1238 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 11, 1914. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, ABO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UHITEO KINGDOM During November and the first eleven months of 1912, 1913 and 1914. To November, 1914. November. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912. 1913. 1914 1912. 1913. 1914. Russia 201 117 1,572 963 230,544 379,347 1,773 147,103 267,772 1,080 Sweden 97,385 53,424 49,363 29,009 231,776 155,588 421,431 404,540 378,524 260,197 268,127 238,021 Norway 49,261 22,752 14,545 8,603 113,929 68,962 250,621 207,766 177,735 150,913 130,074 100,317 Denmark 63,477 36,411 51,178 32,429 137,802 91,121 286,328 244,970 252,457 174,437 160,924 159,961 Germany 785,086 677,074 423,709 410,810 Netherlands 23,302 12,260 21,976 12,897 20,350 I 12,585 235,685 157,610 65,628 139,513 100,273 37,742 Belgium 997 518 1 — 149,920 162,091 997 78,350 93,312 518 France 411494 206,200 232,099 136,762 393,656 ! 297,083 1,086*703 1,031,427 1,036,949 650,489 657,303 640,045 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 17,434 8,549 27,328 15,794 51,390 41,440 146*930 101,724 96,152 98,992 75,051 65,783 Spain and Canaries 28,340 17,005 45,524 28,384 58,866 ! 47,435 350,676 280,749 132,730 240,769 207,704 92,824 Italy 117,580 49,055 142,270 82,634 343,311 272,622 873,867 784,135 603,161 573,999 555,046 404,311 Austria-Hungary 41,074 78,066 23,581 58,964 Greece 2,171 1,600 6,136 3,896 15,476 13,629 79,468 75,573 23,783 65,620 57,556 19,125 Roumania — - 10,100 28,822 8,640 24,905 Turkey _ 5 983 61,156 4,052 46,324 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 4,466 2,139 36,144 23,168 53,802 44,853 261*939 315,300 94,412 180,313 234,760 70,160 Algeria 8,495 4,388 16,961 10,250 18,583 ! 14,529 125,962 113,832 44,039 76,958 77,681 29,167 Portuguese West Africa ... 1,502 1 1,277 10,499 12,838 1,502 8,561 11,004 1,277 Chile 432 707 — — 3,344 j 2,176 30,451 49,052 3,776 24,619 41,071 2,883 Brazil 943 856 4,540 3,039 57,867 j 49,454 182,435 137,971 63,350 148,591 122,250 53,349 Uruguay 1,210 734 — — 13,616 | 11,071 62,074 56,039 14,826 49,356 48,010 11,805 Argentine Republic 5,056 3,540 — — 147,719 124,625 343,594 290,262 152,775 268,207 244,528 128,165 Chan nel Islan d s .. 691 501 4,137 2,379 8,647 ■ 6,198 16,110 16,667 13,475 11,167 12,350 9,078 Gibraltar 4,581 2,004 6,975 4,186 8,937 6,870 31,815 40,897 20,493 21,692 30,893 13,100 Malta .. 1,771 862 4,751 2,850 2,992 ■ 2,549 64,460 73,060 9,514 46,012 55,364 6,261 Aden and Dependencies 10,383 5,981 8,634 5,159 British India 1,019 838 — — 10,404 7,812 1,482 11,955 11,423 1,046 9,544 8,650 Ceylon 508 597 — - - 4,299 3,655 18,299 15.420 4,807 14,646 11,771 4,252 Other countries 19,013 13,911 5,339 3,319 51,527 41,594 83,526 99,080 75,879 58,784 82,954 58,824 ** Anthracite 81,683 69,809 90,140 81,461 268,098 255,959 171,823 227,296 200,746 151,270 Steam 661,137 301,664 145,257 89,015 1,536,474 1,154,362 4,529,410 4,322,462 