December 24, 1914. THE COLLIERY ^ GUARDIAN. 1345 SOLE MAKERS F.R EDDA WAY & f? PENDLETON. MANCHESTER. LON DO N OFFICE 5O/l LIME ST., E.C. SUTCLIFFE’S COAL CUTTERS DISC & CHAIN TYPES, ...».. pattern, for thin or thick seams, with shallow or deep cuts. Compressed Air or Electrical Drive. Coal-Face Conveyors, unrivalled in capacity, constant in work, noiseless In the face and most easily moved forward. Roadway Conveyors, which are moved freely from the face to admit ripping in the gateway. HdUlintJ to keep a constant supply of tubs between the engine plane and coal face with instantaneous extension of endless rope. Wll*G BeltllltJji for conveyors of all kinds. Thomson’s Non-Overwind, simplest, safest, surest, and cheapest. Sutcliffe’s Universal Sounding & Displaying Signalling ApparatUS, fully complying with Rogula- tlon 95 of the MINES ACT. NOTE.—The above machinery is all patented or protected and makers or users of infringing articles will be liable to be prosecuted. FULL PARTICULARS FROM RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Works, HORBURY, WAKEFIELD, England. LOYYEf 'vLs tawis? E. C. THEEDAM Founded 189 9. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING. Price 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7/6 post free (payable in advance). Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Coal Mines Regulation Act. General Rule 95. INDICATING SIGNAL BELLS- Mechanical or Electrical. Price and detail on application. LTD., DUDLEY. STEEL & FILES. FANSHAWE & MARRIOTT ATKINSON, Steel and File Manufacturers- Ecclesfield, near Sheffield. Telegraphic Address: “ Fansha, Ecclesfield.’* MOTTIES BRASS NAME PLATES,MOULDERS LETTERS 6 FIGURES. ETC, HMt CHECKS Street YOU WANT to SAVE TIME & PREVENT ACCIDENTS “FASTCRIP” FILE a TOOL HANDLE. Fits any kind of file. Cuts its own thread on tang. Removed and replaced instantly Prevents accidents £1000 WILL BE PAID to an one showing us a nut that CAN get LOOSE through vibration, whtre the FASTNUT is . . properly applied. “FASTFIT” WRENCH. No. 1 takes every shape of nut from 3 16—i bolt 3/- ” 2 .................... g-| „ 7/6 •» 3 .. .. „ i li 15/- SAMPLE FASTNUTS TO TEST FREE. In use on 40 Railways & over 60 COLLIERIES Does the work of six spanners and five times* as fast. Take eight sizes. Self adjusting and Ratchet. ENGLISH MAKE. Instantaneous self adjusting & Ratchet “FASTNUT” SPANNERS. Drop Forged Steel. AGENTS WANTED. Full particulars— FASTN UTj 115, Newgate St.. London E.C. TELEgSEZ^ London. .evices. TURBON. The LATEST THING in FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT F.AN CO. LTD., --- FOB THE - TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LONDON AddLresB- 34, 'ITi.otoxdLa. Street, EI.HIF. LLANELLY.