November 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1105 SMOKE HELMET. Has been designed by practical pitmen for pit use, so that only the most carefully selected, best wearing quality materials are employed in its construction. Is fitted with an extra strong boxed leather crown, which protects the head from injury, and has an internal lacing which enables it to be comfortably adapted to any shape or size of head. With the Meco Smoke Helmet there is no uncomfortable pressure on the forehead, and the range of vision is exceedingly wide. The hose pipe is non-collapsible and of the finest quality indiarubber. Sixty feet are supplied with a standard equipment. Helmet and Bellows attached to hosepipe by instantaneous couplings, so that the equipment can be completely coupled up or uncoupled in thirty seconds. The Bellows are of ample capacity, and give a continuous supply of pure air without undue exertion on the part of the operator. Adopted by The Lanarkshire Coal Masters’ Association, The Rotherham Rescue Board, The Barnsley Rescue Board, The Tankersley Rescue Committee and numerous individual collieries including several members of The West York- shire Coalowners’ Association. We have trebled our output, as we have hundreds of equipments on order. Place your orders immediately, so that we can ensure prompt delivery. = Mining Engineering Co. Ld Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams: “Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4530 Central, 2 lines.