1188 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Deekmber 4, 1914. original £60,000 authorised debentures £40,000 are now out- standing. In order to-enable the company to increase its plant and its output of coal to carry out a further contract entered into with the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga for the supply of large quantities of coal and coke, additional working capital was raised during the year, the authorised debenture debt being increased to £100,000, the additional £60,000 being issued on April 8 last at par. The outstand- ing debentures are being redeemed at the rate of £7,000 per annum, and £7,000 will accordingly be paid off on Dec. 31, reducing the debenture debt to £93,000. The operations for the period under review, after writing off depreciation, have resulted in a profit of £56,236. The directors recommend the declaration of a dividend for the year of 25 per cent., less income-tax. The final instalment of 15 per cent, will be paid on December 1, and will absorb £50,654, leaving 121,260 to be carried forward to the current year, from which has to be deducted the sum of £1,798,for the directors’ additional remuneration. The sales of coal and coke for the year amounted to 239,969 tons and 17,272 tons respec- tively. In addition to the existing contracts with the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, which expire on June 30, 1915, a further contract has been entered into with that company, under which it will take its requirements for lump coal, washed coal, and coke for use at its smelting works at Elizabethville, in Katanga, for a period of 10 years from July 1, 1915, the minimum quantity to be taken annually being 100,000 tons, of which not more than 60,000 tons shall be coal, and at least 40,000 tons coke. The contract also includes the supply of ground and unground fireclay, ordinary and special firebricks. It is proposed to form a new company, to be called “ The Wankie Colliery Company Limited.” It is proposed that the capital of the new com- pany shall be £410,000, divided into 820,000 shares of 10s. each, shareholders in the present company receiving two fully-paid shares of 10s. each of the new company for every one share of 10s. each at present held. Of the 820,000 shares—'the proposed capital of the new company—810,466 shares will be thus issued to the shareholders in exchange for their old shares, leaving 9,534 shares in reserve. The new company will also create £93,000 debentures, to be exchanged for a similar number of the existing, debentures, the present company paying off the £7,000 redeemable on December 31 next and interest on all the debentures to that date. NEW COMPANIES. Adamson (Daniel) and Company Limited.-—Private com- pany. Registered office, Dukinfield, Cheshire. Registered November 21. To acquire business of boilermakers, engi- neers, and ironfounders carried on by W. J. Parkyn at above address, and to carry on, develop, and extend the same. Nominal capital, £80,000 in 45,000 preference, 30,000 ordinary, and 5,000 employees’ shares of £1 each. Direc- tors :—W. J. Parkyn, The Hawthorns, Buxton, engineer and J.P.; D. A. Parkyn, The Gerrards, Gee Cross, Hyde, engineer; P. A. W. Parkyn, Arunda, Stanley-a venue, Beckenham, Kent, engineer. Qualification of directors, £500. Armley Coal Company Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Great Northern Railway Coal Depot, Armley, Leeds. Registered November 23. To carry on business as merchants of coal, coke, breeze, firewood, oil, petrol, and paraffin, and manufacturers of and dealers in fire lighting materials, etc. Nominal capital, £750 in 250 preference and 500 ordinary £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (five shares each) :—J. Wharmby, 40, Middle Cross-street, Leeds, traveller; J. E. Sharp, 15, Stanmore-street, Leeds, clerk. Qualification of directors,- £5. Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Company Limited.—Private company. Registered November 23. To acquire a licence from Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited to manufacture and sell waste heat boilers and water heaters. Nominal capital, £1.000 in £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : P. S. C. Kirke, Parliament-mansions, Victoria-street, S.W., engineer; F. B. Spencer, same address, engineer. Crosby Valve and Engineering Company Limited.— Private company. Registered office, 147, Queen Victoria- street, E.C. Registered November 24. To accuire business carried on at 147, Queen Victoria-street, as the Crosby Steam Gauge and Valve Company, and to carry on business of engineers, founders, smiths, machinists, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in £1 shares. First governing director : G. A. Mower. Electrical Power Engineering Company (Birmingham) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, First-avenue, Stechford, Birmingham. Registered November 21. To acquire and carry on business of a manufacturing electrical engineer and maker and factor of electrical appliances carried on by W. H. Heath at Stechford, Birmingham. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 ordinarv shares. Directors : W. H. Heath. The Coppice, Bickenhill-road, Marston Green. War- wickshire, manufacturer; A. M. Heath, of same address, wife of W. H. Heath; A. M. Willmore, Vermont, Victoria- road, Stechford, Birmingham, engineer. Qualification of directors, £250. Irtvsh Corporation Limited.—Registered office, 7. Grace- church-street, E.C. Registered November 27. To enter into an agreement with Russo-Asiatic Corporation Limited in the terms of the draft, and to acquire and deal in stocks, shares, bonds, and securities, to search for and deal in minerals and mineral substances of all kinds, to carry on business of mine owners, colliery proprietors, quarry owners, brick makers, to acquire or construct railwavs, tramways, steamers, etc. Nominal capital, £2,000,000 in £1 shares. Minimum subscription, seven shares. The first directors shall be appointed by subscribers, and shall be entitled to hold office until the ordinary general meeting of the company in the year 1917. N. I. Z. Limited.—Private company. Registered office. 1 and 2, Old Pye.street, Westminster, S.W. Registered November 25. Engineers, electro-ch emists, metallurgists, electm-nlaters, electrical engineers, etc. Nominal capital. £6.000 in £1 shares. Qualification of directors, £100. Sub- scribers (one share each) : Bernard Baines, 19, Green-street. Teicester-square. W.C., solicitor; Claude W. Denny. 22. Edwardes-sauare, Kensington. W., engineer. San Antonio de Esquilache (Peru) Mines Limited.—Regis- tered office, 13, St. H&lens-place, London, E.C. Registered November 23. To acquire any silver, gold, copper, coal and other mines, mining rights in Peru or elsewhere, and to work, exercise, develop, and turn to account the same, and particularly to acquire and work the mining property known as San Antonio de Esquilache, Puno, Peru. Nominal capital, £250.000 in £1 shares. Minimum subscription, £7. Directors :—H. J. Hardy, 13, St. Helens-place, E.C., F.C.I.S.; Sir A. Pedler, 28, Stanhope-gardens, S.W., C.I.E., F.R.S.; Sir V. Chirol, 34, Carlyle-square, Chelsea, S.W., knight; W. Bartlett, 24, Bedford-road, W.C.; soli- citor; W. S. Payne, 209a, High-street, Kensington, civil engineer; R. J. Stirling, The Chase, Church Crookham, Hants, captain. Qualification of directors (other than first directors), £500. Remuneration of directors, £250 each per annum (chairman £300). This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1914 : North Staffordshire Railway (Trentham, Newcastle-under-Lyme, and SilverdaF Light Railways Order), 3|d.: (No. 1613), Contraband of War, l|d.; Merthyr Tydfil Light Railwav, IJd. Bills, 1914: Finance (as amended), 2d.; Trusts, Id.; Trading with the Enemy Act (Amendment), 2d. Education : Science Syllabus, 1915, Subjects 1 to 12 and 14-to 17, ljd., 12 for 7d.; Regulations and Syllabuses for Examinations in Science and Technology, 1915, 4|d. Trade Reports : Trinidad and Tobago Report for 1913-14, 9d.; Falkland Islands Report for 1913, 2d. Pauperism Statement for October, l|d. State of Unemployment : Report for 1913-14, 6d. Friendly Societies Annual Return, Form No. 7, 2Jd. Boiler Explosion Report : (No. 2297) at the werks of Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth, Manchester. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Official Year Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1914. London : C. Griffin and Company Limited. Permissible Electric Lamps for Miners (U.S. Bureau of Mines Technical Paper175). By H. H. Clark. Washing- ton : Government Printing Office. Specific Gravity Separation Applied to the Analysis of Mining Explosives (U.S. Bureau of Mines Technical Paper 78). By C. G. Storm and A. L. Hyde. Washing- ton : Government Printing Office. “ Canada Department of Mines, Moose Mountain Iron Bear- ing District, Ontario,” by E. Lindeman; ‘‘Ditto, Mag- netite Occurrences near Calabogie, Renfrew County, Ontario,” by E. Lindeman: “ Monthly Statement of C^al Mine Fatalities in the United States in May and Jnr^, 1914,” by A. H. Fav (U.S. Bureau of .Mines); “ Methods of Oil Recovery in California,” bv R. Arnold and V. R. Garfias (Technical Paper 70. U.S. Bureau of Mines); “ Gaseous Impurities in the Air of Railway Tunnels.” by A. Seidell and P. W. Meserve (Bulletin 92 of U.S. Public Health Service); ‘‘Blastfurnace Statistics in the United States,” by H. W. Gillett (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 73): “ Transactions of the Mining Institute of Scotland ” (Vol. 37, Part 2); ‘‘Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers ” (Vol. 30, No. 5), price 5s. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. A list of boiler fittings and articles useful to steam users and engineers is contained in a booklet issued by th'1 National Boiler and General Insurance Company Limited (National-buildings, St. Mary’s Parsonage, Manchester). This covers a wide range of plugs, valves, taps, gauges, and other fittings. Leaflets have reached us from Messrs. Meldrums Limited (Timperley, near Manchester) relating to their improved steam jet elevators, agitators, air compressors, ejectors, exhausters, etc. These appliances are useful for dealing with liquids and gases in chemical processes, and can be supplied in an acid-proof metal. The Filmoscope Company (44, Great Queen-street, Kings- wav, W.C.) send us particulars of the filmoscope. which is a form of cinematograph equipped with a stopping device allowing the mechanism to be worked from a distance and the film to be stopped for any length of time when the whole picture is on the screen. This should greatly facili- tate the work of lecturers, salesmen, and others engaged in demonstration. The “ Underwood Digger ” is made by Mr. A. L. Under- wood (3/5, Queen-street. Cheapside, E.C.). who sends some details in an illustrated pamphlet. It is a single-chain p-vab, with a small head, giving a low centre of gravity. The “ digger ” can be opened and closed whilst suspended, so that part of the load can be dropped and part retained, or the whole sprinkled. In place of the second, or opening, chain, there is a hook for suspension from the chandelier— during the operation of discharging. Messrs. Holdsworth and Sons Limited (Croft Boiler Works, Leeds-road, Bradford) have issued a very practical catalogue of their boilers, which embrace those of the Cor- nish, Lancashire, Cornish multitubular, Yorkshire, and vertical types. The catalogue gives photographs and sec- tions and explicit details of dimensions and duties. The firm, in addition, undertake the manufacture of oil separa- tors, reheaters, air receivers, stills, pans, chimneys, tanks, and a description is given of a new form of feed water diffuser, in which the feed water is acted upon by live steam, the precipitation of foreign matter being thereby assisted. There are also some useful notes on matters affect- ing combustion, etc. Messrs. H. R. Marsden Limited (Soho Foundry, Leeds) favour us with a copy of a handsome catalogue in colours of their stone and ore crushers, screening and elevating plants, etc. The Blake-Marsden stone breakers have now been in operation for considerably half a century, and have many excellent features: amongst these may be mentioned a self-adjusting gudgeon bearing, which automatically takes up wear, and'the provision of jaws in two equal pairs, so as to be instantly reversible top to bottom respectively; the main bearings are away from the dust, and are fitted with continuous lubricators. The machines are of several types, and two—of the jaw and claw type respectively—are adapted for coal breaking. The whole equipment, judging from the series of excellent photographs of actual installations, lends itself obviouslv to a wide variety of applications in quarries, mines, and other industrial establishments. ABSTRACTS OF PATENT SPECIFICATIONS RECENTLY ACCEPTED. 