The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 2, 1935. 52 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CIX. PAGE V.F. Syndicate Limited ...............1185 Vickers Limited ..............670, 825, 879 Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Limited........................458, 12 9 2 Vulcan Foundry Co. Limited ........... 617 Vulcan Motor and Engineering (1906) Co. Limited ......................... 1138 Wadebridge and District Electric Supply Co. Limited ............■.......... 95 Wagon Finance Corporation Limited... 141,1345 Walker (C. and W.) Limited............ 670 Walsall Foundry Co. Limited .......... 930 Wankie Colliery Co. Limited .......95,1138 Warburton (Joseph) Limited ........... 246 Warner and Co. Limited................ 195 Warner (George) Limited ............ 141 Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Stations Limited.................. 509 Watson (Henry) and Sons Limited....... 350 Watson (John) Limited..............296, 349 Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co. Limited 141, 979 Wellington Coal and Tile Co. Limited.. 458 Wells (J. and G.) Limited ............ 617 Western Dominion Collieries Limited ..1036 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 404 Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. Limited ................. 1185, 1345 Whitehaven Hsematite Iron and Steel Co. Limited................. 897, 979, 1086 White (J. G.) and Co. Limited.........1345 Wigan Coal and Iron Co. Limited ...... 349 Willans and Robinson Limited ......... 979 Williams (Wm. Edgar) Limited ......... 141 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited..... 721 Wilson's (David) Patent Noiseless Winch Co. Limited .................... 509 Wirral Colliery (1915) Limited........ 773 Witbank Colliery Limited ........... 458 Witham Cartage and Coal Co. Limited ... 195 Wolstenholme (John) and Son Limited ...118,5 Wood (Edward) and Co. Limited.......... 44 Wood (William) and Sons (Huddersfield) Limited ........................ 246 Workington Iron and Steel Co. Limited ... 509 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Limited . 349 Yorkshire Engine Co. Limited.......... 562 Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. Limited .. 879 Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. Limited ... 247 Young's Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Co. Limited .......................1241 Zaisansk Exploration Limited........... 979 Continental Notes. Austria. Austrian Coal Production .......... 335 Austrian Coal Production in 1914 .. 398 Austrian Coal Production in the First Quarter of 1915............... 1120 Austrian Iron Industry .......... 758 Germany. Ammonia Association, Annual Report of the German .................. 1278 Belgium, Central Coal Office for ..1081 Belgium's Supplies of German Coal 1081 Brown Coal Trade in Mid-Germany, 38, 2&2, 505, 914 By-products Unions, German ........ 915 Coal Merchants' Central Association. 707 Company Reports, Recent, 38, 443, 546, 601, 652, 707, 759, 811, 915, 967, 1121 Dortmund District, Coal Output for September Quarter, 1914.......... 79 Dortmund-Ems Canal in 1914, Traffic on the............................ 601 Foreigners Engaged in German Coal Mines ........................ 915 Foundrymen's Association, German.... 810 Ironfounders' Association, German . 862 Iron Industry, Conventions in the ... 283, 398 Iron Ore Market, German ........... 443 PAGE Iron Ore and Iron Market, The Siegerland 137,1172 Iron Pipe Market ...................... 398 Iron Pipe Price List, New ............. 505 Iron Market, Bar ................ 600 Iron Prices, Increase in..........810, 862 Iron M arket in Rhenish Westphalia, 38, 282, 601, 652, 810, 1081, 1224, 1330 Iron Union, Pig....................283,758 Iron Prices, Increase in Pig .......... 546 Iron Output, German Pig .....505, 1120, 1172 Ironworks, The Economic Situation of the Large German.................... 37 Italy, German Coal for, 231, 335,601,811,1172 Lease of Mining Properties............. 707 Metals, Maximum Prices for.............. 38 Potash Industry, The German............ 1224 Price, List of the State Collieries in Upper Silesia, New ................ 914 Prisoners of War, Labour in German Mines for ....................... 516 Production in Prussia in 1914, Coal and Lignite .......................... 915 Prussia during the Third Quarter of 1914, Miners'Wages in ................... 