November 20, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1055 GLOBE WORKS, LINCOLN. Winding Engine, fitted with Drop Valve Reversing Gear and Overwinding and Overspeed Device. ' A *1- ■ " x- i. ROBEY ENGINES MU' 79, Queen Victoria Street, LONDON. AIR COMPRESSORS. WINDING ENGINES. FAN ENGINES. CRUSHING PLANT. STONE DUST PLANT. poeeYEcnfUNCoi* Motor-Driven Two-Stage Air-Compressor with Disc Valves and Unloading Device. Mellings Patent Controller and Steam Brake. The most complete and reliable anparatus for the AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF WINDING ENGINES as required by the "NEW MINES ACT.” References to some of the most important Collieries in the Kingdom. SOLE MAKERS— WORSLEY MESNES IRONWORKS LTD., --------------------WIGAN, ----------------------- Makers of WINDING, PUMPING, HAULING, and AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES, both steam and electricalSy driven, up to the largest sizes. Also makers of MELLINGS* PATENT STEAM REVERSER and PATENT AUTOMATIC EXPANSION GEAR. Telegrams-" ENGINES, WIGAN.” Telephone-No. A WIGAN. HAMMERED THE PISTON RING CAST IRON & ENGINEERING CO. LTD Premier Works, PISTON RINGS Don Road, IN OUR Special Piston Ring Iron (by the Davy- Robertson Patent Process). All sizes from 2$ in. to 72 in. SHEFFIELD kS... QUICK DELIVERY. LOW PRICES. No* 2149. “ Ocean, Sheffield. Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. --- By T. C. FUTERS. - Vol. I., Price 21s. net. Vol. II., Price 10s. 6d. net. Supplementary Volume, Price 10s. 6d. net. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. “BITUMASTIC” (BRAND) SOLUTION /S UNEQUALLED AS A PROTECTIVE COATING FOR STEELWORK. “BITUMASTIC” is supplied ready for use, and can be easily applied by unskilled labour. “ BITUMASTIC ” is unaffected by Chemical Fumes, Atmospheric Changes, &c. Write now for full particulars to sole manufacturers— WAILES, DOVE & GO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Also at LONDON, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, Telegrams— GLASGOW, CARDIFF, BIRMINGHAM, LEEDS, &c, “Bitumastic.” “VALOR” OIL CABINETS. Price trom 39 - to 120/- You will obtain, by using the “ VALOR ” Oil Storage Cabinet, the most economical, cleanly, and the only perfect system of storing ALL KINDS of oil for daily use. The quantity of oil lost in leakage from barrels on tap is considerable, and greatly increases the risk of fire. The saving of this leakage will pay for the Cabinet in a short time and also obviate any danger. Taps in barrels or tanks are often left running, and measures overflow—any overflow runs back into the well of the Cabinet. Capacity 50 30 20 12 6 gallons. Price 491- 431- 40- 331- 281- each. THE MONEY YOU WASTE every week through not filtering your dirty oil would soon pay for the “Valor” Patent Oil Filter —AND LEAVE A HANDSOME PROFIT BESIDES. Full Descriptive Lists will be sent on application to THE VALOR GO. LTD., Aston Cross, BIRMINGHAM. Where the Oil Cabinets come from.