1038 November 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Daring October and the first ten months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 To October, 1914. October. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912. 1913. 1914 1912. 1913. 1914. Russia . 2,617 1,670 8,531 5,506 7,959 5,109 ! 520,800 756,112 19,107 336,738 544,791 12,285 Sweden 133,728 74,825 46,386 28,001 345,243 229,040 500,925 503,863 525,357 301,365 336,257 331,866 Norway. 59,902 27,061 8,313 5,163 129,598 80,949 209,015 200,079 197,813 118,632 142,874. 113,173 Denmark 77,414 44,886 52,726 33,310 183,733 120,067 274,656 281,369 313,873 166,427 185,511 198,263 Germany — — — — 876,134 835,839 — 463,973 504,802 — Netherlands 35,403 19,354 34,453 20,020 38,995 25,576 226,419 167,299 108,851 127,011 105,065 64,950 Belgium 27,363 12,345 10,047 5,967 44,738 28,212 188,661 181 591 82,148 98,494 104,320 46,524 France 413,422 198,318 239,678 141,479 352,966 269,511 985,570 1,077,519 1,006,066 591,588 699,816 609,308 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 17,498 7,817 16,704 10,213 31,232 ' 25,763 I 138,330 94,748 65,434 92,141 70,998 43,793 Spain and Canaries .'. 48,513 24,586 55,425 33,739 96,770 78,301 374,674 328,971 200,708 251,955 230,957 136,626 Italy 143,371 56,663 184,337 110,598 377,638 299,579 1,027,991 910,513 705,346 681,185 652,921 466,840 Austria-Hungary — — — — — — ! 62,264 103,433 — 36,087 72,520 — Greece . 2,146 1,257 14,325 8,127 4,161 3,568 ; 42,311 84,033 20,632 27,964 64,966 12,952 Roumania — — — —- — — 21,192 47,864 — 17,699 42,433 — Turkey — — 3,540 2,478 8,529 7,327 32,351 61,728 12,069 22,574 49,352 9,805 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 18,873 9,785 23,481 14,477 125,416 104,538 232,621 229,100 167,770 156,207 169,078 128,804 Algeria 1,807 1,226 25,001 15,379 5,088 3,159 120,766 108,422 31,896 72,333 72,102 19,764 Portuguese West Africa — — — — 4,166 3,613 32,358 10,908 4,166 25,999 9,421 3,613 Chile .... 31 65 — — 10,351 8,362 13,373 35,310 10,382 10,509 29,244 8,427 Brazil . 2,587 2,080 — — 69,009 58,764 i 167,163 147,943 71,596 135,188 131,500 60,844 Uruguay 967 865 — — 45,176 40,581 < 96,312 33,612 46,143 77,236 27,180 41,446 Argentine Republic 1,147 972 — — 171,921 147,016 ! 424,219 297,148 173,068 331,269 248,208 147,988 Channel Islands ... : 1,039 671 1,489 912 9,789 7,033 I 19,141 14,726 12,317 13,546 10,909 8,616 Gibraltar 3,213 1,169 811 445 11,092 8,511 1 24,635 25,311 15,166 16,608 18,095 10,125 Malta .. 1,422 556 7,949 4,560 3,822 2,825 59,791 42,068 13,193 38,641 30,065 7,941 A den and Dependencies ..; — — —> — 16,967 14,984 15,714 20,881 16,967 12,334 18,065 14,984 British India 915 701 — — 11,608 9,575 17,288 14,216 12,523 12,559 12,232 10,276 Ceylon .. — — — 16,834 14,347 i 10,881 23,764 16,834 8,254 20,600 14,347 Other countries 12,421 7,706 1,918 1,373 80,783 66,073 | 84,213 101,103 95,122 62,084 80,963 75,152 ' Anthracite 68,974 61,495 85,881 74,412 278,321 281,443 154,855 229,852 233,702 135,907 Steam 854,161 382,006 141,141 85,306 1,944,2 >3 1,476,032 4,989,452 4,952,643 2,939,525 3,227,077 3,468,633 1,943,344 Total < Gas 45,764 28,807 540,225 326,279 52,982 • 34,442 1,017,126 1,026,497 638,971 552,493 653,604 389,528 Household 16,214 9,855 105 70 119,978 77,066 195,014 159,373 136,297 118,152 106,186 86,991 Other sorts Total 20,686 1,005,799 12,415 494,578 53,643 735,114 30,092 441,747 520 2,203.581 431 1,662,383 319,855 6,799,768 319,517 6,739,473 74,849 3,944,497 179,926 4,307,500 203,120 4,665,245 42,938 2,598,70? Total (October 1913 1,585,951 891,067 1,305,080 823,058 3,848,442 2,951,120 — — — — — — Total (October 1912) 1,600,444 824,323 1,334,311 727,371 3,865,013 2,755.806 — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 122,298 150,955 150,879 107,074 135,168 107,629 Manufactured fuel Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 136,376 7,058,442 169,500 7,059,928 56,005 4,151,381 107,561 4,522,135 152,689 4,953,102 48,492 2.754,829 First ten months of 1914. First ten months. r Anthracite 950,785 659,225 1,078 476 1,038,158 895,399 2,048,811 2,470,934 1,990,021 1,638,076 1,977,034 1,555,100 Steam 9,645,611 4,767,445 2,321,195 1,426,123 25,622,184 19,740,281 37,799,653 44,708,116 37,588,990 24,340,918 31,574,293 25,933,849 TotaL Gas . 573,450 331,583 7,580,308 4,689,720 810,963 562,753 8,772,149 9,610,209 8,964,721 4,654,503 5,913,125 5,584,056 Household 353,937 217,210 6,320 3,892 884,636 587,034 1,341,407 1,495,206 1,244,893 796,670 980,119 808,136 L Other sorts Total 977,620 12,501,403 584,546 6,560,009 1,260,152 11,169,053 748,230 6,868,441 34,449 28,390,390 25,385 21,810,852 2,588,171 52,550,191 2,972,796 61,257,261 2,272,221 52,060,846 1,389,542 32,819,709 1,852,830 42,297,401 1,358,161 35,239,302 Total for ten months of 1913 14,604,049 8,280,586 12,309,115 7,551,986 34,344,097 26,464,829 — — — — — — Total for ten months of 1912 12,064,192 5,986,822 10,958,170 5,807,895 29,527,829 21,024,992 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 803,011 989,010 975,204 663,397 935,191 787,820 Manufactured fuel Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — - — 1,252,007 54,605,209 1,711,865 63,958,136 1,487,943 54,523,993 978,795 34,461,901 1,476,403 44,708,995 1,294,100 37,321.222 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ is added the balance brought forward from the previous year, .£26,133 18s., making a total of £176,391 Os. Id. There fall to be deducted interest on debenture stock £13,500, dividend on 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares ______ paid to June 30, £13,500, interim dividend of Is. per share on 350,000 ordinary shares £17,500, income-tax £6,067 9s. 9d., directors’ fees £1,250, trustees for debenture stock- holders’ remuneration £315, depreciation £75,000, leaving ______ a balance of £49,258 10s. 4d., which the directors recommend should be appropriated as follows Further dividend on 350,000 ordinary shares of Is. per share, payable the 25th inst., making 10 per cent, for the year, £17,500, provision for dividend on 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares accrued to September 30, £4,500, leaving to be carried for- ward £27,258 10s. 4d. The directors greatly regret to have to record the death of Sir Stephen Furness, Bart., M.P., who had been a director of the company for several years, and chairman during the last two years. The board have elected Mr. John E. Rogerson as chairman, and, to fill the vacancy in the directorate, the Right Hon. Lord Furness has been elected. Mr. George Short Barwick has also been elected a director. A year ago the profit amounted to £302,955, and the dividend was 25 per cent., £175,000 being placed to reserve. ___________________________ NEW COMPANIES. “ Ceag ” Miners’ Supply Company Limited. — Private company. Registered November 4. Manufacturers, importers, exporters of and dealers in electrical and other safety lamps and mechanical lamps, accessories, tools, imple- ments, and articles. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 1,000 pre- ference and 9,000 ordinary £1 shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Willingsworth Colliery Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 1, Cannon-street, Birmingham. Registered October 31. To acquire coal mines, ironstone mines, or works, or any other mines, mining ground, or mineral hereditaments and premiums in the United Kingdom, and to search for, win, import, export, and manufacture, sell, and dispose of coal, coke, iron ore, limestone, sand, clay, bricks, etc. Nominal capital £1,500 in £1 shares. Directors : W. Element, Woodland-street, Smethwick, contractor; J. Chambers, Billhay-street, West Bromwich, colliery pro- prietor. Qualification of directors, 200 shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C Notice is given in the London Gazette, pursuant to section 242 (3) of 8 Edw., 7, ch. 69 (Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908), that, at the expiration of three months the names of the undermentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register, and the com- panies will be dissolved :—Charbonnage de St. Crepin Limited; Civil Engineering Press Limited; Hydraulic Mining Cartridge Company Limited; Internal Combustion Engines Cooling Agent Company Limited; London Malle- able Castings Company Limited; Patent Tube Covering and Lining Company Limited; Penygaer Colliery Company Limited; “ Pneu ” Tool Company (of Manchester) Limited; Silica Development Company Limited; Tipton Collieries Limited. Explosion at an Illinois Mine.—On October 27 an explo- sion of some violence occurred at the mine of the Franklin Coal and Coke Company, in Franklin County, near Royalton, Illinois. Fifty men are known to have lost their lives. One curious thing about this explosion was that it started no fire in the mine, and did no property damage. As a matter of fact, only a few props were knocked down. Mine cars were overturned but not damaged, and early resumption of work was possible. The explosion wTas started by a miner’s lamp coming in contact with a pocket of gas that had been noted the night before by a mine examiner, and marked dangerous. Some of the loss of life, it was said, might have been due to the precautionary action of reversing the ventilating fan. This action, ordered by the mine manager, saved 285 men, who were scattered through the underground passages, and finally made their way to the open air. Grimsby Coal Exports. — The official returns show that during the week ending November 6 the coal exported from Grimsby consisted of the following :—Foreign : To Aarhus, 1,958 tons; Gothenburg, 5,004; Helsingborg, 3,337; Lands- crona, 1,360; and Trelleborg, 1,948 — making a total of 13,607 tons, compared with 15,432 tons foreign and 1,073 tons coastwise during the corresponding period last year. Exports and Imports of Mining Machinery.—The values of imports and exports of mining machinery during October were as follow :— October. Jan.-Oct. 7913. 1914? 1913. 1914? £ £ £ £ Imports.......... 13,409 ... 6,752 ... 97,116 ... 89,534 Exports.......... 80,537 ... 72,403 ... 886,266 ... 718,764 These figures do not include prime movers or electrical machinery. According to destination, the value of exports was as under :— October. Jan.-Oct. ^913. 1914? ^1913. 1914? __ £ £ £ £ Countries in Europe........ 10,285... 15,410... 92.266... 135,487 United States of America ... 72... 60... 2,628... 990 Countries in South America 7,624... 6,060... 64,369... 55,514 British South Africa ...... 29,103...28,252. .371,699...248,248 , East Indies ...... 8,618... 6,183... 84,277... 71,284 Australia .................. 5,215... 1,608... 33,404... 36,916 New Zealand .............. 1,583... 1,034... 23,843... 12,890 Other countries .......... 18,037...13,796.. 213,780...157,525 The following shows exports of prime movers other than electrical :— October. Jan.-Oct. ^913. 1914?* r~1913. 1914. All prime movers £ £ £ £ (except electrical) 859,201... 694,790.. 8,408,612... 8,866,100 Rail locomotives ... 241,247... 368,540... 2,311,563... 3,298,042 Pumping........... 53,272... 32,387... 582,891... 410,287 Winding........... 156.,. 40... 20,626... 25,694