2,342,868 2,925,942 3,039,010 1,545,041 Totals Gas 37,364 22,098 474,024 282,693 21,181 14,685 958,261 936,829 532,569 542,781 603,480 319,476 Household 22,139 14,679 2,579 1,483 101,781 66,433 156,401 140,129 126,499 95,741 94,444 82,595 „ Other sorts 57,204 30,758 48,978 27,371 219 187 285,275 258,025 106,401 167,190 162,904 58,316 Total 859,527 439,008 670,838 400,562 1,749,795 1,317,128 6,197,445 5,913,404 3,280,160 3,958,950 4,100,584 2,156,698 Total (November 1913 > 1,374,761 760,684 1,183,696 750,689 3,354,947 2,589,211 — — — . — — — Total (Novem' er 1912 1,456,420 747,190 1,195,179 676,308 3,545 846 2,535.452 — — — — — — Coke 125,601 126,307 100,202 107,693 108,855 75,742 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 142,025 163,087 46,737 114,365 147,797 39,319 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — - — 6,465,071 6,202,798 3,427,099 4,181,008 4,357,236 2,271,759 First eleven months of 1914. First eleven months. f Anthracite 1,032,468 729,034 1,078 476 1,128,298 976,860 2,316,909 2,726,893 2,161,844 1,865,372 2,177,780 1,706,370 Steam 10,306,748 5,069,109 2,466,452 1.515,13S 27,158,658 20,894,643 42,329,063 49,030,578 39,931,858 27,266,860 34,613,303 27,478,890 Totals Has 610,814 353,681 8,054,332 4,972,413 832,144 577,438 9,730,410 10,547,038 9,497,290 5,197,284 6,516,605 5,903,532 Household 376,076 231,889 8,899 5,375 986,417 653,467 1,497,808 1,635,335 1,371,392 892,411 1,074,563 890,731 • L Other sorts 1,034,824 615,304 1,309,130 775,601 34,668 25,572 2,873,446 3,230,821 2,378,622 1,556,732 2,015,734 1,416,477 Total 13,360,930 6,999,017 11,839,891 7,269,003 30,140,185 23,127,980 58,747,636 67,170,665 55,341,006 36,778,659 46,397,985 37,396,000 Total for eleven months of 1913... 15,978,810 9,041,270 13,492,811 8,302,675 37,699,044 29,054,040 Total for eleven months of 1912 .. 13,520.612 6,734,012 12,153,349 6,484,203 33,073,675 23,560,444 — — — — — — Coke 928,612 1,115,317 1,075,406 771,090 1,044,046 863,562 Manufactured fuel — —- — — — — 1,394,032 1,874,952 1,534,680 1,093,160 1,624,200 1,333,419 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — - — — - — 61,070,280 70,160,934 57,951,092 38,642,909 49,066,231 39,592,981 THE FREIGHT MARKET. The shortage of tonnage, especially so far as the north-east coast is concerned, continues to hamper coal shipments very seriously. Perhaps, however, by the time the schemes of the advisory committee of the Newcastle Chamber of Com- merce—a committee which has rendered yeoman service to shippers and to commerce generally since the outbreak of war—have been adopted in their entirety, considerable relief will have come to the market. These schemes include the “ exportation ” of men and machinery for cargo discharging to Rouen, where the congestion is especially great, and the impressing upon the Admiralty the necessity of employing some of the interned German and Austrian steamers in the ordinary work of commerce. At the Tyne rates are, generally speaking, fully