78 Revenue from German State Mine in 1915, Estimated ................... 399 Rhine, Fuel Traffic on the, 282, 283, 335, 443, 601, 652, 707, 758, 915, 1120, 1172, 1279 Ruhr Coal Market ........ 398, 600, 811, 1279 Ruhr Harbours. Coal, Coke, and Bri- quette Traffic in ....230, 600, 811, 1120 Saar Coal Prices, Further Increase in ... 546 Saar Collieries in November, Coal Out- put and Distribution of the ........ 78 Schleswig-Holstein, Coal Supplies in...1120 Shortage of Coal in Germany ........... 230 Solingen Steel Goods, Advance in the Price of ......................... 505 South Germany, Coal Market in .....137, 652 Steel in 1914, German Production of ' Mild..................>........... 707 Steel Works Union, 38,283, 706, 758, 915, 1120, 1279 Steel in March, German Output of Ingot 1173 Strike in Silesia, Miners' ............1279 Supplies, Mobilising Coal ............. 707 Switzerland During the War, Supply of Coal to.......................... 915 Syndicated Collieries in 1914, The Non- 707 Syndicate, The Coal ..............282, 759 Syndicate, Dissension in the Coal ..... 505 Syndicate Negotiations, Coal .......... 399 Syndicate, The New Allotments of the Westphalian Coal . . ............. 443 Syndicate Renewal, Coal ...........38, 914 Sj ndicate's Annual Report, Westphalian Coal......................... 335, 1120 Syndicate Coal Report for November, 230; December, 398 ; January, 546; February, 707; March, 1020; April, 1172. Syndicate, Rhenish Brown Coal Bri- quette ............................ 1224 Tin-plate Export, German................ 759 Trade Depression on German Ironworks, Pits and Coal Pits, Effect of....... 189 Tube Prices, Increase in German ......... 967 Upper Silesia, The Coal and Iron Market ono z?nn m a i i om 1 owi Upper Silesian Iron Market, The, 37, 706, 862, 1173 Wire Industry, The German................ 443 Wire Prices, German ..................... 505 Indian and Colonial Notes. Africa. ' Natal, New Collieries at ........... 665 Production in 1914, Coal............. 717 Production in January, Union Coal ... 763 Production, Coal.....................1019 Output in March, Coal................1121 South African Coal Trade z........... 717 Stores, Mining.......................1121 Australia. page Animals, Treatment of .............. 665 Electric Mining Plant, An...........1019 Export Restrictions ............... 25 Export Trade ....................... 717 Export Trade, Commonwealth..........1277 Federation, A New Miners' .......... 717 Miners' Union, Heavy Penalties on .. 286 Municipal Coal Mine, A ............. 717 New South Wales Coal Companies......1121 New South Wales Coal, Output of...665, 1121 New South Wales, State Mining in .... 86 Pig Iron Bonus, The................. 665 Price of Coal, The .............. 286 Prices, The Regulation of' ............. 86 Queensland Coal Output..............1121 Shift Dispute and Strike, The Afternoon, 286, J121 Victorian State Mine ............... 665 Western Australia in 1913, Coal Mining in ............................. 665 Canada. Acadia Colliery, Recovery Work at the... 1019 Alberta, Coal Mining in ........... 763 l' Alberta Mining Industry and State A id...1277 British Columbia, Effect of California Oil on Coal Mining in .............1121 British Columbia, feerious Flooding Acci- dent in............................ 665 Crows' Nest Coal, C.P.R. to Use......1121 Nova Scotia Coal Trade ..............1019 Nova Scotia and the War ............. 403 Production in 1914, Coal............. 665 Resources, Canada's Coal .............. 717 Saskatchewan, Coal in................ 717 India. Bengal Coal for Export ............. 403 Bengal Coal Trade ................ 1121 Calcutta, Port Dues at.............. 665 East Indian Railway Company ........ 763 Export Trade to the Straits ........ 717 Mineral Wealth, India's...:......... 717 Mining Conditions : A Plea for Increased Supervision ...................... 665 Production in 1914, Coal...........112'1 Profits’, Colliery ...................1019 Tata Hydro-Electric Scheme, The.....25, 665 New Zealand. Huntley Explosion, The............... 25 Tasmania. Coal Mining in 1913 ................ 717 Miscellaneous. American Coals v. Welsh Coals......... 965 American Anthracite, The Price of ..... 925 Anthracite Problem..................... 194 Associated Chambers of Commerce......... 599 Association of Mining Engineers........ 913 Beama Journal, The .................... 387 Benzol Test, War Office ............... 