1142 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 27, 1914. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 22576. Axle boxes of railway and like vehicles. J. T. McWilliams. 22586. Process of fixation of nitrogen. Soc. Generate des Nitrures. 22587. Apparatus for the manufacture of tin, terne, and the like plates. D. R. James. 22620. Grinding machinery. H. Smith. 22624. Apparatus to automatically indicate in a visible manner to the winding engineman the nature of the signal given. T. H. Blaiklock and G. R. Nicholson. 22650. Rotary engines, pumps, compressors, or the like. K. Wittig and E. Wittig. 22719. Breathing apparatus for use in mine rescue work or like purposes. E. J. Bevan and R. H. Davis. 22722. Elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Com- pany (1908) Limited.. (General Electric Com- pany, U.S.A.) 22732. Means for regulating the speed of electric motors. Allmanna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget. 22733. Improvements in all types of steam engines due to the reduction or elimination of cylinder condensa- tion. A. S. Garrett and H. D. Lobley. 22735. Miners’ safety lamps. W. Best. 22745. Steam superheaters for locomotives and other boilers. S. E. Howell. 22761. Signalling apparatus for use in connection with pit winding. J. McLuckie and A. Nimmo. 22769. Rotary compressor or exhauster. J. Johnston, and Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company Limited. 22817. Haulage trucks or wagons. V. F. Feeny. (Holt Manufacturing Company, U.S.A.) 22836. Weighing machines. J. A. Hope. 22871. Regulating devices for mixed pressure turbo-com- pressors. Warwick Machinery Company (1908) Limited. (General Electric Company, - U.S.A.) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on December 10.) 1913. 18342. Production of low boiling point hydrocarbons from those of higher boiling point. Hall. 26001. Apparatus for indicating the presence and estimating the proportion of a gas admixed with air or other gases. Webster. 26277. Water tube boilers. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 26583. Apparatus for regulating and controlling tempera- tures. Hall. 28346. Apparatus for indicating and regulating temperatures. Hall. 1914. 676. Manufacture of lap-welded tubes. Byrne. 925. Electric current controllers and like apparatus. Ellison. 1825. Turbines. Menzies. 1997. Vertical gas retorts. Robert Dempster and Sons ’ Limited, and Brockway. 2135. Shaft or axle bearings and the like. Hough. 4097. Sheet metal working machines. Kruse. 5267. Weighing machines. Henry Pooley and Sons Limited, and Dobson. 7410. Tool for facing up the cap seatings of water tube boilers. Crockatt. 8138. Composition particularly suitable for insulating elec- tric conductors. Hadley. 8306. Centrifugal machines. Robertson. 10208. Foundry riddles. Beach. 12568. Supply nozzles arranged at the admission of the lower tube of Belleville elements. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 15930. Centrifugal apparatus. Mauss. 18900. Weighing machine, weight adding, and registering apparatus. Henry Pooley and Son Limited, and Dobson. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1914. 10787. Hopper wagons. Malcher. 22306. Turbines. Crommett and another. 22362. Process for softening water. Oelwerke Stern Sonne- born Akt.-Ges. List of British Patents which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. Furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents. 10902/11. Piles. E. Probst, Berlin-Wilhelmsdorf. 11134/11. Grab buckets; grabs for use with transporters, excavators, etc. F. Sochor, Vienna. 11198/11. Drying apparatus, in which the material is agitated and moved along a trough. H. Zettnor, Berlin. 11205/11. Cementation; gas manufacture. J. K. Boczogo, I. Hollaki, and A. Duffek, Budapest. 11308/11. Furnaces; draught inducers. Korting Akt.-Ges., Germany (dated May 12, 1910). 11890/11. Screw pumps of the turbine type. Sulzer Geb., Germany. 12289/11. Lifts; hoists, etc., safety brake mechanism. F. Huth, Germany. 12738/11. Carbonising; coking or carbonising peat, etc. K. R. A. Wengler, Saxony. 12889/11. Elevators; endless bucket train. 0. Wenzel, West Prussia. 13012/11. Lifts, rotatable portable hoist. T. Garben, Ger- many. 13178/11. Steam engines ; compound engines with differential pistons working in one cylinder of uniform diameter. Merr Geb und A. Stappen, Ger- many. 13205/11. Centrifugal ejector pumps. H. Zuckermann, Vienna (dated December 23, 1910). 13240/11. Railway stops. Graffich, Schaffgotsch’sche Werke Ges., H. Stasch, Germany. 13397/11. Hydrogen; carbon, manufacture of. R. P. Pictet, Berlin (dated June 4, 1910). *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is., post free. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Cardiff, December 4. — House and steam coal for the Guardians. Tenders to A. J. Harris, clerk, Union Offices, Queen’s-chambers, Cardiff. Downham, November 30.—About 55 tons of best Cresswell large nuts coal. Tenders to W. Hutson, Stow, Downham. Harrogate, November 30.—House coal and slack for the Corporation. Tenders to H. J. Buckland, general manager, Royal Baths, Harrogate. Hull, November 30.