November 6, 1914. THE C0L1IERY GUARDIAN. 959 SHOR TWALL COAL CUTTER The Most Powerful Heavy Duty Coal Cutter "S' 7 ^2^ Extra Heavy Wearing Parts All Parts Readily Accessible Operating Costs Minimized Entirely Self Handling. Hugh Wood & Co., Ltd. Sun Building New-Castle-On-Tyne District Representatives: P. J. E. Kennedy 21 Spring Gardens Manchester Beckett & Anderson 71 Lanark St., Glasgow The Davenport Engineering Co., Harris St., BRADFORD. Telegrams : “ Humidity, Bradford.” Telephone : 35 53 Bradford. LONDON OFFICE: 52, Caxton House, S.W. 80™e’Xi. HOLEHOUSES PATENT COOLING TOWERS. Made at our own Works and constructed on the best engi= neering lines. Coolers all made to standards and a number kept in stock for quick delivery. The best constructed irrigation system on the market. / I