98 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 8, 1915. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 1914. 24358. Stone-breaking and ore-crushing machines. W. H. Baxter. 24360. Automatic indicating weighing mechanisms. W. A. Benton. 24370. Method of adjusting the throw of variable-throw eccentrics. W. J. Vincent and Rotoplunge Pump Company Limited. 24398. Process for the removal and recovery of tin and solder from tinned iron scrap and the like. S. O. Cowper-Coles. 24416. Rotary pump or engine. W. J. Vincent. 24430. Condensers or coolers such as steam surface con- densers. A. E. L. Scanes. 24440. Fractionation and purification of hydrocarbons. Coke Oven Construction Company Limited and J. Marr. 24454. Automatic signal indicator for winding and the like. W. Robertson and W. Gilmour. 24461. Fishplates for rails and the like. F. C. Lynde. 24496. Apparatus for cooling electric motors. J. W. Nolan. 24517. Testing machines. W. and T. Avery Limited and H. W. Goulding. 24519. Process for the production of liquid fuel from car- bonaceous material. W. Higgins. 24550. Apparatus for separating ores. Partners Limited 'and P. J. Ogle. 24558. Process of manufacturing oxygen. H. Wade. (Permutit Company, U.S.A.) 24583. Signalling appliances for collieries and the like. R. Robertson, J. Bowman, and F. Ringrose. 24597. Process for the production of toluol. Harding Bros. (Engineers, Westminster) Limited and H. C. Woltereck. 24598. Condensing, scrubbing, and washing apparatus used in the manufacture of gas, and the method in- volved in such operations. H. Pooley and G. B. Fiddes. 24624. Apparatus for administering oxygen to persons in a state of collapse by asphyxiation or other causes. R. H. Davis. 24640. Treatment of liquid or liquified hydrocarbons for the obtainment of products therefrom. E. A. Ashcroft. 24681. Regenerative furnaces. Drake Limited and W. A. Drake. 24688. Processes and apparatus for recovering nitrogenous and other substances from liquid wastes. G. Ebrill. 24713. Method of and apparatus for extracting from co Deutsche Maschinen- fabrik Akt. - Ges. (Charging apparatus for shaft furnaces.) I Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co. > Ltd., Parkfield Works, Stockton- on-Tees. Jan. 22, 1915. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Explosives Report, 1913 : Appendices to the 38th Annual Report of H.M. Inspectors of Explosives, 3s. 9d. Consular Reports : Paraguay Trade, 1913-14, 3d.; Ger- many, Trade, 1913, 7|d.; Portugal, Trade of Angola, 1913, 2d.; France, Trade of Martinique, 1913; Persian Gulf, Trade of Koweit, 1913, 2^d.; Japan, Trade of Formosa, 1913, 3d.; Turkey, Trade of Bagdad, 1913, 2Jd.; Japan, Trade of Kobe, 1913, 5d.; France, Trade of Madagascar, 1913, 2d.; Persia, Trade of Lingah, 1913, 3Jd.; Germany, Trade of Hamburg, 1913, 6d.; Barbados, 1913, 2Jd. Financial Statement, 1914-15, Id. Boiler Explosion Reports : (No. 2335) at the Albyn Works of the Broxburn Oil Company, Broxburn, N.B., 4Jd. Alexandra, Newport, and South Wales Docks and Rail- way Act, 1914, 2s. 4d. Customs Forms : (No. 31), Import List, January 1, 1915, 2|d.; (No. 32), Import List Appendix, 5|d.; (No. 33), Export List, January 1, 1915, 2jd.; (No. 34), Export List Appendix, 5d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Geology of To-Day. By Prof. J. W. Gregory. London : Seeley, Service and Company Limited. Price, 5s. net. Industrial Gas Calorimetry (Technologic Paper No. 36 of the U.S. Bureau of Standards). By C. W. Waidner and E. F. Mueller. Washington : Government Printing Office. Standard Methods of Gas Testing (Circular No. 48 of the U.S. Bureau of Standards). Washington : Government Printing Office. A Text Book of Practical Assaying. By James Park. London : Charles Griffin and Company Limited. Price, 7s. 6d. net. Butterworth’s Workmen’s Compensation Cases (Vol. 7). Edited by His Honour Judge Ruegg, K.C., and Douglas Knocker. London : Butterworth and Company. Price, 12s. 6d. net. “The Iowa Engineer,’’ December; “The Journal of the Canadian Peat Society ” (Vol. 3, No. 3), October, price, 25c.; “ Thirty-fifth Annual Report and List of Members of the Sunderland Chamber of Commerce, 1913 ’’; “Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 19, No. 9), November, price, 50c.; “ The Journal of State Medicine ’’ (Vol. 23, No. 1), January, price, 2s.; “ One Clear Call,’’ by H. A. Ashton (The Voluntary Recruiting League), Id.; “ Records of the Geological Survey of India ’’ (Vol. 44, Part 3), price, 1 rupee; “Proceedings of the British Acetylene and Welding Association,” December 1914; “ Revista Technica del Ministerio de Obras Publicas— Publication Mensual.” Calendars and Almanacs Received.—Simon-Carves Limited (Manchester); W. J. Glover and Company (St. Helens, Lancashire); Messrs. W. H. Willcox and Company Limited (38, Southwark-street, S.E.); the Hunslet Engine Company Limited (Leeds); Nalder Brothers and Thompson Limited (97a, Dalton-lane, N.E.); Evans, Halliwell and Company (5, Ave Maria-lane, E.C.) ;• and the Davenport Engineering Company (Bradford).