1000 «Me=ss—= THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 6, 1914. MACHINERY. (ZHllott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” VA a Botaiw COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT * BON, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers. ready for immediate deliveryOther sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 1001b. working pressure. 30ft. „ 8ft. „ 1601b. „ „ 30 ft. ,, 8 ft. 6 in., „ 1201b. „ •PURR, INMAN & CO. LTD., Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. JL L 250 tons of good Belayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head BAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to suit. B. M. RBNTON * OO., Midland Works, Savile-street, Sheffield. Turbo Generator Sets (two), fl by Willans-Parsons, 440 volts, 3-phase, 25 periods, equal to new; 100-kw. Generating Set. 220-240 volra, modern ard faultless condition; Economic Boiler, by Davey Paxman, 13 ft. long, 8 ft. diameter, insured 1601b. working pressure; 240-h.p. Horizontal Compound Tandem Engine, by Browett, Lindley & Co., cylinders 13 in. and 19 in., suitable for direct coupling; every description of high-class plant in stock for immediate delivery.—HABBY H. GA RD AM & CO. LTD., Staines. A Rickaby, Bloomfield Engine Works, • Sunderland. Three-throw PUMPS, 4, 7, 8 rams. Comp. Vert. ENGINES, 5J—9^’by 6. Pairs 13 and 14 Link Reversing ENGINES. 12-h p. DYNAMOS, 220 v. 35-h.p. GENERATING SET, 130 volts. 10-h.p. MOTORS, 220 v. Cables and Electrical Sundries. K/"WYkw. Generating Set, comprising V Z Vertical Compound Triple Expansion Engine, direct coupled to Multipolar Generator, 500 volts, by British Westinghouse Co., new 1907. first-class condition throughout and immediate delivery can be given.— Apply, HABRY H. GABDAM & OO. LTD., Staines. For Sale, one pair High-class 30 in. diameter cylinder ENGINES, 3 ft. stroke, with double slide bars on strong box pattern bed, with cut off valves and screw adjustment to regula' e the same; wrot. iron cranks fitted on driving shaft, with good strong rope driving wheel (in halves), 13ft. diameter, for 11 l|in. cotton driving ropes; these engines were made by Messrs. Wood & Sons, Wigan, and have only worked a few years, and are still in first-class working condition; can be seen by appointment.—Apply, BAMFURLONG COLLIERY, near Wigan. FOR SALE OR HIRE. One Saddle Tank Loco Engine, by Manning. Wardle and Co., 13 in. cylinders, copper firebox, six wheels coupled, 11 ft. 6 in. wheel base ; perfect order. One Saddle Tank LOCO. ENGINE, new cylinders, 12 in. diameter, copper firebox, six wheels coupled, 9 ft. 8 in. wheel base; thoroughly over- hauled, perfect order. CUDWORTH A JOHNSON, Eagle Foundry. Wrexham. For Sale, pair of Winding Engines, 36 in. cylinders by 5 ft. stroke, with 18 ft. diameter parallel drum : fitted with new overwinder and steam brake; suitable for 80 lb. steam pressure—Further particulars and inspection at BRODSWORTH MAIN COLLIERY, near Doncaster. For Sale, High-class Lancashire Boilers, 30 ft. by 8 ft., 160 lb. pressure ; 28 ft. by 8 ft., 150 lb. pressure; 30 ft. by 8 ft. 6 in., 120 lb. pressure; two 30ft. by 8 ft., 1001b. pressure; 24 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in., 801b. pressure. All in stock. Insured or passed for re-insurance, complete with fittings and mountings, ready for work. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironworks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. Telegrams—“ Piston, Bristol.” Telephone—Bristol 139 Air Compressors.—Two Straight-line Steam-driven COMPRESSORS, 500 and 800 cubic feet capacity respectively, 801b. air pressure, for immediate delivery.—For prices and particulars, applv Box 5831, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. Pair of 2o| in. cylinder Horizontal ENGINES, 4 ft stroke, link motion, wrought cranks, 12in shaft, new pistons and brasses, for sale; a splendid lot, just ready for work.—Box “A. B. C., 5839,” Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, Lonuon, E.C. For Sale, pair of Direct Coupled Winding ENGINES, 42in. cylinders, 72in. stroke. Cornish valves, withmodern cut-off gear and steam reverser, parallel drum 20 ft. diameter, 7 ft. 2 in. wide between cheeks, steam and foot brakes; can be s°en working at Mardy, Rhondda Valley. — Apply, LOCKET’S MERTHYR COLLIERIES (1894) LTD., Cardiff. FOR SALE. 50 tons of New Perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 14 and 16 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths, punched for nails. 