manufacturers. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 1,975 preference shares (ordinary) of £1 each and 500 deferred shares of Is. each. Directors and subscribers (200 deferred shares each) :—E. C. A. Sanford, Wellington, Somerset, colonel; C. E. P. Carew, Parkhill, Totnes, Devon, gentleman. Sheffield Twist Drill and Steel Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 28, Victoria-street, West- minster. Registered Jan. 11. To purchase from Engineer- ing Supplies Limited, 28, Victoria-street, S.W., and Eli C. Strong, 68, Clarkegrove-road, Sheffield, business of manu- facturers and merchants of twist and carbon steel drills, tools and steel, carried on by the Sheffield Twist Drill Com- pany Limited at Stanley Works, Summerfield-street, Sheffield. Nominal capital, £15,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—Harry A. Dormer, 28, Victoria-street, S.W., mechanical engineer; Eli Chas. Strong, 68, Clarkegrove-road, Sheffield, twist drill manufac- turer. Qualification of directors, £100. Sunik Oil Transport Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 3 and 4, Lime-street-square, E.C. Regis- tered Jan. 15. Ship owners and brokers, insurance brokers, managers of shipping property, freight contractors, carriers, etc., oil proprietors and oil producers, colliery proprietors, etc. Nominal capital, £50,000 in £1 shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) :—F. Gilbert, oil broker; J. Coward, accountant; I. Isserlis, company secretary, all of above address. Witham Cartage and Coal Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Collingwood-road, Witham. Registered Jan. 13. To acquire and carry on business of cartage contractors, coal merchants, and farmers carried on by H. M. Everard, A. C. Mens, and A. S. Everard at Witham and Hatfield Peverel, Essex. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 ordinary shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—H. M. Everard, Manor House, Tirling, assis- tant to estate agent; A. C. Mens, Hawthorns, Witham, coal merchant; A. S. Everard, The Laurels, Witham, rate collector; C. St. John Courtenay Roberts, Ivydene, Witham, accountant. ______ This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. ____________________________ Almanacks and Calendars have been received from the Diamond Coal Cutter Company (Wakefield); R. Y. Pickering and Company Limited (Wishaw, N.B.); and Andrew Barclay, Sons and Company (Kilmarnock). Immingham Coal Exports.—Returns for the week ending Friday, January 15, show that the coal exported from Immingham consisted of the following :—Foreign : To Aalborg, 1,529 tons; Amsterdam, 6,432; Copenhagen, 1.545; Dieppe, 958; Helsingborg, 1,937; Kolding, 1,758; Oxelosund, 3,416; Rosario, 1,389; Rotterdam, 2,579; Treport, 750; and Trondhjem, 1,418 tons. Total of 25,511 tons foreign, as compared with 42,538 tons foreign for the corresponding period of last year. Edward Medal Awards.—H.M. King George last week at Buckingham Palace invested three more miners with the Edward Medal of the Second Class. Details of the actions which brought about these awards are as follow :— Joseph Cook—On the morning of January 31, 1914, Joseph Cook was underground in the Blackhouse Colliery, Durham, near the bottom of an old shaft filled with rubbish. Water had accumulated in it, and the weight of the debris burst out the pack walls at the shaft bottom. Seeing the danger, Cook rushed in at the risk of his life to warn two shifters who were working there, and had no way of egress except past the bottom of this shaft. Before the three could get out the debris filled'up the road from floor to roof for a dis- tance of 35 yds., completely cutting off their escape. The three men were eventually released after 22 hours’ confine- ment. David Easton—On January 11, 1913, two native “ boys ” employed in the Hatting Spruit Colliery, Natal, went without orders into a part of the mine which was filled with poisonous fumes from a gob fire, and before they could return fell unconscious. David Easton was one of a party who, at great risk to themselves, entered the danger area, from which they eventually suceeded in rescuing the “boys.” Two other men of the same party were awarded medals, with which they have already been decorated. James Kennedy—On June 2, 1914, about 1.50 p.m., a miner was engaged at the Earnock Colliery, Lanark, in taking down head coal, when the coal fell, pinning down his foot.. James Kennedy bravely went to his assistance, and continued to make every effort to release him, notwithstanding two further falls, which occurred at short intervals, completely smother- ing him. With the help of others who had arrived, Kennedy managed, after three hours’ work, to release the imprisoned man, who was unfortunately found to be dead. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aldershot, January 25. — Gas coke at Bramshott and Witley Camps for H.M. Government. Forms from District Barrack Office, Stanmore Lines, Aidershot. Dublin, February 4.