1294 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN December 18, 1914. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on December 31.) 1913. 20470. Cracking of oils. Valpy and Lucas. 22497. Processes of distilling petroleum or similar oils and apparatus for carrying on these processes. Trumble. 25171. Electric furnaces. Snyder. 27477. Controlling devices for variable speed dynamos and their circuits. Renault. 27886. Ratchet device for rock drills and like purposes. Brown. 28292. Regulating device for electric motors. Haywood. 28309. Shaker conveyor for use in mines. Bramall. 28450. Manufacture of tin and terne plates and other like metal coated plates or sheets, and the machinery or apparatus employed in the said manufacture. Thomas, Thomas, and Davies. 28537. Distillation of liquids. Soderlund, Boberg, and Techno-Chemical Laboratories Limited. 28724. Buffers for railway and like vehicles. Spencer. 28739, 28740, and 28821. Automatic car couplers. Willison, and National Malleable Castings Company. 28844. Steam valves. Smith Brothers and Company (Hyson), and Dempsey. 29009. Manufacture of coal briquettes. Phillips and Phillips. 29719. Fluid compressors. Cloud. 1914. 153. Machinery or apparatus employed for screening, grading, conveying, and elevating broken stone or ore, or other like materials. Baxter. 1439. Liquid fuel furnaces. White. 2249. Electro-magnetic unlocking apparatus for miners’ lamps. Oldham. 3244. Methods of moulding and casting manganese' steel. Carnegie. 3563. Cradles for hammer drills or percussion drills. Jenkins. 3650. Electric circuit controlling devices. Igranic Electric Company. (Cutler Hammer Manufacturing Company.) 4924. Chain grates and the like. Makarieff. 5300. Extractors for cores produced during boring opera- tions. Nederlandsche Maa’tschappij tot het Verrichten van Mijnbouwkundige Werken (firm of). 5301. Apparatus for cutting off the tubes used for lining boreholes. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot het Verrichten van Mijnbouwkundige Werken (firm of). 5302. Bits for hollow drills, i.e., core drills. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot het Verrichten van Mijnbouw- kundige Werken (firm of). 5926. Metallic railway sleepers. Harris. 6658. Elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Com- pany (1908). (General Electric Company.) 7647. Safety explosives. Pearcy, and Curtis’s and Harvey Limited. 8069. Railway rail joints and crossings. Wightman. 10014. Riddle to enable coal or the like to be graded and discharged into wagons on one line of rails. Donaldson, and British Riddling Company. 12655. Sorting, grading, or sifting machines. Lythall. 12848. Rotary compressors, pumps, motors, and the like. Abbott. 13218. Charging and discharging apparatus for gas retorts and the like. Bancroft and Hansford. 15224. Electrically operated winch, specially applicable as an ash hoist. Campbell. 18330. Boring bars. Amborn. 21322. Steam and gas turbines. Akt.-Ges. der Maschinen- fabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. CAPTURING ENEMY PATENTS. The following list of British Patents which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, Chartered Patent Agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Register of Patents. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 16908/11. Percussive tools. In percussive tools in which the blows are imparted by means of a spring and a pair of axially aligned sleeve-like cams, the rotary action of the main cam is utilised to obtain intermittent rotation of the chisel or other tool. Sulzwr Siemens-Schuckertwerke. Berlin (dated July 27, 1910). 17233/11. Raising water; direct air pressure apparatus, automatic. J. Koerver, Germany. 17368/11. Gas producers; fuel supports; ashes, removing. Gas producer having a revolving pan-shaped fuel support, with curved ribs. Koller, Hun- gary (dated July 30, 1910). 17391/11. Centrifugal compressors. Pokorny and Witte- kind Maschinenbau Akt.-Ges., Germany (dated August 1, 1910). 17403/11. Water tube boilers. C. Christians, Germany. 17770/11. Gas producers. In a process of producing steam for gas generators, in which hot gases are brought into direct contact with water, the mixture of gases and steam, together with the air necessary for the generator being then con- veyed to the generator, the hot gases are pro- duced by burning a portion of the producer gas. H. Frambs, and Bender und Frambs Ges., Germany. 17802/11. Furnaces; regulating air supply. C. H. Martini, Germany. 17885/11. Valves; sluice valves. C. G. Kleinschmidt, Ger- many. 18008/11. Retort furnaces. 0. Schneemilch, Germany. 18063/11. Furnaces; stills. J. Weiser, Austria (dated January 17, 1911). 18228/11. Steam generator furnaces. S. Szonyl, Budapest. 