Decembek 18,1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1259 SPIRO-TURBINE SULLIVAN IRONCLADS. A ROTOR. compressor, a Spiro-Turbine Sullivan Ironclad will Do You Want to Save Air ? Air driven Sullivan Ironclad Coal Cutters are supplied with spiro-turbine air motors. Careful tests show that these almost indestructible air motors consume from 25 to 30 per cent, less air per B.H.P. than reciprocating or piston coal-cutter engines. If your power costs you fd. per H.P. hour at your SAVE YOU EIGHT SHILLINGS PER SHIFT under average cutting conditions, in your power bill alone, over the cost of operating an engine driven coal cutter of the latest and best type. If your present compressors are working to their capacity, you can run 25 per cent, more machines by using Sullivan Ironclads. These machines are widely known for their high cutting capacity and low power consumption per ton of coal undercut, and fitted with Spiro-Turbine motors represent the highest development in coal cutters. THE CONTINUOUS CHAIN FEED AND FRICTION HAULAGE have now proved their merit beyond dispute in British collieries. Those using them say these features are the greatest improvements in coal cutters in recent years.—“ Ask the man who has one.” Sullivan Ironclads are especially adapted to hard holing in stone pavement on account of their high power and great cutting capacity. Under bad roof they excel, as they are only 2J feet wide over all—the narrowest coal cutter of the power on the market; height 17in. ; 30 H.P. “THE CONTINUOUS COAL- AND COST-CUTTERS.” Write for Catalogue 3063—K. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO., Salisbury House, London, E.C. Agents for Northumberland and Durham.—SWINBURNE & HARDIE, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., WIRES: “ Friction, Chapel.” “ Frodobrake, Ox, London.” CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. ALSO 39, Upper Rathbone Place, London, W. ’Phones—19 & 20 Chapel. (Private Branch Exchange). 788 Museum, London. Samples and full particulars sent on request. IHBEBEEI FABRIC LININGS FOR Nearly 20 years’ experience is at your service. WRITE US. BRAKES & CLUTCHES. SUITABLE FOR WINDING ENGINES, HAULAGES, CRANES, WINCHES, CAPSTANS. IHBEISEEI FABRICS ARE Quickly Supplied. Easily Fixed. TYPE OF EXPANDING CLUTCH. LINING > IBSBEEEI