as high as those of a week ago; in some directions, indeed, they are advanced. Mediter- ranean figures are about steady at the record level of last week. North France has advanced to 14s. to Rouen. The Bay is markedly dearer at 14s. to St. Nazaire. The coast- ing ports are firmer at from 6s. to 6s. 3d. to London. It is interesting to note that a 1,200-ton vessel has been fixed for Copenhagen at 9s. 6d. At South Wales chartering has been comparatively brisk. Here the Mediterranean is rather dearer, with Genoa at from 16s. to 16s. 6d. from Cardiff. From the same port the Bay is tending firmer, with Bor- deaux at 13| fr. for a fairly large vessel. North France, too, is very much higher, as might be expected in view of the detention to tonnage at certain ports. The River Plate is easier at from 15s. 9d. to 17s., as compared with from 16s. 6d. to 17s. 6d. a week ago. The amount of business done from other ports is relatively small. The same tale of firmly held rates is, however, told by all. Homewards, the North Pacific has paid up to 50s. for a prompt boat for Rotterdam, but the demand is not keen at that figure. Rice ports are steady; 35s. has been paid from Kohsichang for an early new season to home port. Java is quiet, with few orders current for sugar tonnage. The East Indies are inactive, so far as general cargo is concerned, but with some little demand for coal tonnage. The American market for grain and cotton tonnage is very firm. Lumber rates are difficult to quote, and other trades are dull. The River Plate is firm, with 35s. paid, and more now asked for Feb. up-river loading, whilst 36s. 3d. has been done for Jan. Tyne to Algiers, 3,800, 15s. 6d., 700; Barcelona, 2,200, 15s. 9d.; Bagnoli, 5,500, 18s. 9d., from Dunston; Bona, 1.700, 19s. 6d.; Caen, 800, 12s. 3d.; 2,000, 12s. 3d.; 1,200, 12s.; 950, 12s. 9d.; Copenhagen, 1,200, 9s. 6d.; Civita Vecchia, 2,000, 19s. 6d.; Genoa, 4,200, 18s. 6d.; 3,700, 18s. 6d.; 6,000, 18s. 6d.; Havre, 900, 12s. 3d.; 950, 12s.; London, 4,600, 6s.; 3,900, 6s.; 2,000, 6s. 3d.; 2,800, 6s.; 2.700, 6s. 3d.; 2,000, 6s.; Las Palmas, 2,500, 13s.; 1,900, 13s.; Lisbon, 2,000, 12s. 6d.; Marseilles, 1,200, 16s. 9d.; Nice, 2,650, 17s.; Naples, 1,500, 18s. 6d., 700; Oran, 1,600, 16s.; Palma, 1,400, 15s.; Porto Ferrajo, 5,500, 18s. 3d., from Dunston; Rouen, 1,700, 13s. 6d., two loading places; 2.800, 13s. 6d.; 3,300, 14s.; 1,800, 14s.; 3,000, 13s. 9d.; 1,600, 14s. l|d.; 2,500, 14s.; 800, 14s.; St. Nazaire, 3,300, 14s.; 3,500, 12s. 6d.; 1,600, 13s.; 1,900, 13s. 9d., Dec. 17; 8,000, 13s., reported; 1,700, 13s. 9d.; 6,800, 14s., reported; 1.800, 14s.; Savona, 5,400, 18s. 6d.; Treport, 800, 13s.; Venice, 4,200, 24s. 6d. Cardiff to Algiers, 4,100, 15 fr.; 3,800, 15J fr., 800; Alex- andria, 5,800, 19s., 700; 5,000, 19s., 700; Bahia Blanca, 5,000, 17s.; Boulogne, 850, 10s.; Barcelona, 3,200, 15s.; Bordeaux, 1,900, 13 fr.; 4,200, 134 fr.; Boucan, 1,700, 14 fr.; Cherbourg, 1,600, Ils. 3d.; 1,150, Ils. 3d.; 1,950, Ils. 6d.; Campana, 