90 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN January 8, 1915. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUTPUT AND VALUE OF FUEL IN 1913.* The total value of the minerals raised during 1913 amounted to <£160,112,667,- an increase of £28,891,814 as compared with 1912. This increase is mainly accounted for by the increased value of coal. The total output of coal was 287,430,473 tons, and the value, £145,535,669, showing an increase in the output of 27,014,135 tons, and in the value of £27,614,546 on the figures for 1912. But in the previous year the national coal strike occurred, when practically the whole of the coal mines in the United Kingdom were idle for six weeks. The average price of coal was 10s. l-52d. per ton in 1913, as compared with 9s. 0-68d. in 1912. The quantity of coal exported, exclusive of coke and manufactured fuel and of coal shipped for the use of steamers engaged in foreign trade, was 73,400,118 tons. Adding the 3,906,436 tons exported in the form of coke and manufactured fuel, and the 21,031,550 tons shipped for the use of British and foreign steamers engaged in foreign trade, the total quantity of coal which left the country was 98,338,104 tons, as against 85,842,905 tons in 1912. The amount of coal remaining for home con- sumption was 189,092,369 tons, or 4*108 tons per head of the population; 39,560,489 tons were used in the manufacture of coke and briquettes, and 21,223,607 tons in the blastfurnaces for the manufacture of pig iron, as against 35,322,147 tons and 17,997,854 tons respectively in the previous year. During the past 41 years (1873-1913) the total value of the mineral raised amounts to £3,519,117,049, and of this sum coal accounts for £2,950,594,385, or 83-8 per cent.; 7,940,579,000 tons of coal have been raised in that period; and of this amount 1,931,802,000 tons, or more than 24 per cent, of the total production, have been shipped abroad as exports in the form of coal, coke, and manufactured fuel, and as coal used for steamers engaged in foreign trade. The following are the percentages of output shipped abroad in each quinquennial period from 1873 to 1912, and the percentage for the year 1913 :—1873-77, 13-8 per cent.; 1878-82, 16*1; 1883-87, 19-0; 1888-92, 21-2; 1893-97, 23*0; 1898-1902, 25*7; 1903-7, 29-5; 1908-12, 32-4; 1913, 34*2. Particulars relating to the manufacture of coke and briquettes are given; 20,529,732 tons of coke were obtained in 1913, valued at £17,456,461; 21,006 coking ovens were in use during the year; 2,213,205 tons of briquettes were produced, valued at £1,895,847. Of the other non-metallic minerals, the combined values of the output of clay and shale, igneous rocks, limestones, oil shale, salt, sandstone, and slate for 1913 amount to over eight millions sterling. Of the metallic minerals raised in the United Kingdom, iron ore is by far the most important. During the year the output of ores of this metal was 15,997,328 tons, valued at £4,543,558. The ore yielded 5,138,958 tons of iron, or more than half of the total quantity of pig iron made in this country. The following table gives a summary of the total output of coal for each country of the United Kingdom : Brom From m Comparison Country. mines quarrieS- Total. wit£ 1912- Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. England ... 199,911,209...18,359...199,929,568... +19,097.437 Wales .... 44,961,623... 245... 44,961,868...+ 4,986,597 Scotland ... 42,456,516... — ... 42,456,516...+ 2,937.887 Ireland.... 82,521... — ... 82,521.,.- 7,786 ______ __________ Table B.- Total quantity Quantity of Coke obtained of coal used ,-----------------------K-------------------- in the At At County. manufacture gas .. coke Total. Value, of coke. works. ovens. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £ England ........32,559,288.. .6,813,963.. .11,318,641.. .18,132,604.. .15,323,183 Wales .......... 1,584,542... 157,583... 783,377... 940,960... 846,635 Scotland ........ 2,936,522... 673,401... 696,978... 1,370,379... 1,094,092 Ireland ......... 379,377... 175.488... — ... 175,488... 186,575 Isle of Man...... 24,215... 10,301... — ... 10,301... 