1256 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 18 1914. THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE. LTD » • have had the uridernoted. Explosives added to the 'Permitted List?- I CHARGE LIMIT ¥¥¥?¥¥^^¥¥¥ ¥T*T PENDULUM SWING I6oz tlLKLULllt 272 in. CHARGE LIMIT Til I'lITC D/YWHTD PENDULUMSWING 32 oz IHAMt) rUWDtlV™ sfhese Explosives afe specially suited lor use in stone or hard coal. El homes Powder does not require to be thawed. HEAD OFFICE:- 124 St.Vincent Street, GLASGOW. AGENCIES IN ALL THE COLLIERY DISTRICTS ROPE DRIVING. DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR BRUSSELS and TURIN. Illustrated Lecture on— ‘ THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY ROPES.” Post Free on, Application. r^- p Ik Telegrams: “ Kenyon, Dukinfield.” Telephone: 494 Ashton. LONDO4 OFFICE : 95 & 97, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. FOR EFFICIENCY DURABILITY USE Wm. KENYON & SONS Ltd., CHAPEL FIELD WORKS, DUKINFIELD, near MANCHESTER. Trade STANLEY Mark. h STANLEY’S NEW MODEL COLLIERY TRANSIT THEODOLITE. Specially designed for Colliery Surveying. The Largest Manufacturers of SURVEYING and DRAWING INSTRUMENTS in the World. Our Drawing Instruments are made throughout in our own factories, and if quality is considered, are cheaper than German ones. The “Stanley” Drawing Pencils. Made in England—the finest obtainable. Made in nine degrees, 2B to 6H. Price 3d. each, 2/9 per dozen, 30/- per gross. Stanley’s “ Turnstile ” Draughtsman’s Pencils. Made in England. Made in nine degrees, 2B to 6H. Price 2d. each, 1/9 per doz., 20/- per gross. Please send for our “K.12” Catalogue, and compare our prices with those of other first-class makers. W. F. STANLEY & C° L° 286, High Holborn, London, W.C. ELECTRICAL HAULAGES SPECIALITY. LLEWELLYN & CUBITT LU Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders and Boiler Makers, Telegrams— “CUBITT, PENTRE.” Telephone— Q.P.O., No. 5, PENTRE. A 150 H.P. Electrical Haulage Set. J in Rhondda Engine Works, PENTRE, R.S.O., GLAM., YSTRAD STATION, TAFF VALE RAILWAY. WINDING ENGINES. Improved Self-contained Underground Hauling Engines. Horizontal and Vertical Stationary Engines. ENGINES SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. AIR COMPRESSORS. VENTILATING FANS. STEAM FORCE PUMPS. COAL-CRUSHING MACHINERY. Lancashire, Cornish, Multitubular, and Vertical BOILERS. Wrought-Iron or Steel Pithead Frames. Pithead Pulleys to 20 ft. diameter. And all kinds of Colliery Requisites. Makers of Machine-moulded Spur, Mitre and Bevel Wheels. Haulage Pulleys of all sizes. Pit Cages. Fangs, & Automatic Banking Arrangement. Coal-screens and Endless Chain Creepers. Makers of Automatic Expansion Gear for Winding Engines.