17s. 6d.; 17s.; Caen, 1,600, Ils. 10|d.; Dieppe, 1.500, 12s. 6d.; Genoa, 4,500, 16s. 3d.; 5,000, 16s., 700; 4.500, 16s.; 5,000, 16s.; 4,700, 16s., 500, Dec. 20-21; 3,600, 16s. 6d.; 4,500, 16s. 6d.; 3,300, 16s. 3d.; Gibraltar, 1,100, 13s.; 3,800, 10s. 6d., 900, f.d.; Havre, 2,100, Ils.; 2,400, 10s.; 1,300, Ils. 6d.; Havre Canal, 1,280, 13s.; 1,700, 12s. 6d.; La Pallice, 5,000, 12| fr.; 2,800, 12| fr.; La Rochelle, 2,200, 13| fr.; Leghorn, 4,800, 16s. 6d., 500: Lisbon, 1,500, 12s., 350; 2,000, 11s. 9d., 350; Marseilles, 4.500, 17s.: Malta, 5,000, 17s.; 4,500, 16s., Dec. 18: Nantes, 2.500, 14| fr.; Naples, 4,800, 16s. 6d., 500; Oporto, 1,800, 14s. 6d.: Port Said, 5,200, 20s.; 19s. fid., Dec.; 6,000, 20s.: 4.500, 20s.; Palma, 1,300, 15s.: River Plate, 4,400, 16s. 3d.; 4,000, 16s.: 6,000, 16s. 3d.: 5,200, 16s. 3d.: 4,000, 16s., Dec, 15: 5,000, 16s.; 4,500, 16s.: 5,000, 15s. 9d., Dec. 14; 6,000, 16s. fid.; 5,000, 17s.; Rosario, 4,000, 17s.; 17s. 6d.; 6,000, 17s. 6d.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,500, 17s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,700, 14s.; 1,150, 10s. 3d., 10 voyages; 1,200, 13s., early Jan.; 1,000, 10 consecutive voyages, 10s.; 2,000, 12s. 6d.; 2.500, 12s. 9d., £40 demurrage; 1,200, 13s.; St. Malo, 750, 10s.; 750, Ils.; 1,350, Ils. 6d.; St. Servan, 770, 10s.; Spezzia, 4,500, 16s.; St. Nazaire, 3,200, 13 fr.; 3,800, 13 fr.; 3,000, 13| fr.; 3,000, 13| fr.; Savona, 4,500, 16s.; 3,600, 16s. fid.; Villa Constitucion, 17s. Swansea to Chantenay, 2,700, 14 fr.; Bordeaux, 2,400, 14 fr.; La Rochelle, 3,100, 14 fr.; Rouen, 3,200, 13s.; 2,400, 13s.; 1,300, 14s.; 2,000, 13s. 6d.; Nantes, 1,500, 14| fr.; Trouville, 650, 12s.; Barcelona, 700, 16s. 3d.; 1,000, 16s.; Havre, 850, 12s.; 1,700, 12s. 6d.; 800, 12s. 6d.; Charente, 1,800, 15 fr.; Caen, 700, 13s.; 750, 12s. 9d.; Dieppe, 1,350, 13s.; Honfleur, 1,300, 13s. Newport to Naples, 4,800, 16s., 800; Rouen, 2,000, 12s. 6d.; Venice, 4,500, 21s.; Ancona, 4,500, 12s.; Gibraltar, 3,600, 10s., 900, net; 1,800, 13s. Burntisland to Dieppe, 12s. 6d.; Sundswall district, 1,700, 12s. 6d.; Rouen, 14s. 3d., £35 demurrage. Hull to Duclair, 950, Ils. 6d.; London, 1,900, 6s.; Gefle, 1.500, 13s.; Dieppe, 1,200, 11s. 6d.; 2,300, 12s.; Rouen, 1,500, 14s. 3d.; 1,600, 14s. Methil to Fecamp, 600, 14s.; Rouen, 1,200, 14s.; Sunds- wall district, 1,700, 12s. 6d.; Aalborg, 1,100, 10s. Blyth to Licata, 1,200, 19s. 9d.; Rouen, 1,500, 14s.; 1,500, 14s. 3d.; Portsmouth, 1,900, 19s. Glasgow to Rouen, 12s. 6d.; 2,000, 13s. Wear to Sundswall, 1,200, 13s. 6d. Barry to Santos, 4,500, 21s. 6d., mid-Dec. Goole to Fecamp, 1,150, 13s. 3d. Port Talbot to Sables, 1,600, 15 fr.; Rouen, 3,600, 13s. 6d. Immingham to Dieppe, 2,300, 12s. Troon to Genoa, 16s. 9d. Messrs. Brunner, Mond and Co. Limited, alkaline manu- facturers, Northwich, have placed an order with Edward Bennis and Co. Limited, Little Hui ton, Bolton, for an elevator 62 ft. loiig with buckets 15j in. long, for their Middlewich Works.