800 tons Relayable Steel B.H. Rails, 80/85 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 150 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 14, 16, 18, and 20 lb. per yard, with Fishplates (delivery ex stock) 50 tons of capital second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 1001b. per yard. 20,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in.; also large quantity of ditto Crossing Timbers. 50 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, and 50 tons of ditto ditto, but 241b. per yard, with Fishplates for both sections. 12 tons of splendid second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 14 lb. per yard, punched for nails. 12 capital second-hand Steel One-yard Side-tip Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also several sets of Points and Crossings and Turntables to match. 80 tons splendid second-hand Steel Bridge |Rails, 14 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths 90 tons good second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 56 lb. per yard. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE OR HIRE. 6-wheel 16 in., 13 in., and 12 in. Loco- MOTIVES, ready for immediate work. 9ft., 8ft., 7ft. 6in , 6ft., and 4ft. GRINDING MILLS. 10-ton, 5-ton, 4 ton, 3 ton, and 2-ton STEAM DERRICK CRANES. 30in. byl7in. Blake-Marsden STONE BREAKER, with lever action; practically new. 20 in. by 10 in. Marsden STONE BREAKER, mounted on carriage, with shaft and travelling wheels 10-ton STEAM LOCO. CRANE (Smiths), with 19 ft. steel derrickin g jib; gauge 7 ft.; boiler for 80 lb. w.p. 3-ton ditto (Smiths), with 24ft. latticed jib; gauge 4ft. 8J in.; boiler for 80 lb. w.p. 20-cwt. ditto (Isles), with 18 ft.derricking jib; gauge 4 ft. 8fcin.; boiler for 801b. w.p. 10-ton HAND DERRICK CRANE, with 57 ft. latticed steel jib.; 5-ton ditto with 40 ft. jib. 9 ft , 8 ft., 7ft. 6 in., and 4ft. GRINDING MILLS. p.ATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THO® W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS. * Tel.—•• Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. —I—— Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, November 6, 1914. MACHINERY—continued. rPhe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. JL Telegrams—” Getting, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. STEEL RAILS, any section, with fishplates, bolts and nuts, spikes, sleepers (wood or steel, any gauge), switches and crossings; also turntables when required. RAILWAY WAGONS, all kinds, any gauge. LOCOMOTIVES, all kinds, any gauge. PASSENGER CARRIAGES for Colliers’ trains. 1 Beiliss Vertical Com- v/Vx pound ENGINE, enclosed type, forced lubrication, pressure 125 to 1601b.; only in use for a short time, faultless condition; accept very low price for a quick sale.—HABRY H. GABDAM k OO. LTD., Staines EDUCATION. WAR. All Fees postponable during ’ ’ -a.-A._a_U® the War. Write for particulars. Lessons by post. UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL, 50 R, Connaught road, Cardiff. MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted, addresses of Makers of Coke Rams and Coal Levelling Machines for by-product coke ovens.— Box 5840. Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Pit Props & Mine Timber. CONTRACTS WANTED TO SUPPLY SAME. A. WASKETT, 155, Main Street, VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA. Please state requirements and ask for prices. KOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PROOUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. Sec large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— THE KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN & BY-PRODUCT CO., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—" Kochs, Sheffield.” “THOMPSON” DISH ENDED BOILERS. We have in stock ready for immediate delivery, 2 DISH END BOILERS, 30ft. by 9ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 3 „ „ 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 160 w.p. 1 „ „ 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3in., 100 w.p. 20 other sizes and pressures. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng. SHORTAGE OF PROPS. Since War was declared and difficulties have arisen as regards delivery of TIMBER PROPS, we have experienced an increased demand for our STEEL PROPS, as used by many pits for the past 25 years. Quotations and full particulars on application— WILLIAM FIRTH LTD., Greek Street Chambers, LEEDS. DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR HIRE A BOILER? SELECTION OF 44. VERTICAL, up to 100 lbs. working pressure, including 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 nom. horse-power new Cochran Vertical Boilers, ready for immediate delivery. Largest stock for good second hand up to 100 lbs. working. Excellent COCHRAN PATENT VERTICAL MULTI-TUBULAR BOILEfl, 15 ft. high x 7 ft. dia. ; about 500 square feet heating surface. One ditto, 8 ft. 6in. by 3 ft. 9 in., for 100 lbs. working pressure, 100 square feet heating surface. LOCO. TYPE, up to 60-n.h.p., up to 140lbs. working pressure. ECONOMIC, &c., 13 ft. Oin. x 7 ft. 6 in., up to 200 lbs. working pressure. INSPECTION INVITED. CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Emlyn and Central Engineering Works, NEWPORT, MON. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. ----o-- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. -- Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—” Locomotive.” New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14in., 15in., 16in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. BRISTOL. Situations Vacant & Wanted. Charge (which must be prepaid): One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. \\ranted end of November in Union of V V South Africa or Rhodesia, position as COLLIERY MANAGER or ASSISTANT to same { advertiser holds such a position at present with, first-class qualification, and three years’ Transvaal mining experience, also practical knowledge of oil shale prospective development; prefer interview with principals in South Africa unless home-coming expenses arranged.— Reply, “ CARBON,” Central News Agency, Witbank, Transvaal, S; Africa. LEWIS MERTHYR CONSOLIDATED COLLIERIES LTD. APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER. A pplications are invited f r the position of GENERAL MANAGER of the whole of the Company’s Collieries situate in the Rhondda, Aber, and Ogmore Valleys in Glamorgan- shire, with an approximate normal output of two million tons per annum. Communications to be addressed to B. O. JONES, Esq , Chairman, Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries Ltd., 37, Britannia Buildings, West Bute-street, Cardiff. Purveyor Land and Mine, experienced k/y and certificated, conversant with estates management, a neat draughtsman, desires engagement at a colliery, mining engineers or estate* offices; highest references as to character and ability.—Box 5842, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, uondon, E.C. VW anted, experienced Manager for By- ▼ ▼ product coke ovens; must have several years’ practice and be able to handle men; good chemical knowledge necessary; applicants must give references, salary required and state age.—Box 5841, (Wiiery Guardian Office. 30 i 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E C MINES CLOSED, NATIONAL CRISIS. /Certificated Manager desires engagement home or abroad; twenty-five years’practical experience, thoroughly competent, excellent testimonials, age 42.—ROBT. W. F. MAYFIELD, 57, Junction road, Leek, Staffs. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address,FAIROLOUGH A SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. A Midland Firm is raising about 50 tons , of IRON ORE per week and is desirous of finding a market for same, and will be glad to receive off rs from buyers. The analysis is as follows:— Iron peroxide... ........................ — Iron protoxide .......................... 46’60 per cent. Alumina ................................. 2 47 „ Manganese protoxide ... ... ... ... '.... 0 93 „ Lime ........ ........................... 7’40 ,. Magnesia................................. 1'29 ,, Phosphoric acid ................... 0 746 „ Sulphur ................................. 0 900 ,. Silica................................... 0 400 ,, Combined water, organic matter and carbonic acid 39 080 ,, Moisture lost at 212 F. ................. nil Not estimated and loss .................. 0184 ,r 100 000 Metallic Iron............. ................... 36’25 per cent. „ Manganese ................................ 0’720 „ Phosphorus ................................... 0 326 „ Offers to Box 5830, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, small New Land Sale Colliery, only recently opened out in a prosperous district, working good class house coal about 5 ft. thick.—Apply, to Box 5844, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale as a going concern, Land Sale •COLLIERY, turnover 200 tons per week.