1190 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 4, 1914. that a chain or the like may be employed. For the purpose of connecting the improved appliances to the usual prop or other object designed to take the pull of the hauling rope or chain, the arrangement of gripping block described in the Specification of Letters Patent No. 13432/09 may be employed (see figs. 1 and 2), and to prevent the chain of the jack accidentally leaving the jaws of the block q, this latter is made circular and with a circumferential groove q1, wherein fits a broken or gap ring or hoop r, which is free to be moved by hand around the block, either to cover the entrance of the jaws after inserting the chain link, or to uncover the entrance to allow of the chain link being with- drawn. (Five claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 22881. Connective swivel shackle for use in the harness of horses designed to facilitate the release of the animal from its equipment in times of accident. W. Evans. 22898. Water tube boilers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. (Babcock and Wilcox Company, U.S.A.) 22909. Gas, oil, or dust fired furnaces or kilns. W. R. Beamish and G. S. Higginson. 22916. Rotary disc bit drills. G. Molidor and R. U. Harris. 22950. Air filter for turbo-dynamo and the like. Allge- meine Elektricitats-Ges. 22953. Machines for stoking gas retorts. J. G. W. Aldridge. 22970. Disintegrating and pulverising machinery. H. T. Tovey. 23013. Electrical signalling systems. C. B. Kersting. 23019. Safety appliances used in collieries, tunnels, quarries, or the like. T. Thomas. 23025. Process relating to the production of oils suitable for fuel and other purposes from coal. A. Rollason. 23030. Gravity carrier or transporter. J. G. Thomson. 23037. Pneumatic conveyors. A. G. Bristow. 23048. Water tube boilers. H. L. Vinke. 23084. Coal and like conveyors. S. A. Ward. 23105. Mine signalling apparatus. S. Chambers. 23147. Securing rolled steel joists, girders, and the like. W. Kirkham. 23156. Pipe and electric cable saddles, clips, and the like. A. G. Bullen. 23163. Process for treating coated scrap. A. W. Gregory. 23165. Method of carrying and condensing the volatile gases distilled from carbonaceous material. J. R. H. Prioleau and W. L. Prioleau. 23171. Control of electric motors. A. H. Curtis, E. W. Short, and Igranic Electric Company Limited. 23179, 23180, and 23181. Manufacture of explosives. R. A. Craig, R. Robertson, R. C. Farmer, and G. Rotter. 23188. Rock drills or rock drilling machines. M. F. Sher-, well Limited, and J. H. Cowie. 23189. Apparatus for charging electric accumulators. H. F. Joel, senr. 23249. Cooling dynamos, motors, and other electrical machinery. C. H. Lauth. 23253. Indicator for use with systems of signalling in mines and other places. G. W. Mercel. 23258. Hauling wheeled vehicles by tractors or locomotives. M. Leytens. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on December 17.) 1913. 24738. Treatment of waste sulphite cellulose lye. Onsager. 24979. Fans. Anderson. 26575. Electro magnetic switches. Curtis, Pickett, Colton, and Igranic Electric Company. 27371. Handling and vending of combustible materials. Thacher. 27519. Manufacture of sheet metal wheels. Joseph Sankey and Sons Limited, and Burton. 27633. Absorption pyrometers. Alder and Cochrane. 27749. Concentration of ores. Sulman, and Minerals Separ- ation Limited. 27755. Mechanical stokers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited, and Davy. 28004. Signalling devices for use in coal mines. Smith. 28218. Centrifugal pumps. Watson and Billetop. 28551. Apparatus for raising coal and other material, unload- ships, excavating, and similar purposes. Donaldson. 1914. 1853. Arrangements for working engines by superheated steam and for analogous purposes. Ross and Schofield. 3328. Securing arrangement for electric cables. St. Helens Cable and Rubber Company, and White. 3479. Elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Com- pany (1908). (General Electric Company.) 4289. Rotary pumps, blowers, and the like. Kirby, Kirby, and Kirby. 5957. Apparatus for transporting articles, more especially intended for use as furnace chargers. Smith, and Wellman, Seaver and Head Limited. 7820. Centrifugal compressors, pumps, and the like. British Thomson-Houston Company. (General Electric Company.) 9864. Machines for twisting rods or drill steels. Peters. 10623. Automatic electric controlling devices. Curtis, Mackley, and Igranic Electric Company. 10c<92. Automatic car counlings. Stark. 10901. Mechanical signalling apparatus for use in mines and other places. Trawford. 12121. Pumping engines. Davey. 12224. Pumps. Davey. 13340. Drill chucks. Mackenzie. (Automatic Drill Chuck Corporation.) 13828. Clinometers. Eliphelet. 15195. Water level indicator and alarm for boilers and the like. Cooper. 19192. Wall junction boxes for electric cables. White, and St. Helens Cable and Rubber Company. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1914. 16681. Manufacture of explosives. Von Tarnow. 22586. Process for fixation of nitrogen. Soc. Gen. des Nitrures. 22950. Air filter for turbo-dynamos and the like. Allge- meine Elektricitats Ges. CAPTURING ENEMY PATENTS. List of British Patents which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, Chartered Patent Agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. Furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents. 13717/11. Conveyors. An endless conveying band is driven backwards and forwards so as to have a slow progressive motion in order that material may be retained a considerable time upon the band, as, for instance, when cooling briquettes, or freeing coal or the like from water. H. Seek, Germany. 