488 (19T4). Improved Roller for Supporting Haulage 01 Winding Ropes and the like. F. M. Castleman, The Wood- lands, Treeton, near Rotherham, Yorkshire.—Relates to an improvement in construction of rollers or pulleys such as are used for supporting and guiding haulage and like ropes in collieries and other places. Fig. 1 is an elevation with half in section of one of the improved rollers with a single central boss; fig. 2 is a sectional elevation .of a three-part roller, showing a renewable centre part. The most simple form of construction is shown in fig. 1, in which the roller consists of a single casting, having a central boss A to receive the axle B, which may be provided with wearing sleeves C, so that they can be renewed from time to time as they become worn. The roller can be made with end plates if preferred. The periphery, or outer surface, of the roller is made with a right and left hand helical groove or equivalent paths, such as D and E, both of which converge or lead to the centre of the surface, where the annular rope groove F is situated : ! t This rope groove is not necessarily situated in the middle, as for some purposes it may be placed nearer to one of the sides of the roller; underneath it the thickness of metal is increased at G to allow for the deepening of the groove by frictional wear of the rope. If preferred, the rope groove may be made in a detachable part J, fig. 2, which when worn may be removed and be replaced by a new one. This may be accomplished by making the roller in three parts, namely, two end members H and I, with end plates, and a central member J in the periphery, of which the rope groove F is formed. When the said three parts are assembled upon the axle B, they may be secured in position by various devices’, such as fixing one of the renewable sleeves C upon the axle, and using the opposite sleeve C2 as a nut (see fig. 2), or both sleeves may be screwed upon the axle, or by other equivalent means, and if desired a spring washer K may be used between the sleeve and the end plate. (Three claims.) 4843 (1914). An Improved Safety Catch for Pit Cages, Hoists, Lifts, and the Like. I. Harris, 30, South-street, Ynyshir, Glamorganshire.—Relates to safety catches for pit cages, hoists, lifts, and the like, and to that type of catch which comprises pairs of jaw members adapted to be closed upon the guide ropes or rails by the forward sliding move- ment of a sleeve encircling said jaws upon the breakage of the hoisting rope or the like, such forward movement of the sleeve being effected either by the direct pull of suitable springs or by the weight of the cage acting upon a suitable system of levers connected to said sliding sleeve. Accord- ing to the invention, the sliding movement of the sleeve is effected, on the breakage of the hoisting rope or the like, by the fall of a spring-controlled vertical and centrally disposed rod connected to the hoisting rope, said rod being connected by pivotal links to the sliding members in such manner that said links become horizontally co-planar and at right angles to the vertical rod, means being provided to ensure the lock- ing of said links, rods, and sleeves in such position. Further, instead of forming the clutches or catches of two parts arranged either in parallel with one another and kept apart by springs, or arranged in scissor fashion, the clutches or catches of the present invention are formed from a single and springy piece of metal in the shape of a V, having hooked or other suitably shaped outer ends. Fig. 1 is a view of the upper part of the cage, showing the mechanism in its normal position, viz., free of the guide ropes or rails; fig. 2 is a sectional plan view, drawn to an enlarged scale, showing one of the clutches and its actuating sleeve in the normal position. To reset the apparatus after use, it is only necessary to release the catch i by removing the bolts which hold it, and allow the vertically disposed rod to be drawn up to its normal position, compressing the spring, by means of the re-attachment of the winding rope. (Four claims.) 5262 (1914). Improvements in Rope and Cable Grips for Underground Haulage and the like purposes. G. Beecroft, of 287, Devonshire-street, New Houghton, Pleasley, near Mansfield, Derbyshire. The improved clip is formed in two