December 11, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1239 COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Algoma Steel Corporation Limited.—At the general meet- ing of bondholders, held in New York on 27th ult., a quorum was present of $13,397,000 of first and refunding bonds, of which $13,297,000 voted in favour of the resolution for fund- ing the interest and $100,000 against. Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company Limited.—The report of the directors states that the result of the year’s trading (after providing for depreciation) is a net profit of £17,034 5s. Id., to which is added the sum of £17,443 11s. lOd. brought from the last account, making a total of £34,477 16s. lid. The balance available for distri- bution is £28,262 14s. 2d. The directors recommend that this sum should be applied thus : In providing the dividend on “A” preference shares at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum for six months ended July 31, which was paid October 1, £1,500; in payment of dividend on ordinary shares (12s. paid) at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the year ended July 31, less interim dividend paid April 1, 1914, and bonus of 5 per cent, per annum, making 10 per cent, for the year, £3,375; dividend and bonus on calls on ordinary shares, £178 9s. 3d.; in writing off amount paid for stamp duty on new capital and expenses of alteration of memorandum and articles of association, £665; balance to be carried forward to next account, £22,544 4s. lid.— £28,262 14s. 2d. During the year the unpaid capital of 8s. per share was called up. Argentine Iron and Steel Company (Pedro Vasena e Hijos) (Limited and Reduced).—The directors announce that the Court having sanctioned the reduction of the ordinary share capital, the payment of the amount of the fixed dividend on preference shares in respect of the year to February 28 last will be made on December 14. Arniston Coal Company Limited.—The directors, in their 41st report, for the year ended September 30 last, state that after meeting the debenture interest, the dividend on the preference shares, and all charges on revenue, the accounts (including £4,651 13s. Id. brought from last year) show an available balance of £6,478 10s. lOd. Of the amount charged to capital account for cost of electric plant, work- men’s houses, etc., £10,705 14s. 3d. has been provided by appropriating the special reserve of £6,000 for that purpose, and the sum of £4,705 14s. 3d. of the general reserve of £14,705 14s. 3d., leaving the general reserve at £10,000. The directors propose that a dividend at the rate of 8s. per share, free of income-tax, be paid on the ordinary shares, and that the balance, £3,878 10s. 10d., be carried to the current year’s accounts. Trade throughout the year, it is stated, has declined, and the cost of production has been out of proportion to the prices realised. In the latter months of the year the European War has had a most serious effect on trade, and resulted in a very largely reduced output at the colliery. Mr. Charles W. Cowan has resigned from the board of directors, and Mr. Alexander Cowan, Valleyfield, Penicuik, has been appointed to succeed him. Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Limited. — The directors announce a dividend of 5 per cent. (Is. per share) on the ordinary shares for the year ended September 30 last, setting aside £9,715 for depreciation, over £12,500 for maintenance and upkeep, £5,000 to reserve for equalisation of preference dividends, making £10,000, and carrying £12,537 forward. Breyten Collieries Limited.—The fifth ordinary annual general meeting of the shareholders will be held in Johannes- burg on Friday, 18th inst. Burnyeat, Brown and Company Limited.—The following resolution was agreed to at a meeting of the shareholders on the 2nd inst. :—“ (1) That it is expedient to effect an amal- gamation of this company with the United National Col- lieries Limited, and that with a view thereto this company be wound up voluntarily, and that Edgar Watts, of 20, Exchange-buildings, Cardiff, be and he is hereby appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up. (2) That the conditional agreement submitted to this meeting be and the same is hereby approved, and that the liquidator be and he is hereby authorised pursuant to section 192 of the Companies Consolidation Act, 1908, to adopt the said agreement and carry the same into effect, with such modi- fications, if any, as the liquidator may think expedient.” Canadian General Electric Company Limited. — The directors have declared a quarterly dividend of 1| per cent, for the three months to December 31, 1914, on the common stock. Dinnington Main Coal Company Limited.—The directors have decided to pay an interim dividend of 6d. per share on the ordinary shares, less tax at Is. 8d. Dividend warrants will be posted on the 28th inst. Kayser, Ellison and Company Limited.—The half-yearly dividend on the preference shares, and an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 5s. per share, both less tax, for the six months ending December 31, will be paid on January 1. Middleburg Steam Coal Company Limited.—For the year ended June 30, 1914, the output of coal aggregated 280,547 tons, a decrease of 13,828 tons. The result was satisfactory, taking into account the labour troubles. Appropriation account is summarised as follows : Brought forward, £16,671; net profit from colliery for year, £19,264; rents, etc., £74; total, £36,010; London expenses, £687;- audit fee, £52; income-tax account, £525; fees and remuneration, £900; reserve account (making it £12,500), £2,500; new share and debenture issue expenses, £544; debenture interest, £888; dividends Nos. 15 and 16 on preference shares, £3,244; dividend No. 7 on ordinary shares, £3,542; balance, £23,124. The directors propose to devote £15,000 above balance to writing down the share investment and loans to the Transvaal G-old Trust Limited, together with such further provision as the auditor shall recommend from the reserve fund, and to distribute to shareholders the shares to be allotted to this company as of right in respect of its existing holding in the Transvaal Gold Trust Limited. The directors consider that the scheme should provide sufficient capital to thoroughly test the claims without trenching upon the future profits of this company. This would leave £8,124 at credit of profit and loss account. Nantyglo and Blaina Ironworks Company Limited.—The report for the year ended September 30 last, states that the net amount received from royalties and wayleaves is £37,274 9s. 10d., and from rent of land and houses and other sources of income £5,444 10s. 9d., making a total of £42,719 0s. 7d. The directors have paid since their last report two instal- ments of dividends “ on account of arrears of dividend” upon the preference shares, amounting to £30,000, viz., on April 15 £3 per share, and on November 14 £3, making altogether £6 per share. The output of coal and other minerals has been 1,655,936 tons. The amount allowed for depreciation of their properties for the year is £4,000, which, with the income from investments, £1,058 10s. 6d., has been added to reserve for depreciation account. Satis- factory arrangements have been made for the working of their collieries after the expiration of the existing leases. The bulk of the mineral area held from the Marquis of Abergavenny has been leased for a long term of years, and a large portion of their freehold minerals have also been leased to be worked in conjunction. Negotiations are pend- ing respecting the leasing of further areas. The arrears of dividend on preference to date now amount to £528,958 6s. 8d., the profit and loss account showing a credit balance of £33,173 8s. 8d. Land, buildings, tramways, etc., are valued in the balance-sheet at £480,541, amounts owing to the company being £17,197 0s. 4d., and cash at bankers and in hand £35,201 Is. 4d. Investments figure at £29,942 13s. 2d., the market value of these securities at the date of the closing of the Stock Exchange being £27,555. There have been no dividends on the ordinary shares of the company since 1872. North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company Limited.—The accounts for the past year show a divisible balance of £30,863. It is proposed to add £5,000 to the reserve and £5,000 to the works renewal fund. A dividend of 10 per cent, is proposed, leaving £3,863 to carry forward. Mr. Jno. Dickinson having resigned as manager and secretary after a service of 41 years, the board have appointed Mr. E. L. Tosh general manager and Mr. Jno. Knight secretary. North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited.—The direc- tors have decided to pay the remaining 6d. per share of the dividend declared on July 14 last. Power Gas Corporation Limited.—The results for the year show a total profit of £20,510 10s. 6d., to which has been added £3,549 12s. lid. brought forward from last year’s account, making altogether £24,060 3s. 5d., which the directors propose to apply as follows : To reserve fund, created in terms of article iii., £4,100; dividend at 5 per cent, per annum upon the ordinary shares, to be paid less income-tax, £12,481; balance to be carried forward to next account, £7,479 3s. 5d.; making a total of £24,060 3s. 5d. Stanton Ironworks Company Limited.