5,976 Total in 1913 ...37,483,944...7,830,736...12,798,996...20,529,732...17,456,461 Total in 1912 ...33,667,324...7,629,716...10,720,352...18,350,068...13,797,909 __________________________________________________________________________________ Output and Value ARRANGED County. of Coal (including Anthracite)> ACCORDING TO COUNTIES. ApprOXi- Comparison mate price with 1912. Total quantity. England— From mines : Tons. Tons. s. Chester 307,924 ... + 33,463... 9 Cumberland 2,320,120 ... + 186,557... 9 Derby 18,129,424 ... + 1,561,497... 8 Durham, North ... 13,491,441 1 3,642,486 £ Do. South ... 28,041,449 j + Gloucester 1,712,080 ... 4- 144,379... 10 Kent 59,203 ... + 58,104... 11 Lancaster, N. and E. Do. W 11,289,296 } 13,030,295 ) + 1,530,854 £ Leicester 3,173,422 ... + 408,319... 8 Monmouth 15,374,173 ... + 1,982,431... 11 Northumberland ... 14,819,284 ... + 1,437,643... 10 Nottingham 12,394,491 ... + 1,271,659... 8 Salop 845,727 ... + 73,522... 8 Somerset 1,253,652 ... 14,349,745 ... + 181,296...11 Stafford + 652,859... 8 Warwick 5,070,239 ... -f- 492,481... 9 Westmorland 1,184 ... + 163...10 Worcester 576,817 ... + 60,727... 6 York, North Riding 2,209 h C 8 Do. West* 15,986,754 [ + 5,378,724 < 9 Do. South* 27,682,280 J (. 9 per ton at the mines. d. 945 4-25 9*25 8’52 4*54 3*48 11*15 7’04 10-92 4- 42 9*02 6*02 963 6*29 3 64 1096 376 9*73 10 87 2-98 5- 14 5 01 Total from mines ___________ 199,911,209 . ____________ .. + 19 096,838... _______ 9 10-26 From quarries : Derby 3,891 . 1,339... — Lancaster N. and E. 190 . 714... — Do. West ... 935 . ..+ 104... — Leicester 1,293 . ..+ 893... — Northumberland ... 44 . 102... — Stafford 1,206 . 265... — Warwick 1,737 . 1,220... — Worcester 290 . .. + 30... — York, West Riding 8,773 . ..+ 3,212... — ___________ ___________________ Total from quarries 18,359 ... + 599... — Do. mines & quarries for England .... 199,929,568 ... + 19,697,437... 9 10’25 Wales— From mines: Brecon ....... Carmarthen ... Denbigh......... Flint ........... Glamorgan ... Pembroke ....... 71,756 7 , 706,629fj + 513,634 5 2,075,755fJ + 2,751,239 ...+ 754,485 ...+ 36,037,350 7 1,995,73015 55,045-f... + ___________ CIO 0-66 42’164lll 7 77 71 6 8 1004 371,462 £ 12 1Q 66 203,861... 10 179 51.114.. . 9 4 26 <,30d,980 11Q 10 g7 11.771.. .15 133 _________ _________ Total for Wales 44,961,623 ...+ 4,986,352... 11 9*24 From quarries: Brecon ........... 245 ...+ 245... — ___________ _________ _________ Total from mines and quarries for Wales........ 44,961,868 ... + 4,986,597... 11 9'24 Scotland— From mines : Argyll, Dumfries, Kinross, Peebles, Total, 1913 287,411,869...18,604...287,430,473... + 27,014 135 Total, 1912 260,398,578...17,760...260,416,338... —11,475,561 The total value was as follows : England, £98,510,746; Wales, £26,459,396; Scotland, £20,514,873; Ireland, £50,654 — total, £145,535,669, as compared with £117,921,123 in 1912.______________________________________ * From Part III. of the General Report on Mines and Quarries for 1913; edited by Sir Bichard Bedmayne, H.M. Chief Inspector of Mines. and Sutherland... 606,646 ... + 82,039... J Ayr............... 4,193,776 ... + 257,827... 9 1 20 Clackmannan .... 342,546 ...— 577... 9 8 87 Dumbarton ...... 518,025 ... + 34,278...11 5’22 Edinburgh ...... 3,203,680 ...+ 138,793... 8 11’98 Fife.................... 9,680,208 ...+ 1,244,692...§9 7’36 Haddington ...... 1,117,020 ...+ 66,334... 8 4 63 Lanark .......... 17,486,267 ... + 861,904... 10 0*7 Linlithgow ...... 2,057,324 ...+ 19,203... 8 10*69 Renfrew.......... 212,173 ...+ 25,614... 9 269 Stirling .......... 3,038,851...+ 207,780...10 0 73 Total for Scotland 42,466,516 ...+ 2,937,887... 9 7*97 Output ald Value of Coal (including Anthracite), ARRANGED ACCORDING TO COUNTIES—(coni.) Approxi- County. U Vi'Ha 1 Comparison mate price X U UCul quantity. with per 1912. at ton the mines. Ireland— Tons. Tons. s. d. From mines: Antrim 500 . ..- 400...10 0 Kilkenny 48,082f. 946...13 2 93 Leitrim 1,500 . ..- 2,700... 10 0 Queeihs 13,919f. 1,093...10 10-22 Roscommon ... 10,065 . 1,903...12 1*53 Sligo — 150... — Tipperary 8,215+. 334... 9 10-70 Tyrone 240 . 260... 8 0 Total for Ireland... 82,521 . Total output & value 7,786...12 3-32 from mines and quarries in the United Kingdom in 1913 287,430,473 . .. +27,014,135...10 1-52 Total in 1912 ... 260,416,338 . ..-11,475,561... 9 0’68 * Both these divisions are in the West Biding. t Anthracite. X Included with Fife. § Including value of Argyll, Dumfries, Kinross, Peebles, and Sutherland. The total output of anthracite was 5,194,620 tons, valued at £3,089,847. Of this total, 4,833,159 tons, valued at £2,879,873 were produced in Wales; 291,245 tons, valued at £166,519, in Scotland; and 70,216 tons, valued at £43,455, in Ireland. Table A shows the output of coalfields separately. The quantity of mineral raised per person employed under- ground at coal mines was 325 tons on an average in 1913, as against 305 in 1912. The output of coal from open quarries (18,604 tons) is not included. Beturns of production of coke were received from 159 colliery owners, comprising 231 separate works, 1,464 gas companies, and 18 other owners of coke ovens com- prising 18 works. The counties of Durham and York furnished 65 per cent, of the total quantity of coke made at coking ovens, and that 67 per cent, of the total number of ovens were being worked in those counties. Of the 234 works (other than gas works) where coking plant is in use, by-products were recovered in 1913 at 88. Returns as to the manufacture of briquettes were obtained from all firms known to be engaged in the industry, South Wales being by far the largest contri- butor in this respect. Table B shows quantity and value of coke obtained, and the amount of coal used in the manufacture thereof, at gas works and coke ovens in the United Kingdom during 1913. Table G shows the number and kind of coking ovens in use in the United Kingdom during the year 1913. The last table shows the quantity and value of briquettes produced and the amount of coal used in the manufacture thereof at the works in the United Kingdom during 1913 :— Quantity of coal used Briquettos C°unty. m! bi in the mufacture of riquettes. produced. Quantity. Value* England— Tons. Tons. £ Derby, Devon, Essex and Hants 10,706 ... 11,579... 9126 Lancaster 646 ... 697... 561 Monmouth & Gloucester 143,304 ... 159,748... 140,918 Nottingham, Somerset, Sussex and Stafford ... 18,139 ... 19.590... 13,740 York 2,831 ... 3,003... 2 474 Total for England... 175,626... 194,617... 166 819 Wales—Glamorgan...... 1,846,158 ... 1,959,162...1,678,682 Scotland—Aberdeen, Ayr, Lanark and Stirling.... 42,867 ... 46,574... 35,374 Ireland—Cork, Down and Dublin_____.................... 11,894 ... 12,852... 14,972 _________ _________ _________ Total for United Kingdom for 1913 ............2,076 545 ... 2,213,205...1,895,847 Total in 1912..........1,654,823 ... 1,755,869... 1,347,675 * This value’represents selling price at place of manufac- ture. In cases where the value was not given by the makers it has been estimated. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table A.—Output of Minerals, &c , obtained from Coalmines Classified according to Coalfields. Coalfield. Coal. Comparison with 1912. Per- centage of the total output. Average price per ton. Ironstone, fireclay, &c.» produced from coalmines. Quantity of coal raised, including ironstone, fireclay, &c. Per person employed under- ground. Per person • employed under and above ground. Tons. Tons. s. d. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1. Scotch coalfields 42,456,516 + 2,937,887 14*8 9 7-97 881.239 383 308 2. Northern coalfield 56,352,174 + 5,080,129 19-6 10 5*88 583,061 312 251 3. Yorkshire, &c., coalfield 74,192,949 + 8,211,965 25 8 9 1*91 449,083 360 285 4. Lancashire and Cheshire coalfield 24,627,515 + 1,564,317 8-6 10 2*62 210,006 293 230 5. Midland coalfields 24,015,950 + 1,687,908 8-3 8 10-37 1.231,016 341 263 6. Small detached coalfields 5,348,448 + 570,088 1*9 10 1*67 59,423 247 195 7. North Wales coalfield 3,505,724 + 254,975 1*2 9 11-74 37,390 271 222 8. South Wales coalfield 56,830,072 + 6,713,808 19*8 11 10*51 166,143 288 245 9. Irish coalfields 81,521 7,786 0*0 12 3-32 3,360 149 112 Total 287,411,869 + 27,013,292 100-0 10 1*52 3,620,721 325 262