18309/11. Conveyors. For driving jigging conveyors, the harmonic motion of a piston or cylinder is transmitted to the conveying trough through the medium of a buffer of compressed air. H. Marcus. Germany. 18310/11. Haulage clips. Relates to haulage clips, for attaching vehicles to overhead travelling cables. F. Peter, Germany. 18398/11. Wagon tipping apparatus. Deutsche Maschinen- fabrik Akt.-Ges., Duisburg. 19090/11. Percussive tools; fluid actuated valve gear. Pokorny and Wittekind Maschinenbau Akt.- Ges.. Germany. 19314/11. Furnaces; charging. Charging device for roast- ing and like furnaces having a vertical rotary shaft with rabbles. Metallbank und Metaj- lurgische Ges., Germany. 19460/11. Hoppers. Reticulated closures are provided for hopper outlets. E. Zublin, Germany. ,19523/11. Deep boring. Shock absorber for drill rods, of the kind in which a casing containing a resilient element is interposed between the rod and the tool, or between two portions of the rod. Galizche Karpatban-Petroleum Akt.- Ges. vorm. Gerhein und MacGarvey, Austria. *,t* Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. Application to Avoid ob Suspend Patents ob Licences. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. Date of hearing. 29019/04 Flottmann. (Valve apparatus for per- cussive rock drills.) E. F. Lamb, 54, New Broad-street, London, E.C. Jan. 12, 1915. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. South Wales Coal Annual, 1915. Edited by J. Davies and C. P. Hailey. London and Cardiff : The Business Statistics Company Limited. Price, 7s. 6d. net. Valves and Valve Gearing. By Charles Hurst. Seventh Edition. London : C. Griffin and Company Limited. Price, 9s. net. Gas Supply in Principles and Practice. By W. H. Y. Webber. London : Whittaker and Company. Price, 3s. 6d. net. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1912. Part 1 : Metals. Part 2 : Nonmetals. (United States Geological Survey). Washington : Government Printing Office. Hints on Coal Mine Ventilation (United States Bureau of Mines. Miners’ Circular 16). By J. J. Rutledge. United States Coals Available for Export Trade (United States Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 76). By Van H. Manning. Factors Governing the Combustion of Coal in Boiler Furnaces : A Preliminary Report. (United States Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 63). By J. K. Clement. G. C. W. Frazer, and C. E. Augustine. Report of the Committee on Resuscitation from Mine Gases (United States Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 77). By W. B. Cannon, G. W. Grill, J. Erlanger. Y. Henderson, and S. T. Meltzer. A Study of the Oxidation of Coal (United States Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 65). By H. C. Porter and 0. C. Ralston. “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 15, No. 4), October, price 3s.; “ Report of the Department of Mines., Western Australia, for 1913”; “Annual Report of the Iowa Geological Survey, 1913”; “United States Geological Survey,” Bulletin 578; “The Iditarod-Ruby Region. Alaska,” by H. M. Eakin; (ditto, Bulletin 581—C), “ The Moorcroft Oil Field and the Big Muddy Dome. Wyoming,” by V. H. Barrett; (ditto. Bulletin 580—F), “ Some Deposits of Mica in the United States,” by D. B. Sterrett; (ditto. Bulletin 580—G). “ Gold Places on Wind and Bighorn Rivers. Wyoming.” by F. C. Schrader; (ditto. Bulletin 580 I). “ T/ode Deposite of the Allegheny District, California,” by H. G. Ferguson; (ditto, Bulletin 580—K), “ Ore Deposits in the Sawtooth Quadrangle, Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho,” by J. B. Umpleby; (ditto, Bulletin 583), “ Colorado Ferberite and the Wolframite Series,” by F. L. Hess and W. T. Schaller; (ditto, Bulletin 577), “ Geology of the Phosphate Deposits North-East of Georgetown, Idaho,” by R. W. Richards and G. R. Mansfield; (ditto, Bulletin 584), “ Bibliography of North American Geology for 1913,” by J. M. Nickles; (ditto, Bulletin 599), “ Our Mineral Reserves : How to Make America Industrially Independent,” by G. O. Smith; “United States Bureau of Mines” (Technical Paper 34), “ Experiments with Furnaces for a Hand-Fired Return Tubular Boiler,” by S. B. Flagg, G. C. Cook, and F. E. Woodman; (ditto, Technical Paper 92), “Quarry Accidents in the United States, 1913,” by A. H. Fay; (ditto, Technical Paper 45), “ Waste of Oil and Gas in the Mid-Continent Fields,” by R. S. Blatchley; (ditto, Technical Paper 79), “ Electric Lights for Use About Oil and Gas Wells,” by H. H. Clark; (ditto, Miners’ Circular 17), “ Accidents from Falls of Rock or Ore,” by E. Higgins; “Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, July and August,” by A. H. Fay; “ United States Geological Survey ” (Water Supply Paper 321), “ Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1912; Part 1, North Atlantic Coast Basins,” by C. C. Babb, C. C. Covert, and J. C. Mathers; (Water Supply Paper 325), “ Ditto, Part 5, Upper Mississippi River and Hudson Bay Basins,” by A. H. Horton, W. C. Hoyt, and H. J. Jackson; (Water Supply Paper 336), “Water Resources of Hawaii,” by C. H. Pierce and G. K. Larrison; (Water Supply Paper 346), “ Profile Surveys in the Basin of Clark Fork of Columbia River, Montana—Idaho—Washington,” by R. B. Marshall; (Water Supply Paper 363), “ Quality of the Surface Waters of Oregon,” by W. Van Winkle; “ Shorter Contributions to General Geology, 1913,” by D. White; (Professional Paper 86), “The Transportation of Debris by Running Water,” by G. K. Gilbert; (Profes- sional Paper 90—E), “ Contributions to the Stratigraphy of South-Western Colorado,” by W. Cross and E. S. Larsen; “ Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc in the Central States in 1913,” by B. S. Butler and J. P. Dunlop; “ Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc in the Eastern States in 1913,” by H. D. McCaskey; “Quicksilver in 1913, Production and Resources,” by H. D. McCaskey; “ Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc in Colorado in 1913,” by C. W. Henderson; “Production of Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Selenium and Tellurium in 1913,” by F. L. Hess; “ Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc in Utah in 1913,” by V. C. Heikes; “Production of Platinum and Allied Metals in 1913," by D. T. Day; “ The Production of Graphite in 1913,” by E. S. Bastin; “ The Production of Salt, Bromine and Calcium Chloride in 1913,” by W. C. Phalen; “ The Production of Lime in 1913,” by R. W. Stone; “ The Production of Asbestos in 1913,” by J. S. Diller; “ The Gypsum Industry, 1913,” by R. W. Stone; “ The Production of Fluorspar, 1913, with Note on Cryolite,” by E. F. Burchard; “ The Pro- duction of Peat in 1913,” by C. A. Davis; “ The Produc- tion of Mineral Waters in 1913, with a Discussion of their Radioactivity,” by R. B. Dole; “The Production of Magnesite in 1913,” by C. G. Yale and Hoyt S. Gale; “ The. Manufacture of Coke in 1913,” by S. W. Parker (Unite’d States Geological Survey), $2’26; “The Produc- tion of Borax in 1813,” bv C. G. Yale and H. S. Gale; “ The Production of Asnhalt, Related Bitumens and Bitu- minous Rocks in 1913,” by D. T. Day; “ United States Treasury ” (Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin 95), “Labora- tory Studies on Tetanus,” by E. Fransis; “The Great Australian Artesian Basin and the Source of its Water,” by E. F. Pittman (Geological Survey of New South Wales, Mines Department); “ Production ‘ of Explosives in the United States, 1913 ” (United States Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 85), by A. H. Fay; “ Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland ” (Vol. 58, Part 2). GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Friendly Societies Annual Return :■ Forms Nos. 1, 3, and 9, 2Jd. each. Trade Union Annual Return : Form No. 21, 2Jd. Census of Cumberland and Westmorland, 1911, lOJd. Midland Railway Act, 7s. 6d. Trade and Consular Reports : China, Hankow, 1913, 2}d. ; Italy, Leghorn, 1913, 2Jd.; Malta, 1913-4, 3d. PIT TIMBER .- Reports of the Board of Trade upon the Supply of Imported Pit Timber, 2d.; Reports on Supplies of Home-Grown Pitwood in England and Wales, l}d. Manual of Emergency Legislation Supplement, No. 2, to December 5, 1914, Is. lOd. Boiler Explosion Report (No. 2329) at Consett Iron Works 4}d. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships :—F. W. Des and J. Smith, spring manufacturers, at Walsall-street, West Bromwich, under the style of the Northern Spring Com. pany; W. G. Duncan and J. W. Johnson, junr., carrying on business as automobile and general engineers at 4, St. Mary Abbotts-place, Kensington, under the style of Abbotts Automobile Agency. Oxygen Resuscitating Apparatus. I he Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. ALSO MAKERS OF “Proto” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. D. Llewellin Evans 120, BUTE ST . CARDIFF. PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, AGENT FOR Nobel's Explosives. SIEGE, GORMAN & GO. LTD., Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London.*’ Agent for North America and Mexico H. N. “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telephone No —251 Hop. ELMER, 1140 MONADNOCH BLOCK, CHICAGO. GERMAN MADE GOODS. We invite Buyers of goods, formerly procured from the Continent, not now obtainable, to favour us with particulars of their requirements. We have completed arrangements under which we can give early delivery, and would be glad to quote competitive prices. ROWLAND G. FOOT & CO., 11, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C.