—For further particulars^ app’y, WALTER BROADHEAD, Round Green, Barnsley. York-, NORTHOP, FLINTSHIRE. DISMANTLEMENT SALE. THE MAIN COAL CO. Geo. N. Dixon & Co. will Sell by Auction (absolutely without reserve) on TUESDAY, the 24th NOVEMBER, at twelve o’clock prompt, at the Main Coal Colliery, Northop (about two miles from Connah’s Quay Station, L. and N. W. Railway), the COLLIERY AND STEAM ROAD HAULAGE PLANT, including pair of almost new geared Self-contained Winding Engines, cylinders 12 in. diameter by 22in. stroke, by J. Wood & Sons, Wigan; pair of Self-contained Hauling Engines, cylinders 8in. diameter oy Kin. stroke, by Wood & Sons; pair of geared Endless Rope Hauling Engines, cylinders 10 in. diameter by 16 in. stroke, by Wood & Gee: Horizontal Fan Engine, cylinders 16 in. diameter by 28in. stroke, by Ransome, Sims & Jeffries; Sirocco Fan. 5ft. diameter, with double inlet; Waddle Patent Fan, 10 ft. diameter, with direct coupled Vertical Steam Engine; two Schiele Fans; three Horizontal Engines, with cylinders 10 in. and 6in. diameter; 2 Lanca- shire Boilers, 29 ft. by 7ft. diameter; 2 Cornish Boilers, 24ft. by 6ft. 6 in. diameter, insured to 1001b. pressure; Tangye and Cameron Feed Pumps; 2 Tangye and Cameron Special Pumps, 16 in. by 7 in. by 24 in.; Cameron Pump, 12 in. by 6 in. r-y 24 in.; Double-acting Cameron Pump, with 4 in. rams; Motor driven Three-throw Pump, by the Sandycroft houndry Co.; Three-throw Pump, with 6 in. rams, by R. Warner & Co.; Electric Generating Set, with Dynamo,21 amps , 530 volts, by the Sandycroft Co.; and High- speed Horizontal Engine, by Tangye; 8 and 6-b.h.p. Motors; single and double Timber Headgears, 40 ft. high, with 9 ft. pulleys: 3 Rigg Tipplers ; Winding and Hauling Ropes : Pit Cages; 130 Pit Tubs, 22 in. gauge; 2 Pit Bank b elf-registering Weighbridges; 20-ton Cart Weighbridge, by Pooley; about 40 tons of 24 lb. F.B. and 18 lb. Bridge Rails; Cast and Wrought Steam and Water Pipes; 6ft. Underdriven Mortar Mill; Circular Saw Bench by Robinson; Landing Plates and Hauling Pulleys; contents of Fitters’ and Smiths’ Shops and Stores: 9 tons Conductor weights: Wrought and Cast Scrap Iron; Corrugated Iron and Timber Buildings, Office Furniture, &c.; three 5-ton, one 4-ton, and one 3-ton Steam Motor Carts, by Fodens A Manns. On view Monday, the 23rd November. For further particulars and catalogues, apply to the AUCTIONEERS, 43, Castle-street, Liverpool. Telephone—3853 Bank. Telegrams - ” Tenacity, Liverpool ” MINERA, NEAR WREXHAM. By Order of the United Minera Mining Co. Ltd. eo. N. Dixon & Co. will Sell by Auction y/JT (absolutely without reserve), on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the25th and26th of NOVEMBER next, at 12.15 prompt each day, at the Minera Mines, near Wrexham, the MINING PLANT, including pair of Horizontal Air Compressors, steam and air cylinders, 18 in. diameter by 48 in. stroke ; 4 Horizontal Engines, with cylinders 25 in. diameter by 48 in. stroke, 22in. diameter by 54 in. stroke, 9 in. diameter by 24 in. stroke, and 8 in. diameter by 18 in. stroke; Vertical Engine, cylinder 12 in. diameter by 12in. stroke; 6 Winding Engines, cylinders from 17 in. by 30 in. stroke, to 14 in. diameter by 30in. stroke; 8 Lancashire Boilers, 6 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft. 9 in. diameter by 21ft. to 32ft. long; 4 Cornish Boilers, 4 ft. 6 in. to 6ft. diameter by 20ft. to 26ft. long; 1 Egg-end Boiler, 4ft. diameter by 19ft. 6in. long; 3 Vertical Steam Pumps, cylinders from Ilin, diameter by 12in. stroke, to 5 in. diameter by 4 in. stroke; 4 Air Receivers, from 16 ft. by 5 ft. 9 in. diameter to lift, by 4ft. diameter; 2 Blake Marsden Stone Breakers, 16 in. and 15in.; 2 sets geared Crushing Rolls, 33 in. by 14 in.; 9 four-compartment and 2 six-compartment Jigs ; 3 ” Record ” Vanners ; Trommels, Elevators, and Revolving Classifiers ; 2J-h.p. Oil Engine ; Shafting, Pulleys, and Belting; Circular Saw Bench; contents of Smiths’ and Fitters’ Shops; 6 Bryan’s Rock Drills; 2 Larmuth Rock Drills; Minera’ Drills; Pithead Gears and Pulleys; Hopper Wagons, 4ft. 8Jin. gauge; Hauling Engines, 6in. cylinders, lOin. stroke; 4in. and 3in. Centrifugal Pumps; a large quantity of C.I. Piping, from 9 in. to 3 in. diameter; about 1,200 yards 3in. W.I. Loose and Screwed Flange Piping; about 400 yards 2 in. W.I. Air Pipes, Ac.; excellent Saddle Tank Loco., 14 in. outside cylinders, 4 wheels coupled, 4 ft. 8i ft. gauge; about 60 tons F.B. Rails, 5 in., 681b. section; about 150 tons B.H. Rails, 5in., 761b. section; 90 tons Chairs and Fishplates; 14 sets Points and Crossings; 4,000 Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in.; and about 15 tons light section F. B. and Bridge Rails. On view any time previous to the sale by appointment. NOTE.—The Minera Mines are situated about five miles from Wrexham. The nearest stations are Coed Poeth 1 mile, and Vicarage Crossing half- mile, on the Wrexham and Coed Poeth Line (G.W.R.). The Mine Sidings connect on to the G.W.R. For further particulars and catalogues, apply to the AUCTIONEERS 43, Castle-street, Liverpool. Telegrams—” Tenacity, Liverpool.” Telephone—3853 Bank. *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges,. see Page 976 (Leader Page).