—About 2,500 tons of steam coal for the Sculcoats Guardians. Forms from J. H. Wild, clerk, 12, Harley-street, Hull. Kidderminster, December 1. — Engine slack for the Drainage and Waterworks Committee. Forms from S. Thursfield, deputy town clerk, Town Hall, Kidderminster. London, N.W., December 7.—Best gas coal for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Forms from C. H. F. Barrett, town clerk, Town Hall, Pancras-road. London, S.W., December 8.—Welsh smokeless steam coal for H.M. Commissioners of Works, etc. Forms from Con- troller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s- gate, Westminster, S.W. Lowestoft, November 27.—About 90 tons of best sea- borne coal for the Trustees of the Kirkley Poor’s Land Estate. Tenders to J. Burcham, clerk: 8, Grosvenor-road, Lowestoft South. Pentney (Norfolk), November 30. — About 50 tons of coal for the Trustees of the Pentney Charity. Tenders to the Rev. A. J. Knight, Pentney Vicarage, Swaffham. Rotherham, December 4.—Good screened house coal for the Corporation. Particulars from J. A. Mair, secretary for education, Education Offices, Rotherham. Weymouth. — 200 tons of Tredegar best washed nuts. Apply to B. Frankland, Weymouth Waterworks Company, Weymouth. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Bailieborough (Ireland), November 30.—Pump.—Erec- tion of pump for Rural District Council. Particulars from P. J. Brady, Council engineer, Workhouse, Bailieborough. Billinge, December 7.—Borehole.—For putting down a borehole for water purposes for the Urban District Council. Specification from A. Darlington, clerk, Council Offices, Billinge, near Wigan, on payment of two guineas (return- able). Corbridge, December 7.—Water Main.—About 3,000 yds. of 3 in. cast iron water main for the Hexham Rural Dis- trict Council. Specification from J. F. Parker, Post Office- chambers, Newcastle-on-Tyne, on payment of one guinea (returnable). Great Whitlington, December 7.—Water Main.—About 1,500 yds. of 3 in. cast iron mains for Hexham Rural Dis- trict Council. Specification from C. Franklin Murphy, Lloyds Bank-chambers, Morpeth, on payment of one guinea (returnable). Haddington (Scotland), November 30.—Cast Iron Pipes. —About three miles of 2 in. and 1| in. cast iron water pipes for the Western District Committee of the County Council of Haddington. Specification from Messrs. Carter and Wil- son, 51, Queen-street, Edinburgh, on payment of one guinea (returnable). Walsall, December 8.—Electrical Plant.—Six 250 kw. rotary converter equipments, one 509 kw. ditto, for the Corporation. Specification from E. M. Lacey, 12, Victoria- street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of three guineas (returnable). Winchester, December 17.—Turbo-Generator, etc.—One 500 kw. direct current turbo-generator, complete with con- densing plant, pipe works, etc., for the Corporation. Speci- fication from R. Ay ton, city electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Winchester, on payment of three guineas (return- able). San Francisco International Engineering Congress, 1915. —A report having recently been circulated to the effect that the International Engineering Congress was to be aban- doned, we are desired to state that this is not correct, but that the congress will be held in San Francisco, as scheduled, from September 20 to 25, 1915. In view of the conditions now prevailing in Europe, the governing bodies of the five national societies under whose auspices the congress is to be held, have recently given careful consideration to the feasibility of holding the congress, and to the probability of its success, with the result that each body has unani- mously confirmed its‘Original pledge to support the congress. The committee of management is actively proceeding with arrangements, which are now well advancefl, for meetings on the scheduled dates and for the publication of the Trans- actions. The committee of management is in receipt of a sufficient number of communications from various foreign countries throughout the world, including those located within the war zone, to indicate that a large majority of the papers originally requested for presentation at the sessions of the congress and publication in its Transactions will be handed in on time, and that the congress will be truly inter- national in character. A detailed circular of information regarding the publications of the congress has been prepared by the committee, and will be sent upon application to the secretary, in the Foxcroft Building, San Francisco, Cali- fornia. OBITUARY. Mr. George Bell, of 14, London-road, Blackpool, who was in business as a coal agent, died on the 19th inst. at the age of 48 years. It is with regret that we have to record the death after a painful illness of Mr. Frank Pearn, the founder and managing director of the well-known firm of engineers, Frank Pearn and Company Limited, West Gorton, Man- chester. Mr. Pearn was in his sixty-fourth year. It was while engaged at the works of Mr. John Cameron, Salford, where he served his apprenticeship, that he conceived the idea of the double-acting ram pump which he patented and