14057/11. Prospecting. A method of systematically investi- gating large parts of the interior of the earth for the presence of electrically conductive bodies, such as ores, coal, water, etc., consists in using antennas for transmitting and receiv- ing electric waves arranged vertically. H. Lowry and G. Leimbach, Germany. (Dated June 14, 1910.) 14702/11. Centrifugal and screw fans; multistage centri- fugal fans, parallel flow turbine fans, cooling parts. H. Junkers, Germany. (Dated June 22, 1910.) 14703/11. Carbon; water gas, manufacture of. B. P. Pictet, Berlin. (Dated June 22, 1910.) 14767/11. Gas generators. A gas generator comprises a rotatable and horizontally arranged cylinder, in which powdered coal is fired, supported at one end by a shaft or pipe arranged in a bearing, and through which the air enters. E. A. Kunze, Bohemia. 14870/11. Preserving posts, etc. Posts, etc., are protected from decay by mixing the surrounding earth with a preservative, such as pretroleum or distillation products of wood, coal, tar, petro- leum, etc. The earth may be moulded into segments, etc., or may be replaced by sand, gravel, dry clay, etc., mixed with the preserva- tive. N. Kolar and V. Jansco, Budapest. (Dated June 25, 1910.) 15025/11. Blasting fuses. Consists in attaching a detonator to a fuse cord by means of a ring with inwardly directed hooks, which allow insertion, but prevent withdrawal, of the fuse cord. Rheinische Sprengkapsel- und Zundhutchen Fabrik, Ges., and G. Czarnikow, Germany. 1. 15030/11. Furnaces ; furnace fireplaces ; apparatus for burn- ing coal, preferably coal dust, and the gases produced therefrom, of type in which a rota- ting drum has the coal introduced at one end and air for combustion at the other end, which also acts as an exit for ashes. E. A. Kunze, Bohemia. 15219/11. Blasting fuses. Consists in constructing electric fuses so that the wires are short circuited immediately the shot is fired, with the object of ensuring that all detonators in series shall be fired even when they have not all the same sensitiveness. K. Glossl and D. Weiss, Vienna. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. Applications to Avoid ob Suspend Patents or Licences. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. Date of hearing. 15489,12 Haddan (Alpine Maschi- nenfabrik G.m.b.H.). (Disintegrators.) E. Fiechter, 17, Brunswick-street, Liverpool. Dec. 10 Non-Cumulative Winding Engine Signals.—Messrs. John Davis and Sons (Derby) Limited send us a copy of the fol- lowing letter received from the National Federation of Engineers, Stokers and Kindred Societies :—“ After witness- ing demonstrations of your ‘ non-cumulative ’ signal appa- ratus, and after receiving and considering reports sent in where demonstrations have been given before bodies of winding engineers, we are instructed by the executive com- mittee of the Federation to offer you this testimony of their appreciation of the practical value of your apparatus, as complying with the requirements of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, in respect to signals in winding engines uses. They are of the opinion that your apparatus is the most simple, yet effective, indicating machine that has been brought for- ward ; it is not complicated in its parts, or its mechanism, and is easily understood and manipulated. A point of great value in favour of your apparatus is that it can be used mechanically or electrically, that is to say, that it can be equally manipulated by the ordinary pull wire or by electric contact; this is sure to be of value in collieries where there is no electric plant. Your machine which you have con- structed, and which is used to automatically remove the signal indications, is very fine indeed, and can be regulated to instantaneously remove the signal indicated on the least movement of the engine, in complying with the signal given. Altogether they feel that your machine can be safely recom- mended by this Federation as a fine machine, practical in its parts, and complying with the requirements of the Act." SMALLMAN g -1 patent HAULAGE CLIPS. New Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. Automatic Detiich xwent. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. SUTCLIFFES Patent Universal CONVEYOR For Underground or Surface. SIMPLE, EEEICIENT sand UNIQUE ----------- Illustrated in next Issue. - RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Conveyor Works, HORBURY, WAKEFIELD. Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, Nuneaton, England. AULDS PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES The “PROTO” Rescue Apparatus. PROTO. THE ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS ---- is ----- THE SAFEST APPARATUS IN THE WORLD. No Injector employed. Always under positive pressure, therefore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. Our “BULLETIN” of actual work done in serious cases will be sent free on request For further testimony as to the efficiency of the “ Proto," please see Mr J. R ALLOTT'S paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers on 5th June, 1913—copy sent free on request. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptu^N^N,kss.E. Telegrams-“Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No —251 Hop. Acent for North America and Mexico H. n. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. Also Makers of Special FULL BORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, (Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boilers, &c. DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentees and Makers, LTD. Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. ALFRED ALLEN & SON Makers of i COLLIERY AIR PIPES PF and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gomal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley.