1218 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 11, 1914 these were of three types, viz., 200 approved electric hand lamps of Gray Sussmann type, 700, approved oil safety lamps (bonneted) of Mueseler type, and 1,022 unapproved oil lamps of the unbonneted Mueseler type. All saftey lamps were re-lighted on the sur- face. After the explosion 13 unbonneted (unapproved type), five bonneted, and three electric lamps (approved types) were found in No. 2 section, the area affected by the explosion. The electric lamps were still burning, but all other lamps were extinguished. They were undamaged when found, and were subsequently tested, the approved lamps at Eskmeals, the others at Leeds University. of the day shift. It transpired subsequently that after Slack left the coal faces the coal cutter was started in order to complete this work. From the evidence it appears that at about 1.45, after Slack had made his report and moved on towards the pit bottom, and when Clayton (another deputy) was alone in the box hole, there was a rush of wind from the workings, and a consequent reversal of air in the main level. It should be recorded here that the colliery engineer, Frank Faure Mairet, who was in the engine house on the surface, about this time saw the automatic circuit breaker trip, indicating excessive current was of Lang and Harvey, that the machine was working at the time of the explosion. It was noted that the cover over the commutator was only secured by one bolt instead of six; that the joint of the cover was defective, and did not appear to be flametight. There were crusts of coked dust on the props facing outbye at Wm. Fisher’s gate-end, and at the top side where the air current was not circulating there was 2| per cent, to 3 per cent, of gas. On the rise side of J. T. Fisher’s gate there was gas issuing from the roof 16 ft. from the coal cutter; and at the top of No. 4 slant there was gas in the ripping in explosive quantity. In the dummy 5 Fall of roof-J 'A Hurdle sheet down" A 0s Lamp Al? i/66 amp N° 76/ Fallen switch and frame Full corves with buffers locked Bars charred both sides J T Fisher's watch case Sight bars - string ynburnt Door blown out Blown out portions of door rqjj Coking on both sides of girders Fall of roof !2* thick Burnt paper b!e down Jacke Lamp N? 10 Damaged empty corves Corves blown off the rails Sight bars-string un burnt Piled up empty corves Sight bars- string burnt Switg^-cokmg on pack Coking on inbye side ofgirder Slightly blistered bars Lamp hook Empty corf off the rails J. Fearniey H. Littlewood tamp N?58! Dust Sample N*. 7 Coking on props u s <3 8 Switch and rheostat Lamp N? 758 1 Seat on which Harvey and Lang were sitting Coked (just on outbye side Hurdle sheet Two "Kyl~ fyres* Lamp N° 523 W. Fisher