commenced to build in 1870. The pump was an almost immediate success, and although the original design under- went necessary modification, the fundamental feature of utilising both ends of the piston for suction and delivery of the water remains. The small works in which Mr. Pearn started soon became inadequate for his needs, and he removed to the site of the present premises in West Gorton in 1878. Since that date the works have undergone exten- sion on three occasions, and now find employment for between 250 and 300 persons in normal times. In 1894 the firm was turned into a limited company. Although his name is chiefly known in connection with the ram pumps, Mr. Frank Pearn, in conjunction with his brother William, was the inventor of the Pearn-Richards horizontal boring and facing machine. Two of his sons are engaged in the business at West Gorton, along with their uncles Sinclair and William. Mr. Edward B. Ellington, who died on the 10th inst. at Kensington, was born in 1845. He was an expert on hydraulics, being the general manager of the General Hydraulic Power Company, amongst his other numerous associations. He acted as president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1911-12, in which capacity he took a keen interest in the training of engineers. Mr. Ellington was besides a member of the council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a member of the Societe des Ingenieurs Crfils de France, and a governor of the Imperial College of Science and Technology. The body of Mr. John Gibson, one of the directors of the Vauxhall Collieries, Ruabon, has been found in the canal at Berwyn, in the Vale of Llangollen. It is believed that he had a sudden seizure and fell into the canal. Mr. John Bell, of Tudhoe Colliery, for many years engineer at the Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Company’s colliery at Tudhoe, recently fell on the pavement, fatally fracturing his skull. He was 75 years of age. A well-known figure in colliery circles in Dover and East Kent, Captain Hugh Mortimer Travers, who for about five years was secretary of various companies of the Kent Coal Concessions Group, has been killed in action. Captain Travers, who belonged to the Leicestershire regiment, and had a fine record of war service in South Africa, was attached to the Duke of Wellington’s regiment for the present war, and was killed in the recent fighting in the vicinity of Ypres. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *#* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Workmen’s Compensation Act : Forms Nos. 1 to 6, 7a, and 7b, l|d. each. Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, 1893-1913 : Annual Returns Forms, Nos. 14, 15, 16, and 20, 2|d. each. Labour Gazette, November, 2d. Births, Deaths, and Marriages : Supplement to the 75th Report of the Registrar-General. Part 1, Life Tables, ll|d. Tin-plate Factories Conferences Report, 2|d. Industrial and Provident Societies Report for 1913, 2s. 9d. Acts, 1914 : Brecon and Merthyr Railway, Is. 3|d.;. London and North-Western Railway (Wolverhampton and Cannock Chase) Light Railway : Transfer Order, 1913, 2d. Bills, 1914-15 : Trading with the Enemy Act Amendment, 2d.; Finance, 2d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1914 : (No. 1632), COAL MINES ACT ORDER, under Section 33 of the Coal Mines Act, l|d. Education (Scotland) Reports, etc., 1913-14, 9s. 4d. Trade Reports : New Zealand, Trade for 1913, 3d.; Ger- many, Trade of Bavaria, 1913 and 1914, 2|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Geological Map of the Raniganj Coalfield. (Set of three maps, 4 in.—1 mile). Calcutta : Mining and Geological Institute of India. Price, Rs. 48 per set of 24 sheets. Electric Mine Signalling Installations. By G. M. Lummis Paterson. London : Constable and Company Limited. Price, 4s. 6d. Private Companies : Their Utility and the Exemptions They Enjoy. By H. W. Jordan. London : Jordan and Sons Limited. Price, 6d. “ Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the Province of Alberta, 1913”; ‘‘Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute” (No. 31), November; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical, and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 15, No. 3), September, price 3s.; ‘‘The Mining Magazine” (Vol. 11, No. 5), November, price Is.; “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ” (Nos. 93, 95), September, November; “ Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 48, Part 1), price 12s. At the annual meeting of the Millom and Askam Iron Company, which was held at Preston on Monday, Mr. T. Mure Ritchie said they were reconstructing and modernising, the Millom Ironworks, including the introduction of an extensive electrical and gas-blowing plant. During the year boring proceeded intermittently at Ullbank, but no fresh discovery of ore was made. They had, however, proved an extensive deposit, and developments were expected. Already 260 ft. were sunk, and it was intended to go down 1,000 ft. They had obtained one-fifth of the share capital of the newly-reconstructed Whitehaven Colliery which he believed had a big future.