—House and cannel coals for the Commissioners of Irish Lights. Forms from H. G. Cook, secretary, Irish Lights Office, Dublin. Hendon, January 25. — Coal and coke for the Hendon Urban District Council. Forms from S. Slater Grimley, engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Hendon, N.W. Huddersfield, January 30.—Coals for the Corporation. Form from K. F. Campbell, borough engineer and surveyor, 1, Peel-street, Huddersfield. London, S.W., February 3.—Best steam coal and best gas coke for the Middlesex County Council. Forms from H. T. Wakelam, County Engineer’s Office, Middlesex Guildhall, Westminster, S.W. Middleton (Lancs).—Coal for gas making purposes for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. Rogerson, gas manager, Gas Works, Middleton. Neston, January 27.—About 400 tons of slack, burgy, or coal for the Neston and Parkgate Urban District Council. Forms from the Surveyor, Town Hall, Neston. New Malden (Surrey), February 9.—Coal and coke for the Maidens and Coombe Urban District Council. Forms from the Clerk, Council Offices, New Malden. Northampton, February 20.—Coal and coke for the Cor- poration. Forms from A. Fidler, borough engineer, Guild- hall. Rathmines (Dublin), January 25.—2,000 tons of steam coal for the Electricity Works for the Rathmines and Rathgar Urban District Council. Forms from Electricity Works Office, Town Hall. Skegness, February 3.—Hard steam coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from R. H., Jenkins, engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Skegness. Southampton, January 28. — Coke for the Corporation. Forms from Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Offices, Southampton. Warrington, January 25. — Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Borough Surveyor, Town Hall. Willesden, January 26.—Coal and coke for the Willesden District Council. Forms from O. C. Robson, engineer, Municipal Offices, Dyne-road, Kilburn, N.W. York, February 1.—House and steam coal for the Cor- poration. Forms from F. W. Spurr, city engineer, Guild- hall, York. ______ The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Ashton-under-Lyne, February 1.—Steel Work.—About 21 tons of structural steel for the Stalybridge and Dukin- field Joint Sewerage Board. Specification from C. J. Lomax, 37, Cross-street, Manchester, on deposit of 10s. 6d. Billinge.—Shaft.—For sinking two shafts, 14 ft. and 8 ft. diameter, probable depth 200 yds.; compressed air and hammer drills provided. Applications to the Billinge Collieries Limited, Billinge, near Wigan. Darlington, February 2.—Turbo Alternator and Con- densing Plant.—Erection of a 2,000 kw. and a 3,000 kw. turbo alternator, also condensing plant for the same, fur the Corporation. Specification from Borough Electrical Engi- neer, Electricity Works, Haughton-road, Darlington, on deposit of one guinea. Dundee, February 1.—Crane.—Hand-driven 15-ton over- head travelling crane for the Corporation. Specification from H. Richardson, Electricity Department, Dundee. Hong Kong (China), February 3. — Steel Work. — Steel structural work, etc., and coal handling plant for the Hong Kong Electric Company Limited. Specifications from Messrs. Preece, Cardew and Snell, 8, Queen Anne’s-gate, S.W., on deposit of £1. London, N.W., February 1. — Cornish Boiler. — One Cornish boiler for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Speci- fications from C. H. F. Barrett, town clerk, Town Hall, Pancras-road, N.W. Maidstone, January 27.— Gas Engine.—A 4-brake horse power, new design, National gas engine, for the Guardians. Tenders to Clerk, Guardians’ Offices, King-street, Maid- stone. Ryde (Australia), February 15.—Turbine, etc. — Steam turbine, with condenser, air pump, etc., for the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage of Sydney.* Woodstock (Oxon.), February 4.—Installation.—Com- plete electric light installation, including a generating plant, for the Guardians of Woodstock Union. Specification from A. G. Higgs, clerk, Park-street, Woodstock. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. ____________________________ Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships :—Charles Richard Hough and Olaf Berg Jacobsen, engineers, 36, Cannon-street, Birmingham; Henry Barlow and Edward Barlow, oil merchants, Belmont Oil Works, Lancashire-hill, Heaton Norris, near Manchester; W. Aldridge and W. T. Aldridge, furniture removers and coal dealers at Cross-street, Blakenhall, Wolverhampton, under the style of W. Aldridge and Son. Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers.—A general meeting of the members of the insti- tute will be held at the Danum Hotel, Doncaster, on Saturday (to-morrow), at 3.30 p.m. Papers by Mr. W. B. Woodhouse on “ Analysis of Power Costs,” and by Mr. J. Ivon Graham on “ The Absorption of Oxygen by Coal ” (part vii.) will be taken as read. The following papers will be open for discussion :—tl Electric Miners’ Lamps Compared with the Combustion Tube Oil Lamp,” by Mr. E. A. Hailwood; “ The Case for the Electric Miner’s Lamp,” by Mr. Wm. Maurice.