458 British Association, The............... 910 Calendars and Almanacs Received.......98,195 Canadian Mining Institute.............. 455 Check weigher Action, Interesting ..... 759 Coal Shipped from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales, 138, 389. 649, 866, 1069, 1279 Coal Tar Products, Exports and Imports of 132, 349, 560, 811, 1017, 1296 Coal Trade Benevolent Association...... 662 Coke, Analysis of .................... 662 Contract Dispute, A Coal .............. 396 Contracts in War Time, Coal............. 75 Conveyor Patent, A ....................1080 Delivery Notes, Coal Merchants'........ 146 Demurrage Regulations, New ............ 963 Donetz Basin Coal Production........... 458 Donetz Coal Mines, Chinese Labour for ...1233 Dutch Imports and Exports of Coal in 1914 398 Edward Medal, Awards of the........25,195 PAGE Enlistment, Coal Mining and: Govern- ment Enquiry .......................... 438 Examinations, Mine Managers' ...... 283, 596 Fire Engine for Tipton, Motor.......... 714 France, The Coal Danger in ............ 866 Freights and Prices, Coal ............ 179 Gas Coal, Standard Specification...... 913 Gas and Industrial Fuel, The Supply of ... 967 Geological Society of London........... 503 Genoa, Coal Imports at ............... 701 German Liners, Coal for .............. 543 German Rock Drill Patent.............. 557 Germany, Control of Mining Labour......1282 Home Office Prosec ution at Bradford... 29 Hull Coal Imports ........... 330, 768, 1038 Institution of Civil Engineers ....... 776 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 141, 338, 451, 562, 757 Institution of Mining Engineers........1021 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 341, 549, 671, 752, 1021 Iron and Steel Institute.. 344, 878, 1021, 1088 Italy, Price of Coal in .............. 717 Lamps, Approved Safety ...............1326 Lamps, Russia Makes Her Own Safety..... 979 “ Limpet" Insulator, The.............. 286 London, Sale of Coal in ..............1291 Manchester Coal Exchange ............. 438 Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 89, 488, 752, 965, 1171 Manchester, Mining at the University of... 1130 Manchester School of Technology : Research Scholarships...............1140 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ............... 195 Miners' Federation and the Home Office... 330 Mining Institute of Scotland ...350, 776, 1180 Mining Machinery, Exports and Imports, 125, 387, 554, 822, 1034, 1291 Munitions Bill, Miners and the ........1338 National Association of Colliery Managers 1241 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers........348, 751, 1292 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 126, 342, 566, 1142 Panama Canal and Coal Prices, The...... 226 Peru, Coal in ....................... 87 Poland, Collieries Re-started in ......1296 Prices of Coal and Food ...............1221 Price Comparisons, Coal................1329 Props, Imports of Pit, 125, 338, 566, 825, 1038, 1296 Props, Preserving Process for Pit .....1329 Rainfall, Statistics of.............146, 753 Railway Company and Collieries......... 714 Rescuers for the Front, Mine ..........1070 Rescue Work at an American Explosion ... 753 Russia's Coal Problem..................1029 Russia's Fuel Problem: Pit Props for Coal .............................. 226 Russian Coal Trade, The................ 858 Russian Coal Mines and Prisoners of War, 1241 Russian Iron Production in 1914........1123 Russian Iron and Steel Production in 1914,1325 Shipments of Bunker Coals, 123, 338, 566, 826, 1038,1296 Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition......................... 505 Signals, Audible and Visible........... 330 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers 344,809,1275 South Wales Institute of Engineers.....1080 South Wales Miners'Wage Agreement ...1338 • Spain, The Coal Resources of ............ 280 Spitzbergen, Coal Mining at ........667, 759 . Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute... 450 Sulphate of Ammonia as a Fertiliser ... 806 Supporting Roof, A New Method of ...... 662 Swedish Iron Trade ....................1169 Timber Supply, The English............. 146 United States Coal Trade, Syndication in the ...............................1173 United States Imports and Exports of Coal.................... 79, 405, 557, 1292 Wagons, The Pooling of ................ 329 Whatman Filter Paper, The ..........228, 281 Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, July 2, 1915.