—Interim dividend of 7J per cent, on the ordinary shares. United National Collieries Limited.—At an extraordinary general meeting of the United National Collieries Limited on the 2nd inst., the following resolution was adopted :— “ That the capital of the company be increased to £1,000,000 by the creation of 150,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, rank- ing pari passu in all respects with the existing 600,000 ordi- nary shares of £1 each, and 50,000 preference shares of £1 each, ranking pari passu in all respects with the existing 200,000 preference shares of £1 each.” An extraordinary meeting of the preference shareholders of the same company was then held, and sanctioned the creation and issue by the company of 50,000 new preference shares of £1 each, rank- ing pari passu, in all respects with the existing preference shares. Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company (1906) Limited. —The report for the year ended September 30 states that the balance of the profit and loss account brought forward was £7,406, and the net profit this year was £20,697. Deduct interim dividends paid for the six months ended March 31 at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on the cumulative pre- ference shares, less tax (£359), and at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, free of tax (£3,225), leaving a balance available of £24,518. The directors recom- mend a dividend on the cumulative preference shares for the last six months at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum (less tax), and a dividend on the ordinary shares for the last six months at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (free of tax), being 10 per cent, for the year, which will take £3,608, placing to reserve fund £15,000, and carrying to the next account £5,553. Wankie Colliery Company Limited. — An extraordinary general meeting of this company has been held for the purpose of approving resolutions to reconstruct the company and accordingly that the company be wound up voluntarily, and that Alfred Wilson Bird, of 2, London Wall-buildings, London, E.C., be appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up, and authorised to divide all or any of the assets of the company among the members in specie, and to exercise all or any of his powers by attorney, including a power to sub-delegate. It was further proposed that the said liquidator be authorised to consent to the registration of a new company, to be named Wankie Colliery Company Limited. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. Warwickshire Coal Company Limited.—The accounts for the year ended June 30 last show that the debit to revenue account of £16,832 brought forward was increased to £24,230. Wright (John and Edwin) Limited.—The report for the year ended September states that the balance of the revenue account, after adding £4,934 brought forward, and deduct- ing the interim dividend (£1,177) paid on the preference shares, is £12,243. The directors propose to pay a dividend on the ordinary shares of 10 per cent., free of income-tax, £5,000; add to the reserve fund £1,000, and carrv forward £5,071. NEW COMPANIES. Carville Site and Power Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, Royal Exchange-buildings, New- castle-on-Tyne. Registered December 3. To acquire from the Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Company Limited a piece of freehold land at Carville, and to erect thereon a generating station for generating electrical energy suitable for distribution and sale. Nominal capital, £10,000 in £1 shares. Directors :—J. T. Merz, J. H. Armstrong, R. P. Sloan. Foster Construction Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 127, Corporation-street, Stratford, E. Registered December 4. Constructional, mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and general engineers. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—W. Foster, 144a, Portway, West Ham; A. Foster, 3, North-drive, Plaistow, E., constructional engineers. Williams (P.) and Sons (Furnaces) Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Wednesbury Oak, Staffordshire. Registered November 30. To acquire and carry on business of ironmasters and iron smelters carried on at Wednesbury Oak, Tipton, Staffordshire, as Philip Williams and Sons. Nominal capital, £30,000 in £1 shares. Permanent direc- tors :—G-. H. Claughton, The Priory, Dudley, baronet; F. G-razebrook, Himley House, near Dudley; ironmaster; C. Tryon, The Priory Offices, Dudley, agent; O. F. G-raze- brook, Castle Cottage, Dudley, ironmaster. Qualification of directors, £100. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Boston, December 18. —100 tons of Warsop best hard steam coal, 70 tons of screened cobbles (either Hucknall, Shirebrook, or Sherwood), and 30 tons of Birley Silkstones (seconds), for the Corporation. Forms from J. M. Simpson, clerk, 28, Wide Bargate, Boston. Castlebar (Ireland), December 18. — 400 tons of best double screened Wigan coal for the Castlebar District Asylum Committee of Management. Forms from J. E. Higgins, clerk, on deposit of £1 (returnable). London, E., December 15.—200 tons of house coal for the Poplar and Stepney Sick Asylum District Managers. Forms from S. G-. Wright, clerk, Sick Asylum, Devons-road, Bow. Morpeth, December 17.—Coal to the Northumberland County Asylum, Morpeth, for the Visiting Committee. Forms from the Clerk at the Asylum. Newcastle-on-Tyne, December 15.—Coal and coke for the Tyne Improvement Commissioners. Forms at the Com- missioners’ offices, Berwick-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Celbridge (Ireland), December 18.—Well.—Sinking a well and erecting pump for No. 2 Rural District Council. Specification from the clerk, Mr. F. Shortt, Council Office. Dublin, December 21. — Plant. — Electrical plant and materials for the Great Northern Railway Company (Ire- land). Specification from Mr. T. Morrison, secretary, Amiens-street Terminus, Dublin, on payment of one guinea (returnable). Manchester, December 16. — Boilers. — Ten 50,0001b. water tube boilers, complete with superheaters, stokers, economisers, etc.; two 15,000 kw\ alternators, complete with condensing plant, pipe work, etc., for Electricity Committee. Specification from F. E. Hughes, secretary, Electricity Department, Town Hall, on deposit of three guineas (returnable). Mountmellick (Ireland), December 17.—Pump.—New metal pump for Rural District Council. Specification from J. J. Williams, clerk of Council, Rural District Council Offices, Mountmellick. Newcastle (Staffs).—Cruts.—For driving cruts with compressed air hammer drills. Applications to the manager, Madeley Collieries, near Newcastle, Staffs Upton-on-Severn, December 31.—About 4| miles of 5 in., 4 in., and Sin. Cast iron water mains; also construction of engine house, head well, and reservoir, for the Rural Dis- trict Council. Specification from Messrs. Willcox and Raikes, Union-chambers, 63, Temple-row, Birmingham. Walthamstow, December 23.—Turbo Alternator.—Erec- tion of 1,500 kw. turbo alternator, 600 kw. triple expansion engine and dynamo, and 1,000 kw. rotary or motor converter, for the Urban District Council. Specifications from Mr. G. R. Spurr, electrical and tramways engineer, Priory- avenue, Walthamstow, on deposit of £2 (returnable). Winchester, December 17.—Plant.—One 500 kw. direct current turbo generator, complete with condensing plant, pipe work, etc., for the Electricity Committee. Specification from R. Ayton, city electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Winchester, on deposit of thr$e guineas (returnable). CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. We have been favoured by the Coventry Chain Company Limited (Spon End Works, Coventry) with a copy of a new catalogue relating specially to chains for power" trans- mission on commercial vehicles, lorries, etc. The catalogue is fully illustrated, and contains much useful information. Messrs. Archibald Baird and Son Limited (Hamilton, N.B.) send us a leaflet setting forth briefly some of their more important manufactures. These include steel, iron, and brass castings, gearing, locomotive engines, haulage clips, tub greasers, signal bells and indicators, safety lamps, brattice cloth, etc. A pamphlet entitled “ Water Main Cleaning Extra- ordinary ” has reached us from the “ Eric ” (Patent) Pipe- Scraper Company Limited (of Chepstow, Mon.). The Eric machine comprises driving heads and ploughs or cutters. The former are formed by sets of spring blades assembled in the form of a shuttlecock. The heads contain a device by which the blades are drawn together in the event of sudden shock. Water pressure is used to drive the machines, this being utilised for pulling the ploughs forward by means of the head. There are several modifications in design. We have received from Messrs. G. R. Nevitt and Company (103-105, Napier-street, St. Helens) a description of a new patent safety wedge for pit cages for wood or steel con- ductors. The principle of the device is as follows :—The wedges are attached to levers, which in turn are affixed to the bases of the cage side, and are also connected with the cage rope. The weight of the cage holds the wedge out of action, but immediately the rope snaps, the wedges, it is claimed, will automatically fly into the sockets which run on the conductors, and so prevent further descent. The appliance has been successfully tested on a small scale.